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Ключевые слова
professional foreign language education / MOOC / blended learning / curriculum design / language pedagogy / online learning / learning outcomes / профессиональное обучение иностранным языкам / МООК смешанное обучение / разработка учебных программ / языковая педагогика / онлайн-обучение / результаты обучения

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zubkov A.D.

The paper examines effective strategies for integrating massive open online courses (MOOCs) into Professional Foreign Language education at the university level. Professional Foreign Language courses aim to build advanced foreign linguistic skills and professional expertise for such as fields business, law, medicine, engineering, etc. The balanced integration of relevant subject MOOCs can enrich these courses through expanded materials and networking at scale. However, successful implementation requires aligning learning outcomes, balancing online and in-person work, facilitating students’ engagement, and personalized assessments. The paper outlines key principles and best practices for constructing a Professional Foreign Language course incorporating a massive open online course, based on learning objectives, pedagogy, and overcoming challenges. Findings provide educators an instructional framework for blending subject MOOCs with advanced language instruction focused on professional and academic contexts and skills.

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В данной статье рассматриваются эффективные стратегии интеграции массовых открытых онлайн-курсов (МООК) в процесс обучения профессиональному иностранному языку на университетском уровне. Курсы профессионального иностранного языка направлены на развитие языковых навыков и профессиональных знаний в таких областях, как бизнес, юриспруденция, медицина, инженерное дело и т. д. Интеграция соответствующих МООК может обогатить эти курсы за счет расширения материалов и сетевого взаимодействия. Однако для успешного внедрения необходимо согласовать результаты обучения, сбалансировать дистанционную и очную работу, обеспечить вовлеченность и персонализированную оценку. В данной статье изложены основные принципы и лучшие практики построения профессионального курса иностранного языка, включающего МООК, на основе целей обучения, педагогики и преодоления трудностей. Полученные результаты дают преподавателям основу для сочетания МООК с углубленным изучением языка, ориентированным на профессиональный контекст и навыки.


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6. Белоусова ГВ. Использование интерактивного подхода как средство достижения метапредметных результатов обучения учащихся в начальной школе. Наука сегодня: теория, методология, практика, проблематика. Сопот: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Диаманд Трейдинг тур, 2014: 44-48.

7. Виноградова Н.Ф. Метапредметные результаты обучения в начальной школе: трудности формирования и пути их преодоления. Начальное образование в новой реальности: направления развития, актуальные проблемы, лучшие практики. Тула: Тульское производственное полиграфическое объединение, 2022: 12-18.

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9. Козлова Т.И., Полюхова Е.П. Влияние междисциплинарного обучения на познавательно-личностное развитие младших школьников. Эксперимент и инновации в школе. 2008; № 3: 36-39.

10. Кокоулина С.В. Стратегии смыслового чтения в начальной школе для достижения метапредметных результатов обучения. Актуальные задачи педагогики. Санкт-Петербург: Свое издательство, 2019: 48-51.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 11.09.23

УДК 372.881.1

Zubkov A.D., senior teacher, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTING "PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE" COURSE INTEGRATING MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE. The paper examines effective strategies for integrating massive open online courses (MOOCs) into Professional Foreign Language education at the university level. Professional Foreign Language courses aim to build advanced foreign linguistic skills and professional expertise for such as fields business, law, medicine, engineering, etc. The balanced integration of relevant subject MOOCs can enrich these courses through expanded materials and networking at scale. However, successful implementation requires aligning learning outcomes, balancing online and in-person work, facilitating students' engagement, and personalized assessments. The paper outlines key principles and best practices for constructing a Professional Foreign Language course incorporating a massive open online course, based on learning objectives, pedagogy, and overcoming challenges. Findings provide educators an instructional framework for blending subject MOOCs with advanced language instruction focused on professional and academic contexts and skills.

