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Ключевые слова
higher education institutions / digital technologies / adaptive learning / student motivation / methodological recommendations / integration / высшие учебные заведения / цифровые технологии / адаптивное обучение / мотивация студентов / методические рекомендации / интеграция

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — А Д. Зубков

The article discusses implementation of personalized teaching of professionally-oriented foreign language in higher education institutions using massive open online courses (MOOCs). Given the rapid development of digital technologies and globalization of professional communities, there is a growing need to individualize and intensify the educational process. Personalized learning, focused on the unique needs of each student, becomes a key element of successful foreign language acquisition by students at the higher education level. This study comprehensively covers the theoretical foundations and principles of personalized learning and thoroughly analyzes the features and advantages of using MOOCs for this purpose. In the article, the author proposes methodological recommendations for the integration of MOOCs into the teaching process of higher education institutions and assesses possible problems and challenges. Based on the analysis, the author provides practical advice for higher education institutions and outlines directions for future research.

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В статье обсуждается внедрение персонализированного обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку в высших учебных заведениях с использованием массовых открытых онлайн-курсов (МООК). С учетом стремительного развития цифровых технологий и глобализации профессиональных сообществ растет необходимость индивидуализации и интенсификации образовательного процесса. Персонализированное обучение, ориентированное на уникальные потребности каждого студента, становится ключевым элементом успешного освоения иностранного языка студентами на уровне высшего образования. Данное исследование комплексно охватывает теоретические основы и принципы персонализированного обучения, а также тщательно анализирует особенности и преимущества использования МООК для этих целей. В статье автором предлагаются методические рекомендации по интеграции МООК в учебный процесс вузов, а также оцениваются возможные проблемы и вызовы. На основе проведенного анализа автор предоставляет практические советы для высших образовательных учреждений и намечает направления для будущих исследовани


3. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Intellektual'naya aktivnost'kakproblema tvorchestva. Rostov-na-Donu: RGU, 1983.

4. Stepashov N.S. Tvorcheskaya iniciativa v sisteme obucheniya. Moskva: Znanie, 1990.

5. D'yui D. Psihologiya ipedagogika myshleniya. Perevod s anglijskogo N.M. Nikol'skoj. Moskva: Sovershenstvo, 1997.

6. Shackij S.T., Shackaya V.N. Sohranim to, chto est' v detyah. Moskva: Karapuz, 2011.

7. Mahinin A.N. Podderzhka social'nyh iniciativ kak faktor formirovaniya grazhdanskoj identichnosti studentov. Sibirskijpedagogicheskijzhurnal. 2019; № 1: 23-38.

8. Chekalina M.S. Razvitie kompetencii «prognozirovanie» kak uslovie gotovnosti k professional'nomu samoopredeleniyu. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Pedagogika. Psihologiya. Sociokinetika. 2020; T. 26, № 4: 139-146.

9. Makarenko A.S. Vospitanie grazhdanina. Moskva: Prosveschenie, 1988.

10. Nauka, obschestvo, kultura: problemy i perspektivy vzaimodejstviya v sovremennom mire: monografiya. Petrozavodsk, 2021.

Статья поступила в редакцию 08.08.24

УДК 372.881.1

Zubkov A.D., senior teacher, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

ORGANISATION OF PERSONALISED FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION WITH THE HELP OF MOOCS. The article discusses implementation of personalized teaching of professionally-oriented foreign language in higher education institutions using massive open online courses (MOOCs). Given the rapid development of digital technologies and globalization of professional communities, there is a growing need to individualize and intensify the educational process. Personalized learning, focused on the unique needs of each student, becomes a key element of successful foreign language acquisition by students at the higher education level. This study comprehensively covers the theoretical foundations and principles of personalized learning and thoroughly analyzes the features and advantages of using MOOCs for this purpose. In the article, the author proposes methodological recommendations for the integration of MOOCs into the teaching process of higher education institutions and assesses possible problems and challenges. Based on the analysis, the author provides practical advice for higher education institutions and outlines directions for future research.

