UDC 376.3 DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-174-184
Model of inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments
Olga N. Stepanova *, Kirill D. Lashenkov
Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow, Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-4114-2801, [email protected]* ORCID: 0000-0003-2247-3557, [email protected]
Abstract: Modern educational system has taken a course to the principles of inclusion realization. It provides co-education of people with disabilities and normatively healthy students. Russia has accumulated more than twenty years of experience in the principles of inclusion realization at schools. As for higher educational establishments, they have applied the principles of inclusion only in recent years, and the issue of organizing inclusive physical education for university students with special educational needs is still very urgent. Materials. The research was held on the basis of three higher educational establishments in Moscow: Russian State Social University, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow Pedagogical State University. The material of the research formed the results of special information sources analysis; content analysis of program-normative documents of higher educational establishments. They regulate the following processes: physical upbringing, sports training and educational process organization of students, who have and don't have health state disorders; studying nosological situation of students with disabilities; pedagogical observation over the process of physical exercises fulfillment and sport mastering at a higher educational establishment; questioning among 160 students with hearing impairments and 374 healthy students, expert interview among 52 teachers from physical education department and coaches of students sport clubs. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, content analysis of program-normative documents, anamnesis, questioning (interview and questionnaire survey), pedagogical observation, expert analysis, pedagogical modeling. Results. We created the model of inclusive physical upbringing of students with hearing impairments. It includes 4 blocks:1) conceptual, which includes the main idea, methodological approaches and principles; 2) target, which reveals the aim and the objectives; 3) conceptual, which characterizes the directions (educational, physical culture-sports, health-improving-rehabilitation and heath-improving-recreational) and forms (lessons and extracurricular activity) of work; 4) evaluative-resulting, which includes the description of the expected results (educational, health-improving, upbringing, correctional-compensatory, social-adaptive and organizational) of the modeled pedagogical process. Conclusion. The results of the experimental testing impairments would be effective in terms of the following conditions: a) reasonable combination of the inclusion and segregation principles; b) taking into account educational and physical culture and sports needs, health state (including nosology, the degree of pathology, other diseases and their character), the level and peculiarities of physical development, functional state, physical fitness and sports experience of students; c) observing the principle of variability of the realized programs of physical education and sports work.
Key words: students with disabilities, students with hearing impairments, inclusive physical education of students at a higher educational establishment
For citation: Olga N. Stepanova *, Kirill D. Lashenkov. Model of inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 138-145. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-174-184.
Modern educational system has taken a course to the principles of inclusion realization. It provides co-education of people with disabilities and normatively healthy students. Inclusion excludes any kind of students' discrimination and provides the attitude to all people as equal ones, but at the same time, creates necessary conditions for people. They have special educational needs [1]. Russia has accumulated more than twenty years of experience in the principles of inclusion realization at schools. As for higher educational establishments, they have applied the principles of inclusion only in recent years, and the issue of organizing inclusive physical education for university students with special educational needs is still very urgent.
According to the results of the Federal Government Statistical Service in 2021/2022 the amount of students-invalids, who study according to educational programs of higher education, was 31100 people [3], most part of them had hearing impairments [4]. These students need own scientifically substantiated model of physical culture educational-upbringing process. it is based on the principles of inclusion.
Materials and methods
In order to realize the set objectives we used the following research methods: information sources analysis and summarizing, content analysis of program-normative documents, anamnesis, questioning (interview and questionnaire survey), pedagogical observation, expert analysis, pedagogical modeling.
The research was held on the basis of three higher educational establishments in Moscow: Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Moscow Pedagogical State University", Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian State Social University" and Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" and included three stages.
During the 1st stage we organized the following: theoretical analysis and summarizing of the literature concerning the problem of the research; content analysis of program-normative documents of higher educational establishments. They regulate the following processes: physical upbringing, sports training and educational process organization of students. They have and don't have health state disorders; studying nosological situation of students with disabilities; pedagogical observation over the process of physical exercises fulfillment and sport mastering at a higher educational establishment.
During the second stage we organized questioning
among 160 students with hearing impairments in order to reveal their preferences in choosing means and ways of physical education process organization; among 374 healthy students in order to reveal their notion of expediency, organizational forms and content of inclusive physical education; among 52 teachers from physical education department and coaches of students sport clubs in order to reveal their position concerning the expediency and the peculiarities of inclusive forms of physical exercises and sport realization at a higher educational establishment in general and with the students with hearing impairments in particular.