Key words: professional foreign language education, MOOC, blended learning, curriculum design, language pedagogy, online learning, learning outcomes

АД. Зубков, ст. преп., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]




В данной статье рассматриваются эффективные стратегии интеграции массовых открытых онлайн-курсов (МООК) в процесс обучения профессиональному иностранному языку на университетском уровне. Курсы профессионального иностранного языка направлены на развитие языковых навыков и профессиональных знаний в таких областях, как бизнес, юриспруденция, медицина, инженерное дело и т. д. Интеграция соответствующих МООК может обогатить эти курсы за счет расширения материалов и сетевого взаимодействия. Однако для успешного внедрения необходимо согласовать результаты обучения, сбалансировать дистанционную и очную работу, обеспечить вовлеченность и персонализированную оценку. В данной статье изложены основные принципы и лучшие практики построения профессионального курса иностранного языка, включающего МООК, на основе целей обучения, педагогики и преодоления трудностей. Полученные результаты дают преподавателям основу для сочетания МООК с углубленным изучением языка, ориентированным на профессиональный контекст и навыки.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное обучение иностранным языкам, МООК смешанное обучение, разработка учебных программ, языковая педагогика, онлайн-обучение, результаты обучения

In recent years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) have risen to prominence as a new educational model for delivering affordable, scalable learning opportunities to a global audience [1-3]. MOOCs enable universities and educators to share courses and materials online for free or low cost, allowing thousands of students to enroll regardless of location or prior qualifications. As MOOCs have proliferated, their potential value for teaching and learning foreign languages has gained significant interest [4-6]. Integrating MOOCs into formal foreign language education programs holds both benefits and challenges that merit careful consideration [7; 8]. One promising application is in "Professional Foreign Language" courses, which aim to build specialized linguistic skills needed for fields such as business, law, medicine, engineering,

etc. This type of advanced foreign language instruction focuses on context-specific vocabulary, communication practices, and subject knowledge [9]. The unique structure and resources of MOOCs could enrich these professional language courses in many ways. However, effectively integrating a MOOC requires addressing questions of curriculum design, student engagement, assessment, and more. This paper examines key principles and best practices for constructing a Professional Foreign Language course that incorporates content and materials from a massive open online course. It argues that with careful coordination of in-person and online learning, MOOC integration can expand access to high-quality language instruction while personalizing education and promoting deeper professional expertise. However, success requires

strategic instructional design, well-trained instructors, and solutions to challenges like student motivation and participation. The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that integration of MOOCs and online learning into foreign language education enables new models of teaching and learning. This study provides timely research on effective strategies for blending MOOCs into Professional Foreign Language courses, which has direct applicability for universities and educators. The aim of this study is to examine principles and best practices for integrating MOOCs into Professional Foreign Language courses to enhance advanced professional language proficiency through blended instruction. Objectives of the study are:

1) to analyze challenges and benefits of incorporating MOOCs in foreign language education;

2) to identify key considerations and principles for effective MOOC integration:

3) to outline specific instructional design and pedagogical strategies for a successful blended model;

4) to provide recommendations for language educators on constructing blended Professional Foreign Language courses.

The subject of this study is the integration of MOOC content and online learning activities into university-level foreign language education focused on professional linguistic skills. The object is the blended instruction model for Professional Foreign Language courses that incorporate a carefully selected and aligned MOOC along with tailored in-class teaching.

Successfully integrating a MOOC into a Professional Foreign Language course requires careful consideration of curriculum design, pedagogy, and learner experience. Based on an analysis of best practices, four key principles emerge:

Principle 1: Aligning learning outcomes between the MOOC materials and course goals

The MOOC content should be selected and sequenced to support the specific linguistic and professional skills outlined in the course learning objectives. Relying on a generic MOOC risks a disconnect between online and in-class work. The instructor must align outcomes and map MOOC modules to the curriculum.

Principle 2: Determining optimal balance of in-person and online instruction

The blend of MOOC and traditional learning environments should maximize the benefits of each. MOOCs can provide content delivery at scale, practice activities, and discussion forums. In-person sessions focus on communication skills, professional scenarios, and personalized coaching. Workloads and schedules should distribute appropriately.

Principle 3: Providing personalized feedback and assessments

MOOCs tend to rely on auto-graded quizzes. For language development, qualitative feedback on speaking, writing, and cultural fluency is essential. Instructors should supplement MOOC tests with one-on-one assessments, peer workshops, and professional role plays.

