Научная статья на тему 'Organizational and substantive foundations for the training of future primary school teachers at the universities of Australia'

Organizational and substantive foundations for the training of future primary school teachers at the universities of Australia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ogienko O., Kobiuk Yu.

The article explores the Australian experience of organizing the training process of future primary school teachers at the universities. The components of the system of national vocational training of future primary school teachers are analyzed. The legislative documents governing the educational process in Australia are listed. The guidelines underlying the university training programs are identified.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Organizational and substantive foundations for the training of future primary school teachers at the universities of Australia»

площину формування й розвитку в студенпв здат-носп практично дiяти i творчо застосовувати набуп знання i досввд у рiзних ситуацiях; культурологiч-ний nidxid, дозволяе розглядати формування профе-сшно! мобшьносп в контекстi загально! професш-но! культури педагога-музиканта.

Список лiтератури

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4. Дубасенюк О.А. Акмеолопчний шдхвд як стратегiчний орiентир особистiсно-орiентованоl пе-дагопчно! освiти // Проблеми освгга: збiрник нау-кових праць. - Вип. 84. - Житомир-Ки!в, 2015. - С. 25-30.

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8. Реброва O.G. Методолопя i методи досль джень педагопки мистецтва. Навчально--методич-ний поабник для студенпв i мапстранпв шститу-тiв мистецтв педагопчних унiверситетiв.-Oдеса: ПНПУ iменi К.Д. Ушинського, 2011. - 27 с.

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Ogienko O.,

Doctor of Science in Education, Professor of Department of Pedagogy of A.S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine

Kobiuk Yu.

PhD student,

Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article explores the Australian experience of organizing the training process of future primary school teachers at the universities. The components of the system of national vocational training of future primary school teachers are analyzed. The legislative documents governing the educational process in Australia are listed. The guidelines underlying the university training programs are identified.

Keywords: vocational training; primary school teacher; qualification; training program; standards; the quality of education.

Introduction, statement of the problem. The basis of social development and sustainable economic growth of the state that provides the growth of its competitiveness is largely determined by the level of education. In recent years, a number of actions have been taken in Ukraine to modernize the education system, improve its quality and accessibility. All the transformations that take place, lead to the emergence of the new approaches to the future teacher training, especially the primary school teacher, who is the initial link in the domestic educational system. Contradiction between the requirements of the society to the level of teacher training and the modern conditions of professional activity of primary school teachers motivate to identify the ways of updating the content and nature of

the future primary school teacher training, which, in turn, implies the study of the leading foreign experience. At the present stage, Australia is one of the safest and most stable countries in the world the culture and education of which meet the world standards. That is why the problem of teacher training in Australia is topical for educational practice and pedagogical science of Ukraine.

A brief overview of publications on the theme.

Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature showed that the problem of teacher training at the universities in Australia and Ukraine was the subject of the scientific search for Ukrainian researchers (I. Балицька, Т. Биць, О. Бондарчук, А. Волкова, Л. Голуб, С. Кириченко, Т. Козлова, С. Корешкова, I.

Майорова, Т. Парфенюк, О. Переверзев, А. Сбруева, Г. Слозанська, М. Чобанюк, Г. Яремко, Н. Абашкша, Н. Авшенюк, Н. Бвдюк, Л. Пуховська, А. Сбруева etc.). The scientific papers by M. Thornton, B. Birel, D. Edwards, P. Miller, L. Bredi, S. Carrington, M. Klein, H. Connel, J. Lane, T. Lovat, K. Rowe, M. Skilbekt became the fundamental research on the problems of our investigation. However, despite the amount of scientific literature and taking into consideration the changes in the modern society, the issue of pedagogical training of primary school teachers at the universities of Australia has not been sufficiently researched and needs further study so the received experience can be used in Ukraine.

As follows, the aim of our article is to study and analyze the organizational and content foundations of the professional training of future primary school teachers at Australian universities.

Materials and methods. In the process of research, to achieve the goal, the main research methods used, were methods of retrospective analysis, synthesis, generalization of scientific works, and a comparative method.

