Organization of a sports and health environment of a higher educational institution for students of a special medical department
UDC 376.23
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Radaeva1 PhD V.S. Sosunovsky1 A.B. Sharafeeva1 PhD Zhang Yaqun2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk 2Anshan Normal University, Anshan, China
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 14.06.2023
Objective of the study was to develop the content of a sports and recreation project for students of a special medical group (SMG) and exercise therapy, including students with disabilities.
Results and conclusions. A sports and health project "From Accessible Sports to a Healthy Mind" has been developed. The main goal of the project is to ensure accessibility in the physical activity of students with deviations in the state of health. The project provides for the peculiarities of the health status of students, the types of activities that are presented in it are available for various groups of the population, including people with disabilities. At the same time, these types of activities are of a developing nature and have a competitive form, which increases the motivation to perform movements. The results obtained from the implementation of the developed project will allow developing an innovative vector for the formation of a new concept of physical education for students of the SHG and exercise therapy, which is based on the principle of individualization of education, taking into account the conjugation of the development of bodily, motor, intellectual and professional abilities of students.
Keywords: physical education, sports and health environment, students of the special medical department.
Introduction. In the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly dated February 21, 2023, the issue of science and education is updated, which consists in the training of professional personnel. It should be noted that for specialists in working professions, an optimal level of functional and physical fitness is required, which will ensure the efficiency and productivity of professional activities. In turn, these characteristics can be achieved with the help of physical culture and sports. The discipline "Physical culture and sport" is presented in all higher educational institutions as the most important component of the integral development of the individual.
In 2019, the National projects of Russia (demography, healthcare, education, etc.) were launched. The national project of Russia "Demography" includes
such projects as "Health of the Nation" and "Sport is the norm of life!". The passport of the national project "Demography (Strengthening public health)" involves the formation of a system of motivating citizens to a healthy lifestyle (HLS), which can be carried out through the development of individual plans for a healthy lifestyle, monitoring the health status of various segments of the population and organizing communication projects in the field of public health [ 2].
As part of the sports and recreation activities for students of Tomsk State University, a variety of sports and recreational activities are held, but most of them are organized for students of the main and sports departments who do not have health problems. In turn, the low involvement of students of the special department (SMG, exercise therapy), including students with disabilities, negatively affects not only their motor and
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I August I № 8 2023
functional readiness, but also the motivational sphere for physical education and sports.
According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 34% of students enrolled in universities in 2018 are assigned to a special medical group (SMG). According to the statistics of medical examinations of students enrolled in the 1st year of National Research Tomsk State University, in 2018 the number of those assigned to the SMG was 23% of the total number of students, while in 2020 this percentage increased to 31% [3].
In 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health approved the Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases for the period up to 2025, which involves the timely prevention of various non-communicable diseases, including at the expense of human physical culture.
In connection with these statistics, today, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of programs in groups of special medical departments aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, preventing diseases with the help of physical culture.
Objective of the study was to develop the content of a sports and recreation project for students of the SMG and exercise therapy, including students with disabilities.
Results of the study and their discussion. We
have developed a sports and health project "From affordable sports to a healthy mind". The main goal of the project is to ensure accessibility in the physical activity of students with deviations in the state of health. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
• Create a special physical culture and health-improving environment for students with disabilities, including those with disabilities, through the introduction of specialized equipment and equipment, tools, methods, techniques, technologies in the organization and conduct of training sessions in the discipline "Physical Culture and Sports".
• Conduct master classes on various types of physical activity (health aerobics, yoga, educational kinesiology, Chinese gymnastics Qigong Baduan Jin, etc.), which help increase students' motivation for physical education and sports.
• Involvement of students with deviations in the state of health, including those with disabilities, to a conscious attitude towards their health, the formation of skills for self-control of the functional state of the body.
• Hold a sports and health festival "From Accessible Sports to a Healthy Mind" (includes the passage of
various stations where students perform exercises from the Paralympic sport "Boccia", basketball, darts, kine-siology and exercises from other sports in a lightweight form) aimed at increasing the level of physical development, motor and functional readiness of students.