The third stage was connected with the received analytical and empiric results summarizing and realization and the model of inclusive physical upbringing creation among higher educational establishment students with hearing impairments.
Results and Discussion
The model of inclusive physical education among higher educational establishment students with hearing impairments can be described by means of the following conceptual theses:
The first. Methodological basis for the system of inclusive physical education organization among the students of higher educational establishment are the ideas of inclusive, adaptive, environmental and program-target approach.
Inclusive approach ^.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova, 2004; N.V. Borisova, 2009; S.N. Prushinskiy, 2009; and others) provides co-education of people with disabilities and normatively healthy students. It excludes any kind of discrimination of students and provides the attitude to all people as equal ones, but at the same time, creates necessary conditions for people, who have special educational needs.
Adaptive approach ^A. Yamburg, 1997; P.I. Tretyakov, 2002; and others) dictates the necessity to adapt educational system to the appearing (including special needs) educational and physical culture and sport needs of students.
Environmental approach (S.V. Ivalova, 2013; О.N. Stepanova, А.А. Shipenko, 2013; and others) provides such way of educational-upbringing process organization. It is realized by means of special environment creation (including social-cultural, spatial-objective and technological components). This environment provides the opportunities for a personal and physical development and students' educational and physical culture-sports needs realization.
Program-target approach ^.P. Lopatin, 2006; S.G. Vorovshchikov, 2010; S.D. Svishchev, 2021; and others), in accordance with which first of all the definite objectives of educational-upbringing process are formed, then the expected results (both final and intermediate) and necessary for their
achievement deadline, means, methods and forms of work are defined.
The second. Theoretical base of physical education process among students with hearing impairments form basic theses of physical culture theory and methodology (Yu.F. Kuramshin, P.F. Lesgaft, L.P. Matveev, Zh.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov and others), inclusive education (I.Yu. Levchenko, N.N. Malofeev, N.M. Nazarova, T.G. Neretina, F.L. Ratner, M.S. Staroverova, A.S. Suntsova and others), physical upbringing of students (M.Ya. Vilevskiy, V.I. Grigorev, E.I. Kibenko, N.V. Krasilnikova, I.V. Manzheley, A.A. Melnichuk, E.N. Nurmagomedova and others), special pedagogics (A.I. Dyachkov, L.V. Mardakhaev, N.M. Nazarova, E.A. Orlova and others), surdopedagogy (O.A. Erokhina, E.Yu. Kazenko, N.N. Pavlova, E.V. Stroeva and others), adaptive physical education of people with hearing impairments (S.P. Evseev, S.A. Korolev, E.A. Ovsyannikova, E.A. Oskolkova, E.A. Osokina, T.A. Selitrennikova, O.N. Stepanova, L.D. Khoda and others).
The third. The process of inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments is realized with the support of the following principles:
■ general scientific principles of inclusive education (V.L. Ananev, 2017; E.A. Klimov, 2001; V.D. Shadrikov, 2012; and others): integration, adaptability and availability, complexity, objectivity, social conditioning and legitimization, humanization, conscientiousness and activity;
■ principles of inclusive physical education (E.M. Mastyukova, 2003; O.A. Silaeva, 2014; and others): health-improvement, differentiation and individualization, pedagogical optimism, correctional-developing orientation;
■ principles of adaptive physical culture (S.P. Evseev, 2016): diagnosing, differentiation and individualization, correctional-developing and compensatory orientation, socialization and social integration, adequacy, optimality and variability of pedagogical effects;
■ principles of special pedagogics (O.I. Andreeva, 2012; V.P. Glukhov, 2019; N.M. Nazarova, 2013; and others): pedagogical optimism; correctional-compensatory orientation of education and upbringing; social-adapting orientation of education and upbringing; thinking, language and communication development in teaching and upbringing; activity-based approach in teaching and upbringing; differentiated and individual approach; necessity of a special pedagogical managemnt;
■ specific principles of surdopedagogy (I.G. Bagrova,2004; L.V. Andreeva, 2005; G.A. Karpova, 2008; K.I. Tudzhanov,2013; and others): mastering educational material together with native language mastering; intensification of hearing ability development together with pronunciation
development; auditory communication activation; activity-based approach in education and upbringing.
