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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tolmacheva Vera

The paper deals with the main approaches to design a system of formation of social-ecological readiness of a future teacher of preschool educational organization to work with a family on improvement of preschool children health. The special attention is paid to consideration concepts "system", "model", "modeling". The bases for creation the concept of social-ecological readiness formation of future teacher at preschool educational organization are reflected. The main attention is paid to consideration of all-pedagogical and specific regularities of conceptual development and functioning of the system. Consideration of the general and specific principles of formation of social-ecological readiness is significant: professional orientation of educational process at higher educational institution, humane and personal orientation of vocational training, nature conformity, conformity to culture, integrity, humanization of social-ecological preparation, scientific character, predictability, continuity, systematicity, regionalization, variability of social-ecological preparation. The main approaches, which are the cornerstone of the concept, are considered s from positions of systematicity, pedagogical activity, process and component of professional-pedagogical preparation.

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The paper deals with the main approaches to design a system of formation of social-ecological readiness of a future teacher of preschool educational organization to work with a family on improvement of preschool children health. The special attention is paid to consideration concepts "system", "model", "modeling". The bases for creation the concept of social-ecological readiness formation of future teacher at preschool educational organization are reflected. The main attention is paid to consideration of all-pedagogical and specific regularities of conceptual development and functioning of the system. Consideration of the general and specific principles of formation of social-ecological readiness is significant: professional orientation of educational process at higher educational institution, humane and personal orientation of vocational training, nature conformity, conformity to culture, integrity, humanization of social-ecological preparation, scientific character, predictability, continuity, systematicity, regionalization, variability of social-ecological preparation. The main approaches, which are the cornerstone of the concept, are considered s from positions of systematicity, pedagogical activity, process and component of professional-pedagogical preparation.


concept, system, model, social-ecological readiness, stages, conditions

AUTHOR Vera Tolmacheva

PhD in Education, Associate Professor Surgut State Pedagogical University Surgut, Russia [email protected]

The social-economic conditions promptly changing now, orientation to modernization and achievement of objectives, conformable to present requirements, affected educational policy and Russian educational system. For rather short period, a number of steps were undertaken. They changed both structure of educational system of the Russian Federation (preschool education becomes the first step of educational system), and its standard maintenance (Federal State Educational Standards for each step of education appeared). All these changes affected training of future teachers at each step of education.

However, despite rather dynamic process of modernization in the Russian educational system and the purposes designated before the higher educational institutions, the problem of training a teacher capable to resolve issues of health-saving techniques and improvement of children's health in the conditions of the educational organization are invariable. If to analyze the normative documents defining educational activity on each step of education, it is possible to note the following aspects. The law No. 273-FZ of December 29 2012 "About education in the Russian Federation" notes humanistic nature of education, priority of life and health of the person as the key principles of education (Art. 3, point 1) (The law 273-FZ...).

Analyzing Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of preparation 44.03.01 pedagogical education of December 4, 2015 N 1426, it is possible to note that as one of the key directions of pedagogical activity of future teacher (level a bachelor degree) ensuring protection of life and the health which are trained during educational process notes "...". (FGOS in the direction of preparation 44.03.01 ...).

The text of the Professional standard of the teacher approved by the order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October "18", 2013 No. 544n within educational and the developing activity also includes the requirement to the teacher capable to form at trained culture of a healthy and safe way of life ("Professional standard of the teacher").

Within our dissertation research we made an attempt to design the pedagogical concept of formation social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization (PEO) to work with a family for children's health improvement.

The bases of the concept on formation social-ecological readiness of future preschool teacher to work with a family are:

• the social order of society in the highly qualified specialists realizing the importance of the health saving environment of educational institutions and children, ready to improvement;

• foreign and domestic pedagogical experience in formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher to work with a family on health improvement, tendencies of its development;

• the changing requirements to teacher's competence, in particular to the level of formation of social-ecological readiness of a teacher, recognition of system of teacher's abilities to interact with a child's family in aspect of health improvement.

Within the studied topic we marked out specific regularities of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teachers to work with a family on improvement of preschool children:

- the teacher of the future has to be competent in questions of purposeful and effective development of the successful, healthy child by means of the developing environment in kindergarten, in a family and micro-society;

- scientific ensuring process of formation of social-ecological availability for service with a family on health improvement and personal-age development is caused by staging of their psycho-physiological development, national features, and the educational environment applied by methods of training, education and development of the child;

- the relations of the person and the nature constructed on the principles of a co-evolution cause relationship of future teacher with other person, colleagues, with the child and his family;

- integration and differentiation of process of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher to work with a family for health improvement is an indispensable condition for formation of their general professional and pedagogical preparation;

- the diversity and systemacity of organization of process of teacher's social-ecological readiness on the federal curriculum and provides ecology and valeology of key basic and variable courses, including open classrooms, with obligatory active practical improvement;

- culture of love to the nature, the responsible attitude towards it and the health is a basis of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher;

- ecology and valeology acts as the leading fundamental idea and special world outlook factor of process of formation of social-ecological readiness of the teacher to work with a family on children's health improvement.

Besides, we defined the specific principles of formation of social-ecological readiness of preschool teachers: principle of humanization of social-ecological preparation,

principle of scientific character, principle of forecasting, principle of continuity, principle of systematicity, principle of regionalization and principle of variability of social-ecological preparation.

Such pedagogical phenomenon as formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization can be considered from positions of systematicity, pedagogical activity, procedurality and component of professional-pedagogical preparation (Suvorova, 2005).