Principle 4: Facilitating student engagement and collaboration

MOOC platforms enable networking and peer learning. Instructors should leverage these tools and integrate MOOC cohorts into in-class teams. Collaborative projects, study groups, and shared reflection build engagement and motivation.

Applying the key principles of MOOC integration outlined above involves specific instructional design choices and strategies. The instructor must identify a MOOC that aligns with course goals in terms of skill level, professional field, and language. Quality, scope, and suitability of materials must be evaluated. To address gaps or reinforce learning, in-class sessions should include role plays, simulations, workshops, and training tailored to the profession. This enhances language fluency. Teaching a blended MOOC course is distinct from traditional instruction. Educators must receive guidance on facilitating online forums, coordinating materials, and avoiding cognitive overload. MOOCs rely on auto-graded multiple-choice tests. For a Professional Foreign Language course, varied assessment is needed, including interviews, presentations, participatory activities with qualitative instructor feedback. A deliberate approach to instructional design weaves the MOOC into on-campus learning seamlessly. With the right curricular alignment, activities, educator training, and assessment, the benefits of both online and in-person education can be achieved.

Библиографический список

While thoughtfully integrating MOOCs into Professional Foreign Language courses can provide enriching opportunities, the approach also comes with inherent challenges. MOOCs often see very high dropout rates [10, 11]. In a blended model, instructors must actively keep students engaged with the online materials through reminders, incentives, and monitoring [12]. Some students may struggle with the digital tools and interfaces. Institutions must offer tech support and training to ensure all can access materials [13]. MOOCs tend to permit open enrollment, flexible deadlines, and self-paced learning [14]. Aligning these policies with existing university systems can prove complex. In addition, MOOC licensing costs, access to student data, and quality control require administrative planning [15; 16]. While not insurmountable, these limitations must be acknowledged and proactively addressed through student advising, technical support, policy adaptation, and instructor training. With careful design and resource allocation, MOOC integration can still effectively supplement professional foreign language education.

The integration of MOOCs into Professional Foreign Language courses holds meaningful potential to enrich and expand advanced language education. By providing a vast pool of materials, activities, and resources, MOOCs can complement and enhance existing in-class foreign language instruction focused on professional contexts. However, effectively blending a MOOC requires careful coordination guided by key principles of aligning learning outcomes, balancing online and in-per-son learning, facilitating engagement, and providing personalized assessments. With strategic instructional design and educator training, the benefits of scale, networking, and flexibility offered by MOOCs can be successfully combined with the skills focus, professional scenarios, and expert coaching of traditional language classes. Yet challenges such as student motivation, technology barriers, and policy differences must also be acknowledged and actively managed. This paper has outlined evidence-based best practices for constructing a Professional Foreign Language course integrated with a massive open online component. Further research can continue to refine our understanding of optimal activity sequencing, workload balancing, and learner support systems. But the principles presented give institutions a framework for harnessing the potential of MOOCs to expand access and enrichment in advanced professional language education. Scientific novelty of the study lies in providing new research and analysis on the integration of MOOCs into professional foreign language education, specifically examining the principles and instructional design considerations for effectively blending MOOCs with in-per-son language classes. Theoretical significance is determined by contributing new theoretical frameworks on aligning MOOC-based learning with advanced linguistic outcomes and professional skill development in foreign languages. Practical significance is in that the instructional design principles and strategies outlined provide foreign language educators with an applied model for incorporating MOOCs into their curriculum and pedagogy.

