The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the developed social-economic situation in Russia, which influences revaluation of teacher's role in society, change of his professional status, prestige of the profession among others. The success of a teacher in profession is in many respects connected with abilities in the field of communication (statement and solution of communicative tasks, possession of effective communication methods). The purpose of the paper is justification of students' training for effective communication on studies on various disciplines of the higher educational institution program during practical training and organization of educational actions. The leading approaches to the problem are system, integrative, activity, competence-based and problem-communicative approaches. The author presents the created and realized pedagogical system of students' communicative training, conceptual justification and technological support of the system. The materials of the paper can be useful to optimization of communicative training of future preschool teachers at higher education institution.
effective communication, pedagogical communication, communicative competence, preschool teacher
AUTHOR Liya Lashkova
PhD in Education, Professor, Theory and Technique of Preschool and Primary Education Department Surgut State Pedagogical University Surgut, Russia lash kovall@ramb
Statement of a problem.
Development of abilities to full dialogue with other people and creative cooperation with them act as one of the most important tasks of higher educational institutions. If it is possible to allocate spheres of professional activity with the increased communicative responsibility, first, it is necessary to single out education. Now humanities universities, paying much attention to development students' abilities within preparation for various written examinations, devote unfairly less time for oral speech of future experts.
At the same time, communication with students shows that they would like the higher educational institution to solve problems of development of abilities to communicate within studies and educational actions. The analysis of the scientific researches and practice shows that students of higher educational institutions experience serious difficulties in questions of pedagogical communication. It is difficult to speak fluently before audience, do messages on keywords or the basic abstract, draw independent conclusions. Students noted difficulties in such questions as ability to listen to other person, reason the point of view, reckon with opinion of fellow students.
One of the reasons of such situation is that teacher's speech takes the majority of time on practical training. It is connected with both objective and subjective reasons. The objective reasons are insufficient number of academic hours for a discipline, difficulties of certain topics. The subjective reasons are connected with communicative behavior of a teacher, his ability to distribute academic hours.
It is known that the system of pedagogical education meets social expectations when provides the "advancing" training of specialists (Shishkina, 2008). In this regard, the intensification of communicative training in a higher educational institution is one of the important ways, which would help teacher and students to feel satisfaction and success on occupations, promote formation of communicative competence of future teachers.
Methodological Framework
The theoretical and methodological bases of the concept of communicative training of future preschool teachers define the complex of the strategic directions of the research and the set of the corresponding methodological approaches. The tendency of synthesis of already known theoretical-methodological approaches, which separate elements are looked through the whole history of knowledge of human thought, was outlined in the theory and practice of professional education and can be determined in the line of the studied problem (Yakovlev, Yakovleva, 2006).
Considering the designated tendency, we consider that the theoretical-methodological bases of the concept can be presented in the form of expedient integration at the philosophical level of a hermeneutic approach and at the general scientific level of a system approach. The theoretical-methodological strategy revealing the directions of theoretical research and fixing its general plan is defined by integrative and activity approaches. The competence-based and problem-communicative approaches making concrete-scientific methodology are chosen as the practice focused tactics of the research.
Revealing pedagogical conditions of effective realization of the training, we were guided by requirements imposed by modern society to professionally mobile and competitive teacher and to a tendency in content change of education at pedagogical higher educational institution. As a result, the complex of conditions of substantial and procedural-technological character was defined:
- filling by adequate communicative contents of certain sections of traditional training courses, introduction of the integrated special course of communicative orientation in educational process;
- inclusion of communicative training of a problem context in the content;
- updating of students' subject experience in the sphere of pedagogical communication (Aukhadeeva, 2008).
Such understanding of training process of future teachers for effective communication allowed to structure target, methodological, general-theoretical, professional and subject orientation of the pedagogical system; to organize educational process taking into account target orientation on formation of communicative competence as the integrative quality of personality providing the graduate by successful realization of pedagogical communication in educational institutions.
Organization of communicative training of students was directed on the following issues:
- ensure thematic and chronological coordination of courses of the same communicative orientation;
- allocation the crosscutting directions of teaching-educational process providing formation and development of communicative competence of future preschool teacher;
- optimum choice and expedient combination of forms, means and methods of formation students' communicative competences demanded within the teacher's professiogramma;
- stage-by-stage formation and development of communicative competences in the course of training effective communication at higher educational institution;
- conditions for creative application of communicative knowledge and abilities in the course of educational and pedagogical activity.
Complete communicative training of future preschool teachers can be presented by the following stages:
1st year (entry into the communicative environment of higher educational institution):
- adaptation of first-year students to communicative process in pedagogical higher educational institution;
- vocational guidance, formation of sence motives of professional communicative activity and valuable relation to communication;
- formation the knowledge system of effective communication, abilities of effective speaking and hearing;
- inclusion in communication in the course of out-of-class work of student's group (faculty, higher educational institution).