Key words: higher education institutions, digital technologies, adaptive learning, student motivation, methodological recommendations, integration

АД. Зубков, ст. преп., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск, Е-mail: [email protected]


В статье обсуждается внедрение персонализированного обучения профессионально ориентированному иностранному языку в высших учебных заведениях с использованием массовых открытых онлайн-курсов (МООК). С учетом стремительного развития цифровых технологий и глобализации профессиональных сообществ растет необходимость индивидуализации и интенсификации образовательного процесса. Персонализированное обучение, ориентированное на уникальные потребности каждого студента, становится ключевым элементом успешного освоения иностранного языка студентами на уровне высшего образования. Данное исследование комплексно охватывает теоретические основы и принципы персонализированного обучения, а также тщательно анализирует особенности и преимущества использования МООК для этих целей. В статье автором предлагаются методические рекомендации по интеграции МООК в учебный процесс вузов, а также оцениваются возможные проблемы и вызовы. На основе проведенного анализа автор предоставляет практические советы для высших образовательных учреждений и намечает направления для будущих исследований.

Ключевые слова: высшие учебные заведения, цифровые технологии, адаптивное обучение, мотивация студентов, методические рекомендации, интеграция

As digital technology advances rapidly and globalization gains momentum, foreign language skills are becoming increasingly important [1]. Along with this, the importance of personalized approach in higher education is also increasing. The integration of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) into the university learning process is a new method that can qualitatively improve the formation of professional foreign language competence through the development of an individual educational trajectory [2].

The relevance of the study stems from the fact that a learning process that focuses on the development of each student's individual abilities becomes a decisive factor that makes students successful in language acquisition at university. In this light, MOOCs provide some opportunities for students by opening up different resources and learning approaches relevant to their backgrounds. The aim of this study is to examine the possibility of organizing personalized foreign language learning in a university with the integration of MOOCs. The aim outlined the objectives: 1) substantiation of the significance of personalized learning in the modern educational environment, 2) consideration of the theoretical foundations of personalized learning, 3) analysis of the features of MOOCs in relation to foreign language training, 4) creation of methodological recommendations for the integration of MOOCs in the educational process, 5) detection of possible difficulties in the integration of MOOCs. The subject of the study is the process of organizing personalized foreign language training in higher education institutions using MOOCs. The object of the study is massive open online courses as a tool for personalized foreign language learning.

Personalized learning is a multifaceted approach that adapts to the unique needs of each student [3]. This approach not only takes into account the individual characteristics of students, but also transforms the learning process itself, resulting in an individualized learning environment. This approach is as diverse and varied as the participants in the educational process. The first characteristic of this approach is flexibility, which allows the educational process to be modified to the pace and style of individual students [4]. The next characteristic is the adaptability of the learning content, which is a key factor, as the content changes based on the characteristics of the students and their progress [5]. Communication transforms the learning process into a productive dialog between students and the educational environment. Adaptability is determined by the ability to choose materials and methods and adjust them according to educational outcomes. Student engagement makes the learning process more interesting and immersive, creating an emotional connection with the content being studied [6].

The engine of effective personalized learning is motivation. Due to motivation, the efficiency of learning activity increases to a greater extent, because motivated students more often overcome difficulties and achieve the set tasks [7]. Sources of personal motivation vary, students can be driven by personal interest, career goals. They can significantly increase the efficiency of foreign language training. Together with the introduction of personalized learning, there may be difficulties in maintaining a sufficient level of motivation. More often students who determine their individual educational trajectory independently are more responsible for achieving their educational results [8]. In the framework of foreign language training, the personalized approach takes into account not only the level of foreign language proficiency, but also the student's personal goals, cultural peculiarities, peculiarities of information perception and personal interests. This is mainly realized in the choice of subjects and methods that correlate with students' preferences and goals.

Massive open online courses are an extension of open educational resources that are available to a wide mass of students in an authorized access. They offer a variety of educational content, such as video lectures, educational texts, interactive assignments and self-tests [9]. Accessibility, flexibility, openness, and mass accessibility are the main characteristics of this format of courses. Thanks to their accessibility, students from different parts of the world, regardless of their financial well-being, can get quality knowledge. The diversity of learning content is also a positive aspect. Various approaches and techniques of foreign language teaching are realized in MOOCs, thanks to which students of any level of foreign language training can find something for themselves [10]. In this format of courses there is an opportunity to regulate the learning process independently (we mean the timing and pace of learning, the possibility of moving the deadlines of the session, which in turn teaches students to be more responsible).

