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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kasmalieva A.S.

Objective of the study was to identify the conditions and stages of formation of professionally significant technological competencies of bachelors of physical culture to improve the quality of training of future teachers of physical culture.Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of document analysis, generalization of the experience of pedagogical universities were used to specify the goals and objectives of the main educational program for the preparation of bachelors of physical culture in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Physical Education" (2021) and the development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher in accordance with the stages of the learning process at the university.Results and conclusions. The content of the curricula for the training of bachelors of physical culture has been developed, in accordance with the requirements of the new State Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Physical Education" (2021), based on the principles of consistency, continuity, humanization of education, competence-based, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches to education. It was revealed that the use of a practice-oriented health-saving education trajectory contributes to the formation of professionally significant competencies of future physical education teachers.

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Formation of professional competencies of future physical education teachers

UDC 796.077.5

PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Kasmalieva1 1Kyrgyz-Turkish University, Manas, Kyrgyz Republic

Corresponding author: [email protected]


Objective of the study was to identify the conditions and stages of formation of professionally significant technological competencies of bachelors of physical culture to improve the quality of training of future teachers of physical culture.

Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of document analysis, generalization of the experience of pedagogical universities were used to specify the goals and objectives of the main educational program for the preparation of bachelors of physical culture in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Physical Education" (2021) and the development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher in accordance with the stages of the learning process at the university.

Results and conclusions. The content of the curricula for the training of bachelors of physical culture has been developed, in accordance with the requirements of the new State Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Physical Education" (2021), based on the principles of consistency, continuity, humanization of education, competence-based, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches to education. It was revealed that the use of a practice-oriented health-saving education trajectory contributes to the formation of professionally significant competencies of future physical education teachers.

Keywords: humanization of education, human health, technological competencies, teaching principles.

Introduction. The most important principle of state policy in the field of education is the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual. In 2020, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic approved the "Program for the Development of Education in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2021-2040", which outlines the need to improve the quality of school education and train teachers who are able to meet modern challenges, solve problems of socialization, the formation of physical culture and the health of students and students.

To improve the efficiency of education at different levels, from preschool to vocational education, it is necessary to reformat its content aspects, develop and implement new state standards at all levels of education [1, 7].

The effectiveness of teaching, its humanistic essence and quality are predetermined, first of all, by the professionalism and high technological culture of the teacher.

Objective of the study was to identify the conditions and stages of formation of professionally significant technological competencies of bachelors of physical culture to improve the quality of training of future teachers of physical culture.

Methods and structure of the study. The methods of generalization, systematization, methods of document analysis, generalization of the experience of pedagogical universities were used to specify the goals and objectives of the main educational program for the preparation of bachelors of physical culture in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April I № 4 2023

the direction of "Physical Education" (2021) and the development of professional competencies of a physical education teacher in accordance with the stages of the learning process at the university.

Results of the study and their discussion. It has been proven that the structure and content of the environment of an educational institution is of great importance for the formation of physical culture competencies among students, while "... a physical culture and sports environment should encourage the search for their own results of educational and extracurricular activities for the manifestation and self-expression of its individuality by means of physical culture and mass sports" [9].

Today, in the system of general secondary education, a physical education teacher is in demand, who has the necessary competencies in health protection, the use of extracurricular and extracurricular forms of classes to improve health and form a positive motivation for schoolchildren for active physical education and sports.

According to N.K. Smirnov, "health-saving educational technologies are a systematic approach to education and upbringing, built on the teacher's desire not to harm the health of students" [11].

In the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction 532000 «Physical Culture», approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2015, the tasks of training future teachers of physical culture were defined in the following wording: «... to promote the formation of a general culture of the individual by means of physical culture in the process of physical universal values and a healthy lifestyle; promote the conscious use of physical culture as a means of restoring and strengthening health, familiarizing with a healthy lifestyle" [4].

In this version of the SES HPE (2015), the list of professional competencies included only two compe-

tencies related to the formation of the personality of those involved. In addition, an emphasis was placed on the disciplines of the basic part of the professional block, as a result of which a number of disciplines of the humanitarian and natural science block "dropped out" of the educational program ("Olympic education", "Age psychology", "Age physiology", "Information technologies « etc.).

In 2021, by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 1578/1 dated September 21, 2021, a new State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education was approved in the direction 532000 «Physical Education».

The new State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education «Physical Education» (2017) took into account the above shortcomings and omissions. A provision has been adopted that "the university independently determines the set of disciplines (modules) and their labor intensity, which relate to each block of the Main Educational Program for the preparation of bachelors of physical education" [5].

Modern scientists note the high efficiency of practice-oriented learning technologies that contribute to the formation of significant professional personality traits in students, research and project competencies for the development of health programs for different contingents, while it is important to form the ability to determine priority tasks, taking into account various factors and limitations [10].

