Научная статья на тему 'Bases of gender equality of rights in Uzbekistan'

Bases of gender equality of rights in Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Zhabborova O.I., Kenjaeva H.P.

The article gives a socio-philosophical analysis of the issues of increasing of women`s activity in the process of formation of the civil society in Uzbekistan, it studies an interrelation of the efficiency of implementation of socio-economic reforms with women`s activity, their high mental-moral merits, intellectual potential and political-legal culture.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Bases of gender equality of rights in Uzbekistan»


O.I. Zhabborova, associate professor H.P. Kenjaeva, senior lecturer Bukhara state medical institute (Uzbekistan, Bukhara)

Abstract. The article gives a socio-philosophical analysis of the issues of increasing of women 's activity in the process of formation of the civil society in Uzbekistan, it studies an interrelation of the efficiency of implementation of socio-economic reforms with women s activity, their high mental-moral merits, intellectual potential and political-legal culture. Keywords: "Social activity", the state, society, gender tolerance.

As it is known that none of a state can be considered as a juridical and democratic one if equal rights of women and men in all spheres of social life are not fixed juridical. Consequently, tremendous steps are being held in formation of legal bases of gender equality of rights in society in Uzbekistan which target to form democratic legal state and strong civil society in the country.

Constitutional warranty of sexes' equality firstly is the matter in the 18th article of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in which stated so: "All the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan have equal rights and freedom and equal to the law in spite of sex, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, convictions, personal and social state." Besides, in the 46th article of the Constitution of Uzbekistan as emphasizing peculiar value of this matter there fixed that "Women and men have equal rights."

One of the important matters to the country is further improvement of women's political and social status.

Republic consists of women more than 51%. Consequently, it is impossible to imagine development of the society without the participation of women, because they have responsibilities to continue life in society, keeping family, bringing up healthy generation. At the same time women work selflessly in different fields of economy and take part in all spheres of life in society.

It is necessary to note that measures of the government in solving the problems concerning family, women, youth and children, adoption of state decrees and res-

olutions, elaboration of important programs and scientific-practical projects are evidence of attitude to the women's matter to the level of state politics in the years of independence.

It should be concerned about promotion of the most capable women to political activity to leading posts. For these aims there established posts of the deputy prime-minister, who is engaged in the matters of nomination of women in the life of society, and positions of vice mayors with analogical functions [1].

Women have equal rights as men in all spheres of state, economy, social-political and cultural life. It concerns to such constitutional rights as the right to elect and be elected for all government bodies, the right to equal salary, the right to education, rest and social provision which correspond to generally accepted international standards.

General declaration of person's rights and international pact "On civil and political Rights", as well as "On social, economic and cultural rights" were prototype of the whole series of international documents in the field of human rights, having both universal and regional sphere of function.

Uzbekistan as the country moving forward the way of democratic reforms, acknowledging priority of international rights, is implementing the international norms to national legislation.

It is urgent to note that the base of modern international law is composed by the system of general accepted internationallegislative standards, based on the principles of universality, indivisibility and non-estrangement of human rights and free-

dom. The degree of democracy of a state is defined by how and at what level this state has implemented international-legislative standards in the field of human rights, particularly women's rights, and how much it is adhered to above-mentioned principles. When the question is about such values as women's rights, children's rights it is important to withdraw references on special mentality, historical and religious peculiarities.

The Republic of Uzbekistan, the first on the territory of Central Asia joined a number of international documents, including the Convention of UNO " On liquidation of all forms of discrimination towards women" (May 6, 1995), the Conventions of International Labor Organization "On Security of Maternity" (May 6, 1995), "On discrimination in the field of Labor and Engagements" (August 30, 1997) accepted obligation of holding politics of non-discrimination towards women and therefore adopted corresponding legislation arranging juridical protection of women's rights and promotion of their status in society.

In accordance with this state program "On measures for 1999 on intensifying the women's role in family, state and social establishment, improvement of security system of their legislative, social, economic and spiritual interests" was adopted in our country, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from September 1999 "On additional measures to stimulate families of many children and poor families realizing individual house-building" was adopted, National plan of activities to improve positions of women in Uzbekistan, Plan of activities to fulfill positions of the Convention " On liquidation of all forms of discrimination towards women" and the Program of improving reproductive health and medical culture of young families, girls and women have been elaborated.

The national platform of actions supposes unification of efforts of state, legislative, governmental and social organizations, civil sector for increasing women's activity in the processes of establishment and development of society.

On the whole while the period of independent development more than 70 laws and resolutions corresponding directly to women's rights and privileges have been adopted.

Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to promote women's role in governmental and social establishment", "On intensifying the governmental social assistance to families with children", "On measures to intensify social security of families with children" and many other sub legislative acts have the important value.

The national plan of activities to improve women's positions in Uzbekistan is directed to liquidation of women's discrimination according to sex. Complex steps on perfecting legislative security of women, promotion of their role in society were made in the limits of Governmental program on providing realization of interests of women in Uzbekistan. Conditions for strengthening mothers and children's health, conditions for women's active participation in social and economic life were created. Particularly, the new edition of the Law "On elections to Oliy Majlis (Supreme Council) of the Republic of Uzbekistan" allowed improve women's activity at pre-elections companies and increased their representations on Legislative House of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

"Further deepening of the processes of democratization of society and state, providing them by sequence and productivity supposes ... provision of the norms of democracy, freedom of ideas and conscience, pluralism and human rights; priority of the principle is "live in the harmony of humanistic and common values" [2].