The results and recommendations outlined in this article are directly applicable in the area of foreign language education, specifically in the context of advanced Professional Foreign Language courses at the university level. More specifically, the principles and strategies proposed for effectively integrating MOOCs into these professional language curriculums can be applied by: 1) foreign language instructors and faculty seeking to incorporate online learning and leverage MOOC resources to enrich their in-class teaching, the guidelines provide best practices they can implement; 2) university administrations and decision makers exploring the adoption of blended learning models for language programs, the study provides evidence and frameworks to guide program development; 3) instructional designers and curriculum developers tasked with integrating MOOC materials into language courses, the paper outlines considerations for optimal design; 4) learning technology specialists interested in identifying appropriate platforms, tools, and support systems for blended language education; 5) language program administrators evaluating qualifications and training needs for educators teaching blended formats. In summary, the results directly inform and equip those making decisions around blended professional foreign language learning at the postsecondary program level, as well as instructors tasked with implementing such courses. The insights can shape both policy and practical teaching practices.

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4. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

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9. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

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4. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

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9. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

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12. Zubkov A.D. Using MOOCs to Teach Foreign Language Writing to University Students. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 499: 23-31.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 19.09.23

УДК 37.015

Ikonnikova A.N., senior lecturer, NEFU (Yakutsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

TRAINING STUDENTS IN SOCIO-POLITICAL TRANSLATION (NATIONAL-REGIONAL COMPONENT). The article deals with an issue of determining the form and content of teaching socio-political translation in a regional context. Based on the study of scientific and methodological literature, principles that should underlie the development of didactic materials for students studying in the direction of "Foreign Regional Studies» are defined. The general didactic principles include accessibility, awareness, activity, personality-oriented direction, strength, clarity, and systematicity. These principles are aimed at making the learning process effective and engaging for students. The specific methodological principles include integration and differentiation, interdisciplinary connections, and consideration of the native language. These principles help to ensure that students develop a deep understanding of the socio-political issues they are translating. Each principle is described and explained in detail. As the impact of scientific and methodological literature consideration, the principles under discussion have been clarified and provide a solid foundation for developing didactic materials for students studying in the field of "Foreign Regional Studies". The implementation of didactic principles begins with the stage of curriculum planning, continues with the compilation of teaching aids, the development of linguistic didactic material and directly in the educational process.

Key words: socio-political translation, teaching, general didactic principles, specific methodological principles, content selection, communication

А.Н. Иконникова, доц., ФГАОУ ВО «Северо-Восточный федеральный университет имени М.К. Аммосова», г. Якутск, E-mail: [email protected]


В статье рассматривается вопрос определения формы и содержания обучения общественно-политическому переводу в региональном контексте. Изучение научно-методической литературы позволило выделить принципы, которые должны лежать в основе разработки дидактических материалов, для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Зарубежное регионоведение». Среди общедидактических принципов описаны принцип доступности, сознательности, активности, личностно ориентированной направленности, прочности, наглядности, систематичности. К частнометодическим отнесены принципы интеграции и дифференциации; междисциплинарных связей; учета родного языка. Представлено описание и сущность каждого из перечисленных принципов. Их реализация начинается с этапа планирования учебной программы, продолжается при составлении учебно-методических пособий, разработке лингводидактического материала и непосредственно в учебном процессе.

Ключевые слова: общественно-политический перевод, обучение, общедидактические принципы, частнометодические принципы, отбор содержания, коммуникация

В период масштабной трансформации, в условиях появившихся вызовов необходимо актуализировать процесс и содержание обучения иностранным языкам в современном вузе. С учетом сокращающегося объема устной коммуникации актуальность переводческой деятельности в письменном виде сохраняется. Помимо объективных факторов, регулярное обновление содержания образования содержится в Национальной доктрине образования до 2025 г Необходимость поиска актуальных форм и содержания иноязычного образования в языковом вузе обусловила актуальность данного исследования. Нами был изучен процесс текущей языковой подготовки обучающихся по направлению 41.03.01 Зарубеж-

ное регионоведение в Северо-Восточном федеральном университете имени М.К. Аммосова и рассмотрены возможности его актуализации с учетом области профессиональной деятельности выпускников и предложений работодателей по совершенствованию подготовки. На основе анкетирования выпускников, с учетом специфики их профессиональной области был выделен общественно-политический дискурс как один из наиболее широко применяемых в профессиональной деятельности. Для актуализации формы и содержания процесса языкового обучения студентов-регионоведов были рассмотрены методологические основы курса «Общественно-политический перевод».

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