In 2022, we have developed and approved the curricula for the preparation of bachelors of physical education and sports at the Faculty of Sports Sciences at KTU «Manas», taking into account national traditions, regional and environmental conditions of educational institutions, features of the development of health programs for different contingents, a variety of organizational forms and methods of work on the introduction of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, which leads to the

Table 1. Structure of the Main Educational Program for bachelor's degree (State Higher Educational Institution, direction 532000 "Physical culture and sports": Bachelor, 21.09 2021 № 1578/1)

Structure of the Main Educational Program for the preparation of bachelors The scope of the MEP and its blocks (in credits)

Block 1 Disciplines 215

I. Humanitarian, social and economic cycle 34

II. Mathematical and natural science cycle 12

III. Professional cycle 169

Block 2 Practice 15

Block3 State final certification 10

The scope of the MEP HPE for the preparation of bachelors 240

Table 2. Professionally significant competencies of future teachers of Physical Education

State Educational Standard of Higher Professional State Educational Standard of Higher Professional

Education, direction: 532000 «Physical culture», Education, direction: 532000 «Physical Culture and

approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Sports», qualification: Bachelor approved by Order of

Science of the Kyrgyz Republic dated September 15, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz 2015 No. 1179/1 Republic dated September 21, 2021 No. 1578/1

Competencies in health care • Use in the practice of physical education knowledge about the physiological processes occurring in the human body in the process of its development; • Use pedagogical, biomedical methods, monitoring the state of students, the impact of physical activity on them and adjust them depending on the results of control.

Competencies in health care

• Is able to use the value potential of physical education

and sports to form a general culture of students' personality, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, interest and need for physical exercises and sports; • Able to plan and conduct physical education classes and extracurricular activities in educational institutions with various contingents and ensure the protection of life and health of students in the UVP and extracurricular activities;

• Able to implement various forms of sports and recreation activities, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved, hygienic, climatic, environmental and other factors;

• Able to use the spiritual values accumulated in the field of physical culture and sports, the knowledge gained about the characteristics of the personality of those

involved in the education of patriotism, the prevention of deviant behavior, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the need for regular physical education and sports.

creation of a dynamic educational environment and a certain freedom in choosing the path of learning.

For the formation of cognitive, research abilities of a physical education teacher, the ability to logically generalize, conduct a comparative analysis of the results of activities, contributing to the improvement of the professional culture of graduates of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of KTU «Manas», we have developed the following professional competencies of health formation:

• the ability to use the value potential of physical culture and sports for the formation of a general culture of the personality of students, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, interest and need for physical education and sports;

• the ability to plan and conduct training sessions and extracurricular activities in physical culture with a different contingent and ensure the protection of life and health of students;

• the ability to implement various forms of sports and recreation activities, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved, hygienic, climatic, environmental and other factors;

• the ability to use the spiritual values of physical culture and sports, the knowledge gained about the characteristics of the personality of those involved in

the education of patriotism, the prevention of deviant behavior, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the need for regular physical education and sports.

When developing educational and methodological support and the content of the disciplines of the main educational program, we adhered to the idea of a practice-oriented health-saving trajectory of education, relying on the principles of consistency and continuity, humanization of education, competence-based, student-oriented, activity-based approaches and innovative technologies of physical education (personality-oriented technology of physical education (M.Ya. Vilensky), the formation of a healthy lifestyle and sports-oriented physical education (L.I. Lubysheva), the Spartan technology of spiritual and physical rehabilitation of children and youth (V.I. Stol-yarov) [2, 8, 12].

Experts note that for the effective formation of technological competence among future physical education teachers, it is important to create the following pedagogical conditions: the formation of positive motivation to master the technological foundations of the organization of the educational process; using the possibilities of formal and non-formal education in the formation of technological competence; stages of formation of technological competence [3].

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I April I № 4 2023

The disciplines of the professional cycle are arranged in a certain sequence, taking into account the continuity of the stages of formation of students' competencies: Stage 1 - the formation of students' professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills; 2nd stage - providing subject and professional training; 3rd stage - result-competence: personal and professional development of the future physical culture teacher [10].

The process of forming professional competencies of students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences is associated with the development of pedagogical technologies aimed at protecting the health of schoolchildren and their application in the process of passing summer recreational, school and state pedagogical practice.

When preparing educational and methodological support and educational and methodological complexes in the disciplines: "Human Physiology", "Biochemistry of Sports", "Kinesiology", "Sports Medicine", "Hygienic Fundamentals of Physical Culture and Sports", "Planning Physical Education Lessons and Assessment Methods", "Age Physiology", etc. laboratory workshops were developed on the development of express tests for assessing somatic health, self-diagnosis and correction of physique, conditions were created to attract students to design and educational and research work.

Conclusions. The formation of professionally significant technological competencies of a physical education teacher based on the creation of a practice-oriented health-saving trajectory for the education of bachelors of physical culture involves the gradual development of the value potential of physical culture, the development of cognitive, research abilities, mastery of the necessary health-saving technologies, the presence of readiness and personal experience in the implementation of physical culture and sports activities in various environmental conditions.


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