Participation of women in political processes and state government plays an important role in the development of society, that is why study of these factors are becoming one of the actual matters nowadays. After independence for the first time in Uzbekistan elections were held on multiparty basis in 1994, 1999, and then in 2004 and 2009, in which women of the republic took an active part, were elected as the deputies of Oliy Majlis, regional,

city, district Councils. If in 1994 women formed 8,6% (21 persons) out of total number of the deputies of Oliy Majlis, in 1999 - 9,4% (17 persons), then 2004 when double-wing parliament has been established, women formed 18% of deputies of Legislative House and 15% members of the Senate. In 2004 the parliament of the Republic introduced changes in the article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On elections to Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan" about 30% quota for the women who are nominated for candidates to the parliament of the country from political parties. So, for instance, after the elections in 2014 in the staff of the parliament 16% women formed the Lower House, 17% the Upper House.

Elective system has become the important factor of increasing social-political activeness of women, their importance in the field of governmental and social structure. To the Law "On elections" the norms that the candidates for the deputies from political parties women should form not less than 30% [3] .

The women of Uzbekistan proved that they possess real right to take an active part in social and political life of the country. According to the Convention on liquidation of all forms of discrimination towards women to which the Republic of Uzbekistan joined in 1995, and the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan the government provides women with the following rights on the equal basis with men:

- vote for all elections and being elected for the whole public elected government bodies;

- taking part in formation and realization of state politics and occupying governmental posts, and also realizing all the governmental functions at all levels of state government;

- taking part in the activity of nongovernmental organizations and associations, as well as engaging in social and political matters of the country.

Women began to take their active stand and activity of political parties of the Republic. Many of them are the members of parties, are engaged in deputy activity, are promoted to and working productively at

elective party positions, are leading the regional, city and district Councils of parties. And there are not a little women among the presidents of primary party organizations- the main support of the parties.

Special attention is paid to woman's aspect on the programs of political parties. So, the People-democratic party of Uzbekistan expresses and stands upon interests of the citizens of the republic of Uzbekistan, who need social support and protection. Among the needy women, especially of families with many children are picked out.

In the aim of social provision of family, maternity and childhood the interdepartmental coordinative council attached to the Cabinet of Ministers solves matters of coordination of activities of governmental, social and non-governmental organizations on advancement of matters of gender equality and rights and opportunities of women.

The most significant requirement of productivity of undertaking efforts in the sphere of women's rights, as in any sector of reformation is taking into account the social-economic situation in the country, traditions, customs, values going from centuries.

Matters of gender equality are at the center of attention of all governmental, social and non-governmental organizations in the republic.

One of the prioritized tasks of the state is the formation of the bases of civil society. Problems of organizing profound study and working out recommendations on extension of rights and raising the role of institutions of civil society in directing the state and society, processes of democratization and liberalization in social-political, social-economic spheres, increasing political-legislative acknowledgment of citizen, their social-political activeness of civil society.

At the institute there functions the Project on the study the problems of activation women's role in formation of civil society. The basic aims of its activity are:

- study and analysis the problems of social, political, economic positions of women in society;

- matters of gender progress, equal rights and equal opportunities of women and men in society;

- activity of "women wings" of political parties, their roles in raising political activity of women;

- raising woman's role in family, society and solution of the tasks of state structure.

The main directions of the activity of the Project also include research of the problems of reproductive rights and reproductive health of women, raising educa-

ployment, discrimination, violation, traffic, illegal labor migration among women.

Thus women are deserving and active part of the shaping democratic civil society in Uzbekistan owning powerful potential of self-perfection and development. Formation and strengthening of national institutional mechanisms of improvement of women's positions increased opportunities of the state in achieving generous targets of gender progress. Here the consideration of gender problematics is the strategy which gives similar opportunity to women and men in determination, realization, monitoring and evaluation the aspects in politics and social progress.

tional degree, employment and unem-


1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures to Enhance the Role of Women in the State and Public Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan." Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1995-1999. T., 2000. P. 354-355

2. The idea of national independence: the basic concepts and principles. T., 2003.C.29.

3. Karimov I.A. The concept of further deepening of democratic reforms and the formation of civil society in the country: Report of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov at a joint meeting of the Legislative Chamber and Senate of the Oliy Majlis Republic of Uzbekistan from November 12, 2010 // The Popular Word. 2010. November 13


О.И. Жабборова, доцент Х.П. Кенжаева, старший преподаватель Бухарский государственный медицинский институт (У збекистан, г. Бухара)

Аннотация. В статье дается социально-философский анализ проблем повышения активности женщин в процессе формирования гражданского общества в Узбекистане, исследуется взаимосвязь эффективности реализации социально-экономических реформ с активностью женщин, их высокими духовно-нравственными качествами, интеллектуальным потенциалом и политико-правовой культурой.

Ключевые слова. «Социальная активность», государство, общество, гендерная толерантность.

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