Before defining intrinsic lines of systematicity social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization, it should be noted that the treatment of the term "system" is very many-sided. The analysis of books showed that system is understood as a set of certain components, which interaction promotes emergence of new characteristics and qualities, not inherent in separately taken components. It is possible to say that the system cannot be considered separately from such concepts as structure, organization, communications, relations, elements, management.

If to consider formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization as a system (artificial system), its logical basis would be a system approach.

We share Z.I.Tyumaseva's position. She says that when studying the difficult phenomena, system approach cannot entirely replace special methods of research as it is not deductive in essence, realizing heuristic function, which appointment is in search of orientation of concrete researches (Tyumaseva, Bogdanov, 2003).

It is necessary to tell that the idea of systematicity being traditional to us received the embodiment in the XX century and got into all spheres of life of society. At the same time, addressing to an educational system, it is possible to speak only about put systemological bases (Z.I.Tyumaseva). The aspiration to creation of artificial systems in education gave an impetus to development of such area of knowledge, as pedagogical engineering.

As Z.I.Tyumaseva notes in the researches, allocation of pedagogical engineering as area of knowledge represents not just some loan of the term. This is much deeper phenomenon assuming application of methodological approaches of the engineering sphere in the field of pedagogics. Artificial educational systems have to submit and develop according to objective laws of epistemology of pedagogical systems and technologization of process of pedagogical systems reforming (Tyumaseva, Starikov, 2004).

Z.I.Tyumaseva notes that the subject domain of pedagogical engineering can be characterized by orientation to studying and change of artificial systems; installation on application of complex methods, development tools, designing, providing and service of pedagogical systems,and their internal differentiation according to type.

Considering formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization as pedagogical activity, first, we leane on such compound components as the purpose, process, means, result.

The purpose of formation of social-ecological readiness is the certain professional standard of future teacher, which reveals in available motivated desire to realize social-ecological education basing on the intrinsic variety of types, forms, and work types with a family. It is defined by its structure, typological characteristics and features for the purpose of restoration, expansions of adaptation opportunities of preschool children, increase of its resistance to influence of various factors of environment.

The motive is aspiration of future teacher to hold purposeful work on formation favorable situation for successful, healthy child in the conditions of preschool educational organization and a family.

Actions for formation of the studied quality were allocated the actions promoting realization of social-ecological education in preschool educational organization based on

an intrinsic variety of views, forms, and work types with family, the actions focused on formation of the successful, healthy child in the conditions of preschool educational organization and a family.

The result of activity is achievement of a certain level of professional readiness of future teacher to fulfill the pedagogical duty, which is shown in aspiration to realize social-ecological education in preschool educational organization on the basis of the intrinsic variety of types, forms and work types with family. The variety is defined by its structure, typological characteristics and features for restoration, expansions of adaptation opportunities of preschool children, increase of their resistance to influence of various factors of environment.

Originally, it should be noted that in a generalized view the process can be defined as some change of states, phenomena in development something. It is necessary to distinguish stages and consecutive states from structural components of any process.

Speaking about process of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization for work with a family, we allocated the following interconnected stages:

I. The motivational-valuable stage

II. The substantial-operational stage

III. The estimated-adjustment stage

The purpose of the motivational-valuable stage is formation of motives to hold versatile work with child's family, aspiration to realize the contents and principles of social-ecological education, to carry out purposeful activities for development successful, healthy child in the conditions of preschool educational organization and a family. Realization of this stage would promote formation of need-motivational component of social-ecological readiness of teacher.

Within the second stage, the key attention is paid to formation cognitive-approximate and the practice-activity components of future teachers' social-ecological readiness. The key directions of knowledge are interconditionality and interdependence of state of environment and health of the person; processes of health-saving and improvement from positions of social ecology and ecological valueology; specific educational features and improving opportunities of child's family; features of ecological valeological education in a family; innovative pedagogical technologies and techniques of improvement of child at both preschool educational organization, and home; nonconventional methods of health improvement.

The estimated-adjustment stage assumes carrying out monitoring activity of teacher to determine level of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher of preschool educational organization to work with a family for preschool children health improvement.

Within this stage, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of social-ecological readiness of future teachers have to be determined, the adequate assessment is given to the received result, and ways of correction of formation process are planned, ways of efficiency increase are defined.

The problem of vocational training of future teachers is rather studied from a position of psychology and pedagogics. I.F. Isaev, N. V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanova, A.I. Scherbakova and others made the most significant work.

The analysis of scientific literature showed that one of key requirements to the level of future teacher training is the clearness of his social and professional position. According to V.A. Slastenin, teacher's position is the system of relations to the world and pedagogical reality (Slastenin, et. al., 1997).

I.F. Isaev, L.S. Kolmogorova, N. B. Krylova, V.A. Slastenin and others emphasize the modern reality can be characterized by existence of deep contradiction between expectations of society from the teacher and the real-life level of readiness for

professional activity of the university graduate. As authors note, certain banality, set stamping of future teachers training exist that conflicts to orientation necessary today to individualization, creative orientation of teacher's identity (Slastenin, et. al., 1997).

There are various components in the structure of professional-pedagogical preparation as a system. The greatest interest represents the ecological component of professional-pedagogical preparation presented by us in two spheres: social-ecological and valeological. Realization of this component assumes formation of the main groups of social-ecological and valeological competences.

Thus, we consider formation of social-ecological readiness of future teacher as the component of professional-pedagogical preparation determining it practice-focused character, which provides formation of functional education of future teacher.


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