The results of the study. A review of the scientific literature has led to the conclusion that it is important for the Australian Government to have a high-quality and equitable education so young people in Australia can become successful, confident, creative, active and knowledgeable citizens. The high level of the Australian education system is its reliable normative base and transparent accountability mechanisms. The main task of Australian pedagogical education is to train highly qualified teachers who are able to work effectively in modern society. Education and training is the common responsibility of the Australian authorities in general and of individual states and territories in particular. Responsible for improving the education system at the national level are: the Council of Australian Governments, the Department of Education and Training, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, and the National Partnership Agreements between states and territories (The Australian, 2016).

Australian scientists have identified the fundamental principles which the high-quality training of primary school teachers is based on. The first of these is integration. Universities, employers and schools must improve the system of teacher training and cooperate to achieve high results. The whole pedagogical education must be integrated with school practice to become a conglomerate of higher education and vocational training. The next principle is implementation. Because implementation and quality improvement of all elements of pedagogical education is important in upgrading the quality of teachers and the education they provide. Quality assurance processes must be carefully designed. The accreditation system must accredit effective teacher training programs and ensure that poor quality programs are not accredited and will be canceled. The principle of evidence should be the basis of all elements of the teacher training system, from the programs development and testing, to the teaching. The principle of clarity provides transparency of all ele-

ments of the system of teacher education, from the selection of applicants to graduation (Craven, Beswick, Fleming, Fletcher, Green, Jensen, Leinonen, & Rick-ards, 2014).

The effective functioning of the system of teacher education in general, and the training system for primary school teachers in particular, largely depends on the legal support of education and teacher training. The processes of regulation of teacher education in Australia are declared in the relevant regulatory documents of national importance. There are legislative documents regulating the educational process in Australia: Australian Education Act, Higher Education Act, Higher Education Support Act, The Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders, Australian quality training framework, Australian qualifications framework, Training packages, Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Australian universities are thorough in their selection of applicants for study, using a variety of selection methods. The country government is doing everything possible to ensure that such methods are based on the academic and personal characteristics of the future teacher, and that sophisticated and transparent selection approaches are introduced, that take into account the academic opportunities and personal characteristics, that will be necessary for successful training.

To become a primary school teacher in Australia, a graduate must have at least a four-year full-time higher education qualification structured as follows: a three-year bachelor's degree plus a two-year vocational qualification for graduates (eg, bachelor of arts and master); integrated qualification - at least four years (for example, bachelor of primary education); combined degrees lasting at least four years (for example, bachelor of secondary education and bachelor of science); other combinations of qualifications defined by universities and approved by teacher education authorities in collaboration with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (including employment-oriented programs) (Craven, Beswick, Fleming, Fletcher, Green, Jensen, Leinonen, & Rickards, 2014).

For Australian students the academic year coincides with the calendar year, which begins in January -February and ends in November - December. Higher education institutions have two semesters with exams taking place in June and November. Long breaks for summer holidays (vacations) - from November to February. Some higher education institutions have introduced a third semester, which takes place during the summer months. Also interesting is the fact that the length of distance learning is doubled. If the duration of full-time studies lasts 4 years, then the external form of education- 8 years (OrieHKO, 2019).

Our research showed that the training of primary school teachers in Australian universities is based on the principles of mobility, accordance with needs and opportunities, life and professional perspectives (Australian Qualifications FrameworK, 2013). Based on this, primary school teacher training programs are built on such requirements: coherence which is based on a clear vision of training results, which permeates all theoretical and practical training; a strong core curriculum

based on knowledge of child development; studying in social and cultural contexts; extensive practical experience that is carefully developed and closely associated with theoretical training; well-defined standards that are used to guide and evaluate theoretical and practical training of future teachers; explicit strategies that help students to confront their own deep-seated beliefs about student learning, and learn about the experiences of others; an inquiry approach that connects theory and practice; strong school-university partnerships that train and allow students to learn how to teach in a professional environment; assessment based on professional standards that evaluate teaching through demonstration of critical skills and abilities using performance assessments that support the development of 'adaptive expertise' (Ingvarson, Reid, Buckley, Kleinhenz, Masters, & Rowley, 2014).