The 4th. The main idea of the authors, realized in this model, is in the fact that inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments should be realized on the basis of: firstly, reasonable combination of inclusion and segregation principles; secondly, the principle of the realized physical education programs variability. It provides taking into account (including special needs) educational and physical culture and sport needs, state of health (including nosology, the degree of pathology and the character of other diseases), the level and peculiarities of physical development, functional state, physical fitness and sports experience of students.
The 5th. The process of inclusive physical upbringing of students with hearing impairments provides the objectives realization, among which we define the following:
■ educational:
- new knowledge gaining in the sphere of physical education, health-improving and adaptive physical culture, students and adaptive sport;
- mastering new motor actions, training and improvement of the mastered motor actions. They are included into the program of educational and extracurricular physical culture-sport work with students with and without hearing impairments;
- mastering the system of practical abilities and skills. They provide health preservation and strengthening, psychic well-being, personality's psychophysical abilities, qualities and skills development and improvement, self-determination in physical culture and sport activity;
- mastering the methodology of health-improving and developing exercises complexes creation and fulfillment for independent lessons, mastering the ways of self-control during physical loads fulfillment, the rules of personal hygiene, a rational labor and rest regimen;
■ health-improving:
- health improvement, sickness rate decrease - the amount of days, a student misses because of illness;
- leveling the consequences of the present and earlier experienced diseases and injuries;
- harmonious physical development assistance, body parameters improvement among the students;
- the main, vitally important systems of an organism (cardiovascular, respiratory, locomotor) functioning;
- health state improvement;
- general level of physical condition increase (till the level of age-related and gender norms);
- psycho-emotional state improvement;
■ upbringing:
- steady interest formation in physical exercises and kinds of sport at a higher educational establishment;
- moral-volitional and aesthetic qualities upbringing;
- basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, quickness) and corresponding motor abilities development, weak motor qualities development till the level of age-related and gender norms;
■ correctional-compensatory:
- leveling the consequences of the existing and earlier experienced diseases, injuries, defects of development;
- psycho-motor disorders correction, which are caused by the existing disorders in health state, the mechanisms of the lost (partially or completely) motor abilities compensation formation;
■ socially- adaptive:
- motivational-axiological: the level of motivation to education and extracurricular physical culture activity increase, including inclusive format; the system of values formation, corresponding with modern demands of society; the level of life quality subjective evaluation increase; healthy students' tolerant attitude formation to the students with hearing impairments and vice versa;
- communicative: the developed speech improvement andvocabularybroadening the students with hearing impairments; mastering verbal and non-verbal forms of professional and interpersonal communication, adopted in educational sphere of a higher educational establishment, by the students with hearing impairments; the level of sociability increase; the skills of professional and interpersonal communication and cooperation formation with other subjects of educational-upbringing process; the increase of satisfaction and confidence in emotional communication with coevals, teachers, the representatives of educational-subsidiary and administrative-subsidiary personnel of a higher educational establishment;
- behavioral: mastering the actions, models of behavior, rules and norms, adopted in education sphere of a higher educational establishment; social activity increase, the level of involvement increase into mutual (inclusive) educational and extracurricular physical culture and sport activity;
■ organizational:
- the level of students' involvement (with hearing impairments and without them) increase into the system of physical culture and sport (both educational and extracurricular) work at a higher educational establishment;
- material-technical and informative part of barrierless physical culture and sport environment organization at a higher educational establishment at a high level;
- human resourcing of inclusive (both educational and extracurricular) physical culture and sport work organization at a higher educational establishment;
- educational-methodical and technological support of inclusive (both educational and extracurricular) physical culture and sport work organization at a higher educational establishment;
- the list of the realized kinds of motor activity and sport by a higher educational establishment;
- broadening the calendar of sports and physical culture mass events in an inclusive format, realized at a higher educational establishment;
- sports club organization for students with hearing impairments.
