Organization of the health-forming system in general education schools
UDC 371.3:613.9
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Kasmalieva1 1Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas", Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate the theoretical and applied aspects of creating a health-forming educational system based on the implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of analysis of normative documents, the study and generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience of general education schools were used to specify the main goals and objectives of the health-forming pedagogical system and develop the content of its main elements for the full implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution for the formation of health, timely socialization and prevention of deviant behavior of students.
Results and conclusions. A model of a health-forming system has been developed, which is based on the use of health-saving educational and health technologies and is aimed at mastering a complex of knowledge about health, building an individual strategy for the formation and preservation of the health of schoolchildren. It was revealed that the main elements of the health-forming pedagogical system are organizational and pedagogical technologies; educational technologies; health-improving technologies; psychological and pedagogical technologies; socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies. The results of the implementation of this model are the formation of the value attitude of students to health, sustainable interest and need for physical culture and sports activities, the physical, mental and social health of the student, and also contributes to the full implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of the educational institution in the formation of health, timely socialization and prevention of deviant behavior of students.
Keywords: health, technology, competence, motivation, pedagogical potential, educational system, schoolchil-
Introduction. Many scientists in their studies of modern education note that at present the real pedagogical practice in schools is characterized by stressful teaching tactics, a large amount of information, a high intensity of the educational process, which do not correspond to the age, psychophysiological and individual characteristics of students, their state of health [1, 2, 3, 8, 9]. Therefore, today it is very important to determine the ways and mechanisms for improving the content of education so that it includes new realities. And this is connected with the problems of goal-
setting and structuring the units of the content of general education [9].
The creation of a healthy and constructive socio-psychological climate in the school, the organization of joint sports, recreational and competitive activities of students lay the foundation for successful child education, mastering the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle, which is the key to successful personality development in the future. In order for a child to achieve progress in learning and behavior, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of the school and family to in-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I June I № 6 2023
volve the child in active physical education and sports, and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills.
In recent years, scientists in the field of education have been studying the application of health-saving educational and health technologies, which are aimed at mastering a complex of knowledge about various aspects of health, the formation of an individual strategy and tactics for the development and preservation of the health of schoolchildren. At the same time, it is noted that in addition to the development of special knowledge, the formation and expansion of motor experience on the basis of the acquired skills and abilities, it is important to timely form the value-motivational sphere of the students.
The basis of the health-forming system is physical education and upbringing of schoolchildren, fo-
cused on the formation of a positive attitude towards health, the development of knowledge, the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the formation of personal physical culture, the prevention of deviant, asocial behavior of schoolchildren. In the process of implementing the tasks of the health-forming system, an important place is occupied by the issues of socialization of the student's personality: the assimilation by the individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to successfully function in society.
Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate the theoretical and applied aspects of creating a health-forming educational system based on the implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution.
Model of a health-forming educational system
Organizational and pedagogical technologies Educational and health-improving technologies Psychological and pedagogical technologies Socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies
Implementation conditions: 1. Ensuring the professional competence of a physical education teacher. 2. The use of a system-activity, personality-oriented and environmental approach. 3. The use of criteria and technology for assessing the health and physical fitness of students.
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Ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions, rational mode of study and nutrition Physical education, health formation, physical culture of the individual Formation of psychological health, socialization of schoolchildren Psychological and pedagogical support of the elements of the educational process Formation of a value attitude to health, motivation to healthy lifestyle
Creation of conditions and provision of all forms ofphysical culture, sports and educational work for the formation of the health of students
Monitoring of health, physical development and physical fitness
Assessment of the quality of acquired knowledge, skills Assessment of the level of development physical qualities and physical fitness Development of moral-volitional and personal qualities The level of physical activity, striving for self-improvement, self-control Positive motivation for physical education and sports
Expected results: Value attitude to health. Sustained interest, the need for physical activity. Physical, mental and social health of the student
The structure of the health-forming educational system
Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of analysis of normative documents, the study and generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience of general education schools were used to specify the main goals and objectives of the health-forming pedagogical system and develop the content of its main elements for the full implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of an educational institution for the formation of health, timely socialization and prevention of deviant behavior of students.
Results of the study and their discussion. Within the framework of scientific work, a model of a health-forming system was designed, which involves the integrated use of educational, health-improving, psychological-pedagogical, socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies in the educational and upbringing process.
One of the main conditions for successfully solving the problems of shaping the health and socialization of schoolchildren is to ensure the professional competence of the teacher of the physical culture, as well as control over the quality of education based on information technology and medical and pedagogical monitoring, which is a reconstructed organizational structure for managing an educational institution [7].
By definition, N.K. Dyusheeva, competence is the possession of the relevant competence, including its personal attitude to the subject of activity [5].
Effective implementation of the forms of physical education, the formation of the students' need for physical education and sports, the ability to properly organize the educational and motor mode of schoolchildren are associated with the formation of the technological competence of teachers, due to the degree of mastery of the technological foundations of the organization of the learning and upbringing process, providing an increase in the quality and effectiveness of professional activities [4].
In addition, to assess the effectiveness of the process of physical education at school, to analyze the dynamics of physical fitness of students, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring health, physical development and physical fitness. When developing the criteria for assessing the quality and effectiveness of physical education, we relied, firstly, on the structure of the physical culture of the individual, represented by motivational-value, operational and reflexive-activity components (L.I. Lubysheva, 1997) [6], secondly, on the structure of the physical culture
and sports environment, consisting of spatial and subject (sports facilities, inventory, equipment), content-technological (programs, methods, technologies) and socio-communicative (subjects and their interactions) components (I.V. Manzheley, 2010) [7].
The study of the level of formation of the motivational-value component is carried out through the diagnosis of physical culture and sports needs, motives and voluntary activity of students. The study of the operational component involves the assessment of physical culture and sports literacy, physical development and physical fitness, we used the most accessible methods for determining physical development: physique assessment according to the Kutel formula and the Shapovalova test, determination of the strength and shoulder index, the results of carpal dynamometry, etc. To assess the dynamics of the level of physical fitness, the results of control exercises for the development of basic physical qualities (running 30 m, 60 m, 100 m), shuttle run 4x9 m, run 1500 m (2000 m, 3000 m), long jump from a place, test for flexibility (leaning forward while standing on a bench or step), pulling up from a hang on the bar (m), pulling up on a low bar (raising the body from a prone position with legs bent at the knees) (g).
Conclusions. Effective implementation of the tasks of physical education for the formation of motivation and the need for physical education and sports, the creation of conditions for the organization of a rational educational and motor mode of schoolchildren, which is largely determined by the totality of forms of physical education implemented in a particular school, and forms the basis for creating a health-forming environment for each educational institutions. Ensuring the technological competence of teachers in the application of health-saving technologies (organizational and pedagogical technologies; educational and educational technologies; medical and recreational technologies; psychological and pedagogical technologies; socially adaptive and personality-developing technologies, etc.) on the basis of a system-activity, personality-oriented and environmental approaches contributes to the successful implementation of the pedagogical and health-improving potential of the educational environment.
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