To organize foreign language teaching with MOOCs means to use different methodological techniques to effectively integrate them into the system of traditional vocational training. To begin with, it is necessary to identify students' needs in order to see their personal interests and career goals [11]. These actions will point out the courses that are most appropriate to the level of language training and expectations of the students. Next, the foreign language teacher needs to decide on a quality online course, using feedback from previous users and the reputation of the MOOC platform so that the MOOC is a meaningful supplement to traditional classroom instruction. The next step is to create an MOOC-integrated work program to supplement face-to-face

language classes [12]. This can be accomplished by developing assignments based on online course materials, as well as face-to-face discussions and defenses of final projects. Foreign language teachers should know how to use MOOCs in the teaching process of their disciplines, which implies digital competence and methodological literacy, which together can increase the effectiveness of teaching. No less important is the functioning of the student support system. Its components may include personal consultations, language support assignments, and technical assistance in mastering the platform.

Individual educational trajectories play a significant role in learning a foreign language with the help of MOOCs [13]. In order to design them, it is necessary to know the individual profiles of students, namely their language proficiency level, interests, barriers, difficulties in language acquisition. Thanks to this, it is possible to adapt MOOC content to individual needs. On the basis of students' profiles, it is possible to develop a curriculum for the discipline. It can include both compulsory and optional MOOCs [14]. This approach provides flexibility and educational choice. As a result, students' intrinsic motivation increases. Monitoring the achievement of students' academic results is an important component of an individual educational trajectory. Regular completion of assignments and tests with automatic checking and feedback from teachers allows students to be aware of their progress, which allows them to make changes in the educational process.

In order to determine to what extent students know the learning material and to what extent they have achieved the learning outcomes, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of the applied model. This can be assessed using quantitative evaluation methods (testing and course completion rates). Qualitative methods are also applicable, namely a survey of satisfaction with the learning process and collection of feedback from students. Formative assessment provides an opportunity to adjust the course of study, as it is a constant monitoring of how students cope with the MOOC materials. The overall level of competences formed can be assessed by means of the final assessment at the end of the MOOC. Moreover, students fill a language portfolio. It consists of the products of their learning activities and test results. All this together makes it possible to analyze not only the final result, but also the process itself. Constant collection of feedback from students and foreign language teachers familiarizes MOOC trainees with their strengths and weaknesses. This can also contribute to personal growth and reflective activity.

The implementation of MOOC-based personalized teaching of professionally-oriented foreign language at the higher education level has its own stumbling blocks. They can be classified into technical, organizational, pedagogical and psychological difficulties. To cope with them, a complex system of measures is necessary. The primary technical difficulty is access to the Internet. In megacities the Internet connection is more often highly stable and has high data transmission speed, while students of regional universities and residents of remote areas experience difficulties and limitations

in this aspect. This factor hinders the full-fledged study of an online course and makes personalized foreign language learning difficult. As for the formation of students' digital competence, it may vary to a great extent. To learn effectively using MOOCs, students need to have at least a basic level of digital and media literacy. They should also have the skills to work with digital platforms for learning. If the stated competencies are not developed in students at an adequate level, MOOC-based learning may not be effective. Regarding organizational and pedagogical challenges, the integration of MOOCs into face-to-face traditional language classes is the first to be mentioned. It is not uncommon to modify the curriculum and distribute its resources in a different way. The coordinated activity of profile and language departments, as well as the correlation of the new approach with the federal state educational standards of the third generation require efforts and time from the university system. Motivation and self-regulation of students are examples of psychological difficulties. They can also represent a significant problem. Personalized learning using MOOC materials is impossible without established self-discipline and intrinsic motivation. Often students have not developed time management skills. For this reason, performance in MOOCs may be impaired.

The author's analysis has shown that due to accessibility, different forms of content and opportunities for student autonomy, MOOCs can be an effective means of personalized learning. To make the integration of MOOCs effective, universities should develop material and technical base, especially at the regional level, and provide access to resources to all participants of the educational process. Introductory workshops on the basics of distance learning systems and the MOOC platform will help students to learn effectively on MOOC materials. Flexible work programs for disciplines should use assignments based on online course materials. Face-to-face discussions of the materials in class will also be helpful. All possible support for students will motivate them to perform better.