The 6th. The process of inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments is realized both in terms of educational lessons and during extracurricular activity. Its main directions are the following:
■ educational:
- educational process organization in "Physical culture and sport" disciplines (for normatively healthy students and in inclusive format) and "Physical culture and sport elective courses" (for normatively healthy students and in inclusive format);
- lessons organization with the students with hearing impairments according to "Adaptive physical culture" and "Adaptive physical culture elective courses" disciplines;
■ physical culture-sport:
- specialized kinds of sport lessons in educational groups of sports improvement, sports sections of a sports club of a higher educational establishments (for normatively healthy students and in inclusive format);
- specialized lessons of adaptive and deaflympics sport (badminton, basketball, freestyle wrestling and others [2]) in educational groups of sports improvement, adaptive-sports sections of a sports club of a higher educational establishment (for students with hearing impairments and in terms of cooperative lessons of students with and without disabilities);
- specialized classes of adaptive kinds of sport, which don't demand considerable motor activity (electronic shooting, darts, chess, draughts, cybersport, board adaptive sport games- sjoelbak, cornhole, culbuto, novuss, shuffleboard and others), in adaptive-sports sections of a sports club of a higher educational establishment with the students, who belong to a special medical group. They have steady disorders of somatic health: a) with hearing impairments, b) without hearing impairments, c) in mixed groups;
- combined teams training and taking part in different kinds of sport competitions. They are included into the program of competitions under
the aegis of Russian students sports union (for normatively healthy students and in inclusive format);
- training combined teams for sport competitions and adaptive and deaflympics sport competitions (for students with hearing impairments);
- training combined teams for annual inclusive student sports festivals and games;
■ health-improving-rehabilitation:
- organization of health-improving and adaptive physical culture lessons with preliminary use of swimming, Nordic walking means, the elements of outdoor and sport games, remedial and health-improving gymnastics (for the students of special medical group: a) with hearing impairments, b) without hearing impairments, c) in inclusive format);
- programs realization of health-improving and conditional (-fitness) training (for relatively healthy students, for students of special medical group: a) with hearing impairments, b) without hearing impairments, c) in mixed groups;
■ health-improving-recreational direction -sport-mass events organization and realization: camping trips, sport festivals, demonstration performances, outdoor games, relay-races and etc. (both in inclusive format and separately for students with and without hearing impairments).
The 7th. The main forms of inclusive physical exercises and sport classes with normatively healthy students and students with hearing impairments are the following:
■ lessons: educational (theoretical and practical) classes in terms of studying "Physical culture and sport", "Physical culture and sport elective courses" and "Adaptive physical culture, adaptive and deaflympics kinds of sport elective courses" disciplines;
■ extracurricular:
- small forms: morning hygienic gymnastics, P.T. breaks, micro pauses of an active rest, active breaks, respiratory gymnastics;
- big forms: health-improving (fitness-) trainings, sport trainings (including adaptive and deaflympics kinds of sport ), sport-mass events, sport competitions, remedial and health-improving gymnastics, controlling events (testing).
The 8th. The expected results of physical upbringing model realization among students with hearing impairments are the following:
■ educational:
- the formed (corresponding with the demands of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher education, the programs of "Physical culture and sport elective courses", "Adaptive physical culture, adaptive and deaflympics kinds of sport elective courses", "Physical culture and sport" disciplines, programs of sport work) complex of knowledge,
practical abilities and skills in the sphere of healthy life style, physical upbringing, health-improving and adaptive physical culture, students and adaptive sport;
- the ability to form, substantiate and fulfill the complexes of exercises of health-improving and developing orientation for independent lessons;
- mastering the skills of practical exercises fulfillment (high level and quality of their fulfillment). They are included into the program of "Physical culture and sport elective courses", "Physical culture and sport" disciplines;
■ health-improving:
- the amount of days decrease. They were missed because of some disease during the semester (ideally till zero level);
- positive dynamics of the amount of students increase. They were transferred from special medical group into preparatory group, from the preparatory group into the main group, from the main group into sports group;
- bringing the parameters of the constitution to an individual optimum;
- bringing the indices of physical development, functional state of the main, vital systems of an organism (cardiovascular, respiratory, locomotor) to the level of age-related and gender norms;
- health state improvement, psycho-emotional state normalization;
■ upbringing:
- understanding the necessity of physical self-development, systematic physical exercises and sport, healthy life style importance;
- realized healthy behavior, the absence of bad habits;
- high (ideally 100%) level of lessons attendance: a) in "Physical culture and sport" and "Physical culture and sport elective courses" disciplines in inclusive format; b) in "Adaptive physical culture" and "Adaptive physical culture, adaptive and deaflympics kinds of sport elective courses" disciplines among students with hearing impairments; extracurricular physical culture lessons and organized by a higher educational establishment physical culture and health-improving and sport events in inclusive format;
