Formation of professional competences of students of the training direction "adaptive physical culture" in the framework of the project "school of health for children with mental
UDC 796; 376; 378.1
Dr. Hab., Professor M.A. Pravdov1 2
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.A. Mikhailov2
Postgraduate student N.A. Chirkin2
Dr. Biol., Professor L.K. Buslovskaya1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2Ivanovo State University, Shuya Branch, Shuya
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to determine the degree of formation of professional competencies among students of the direction of training adaptive physical culture in the process of implementing the project "School of Health for Children with Mental Disabilities".
Methods and structure of the study. During the implementation of the project "School of Health for Children with Mental Disabilities "Expand Boundaries" it was attended by 100 children with mental disabilities from boarding schools in the Ivanovo region, 40 students and 19 teachers of the Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University. Experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups of 20 people were formed from among the students. In the process of implementing the project, two groups of tasks were solved: to form professional competencies among students enrolled in the educational program "Physical rehabilitation in the direction of training 49.03.02 Physical culture for people with disabilities (adaptive physical culture)", for the organization and conduct of various forms physical culture and health-improving and sports activities with children with mental disorders; creation of an educational environment that ensures the availability of quality education and successful socialization for people with disabilities.
Results and conclusions. During the pedagogical experiment, APC students got the opportunity to effectively develop professional competencies, personal growth, and creativity. It was noted that students from the EG had a qualitatively increased degree of professional competencies in comparison with students from the CG.
Keywords: professional competencies, students, children with mental disorders, physical culture and wellness work.
Introduction. The regulatory documents regulating the training of future specialists for the system of adaptive physical culture indicate the need to organize practice-oriented training in order to form competencies that meet modern requirements [1, 2]. It is noted that when graduating from a university, students do not have the necessary professional competencies, which leads to a decrease in interest in work and social responsibility [1]. The solution to this problem is possible on the basis of the activation of the social partnership of the university, which trains future specialists in the field of adaptive physical culture, both with correctional educational organizations where children with disabilities study, and with organizations that implement charitable programs in the field of physical culture.
Objective of the study was to determine the degree of formation of professional competencies among students of the direction of training adaptive physical culture in the process of implementing the project "Health School for Children with Mental Disabilities".
Methods and structure of the study. To assess the degree of formation of professional competencies among students, materials from the fund of assessment tools presented in the main educational program were used. The students of the Shuisky branch of the Ivanovo State University, who are studying in the direction of "Physical Education for Persons with Health Disabilities (Adaptive physical culture - APhC)" of the 2nd and 3rd courses, took part in the testing. The study
was conducted from May to December 2022. During this period, the project "School of Health for Children with Mental Disabilities "Expand the Boundaries!"" was implemented. The project involved 100 children with mental disabilities from boarding schools in the Ivanovo region, 40 students and 19 teachers of the Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University. From the number of students of two courses, experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups of 20 people were formed, homogeneous in terms of the degree of formation of professional competencies.
In the process of the project implementation, two groups of tasks were solved: 1 - to form professional competencies among students studying under the educational program "Physical culture for people with disabilities (adaptive physical culture)"; 2 - creation of an educational environment for children with mental disabilities, ensuring the availability of quality education and their successful socialization. Classes with children were held on the basis of 18 correctional boarding schools in the Ivanovo region, as well as at the Faculty of Physical Education of the Shuya branch of the Ivanovo State University, on the basis of which the site was equipped with specialized sports equipment and inventory for adaptive physical education. Students, together with teachers from boarding schools and the Faculty of Physical Education, twice a week conducted physical education and recreation classes and sports training in: adaptive basketball, unified football, boccia and unified boccia, volleyball, fitness, table tennis, special athlon, prepared children for participation in regional and national competitions. Classes were held under the supervision of full-time specialists of organizations (doctor, psychologist, trainer).
As part of the project, regional competitions in unified football, unified boccia were held; "Festival of Unified Sports"; the All-Russian seminar "Development of adaptive sports for children with mental disabilities" was held. The experimental work was carried out in close cooperation with the Ivanovo regional branch of the All-Russian Public Charitable Organization for Assistance to the Disabled with Mental Retardation "Special Olympics of Russia", whose programs are aimed at the socialization of children with mental disabilities through sports activities, the development of an inclusive culture through systematic training and competitions of healthy children and children with disabilities (competitions of the united unified teams). Together with the Ivanovo branch of the Special Olympics of Russia, educational and methodological seminars were held for students and teachers of correctional schools in the region on organizing inclusive training and holding mass inclusive sports events, which is undoubtedly important for future specialists.