Theoretical significance of the study lies in the systematization of scientific knowledge about personalized learning and the role of massive open online courses in the educational process of the university. Methodological recommendations for universities on the use of MOOCs in foreign language teaching determine the practical significance of the study. These recommendations are useful for administrative staff and faculty members of universities to improve the quality of foreign language training of students. Moreover, following the recommendations will provide a motivating educational environment. Scientific novelty is due to the systematic consideration of the theory and practice of MOOC integration for personalized teaching of professionally oriented foreign language in higher education institution. As for future prospects, the issues of adapting MOOCs to different cultural peculiarities, the issues of increasing students' motivation, the issues of cheating and the use of game methods are seen as promising. Artificial intelligence technologies should be tested in order to adapt MOOC content to the needs of students. The effect of personalized learning through MOOCs on students' long-term academic performance will also be a relevant area for research.

Библиографический список

1. Миронцева С.С., Павлова Т.А., Семенкина И.А. Интеграция элементов персонализации обучения в электронный образовательный контент курса по иностранному языку в вузе. Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики. 2022; № 3: 343-351.

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4. Gromoglasova T.I., Kovaleva M.I., Koshkina Zh.V., Huffman L. The Flipped Classroom in the Context of Digitization of Educational Space: A Students' Perspective. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022; № 9: 1296-1309.

5. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

6. Кононыхина О.В. Мотивация студентов при дистанционном обучении. Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук. 2021; № 2-1 (53): 107-111.

7. Кобелева Е.П., Матвиенко Е.Н., Комкова А.С. Формирование экзистенциальных навыков студентов в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2022; № 6-1: 6.

8. Кирякова О.А. Применение аутентичных видеоматериалов как способ формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов неязыкового вуза. Сибирский учитель. 2022; № 1 (140): 17-25.

9. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023; Vol. 636: 431-439.

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12. Zubkov A. MOOCs in Competence Approach to EFL Training of Transport Professionals. Transportation Research Procedia. 2022; Vol. 63: 1804-1809.

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2. Makarova T.S., Molchanova M.A., Morozova E.A. Terminologicheskie aspekty opredeleniya ponyatiya «personalizirovannoe obuchenie». Universitetskij nauchnyj zhurnal. 2020; № 53: 89-96.

3. Zubkov A. Development of Professional Foreign Language Competence of Economics Students with MOOCs during the Pandemic. Education Sciences. 2023; Vol. 13: 1010.

4. Gromoglasova T.I., Kovaleva M.I., Koshkina Zh.V., Huffman L. The Flipped Classroom in the Context of Digitization of Educational Space: A Students' Perspective. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022; № 9: 1296-1309.

5. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

6. Kononyhina O.V. Motivaciya studentov pri distancionnom obuchenii. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal gumanitarnyh i estestvennyh nauk. 2021; № 2-1 (53): 107-111.

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9. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2023; Vol. 636: 431-439.

10. Agavelyan R.O., Kobeleva E.P., Stuchinskaya E.A., Dushinina E.V. Ispol'zovanie mnemotehnik v processe professional'no orientirovannoj inoyazychnoj podgotovki studentov-'ekonomistov. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

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12. Zubkov A. MOOCs in Competence Approach to EFL Training of Transport Professionals. Transportation Research Procedia. 2022; Vol. 63: 1804-1809.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 27.07.24

УДК 377.8

Kamerilova G.S., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Kartavykh M.A., Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),

E-mail: [email protected]

Prokhorova I.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]


article discloses the need and specifics of making up socio-pedagogical projects in the field of security of educational systems in the preparation of masters. With professional competence in this field, future educators, using the stabilizing potential of offering social projects in ensuring safety, are able to withstand destructive processes. The growth of school threats and risks confirms the relevance of the work, the purpose of which was to provide theoretical and methodological justification for strengthening the professionalization of master's education in the framework of ensuring security based on the assimilation of project competencies. The main attention of the authors is paid to methods for modeling the process of creating competence in the field of socio-pedagogical project-making in countering social dangers. The article discusses features, principles and methods of the developed model, taking into account ambiguity, multifactorial, subjectivity of expectations in projects of the desired safe future. The research discloses target-related, substantive, procedural, reflexive-evaluation and presentation stages. It is concluded that it is important to use ideas of eventfulness, what strengthens the value-semantic aspects of socio-pedagogical project-making in ensuring the safety of educational systems. The results of the study show the legality of applying the presented model in solving professional problems of improving the quality of master's education and providing a positive impact on the social safety of school life in the future.