• Formation of sustainable interest in the means of physical activity, their systematic use in everyday life.
The sports and health project "From affordable sports to a healthy mind" is the founder of the creation of a special sports and health environment for students with health problems, including those with disabilities. The organization and implementation of the project allows each student to express themselves in various types of physical activity, regardless of health limitations. So for a long time at Tomsk State University (TSU) a sports competition in various sports has been organized, in which only students of the main medical health group can take part. The project provides for the peculiarities of the health status of students, the types of activities that are presented in it are available for various groups of the population, including people with disabilities. At the same time, these types of activities are of a developing nature and have a competitive form, which increases the motivation to perform movements.
Quantitative results of the project. The sports and health project "From affordable sports to a healthy mind" attracted 211 students of physical education departments to the active participation: a special medical group and therapeutic physical culture. This number amounted to 41% of the total number of TSU students assigned to a special medical group and therapeutic physical culture. Also, 54 students of the Faculty of Physical Education took part in the project as volunteers and in the judging teams. Thus, the total number of students involved in the project amounted to 265 people.
Quality results of the project. It should be noted that in pedagogical activity, qualitative results are delayed, which may appear after an indefinite time. We assume that the popularization of physical culture and sports among the target groups of the project will be achieved if the developed project is carried out on a regular basis, which will provoke specialized training of students to participate in this event, and thereby increase the level of motivation for physical activity, and it, in turn, will increase the level of functional and motor fitness, affecting the general state of human health (see figure).
In the process of surveying the project participants, feedback was received, from which it can be noted
that the project influenced the rallying of students from their faculty, and also influenced communication among university students. These data, in addition to social significance, represent intellectual significance, which consists in the implementation of joint interdisciplinary research by students.
It is worth noting that it is important for students to relieve the intellectual and mental stress that accumulates during the academic semester, and is especially evident during the session. In the works of G.S. Belyaeva, V.S. Lobzina, I.A. Kopylova (1977), I. Schulz (1985) and others indicated the influence of motor activity on the processes of harmonization of human mental activity [1, 4]. Thus, images of movement of a dynamic and static nature are one of the methods of mental self-regulation of a person's emotional states.
When analyzing feedback, it was revealed that the project influenced the emotional sphere of students, which manifested itself in toning up the internal processes of restoring mental and physical performance.
The participants of the festival indicated the use of activities in the course of its implementation, which they had not previously met, thereby affecting the interest in their implementation, but at the same time, these activities were available to them, which they successfully coped with.
In the course of analyzing the results of an anonymous survey, 86% of the festival participants would take part in it again, and 91% recommend other students to take an active part in it.
Conclusions. The results obtained from the implementation of the developed project will allow developing an innovative vector for the formation of a new concept of physical education for students of the SHG and exercise therapy, which is based on the principle of individualization of education, taking into account the conjugation of the development of bodily, motor, intellectual and professional abilities of students.
1. Belyaev G.S., Lobzin V.S., Kopylova I.A. Psikho-gigiyenicheskaya samoregulyatsiya [Psycho-hygienic self-regulation]. Leningrad Meditsina. 1977. 160 p.
2. Pasport natsionalnogo proyekta «Demografiya» [Passport of the national project "Demography"] [Electronic resource]. Natsionalnyye proyekty Rossii. Available at: https://xn--80aapampem-cchfmo7a3c9ehj.xn--p1ai/ (date of access: 03.02.2023).
3. Radaeva S.V., Sosunovsky V.S., Bezhentseva L.M. Otnosheniye studentov k organizatsii prot-sessa fizicheskogo vospitaniya v distantsionnom formate obucheniya [The attitude of students to the organization of the process of physical education in a distance learning format]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2021. No. 10. pp. 75-76.
4. Shults I.G. Autogennaya trenirovka [Autogenic training]. Moscow: Meditsina publ., 1985. 32 p.
Estimated qualitative results of the developed project aimed at students of the special medical department
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I August I № 8 2023