At Australian universities students actively participate in the studying process. Focus is on the ability to think outside the box, independently and critically, to take part in discussions and work in a team. Universities help develop academic skills and also provide a platform for further professional and personal growth. (The Australian education, 2015). All curricula for the training of elementary school teachers consist of: professional subjects with study of content of subjects, their teaching and assessment; academic subjects with social and psychological development, education of children with special needs, Aboriginal and Torres Island education; at least six weeks of continuous and complete professional teaching experience at school.

Analysis of scientific sources has shown that Australia is paying great attention to the practical component of teacher training which plays an important role in the process of the teacher personality creation. It helps to form a methodical reflection in the conditions of the pedagogical process, when the future specialist thinks about the means and methods of his own pedagogical activity and the processes of making practical decisions. Thus, professional experience is a central component of all Australia's primary education teacher programs. During this period, which occupies about 25% of the time of study at the university, future teachers observe practical teachers in the workplace and actively participate in school life. A strong component of professional experience is required for successful primary school teachers training. Australian researchers and practitioners need to create a good environment for getting professional experience, which actually involves future teachers in their professional activities and allows to determine their own development prospects (Teachers are leaving, 2016).

L. Darling-Hammond (2006) defines the basic conditions that provide the success of professional experience in the teacher training programs framework:

1. Early professional experience, with intensive supervision of experienced teachers. Early first professional experience allows future teachers to review the decision to become a teacher at the beginning of university studies.

2. Close collaboration between universities and practical teachers in providing professional experience. A significant problem in Australia's teacher education

is lack of integration between theoretical knowledge and professional experience. To solve it, we need to rethink the traditional relationship between universities and schools to provide professional experience, to establish partnerships and close cooperation in the processes of developing training programs for primary school teachers, and involve both parties in active collaboration to achieve high results.

3. Carefully planned professional experience allows to combine theory and practice. The theory and practice in primary school teachers training should be indissoluble and mutually related in all components of professional training programs. Students should have theoretical knowledge and practical skills, in the process of obtaining which there will be opportunities for their integration. To do this, universities that work with schools must create mutually beneficial partnerships.

The main goal of gaining professional experience for future teachers is to get acquainted with the programs and curriculum, develop skills in planning work with schoolchildren, get more practice in working with individual groups of pupils, take on the role of a teacher, interact with the teaching staff, pupils, parents, improve observation skills, develop the ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice (r^ymoK, 2014).

In Australia, there is a significant difference in the length of professional experience. The minimum number of days that teacher education programs should devote to professional experience is determined by Australian standards. In general, in four-year bachelor programs, it is from 95 to 140 days (Ingvarson, 2014). In most primary school teacher training programs offered by universities, professional experience begins with short observation periods in schools that leads from limited teaching in small groups and teacher help, to responsibility for the whole class. This sequence is developed gradually, starting with familiarization during the first year, often during the first few weeks of training. By the fourth year, students took full responsibility for the class. Future teachers practice at various stages of their education, they take on a greater degree of responsibility in the classes and the role between teacher and student changes from supervisor to colleague and mentor (Craven, Beswick, Fleming, Fletcher, Green, Jensen, Leinonen, & Rickards, 2014).

Studying various types of pedagogical practice of future primary school teachers in Australian universities, we can distinguish the following: short-term daytime observation practice, which takes place in parallel with the study of professionally oriented disciplines; active block practice; continuous undergraduate professional internship in the last year of study (T^ymoK, 2014).

In the process of receiving professional experience, an important component is the interaction with the leader and mentor, which provides leadership and mentoring, provides feedback on teaching practice and helps evaluate the students. The presence of such a specialist is the main task in supporting future teachers and providing high-quality professional experience.