Key words: social and pedagogical design, master's education, professionalization, professional competence, social dangers, safety of educational systems, eventfulness

Г.С. Камерилова, д-р пед. наук, проф., Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени К. Минина, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail: [email protected]

М.А. Картавых, д-р пед. наук, доц., Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени К. Минина, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail: [email protected]

И.В. Прохорова, канд. пед. наук, Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени К. Минина, г. Нижний Новгород,

E-mail: [email protected]


В настоящей статье раскрывается необходимость и специфика социально-педагогического проектирования в сфере безопасности образовательных систем в подготовке магистров. Обладая профессиональной компетентностью в данной области, будущие педагоги, используя стабилизирующий потенциал социального проектирования в обеспечении безопасности, способны противостоять деструктивным процессам. Рост школьных угроз и рисков подтверждает актуальность работы, цель которой состояла в теоретико-методологическом обосновании усиления профессионализации магистерского образования в рамках обеспечения безопасности на основе усвоения проектных компетенций. Главное внимание авторы уделяют методологии и методике моделирования процесса формирования компетентности в сфере социально-педагогического проектирования в противодействии социальным опасностям. В статье рассмотрены особенности, принципы и методы разработанной модели, учитывающие неоднозначность, многофакторность, субъективность ожиданий в конструировании желаемого безопасного будущего. Раскрыты ее целевой, содержательный, процессуальный, рефлексивно-оценочный и презентационный этапы. Сделан вывод о важности использования идеи событийности, усиливающей ценностно-смысловые аспекты социально-педагогического проектирования в обеспечении безопасности образовательных систем. Результаты выполненного исследования показывают правомерность применения представленной модели в решении профессиональных задач повышения качества магистерского образования и оказания в будущем позитивного влияния на социальную безопасность школьной жизни.

Ключевые слова: социально-педагогическое проектирование, магистерское образование, профессионализация, профессиональная компетентность, социальные опасности, безопасность образовательных систем, событийность

Актуальность данной проблемы продиктована необходимостью повышения качества магистерского образования будущих педагогов на основе активизации социального проектирования как важного направления профессиональной подготовки по обеспечению безопасности образовательных систем. Системно организованное выполнение социально-педагогических проектов способствует более успешному освоению магистрами профессиональных компетенций, обеспечивающих базовую основу самостоятельного творчества в решении проблем социальной безопасности в образовательной организации. Цель данной статьи состоит в разработке и обсуждении модели социально-педагогического проектирования применительно к магистрам, обучающихся по профилю «Безопасность образовательных систем». Достижение целей потребовало решения следующих задач:

- установить сущность и обосновать необходимость социально-педагогического проектирования в профессиональной подготовке магистров образования в сфере обеспечения безопасности;

- разработать и обсудить модель социально-педагогического проектирования для магистерского образования в сфере безопасности образовательных систем.

На основе поставленных цели и задач определены методы теоретического анализа, системного обобщения, сравнительной аналогии, педагогического на-

блюдения, моделирования и проектирования, обеспечивающие необходимую объективность и эвристичность выводов.

Научная новизна настоящей статьи состоит в исследовании педагогических возможностей использования проектной методологии при рассмотрении социально значимых проблем безопасности в обучении магистрантов. В предлагаемой модели социально-педагогического проектирования в сфере обеспечения безопасности образовательных систем реализуется гуманистический подход, обеспечивающий готовность магистрантов к деятельности в ситуации неопределенности. Теоретическая значимость работы заключается в новом понимании магистерской подготовки в высшем педагогическом образовании, связанным с усилением его профессионализации и ценностно-смысловым обогащением на основе овладения актуальными компетенциями социально-педагогического проектирования. Описанные в статье логика и алгоритмы разработки социальных проектов, а также методические рекомендации и советы составляют практическую значимость работы, так как могут использоваться преподавателями в совершенствовании социальной практики подготовки магистров.

Магистерское образование, первоначально ориентированное исключительно на научно-исследовательскую работу, с введением действующих федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов приобретает новые

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