Features of prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of sports and recreational activities
UDC 796.011
Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1 PhD D.N. Sazonov1
Postgraduate student S.I. Sylka1
PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Voronin1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to revealing the features of the prevention of deviant behavior of students in a professional educational organization and university students by means of sports and recreational activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The work used a multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptiveness" (MPQ) (A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanin), the Spielberger-Khanin test; a questionnaire by A. Bass and A. Darki to determine the index of aggressiveness or hostility; monitoring the activities of teachers and students, questioning, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical processing of the results of the study. The survey involved 475 students in professional educational organizations and 2145 first-year students of Belgorod State National Research University; in the experiment - 90 students in professional educational organizations and 90 students of Belgorod State National Research University
Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed the necessity and effectiveness of the use of means of physical culture and recreational activities in the prevention of students' deviant behavior. In the process of use of means of physical culture and recreational activities, attention was focused on getting pleasure from students in order to interrupt their destructive and stereotypical behavioral behavior programs, for which all forms of physical exercises were used aimed at emotionally active rest, entertainment, getting satisfaction from motor activity and comfortable psycho-emotional environment in the classroom.
Keywords: Keywords: physical culture and recreational activities, prevention of deviant behavior, students studying in professional educational organizations.
Introduction. In recent years, negative phenomena associated with deviant behavior (manifestations of aggressiveness, various kinds of addictions, self-destructive, immoral and immoral behavior, etc.) have been developing in the educational environment of Russian youth [1]. Physical culture and recreational activities has the potential not only for prevention, but also, in some cases, correction of the negative personal state of students. Of scientific interest is the identification of manifestation features, the degree of deviance among students in a professional educational organization and university students of the same age; the originality of the use of sports and recrea-
tional activity funds to solve the identified socio-peda-gogical problem and the rationale for methodological recommendations in the process of working with this category of young students.
Objective of the study was to revealing the features of the prevention of deviant behavior of students in a professional educational organization and university students by means of physical culture and recreational activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted in 2019-2021. on the basis of the Belgorod College of Public Catering, the Belgorod Construction College and the Belgorod State National Re-
search University. In the work, the analysis of scientific sources on the problem of research, physical culture and recreational activities and the results of students' activities was carried out; a multilevel personality questionnaire "Adaptiveness" (MPQ) (A.G. Maklakov and S.V. Chermyanin), the Spielberger-Khanin test was used; a questionnaire by A. Bass and A. Darki to determine the index of aggressiveness or hostility; monitoring the activities of teachers and students, questioning, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical processing of the results of the study. The survey involved 475 students in professional educational organizations and 2145 first-year students of the Belgorod State National Research University; in the experiment - 90 students in secondary vocational education and 90 students of the Belgorod State National Research University.
Results of the study and their discussion. The work on the prevention of deviant behavior of students by means of physical culture and health-improving activities included three successive stages: diagnostic and design; the stage of implementation of the prevention program and the reflexive stage (analysis of performance results). The results of the survey (MPQ "Adaptiveness") of 1st year students of the Belgorod State National Research University showed that the risk group is 348 people (18%). These students require constant supervision. The risk group includes students with average moral normativity (71%), low communicative potential (64%) and very low behavioral regulation (97% of risk group students).
According to the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in the first year of the Belgorod Construction College, it was revealed with a low (31%, 62 people) level of adaptive potential, the lowest values in terms of "moral normativity" (14%, 28 people), this indicates that that they may commit immoral acts. The risk group consisted of 43 people (21.5%).
A similar situation is in the Belgorod College of Public Catering, where 34% (94 people) were found to have a low level of adaptive potential, the lowest values in terms of "behavioral regulation" were 24% (66 people), which indicates the inability of first-year students to control their behavior. The risk group consisted of 63 people (23%). Students of professional educational organizations and universities were conditionally distributed according to the levels of manifestation of deviant behavior:
- low level (the process of adaptation of students can be difficult, but they are able to cope with them on
their own, show interest in physical culture and recreational activities and are convinced of the importance of this activity);
- medium level (the process of socialization is complicated, asocial breakdowns, manifestation of aggressiveness and conflict are possible; students sometimes show interest in physical culture and recreational activities, but are not always convinced of the significance of this activity);
- high level (students with a difficult character, which negatively affects their personal emotional state and communication with others; the adaptation process is difficult; neuropsychic breakdowns and conflicts are possible; delinquent acts can be tolerated).
According to a number of scientists [2, 3, 5], the purpose of the physical culture and recreational activities is to obtain constructive pleasure. Consequently, physical recreation contributes to the formation of sa-nogenic thinking (Yu.M. Orlov), since it carries a powerful healing effect, which can be directly reflected in the improvement of not only physical, but also mental, social health of a person [4]. In this regard, in the process of physical culture and recreational activities, we focused on getting pleasure from students, for which we used all forms of physical exercises aimed at emotionally active rest, getting satisfaction from motor activity, restoring mental and physical strength, etc.
At the implementation stage of the program, the goal was to interrupt the action of destructive and stereotypical behavioral programs in students with deviant behavior by means of the physical culture and recreational activities; encourage them to display high self-control and regulation of behavior; get a positive result of self-regulation; consolidate it in a positive emotional experience; expand the experience of control over their own emotions and behavior.
During the formation of groups, students were differentiated by gender and based on personal preferences. The girls were offered rhythmic gymnastics as the main type of program (various gymnastic, dance exercises and complexes were used), and athleticism was offered to the boys (means from strength sports were used in the construction of classes).
The effective implementation of the experimental program was facilitated by the created organizational, methodological, stimulating pedagogical conditions for the involvement of all participants in the pedagogical process in the physical culture and recreational activities as a means of preventing deviant behavior. During the reflexive stage of the program implementa-
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April I № 4 2022
tion, its effectiveness was assessed based on a comparison of the diagnostic results before and after the experiment.
According to the results of the Spielberger-Khanin test, before the start of the experiment, the average level of situational anxiety among students in groups was 2.24; at the end of the experiment, the measurements showed situational anxiety 1.98 and personal anxiety 1.89. Consequently, we observe a significant decrease in the level of both situational and personal anxiety.
In the process of diagnosis, according to the questionnaire of A. Bass and A. Darki, the index of aggressiveness or hostility was determined: physical aggression, indirect, irritation, negativism, resentment, suspicion, verbal aggression, guilt.
Analysis of the results before the start of the experiment showed that the predominant types of reactions in 43% of students were verbal and physical aggression, at the end of the experiment, measurements showed 21% verbal and 16% physical aggression. In general, as the results of the study showed, the level of manifestation of deviant behavior has qualitatively decreased: before the start of the experiment, the average level in the groups was 43%, the high level was 67%; until finished ii experiment high level 11%, average level 34%, low level 55%.
Conclusion. Students with deviant behavior require increased attention, support, including the use of means physical culture and recreational activities tools that help relieve neuropsychic stress and support their socio-psychological adaptation to training in professional educational organizations and at the university.
In the process of physical culture and recreational activities, we focused on getting pleasure from students, for which we used all forms of physical exercises aimed at emotionally active rest and creating a comfortable psycho-emotional environment in the classroom. Gender differentiation and taking into account the preferences of students, the use of means
from strength sports for boys and rhythmic gymnastics for girls had a positive impact on the process of replacing the pathogenic with sanogenic thinking and behavior.
The article was prepared as part of the project "On summing up the results of the intra-university competition of the Belgorod State National Research University for seeking grants to support public and humanitarian areas of research" dated August 14, 2020 No. 826-OD.
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