- correspondence between the level of physical fitness - the basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, quickness) and motor abilities: age-related and gender norm (taking into account the nosology); the demands of FSES HE, the programs of "Physical culture and sport", "Adaptive physical culture", "Physical culture and sport elective courses" and "Adaptive physical culture, adaptive and Deaflympics kinds of sport elective courses" disciplines, sport work programs; the VI th stage of All-Russian physical culture and sport complex "Ready for Labor and
Defense" (RLD);
■ correctional-compensatory:
- psycho-motor disorders, caused by hearing impairments, normalization (at least the intensity decrease);
- positive shifts in lost (because of the existing disorders) motor abilities recovery;
- positive shifts in subjective estimation of life quality (till the level, which corresponds with the demands of World Health Organization(WHO) in general and in the separate physical, psychic health, cognitive abilities, social well-being indices);
■ social-adaptive:
- motivational-axiological: high level of motivation formation to realize educational and extracurricular physical culture and sport activity, including inclusive format; the formed system of values and beliefs, which correspond with the demands of the society; high level of tolerance among relatively healthy students toward students with hearing impairments and vice versa;
- communicative: developed speech and rich vocabulary of students with hearing impairments; students' with hearing impairments ability to use verbal and non-verbal forms of professional and interpersonal communication, adopted in educational sphere of a higher educational establishment; high (corresponding with the demands of society) level of sociability; the formed skills of professional and interpersonal communication and cooperation with other students; high level of satisfaction and confidence in emotional communication with coevals, teachers, the representatives of educational-subsidiary and administrative-subsidiary personnel;
- behavioral: high level of actions, models of behavior, rules and norms formation, adopted in education sphere of a higher educational establishment; high level of social activity, the level of involvement into mutual (inclusive) educational and extracurricular physical culture and sport activity;
■ organizational:
- positive increase and the amount of students with and without hearing impairments (who are involved into the system of inclusive physical culture and health-improving and sport work) aproximation to the reference points, mentioned in the Strategy of physical culture and sport development in the Russian Federation during the period till 2030 and the present program of sport work at a higher educational establishment;
- the increase of the amount, broadening the spectrum and high level of sports and physical culture-mass events organization, realized at a higher educational establishment in an inclusive format and also with the students with hearing impairments;
- positive increase (till the level, which corresponds with the character of students' needs) of the kinds of motor activity and sport, realized by a higher educational establishment for the students with hearing impairments and also in inclusive format;
- positive increase (ideally, till the level, which helps to involve 100% of students with hearing impairments) of adaptive-sport sections and sport sections, which function in accordance with the principles of inclusion;
- the presence of effectively functioning sport club at a higher educational establishment (the departments of students sport club) for students with hearing impairments;
- the presence of the organized material-technical base and an informative component of available physical culture and sport environment for students with hearing impairments at a higher educational establishment;
- proper (which corresponds with the amount of students, the existing norms and staff list of physical education and sport department) amount and high degree of the staff professional competence, involved into the system of educational and extracurricular physical culture and health-improving work with the students with hearing impairments, without hearing impairments, in an inclusive format;
- complete provision of an inclusive (both educational and extracurricular) physical culture and sport work at a higher educational establishment with relevant educational-methodical documents (programs, plans, orders, educational-methodical projects, methodical recommendations and etc.);
- positive increase of (ideally, till the level, which provides 100% of involvement) the students with hearing impairments. They are involved into student volunteers sport movement;
- taking prize-winning places in overall standings of yearly Moscow students sport games in the unit of "Adaptive sport", Moscow students inclusive sport festival.
The results of the experimental testing of the authors' model showed that inclusive physical education of students with hearing impairments would be effective in terms of the following conditions: a) reasonable combination of the principles of inclusion and segregation; b) taking into account educational and physical culture and sports needs, health state (including nosology, the degree of pathology, other diseases and their character), the level and peculiarities of physical development, functional state, physical fitness and sports experience of students; c) observing the principle of the realized programs variability of physical education and sports work.
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Submitted: 20.05.2022 Author's information:
Olga N. Stepanova- Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Moscow Pedagogical State University, 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadskogo ave., House 88, e-mai: [email protected] Kirill D. Lashenkov - Post-graduate, Moscow Pedagogical State University, 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadskogo ave., House 88, e-mai: [email protected]