Pegadogical faculties and educational departments are actively working together to develop partnerships with schools. This is evidenced by the mutual work of

teachers of higher educational institutions in schools and education departments. As a result, there is a growing tendency to establish concrete partnerships between schools and universities to create links between theoretical training and professional experience.

An important aspect in the future primary teachers training in Australia is preparation for pupils diversity in Australian schools. It requires readiness to communicate with students who have different culture and language and have certain difficulties or obstacles in studying. Teacher training programs should instruct on how to apply science-based theory in practice effectively. Teachers should analyze and evaluate their influence on teaching and correct their practice to meet the needs of their pupils. Improving student learning results demands a teacher to have knowledge which will allow them to effectively resolve training and development needs of all pupils in the class. Therefore, teachers should be able to personalize learning, assess student performance, and be able to choose appropriate learning strategies. Research recognizes that teachers need a wide range of skills and strategies to maximize learning across different groups of pupils. (Craven, Beswick, Fleming, Fletcher, Green, Leinonen, & Rickards, 2014).

The Australian government pays attention to quality and standards of education. For the good quality of educational activities, Australian legislation provides a clear and transparent regulation mechanism, the main element of which is the accreditation of educational and professional programs in accordance with the quality criteria of the educational process and the activities of higher education institutions that are developed according to the requirements of the International Quality Standard. Accreditation in Australia is carried out by non-governmental organizations along with the approval of the State Accreditation Commission. As for right now, accreditation is an important element in the process of regulating the level of education and the quality of educational services.

Standards are measures or "benchmarks" and provide a vision for high quality learning. They are aimed at refining the knowledge, skills, opportunities and values that future teachers need to acquire before beginning their professional activities (Ogienko, 2017).

The main components of the standards-based primary teacher training system include:

1. Standards describing what is being learned in the preparation process and, therefore, planning the training program.

2. Consistent training program where each course of the program is justified in terms of meeting certain standards.

3. The learning process and the completion of the training program based on a series of rating evaluations that together provide reliable evidence that students meet all standards.

4. Accreditation of teacher training programs by independent professional bodies which is based on reliable evidence that graduates meet certification standards and professional requirements.

Together, these components form a system of complementary elements that strengthen teacher training programs (Ingvarson, Reid, Buckley, Kleinhenz, Masters, & Rowley, 2014).

Conclusions and prospects for the further research. The requirements of our time are pushing us to find new ways to update the content of education, to draw on the experience of the leading countries of the world. Exploring the education system in Australia, we can talk about its high quality and accessibility. The success of the professional training of future primary school teachers at Australian universities is determined by the introduction of new approaches to organization and modern pedagogical technologies into practice, the quality of state educational standards, curricula and programs, the qualification of the teaching staff, the level of students' training, condition of the material and technical base and social provision. Ensuring a high level of practical training of future teachers at the university is closely connected with the use of the so-called active, professionally-oriented methods along with the traditional academic ones. Our study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem under study. The problems of relations and the institutional support of processes related to the definition and forecasting of the competency requirements of future primary school teachers, evaluating and recognizing learning outcomes remain relevant. Further study requires the question of the impact of professional standards on the quality of training.


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3. Ogienko, O. (2017). Edukacja dla XXI wieku: w poszuki priorytetow (p. 15-30). In R. Gerlach, R. To-maszewska-Lipiec (Red.) Edukacja dla przyszlosci w perspektywie orientacji na rynek pracy. Bydgoszcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego.

4. Craven, G., Beswick, K., Fleming, J., Fletcher, T., Green, M., Jensen, B., Leinonen, E., & Rickards, F. (2014). Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers. https://docs.education.gov.au/sys-tem/files/doc/other/action_now_class-room_ready_teachers_print.pdf

5. Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Constructing 21st-century teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 57(3), 300-314.

6. Ingvarson, L., Reid, K., Buckley, S., Kleinhenz, E., Masters, G., Rowley, G. (Sept, 2014). Best Practice Teacher Education Programs and Australia's Own Programs. Canberra: Department of Education

7. Teachers are leaving the profession - here's how to make them stay. (2016). URL: https://thecon-versation.com/teachers-are-leaving-the-profession-he-res-how-to-make-them-stay-52697.