2nd year (study communicative tactics and strategy of a teacher):
- acquaintance with professiogramma of a preschool teacher and communicative competence entering it;
- formation motivational and valuable relation to pedagogical communication during studies and extracurricular activities;
- formation knowledge of pedagogical communication taking into account psychophysiological features of children of early and preschool age;
- studying communicative behavior of a teacher and children during fact-finding practice in a kindergarten.
3nd year (realize effective pedagogical communication):
- formation abilities to build effective communication with children, teachers and parents in the course of educational practice in a preschool organization;
- research of communicative behavior of a teacher and preschool children during the stating experiment within a term paper on pre-school pedagogy or children's psychology;
3) creation effective communication during participation in educational actions of a course, faculty.
4th year (form communicative competence):
- ensuring effect in communication in the course of management and organization of extracurricular activities of faculty and between faculties;
- development of communicative competence by means of students' research activity (write scientific papers, perform reports at scientific and practical conferences of various level, protect final qualification work);
- entrance into professional activity and conscious independent participation in communicative process of kindergarten.
Such pedagogical system constructed by position-level principle as the form of existence and broadcast of social experience from generation to generation, creates flexible and effective process of communicative training on a natural basis. At the same time, it allows to pass quickly and organically from educational aspects to the practical solution of communicative problems of professional activity.
Integrative-problem and communicative approaches had special value in development of the system of communicative training. One of fixed assets of communicative training of future teachers is introduction of the integrated special courses and open classrooms ("A basis of pedagogical communication", "Formation of communicative competence of a future teacher", "School of communication"), including scientific materials from linguistics, theory of communication, pedagogics, psychology, private techniques.
The activity component of the system is directed on application of communicative knowledge in new pedagogical situations that promote formation of abilities to design effectively a straight line and feedback, thus unconventionally, creatively solving problems of pedagogical communication.
Direct emotional inclusiveness in a communicative situation, collectivism in search of effective tactics and strategy of interaction, mastering new communicative knowledge in activity, development of improvisational abilities to react quickly on changing circumstances promote development of communicative competence.
The pedagogical sense of the system consisted in approximation of educational environment to professional conditions of communicative and pedagogical activity, t maximum filling of educational process by communicative problems of heuristic type and implementation of integration of communicative knowledge.
It should be noted that in the course of skilled-search work the experimental groups showed the steady tendency to acceleration of communicative competence formation. It was expressed in economy of academic hours when forming more profound communicative knowledge; in costs decrease of each student for feedback achievement in communication; in increase of activity and independence of future teachers for solution of communicative tasks; in reduction of volume of the help from teachers of higher educational institution.
Thus, verification confirmed the validity of provisions of the presented concept as results of its substantial and semantic filling and practical realization confirmed communicative competence of future preschool teachers.
Communicative training is the main and integral part of educational process in higher educational pedagogical institution. Various aspects of development of communicativeness are considered in social and philosophical literature (F. Shleyermakher, W. Dilthey, M. Heidegger, H. Lipps, H.G. Gadamer, P. Ricreur, Karl-Otto Apel, J. Habermas, et. al.), from psycholinguistic positions (G. M. Andreeva, A. A. Bodalev, M. A. Vasilik, L.S. Vygotsky, B.N. Golovin, O. M. Kazartseva, A.A. Leontyev, B. F. Lomov, B. D. Parygin, et. al.), from pedagogical positions (V. S. Grekhnev, I.A. Zimnyaya, V.A. Kan-Kalik, E.V. Korotayeva, M. L. Kusova, A.A. Leontyev, A.A. Murashov. E.Yu. Nikitina, et. al.). However, only the small part of the researches on the problem is devoted to students - future preschool teachers, and the concepts "effective communication", "communicative competence" remain debatable.
The Federal State Educational Standard focuses the tutor on the child's identity, basic change of communicative nature with a child. However, coming to kindergarten after graduating higher educational pedagogical institution, teachers often are unprepared to realize effective pedagogical communication. This fact was the inducing factor to scientific and applied development, creation and realization of pedagogical system of communicative training of students, to conceptual justification and technological support of the system.
The sources for creation the pedagogical concept of training were the social order realized in normative documents and objective requirements of society and the individual; the international and domestic pedagogical experience, traditions of its development in the field of the problem; the changing functionality of the modern expert in the field of preschool education and requirement to professional and pedagogical preparation; the theoretical concepts fixing modern level of development of the higher education; the practical experience of training in higher educational pedagogical institutions including technologies and methods.
Radical transformations of curricula are not obligatory for motivated and effective introduction of communicative perspective in the process of vocational education. Use of the opportunities put in the plans at the qualified realization by their relevant groups of teachers of higher educational institutions is rather expedient. Such confidence is based on that factor that qualification characteristic of a graduate from higher educational pedagogical institution with "Preschool education" profile has initially expressed communicative focus.
Theoretical and applied provisions of the paper can form scientific-methodical basis for improvement and modernization of the existing programs of the highest professional pedagogical education, development of methodical recommendations for teachers of higher educational institutions to optimize communicative preparation and develop communicative competence of students, improve technologies of communicative potential of preschool education specialists.
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