In the process of preparing students from the EG for classes with children, the problems associated with the development of methods for conducting physical culture and recreation activities with children with disabilities were considered, the experience of using modern technologies for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle was studied and analyzed, as well as the features of the implementation of inclusive physical culture and sports education in the activities of institutions and organizations that implement physical education and sports programs for children with problems in the mental sphere.
Results of the study and their discussion. During the pedagogical experiment, students of the
Table 1. Results of assessing the degree of competencies formation among students from the CG and the EG of the direction of training "Adaptive physical culture" (max = 10 points)
Professional competencies according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education CG (n = 20 people) EG (n = 20 people)
Start Ending Start Ending
Able to plan individual and group work on the APhC program with persons with disabilities 4,6±0,8 5,9±0,8 4,4±0,8 8,4±0,4
Able to carry out social interaction and realize his role in a team, carry out business communication, conduct classes and physical culture and sports events in APhC for motor and cognitive learning and physical training of persons with disabilities 4,7±0,9 6,1±0,9 4,5±0,5 8,5±0,6
Able to form recommendations on APhC, compliance with the regime of work and rest of the practitioner, conduct correctional and developmental classes and activities for the socialization of those involved, household self-service, the formation of interest in systematic adaptive physical education 4,4±0,7 6,4±0,7 4,3±0,5 8,2±0,5
Able to conduct pedagogical observation, testing, diagnosis of the mental and physical condition of students 4,9±0,7 6,5±0,7 4,5±0,6 8,3±0,5
Average value 4,6±0,7 6,2±0,7 4,4±0,5 8,4±0,5
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I March I № 3 2023
Table 2. The results of assessing the formation of skills and abilities of students during the implementation of the project "Health School for Children with Mental Disabilities" (max = 10 points)
Types of activities in the process Timing of the The degree of formation of skills and abilities of students
of project implementation experiment Self-esteem students Evaluation by teachers
Organization of games and relay races with a group of children Start 3,6±0,8 3,4±0,8
Ending 6,7±0,9 6,3±0,9
Assistant referee and refereeing in the types of competitions Start 3,6±0,8 3,2±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 6,7±0,9
Accompanying a participant with disabilities at competitions and classes Start 3,6±0,8 3,2±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 7,1±0,9
Information support in the media Start 3,6±0,8 3,3±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 7,1±0,9
Preparation of class notes, protocols, regulations on competitions, etc. Start 3,6±0,8 3,3±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 6,8±0,9
Class maintenance Start 3,6±0,8 3,7±0,8
Ending 6,7±0,9 8,3±0,9
Conducting classes and trainings, including inclusive Start 3,6±0,8 3,3±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 7,8±0,9
Conducting observations, testing, diagnostics of the psychophysical state of children Start 3,6±0,8 3,3±0,8
Ending 7,7±0,9 7,1±0,9
"Adaptive physical culture" training direction received the opportunity for the effective development of professional competencies, personal growth, and creative potential. It was noted that students from the EG had a qualitatively increased degree of professional competencies in comparison with students from the CG (Table 1).
In the course of the study, it was determined that the students from the EG consider their participation in the project as a significant stage in their professional training. According to the results of self-assessment, students from the EG showed a significant increase in points in terms of the formation of skills and abilities in working with children with disabilities, which is also confirmed by the data of teachers who highly appreciated their activities within the project at the end of the pedagogical experiment (Table 2).
It has been established that the majority of teachers (94.7%) and all students believe that such a form of participation in practice-oriented activities in the framework of projects with children with disabilities is a necessary condition for high-quality preparation for future professional activities.
Conclusions. The results obtained allow us to state the fact of the positive impact of practice-oriented activities within the framework of the implementation of the project "Health School for Children with Mental Disabilities" on increasing the degree of for-
mation of professional competencies among students of the "Adaptive Physical Culture" training direction.
The study was conducted within the framework of agreement No. 091-15-2022-098 dated April 25, 2022 (on the provision of grants from the Federal budget in the form of subsidies to legal entities - winners of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among educational institutions of higher education in 2022) and with the support of the Ivanovo regional branch "Special Olympics Russia"
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