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Кочерга €.В.

старший викладач кафедри природничо-математично'1 освти

Комунального закладу вищог освти «Дтпровська академ1я неперервно'1 освти» Днтропетровськог обласно'1 ради », Аспгрант 1нституту вищо'1 освти НацюнальноЧ академИ педагоггчних наук Украши


Kocherha Ye.

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Natural and Mathematical Education,

Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education, Postgraduate of Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


Стаття присвячена визначенню поняття про особиспсний компонент здоров'язбережувально1' компетентносп вчителя xiMii' та його важливють для дiяльностi вчителя. До особиспсних якостей вчителя, як дозволяють ефективно вести здоров'язбережувальну дгяльшсть, автор ввдносить оргашзаторсьш i комуш-кативнi здiбностi, емоцiйнiсть (емпатiю) та домiнуючi стратеги поведшки в конфлiктних ситуациях.


The article is dedicated to determination of concept of personal component of chemistry teacher' health-saving competence and its importance to teacher's activity. The author attributes organizational and communicative abilities, emotionality (empathy) and dominant strategies of behavior in conflict situations to personal qualities of teacher which allow to do effectively health-saving activity.

Ключов1 слова: вчитель xiMii', здоров'язбережувальна компетентшсть, особиспсний компонент, ко-мушкативш здiбностi, оргашзацшш здiбностi, стратеги поведшки в конфлжгних ситуациях, емоцшшсть, емпатгя.

Keywords: chemistry teacher, health-saving competence, communicative abilities, organizational abilities, strategies of behavior in conflict situations, emotionality, empathy.

Здоров'я е однiею з найважливших людських цiнностей, фундаментом, на якому будуеться вся життедiяльнiсть кожно! людини. Одним iз завдань системи освгга, окрiм навчання, виховання i пере-дачi досвiду пвдростаючому поколшню, е збере-ження та змщнення здоров'я. Важливим е здоров'я вах учасникiв освiтнього процесу, зокрема i вчите-л1в, адже вiд нього у велишй мiрi залежить ефекти-внiсть та результативнiсть освiтнього процесу. Вщ-повiдно, однiею з ключових компетентностей, якими повинен володiти вчитель е здоров'язбережувальна компетентшсть. Ми шдкреслюемо важливють ще! компетентносп для вчителiв xiмii, осш-льки xiмiя мае значний здоров'язбережувальний потенщал. Отже, пiд здоров'язбережувальною ком-петентшстю вчителя xiмii ми розумiемо динашчну рису особистостi вчителя, яка заснована на штегра-цii знань, умшь, навичок, цiнностей i досвiду, що проявляеться у здатностi здiйснювати особиспсну та професiйну здоров'язбережувальну дiяльнiсть на уроках, в позаурочнш та позакласнш роботi з xiмii.

У структурi здоров'язбережувальноi компетентно-стi вчителя xiмii ми виокремлюемо когнiтивний, дь яльшсний, цiннiсно-мотивацiйний та особистiсний компонент [6].

Особиспсний компонент здоров'язбережува-льно! компетентносп вчителя xiмii пов'язаний з ви-явом iндивiдуальниx рис та якостей, яш визначають iндивiдуальну та професшну здоров'язбережувальну дiяльнiсть. В основу особиспсного компонента покладено особисту установку вчителя на на-буття i реалiзацiю знань, умiнь та досввду здорового способу життя. До особистiсниx якостей, яш дозволяють активно вести здоров'язбережувальну дiяль-нiсть, ми вщносимо: органiзаторськi i комушкати-внi здiбностi, емоцiйнiсть (емпатш) та домiнуючi стратеги поведшки в конфлштних ситуацiяx.

Оргашзаторсьш здiбностi - це здiбностi орга-нiзовувати роботу учнiв i свою власну зовнiшню i внутрiшню дiяльнiсть, комунiкативнi - проявля-ються у продуктивносп спiлкування з усiма

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