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Ключевые слова
massive open online courses / economic education / higher education / educational technologies / e-learning / distance learning / foreign language / массовые открытые онлайн-курсы / экономическое образование / высшее образование / образовательные технологии / электронное обучение / дистанционное обучение / иностранный язык

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zubkov A.D.

The paper draws attention to the spectrum of opportunities that MOOCs can offer in the context of higher education, demonstrating the importance of leveraging these resources in pedagogical practice. A theoretical overview of the main features of MOOCs’ operation is proposed. Subsequently, the author provides examples of successful utilization of MOOCs for foreign language learning. The study also presents an analysis of potential prospects for the use of MOOCs in higher education. This offers insight into how MOOCs can be integrated into curricula to enhance the level of foreign language competence of economics students. The research emphasizes the significance of this approach, discussing its theoretical and practical importance in the context of contemporary education. The study serves as a step in substantiating the importance of MOOCs as an effective tool for improving the foreign language competence of economics students. This proposition justifies the need for a broader use of MOOCs in educational practice, thereby opening new horizons for future research and practice.

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Эта статья акцентирует внимание на спектре возможностей, которые МООК могут предложить в контексте высшего образования, демонстрируя, как важно использовать эти ресурсы в педагогической практике. Предлагается теоретический обзор основных особенностей функционирования МООК. Далее автор приводит примеры успешного использования МООК для обучения иностранным языкам. В исследовании также представлен анализ потенциальных возможностей использования МООК для высшего образования. Это даёт ценное представление о том, как МООК могут быть интегрированы в учебные программы для повышения уровня иноязычной компетенции студентов-экономистов. Исследование также подчеркивает новизну этого подхода, обсуждая его теоретическую и практическую значимость в контексте современного образования. Работа является шагом в обосновании значимости МООК как эффективного инструмента для улучшения иноязычной компетенции студентов-экономистов. Это предложение обосновывает необходимость более широкого использования МООК в образовательном процессе, тем самым открывая новые горизонты для будущих исследований и практики.


through MOOCs. Based on the results obtained, valuable practical recommendations were presented to improve the design and implementation of foreign language courses through MOOCs, taking into account the individual needs of students. This helps improve educational methods and provide better and more effective learning. The scientific novelty of this study is determined by its special focus on the psychophysiological aspects of learning via MOOCs. The theoretical significance of this study lies in its expansion of our theoretical knowledge about the process of foreign language learning through MOOCs and their interrelation with the psychophysiological characteristics of students. The practical significance of the research lies in that its results offer practi-

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cal recommendations for educational institutions and instructors. Moreover, the study's findings could be utilized in the development and improvement of online courses to enhance their quality and attractiveness to students.

The work conducted suggests the following prospects for further research in this area: 1) examination of the impact of using different technologies and MOOC platforms on the effectiveness of foreign language learning; 2) analysis of the influence of individual psychophysiological student characteristics on the successful completion of online courses; 3) exploration of the potential application of artificial intelligence and personalization of the educational process in MOOCs for more effective learning.

1. Кобелева Е.П., Матвиенко Е.Н., Комкова А.С. Формирование экзистенциальных навыков студентов в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе. Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2022; № 6-1: 6.

2. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

3. Кирякова О.А. Применение аутентичных видеоматериалов как способ формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов неязыкового вуза. Сибирский учитель. 2022; № 1 (140): 17-25.

4. Волегжанина И.С., Чусовлянова С.В. Опыт разработки электронного курса профессионально ориентированного английского языка для будущих инженеров железнодорожного транспорта. Фундаментальные и прикладные вопросы транспорта. 2021; № 2 (3): 119-122.

5. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

6. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Taskaeva E.B., Ishchenko V.G. Foreign Language Learning Environment: A Case Study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

7. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

8. Крутько Е.А., Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Агавелян РО. Интеграция видеоконтента в процесс обучения профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку в вузе. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 6: 66-75.

9. Агавелян РО., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Душинина Е.В. Использование мнемотехник в процессе профессионально-ориентированной иноязычной подготовки студентов-экономистов. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

10. Балмасова Т. А. Из опыта использования мобильных приложений в обучении второму иностранному языку. Вестник педагогических наук. 2022; № 8: 224-227.

11. Gromoglasova T.I., Kovaleva M.I., Koshkina Zh.V., Huffman L. The Flipped Classroom in the Context of Digitization of Educational Space: A Students' Perspective. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022; Vol. 15, № 9: 1296-1309.

12. Kiryakova O.A. E-portfolio as a means of formation of students' professional foreign language communicative competence in technical higher education institutions. Siberian Teacher. 2022; № 6 (145): 88-92.

13. Глумова Е.П., Чичерина Ю.В. Интегрированный подход к обучению иностранному языку в системе высшего образования. Обучение, тестирование и оценка. 2017; № 17: 16-26.

14. Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Крутько Е.А. Формирование метакомпетенций студентов вуза в процессе научно-исследовательской работы на иностранном языке. Профессиональное образование в современном мире. 2020; Т. 10, № 2: 3718-3725.

15. Агафонова Л.И., Аникина Ж.С. Дидактико-методические особенности использования подкастов при обучении иностранному языку в вузе. Письма в Эмиссия.Офлайн. 2011; № 12: 1703.

16. Титова С.В. Обучение иноязычной письменной речи в цифровой среде вуза // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. 2023; Т. 28, № 2: 302-316.


1. Kobeleva E.P., Matvienko E.N., Komkova A.S. Formirovanie 'ekzistencial'nyh navykov studentov v processe inoyazychnoj podgotovki v vuze. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2022; № 6-1: 6.

2. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

3. Kiryakova O.A. Primenenie autentichnyh videomaterialov kak sposob formirovaniya inoyazychnoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii u studentov neyazykovogo vuza. Sibirskij uchitel'. 2022; № 1 (140): 17-25.

4. Volegzhanina I.S., Chusovlyanova S.V. Opyt razrabotki 'elektronnogo kursa professional'no orientirovannogo anglijskogo yazyka dlya buduschih inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Fundamental'nye iprikladnye voprosy transporta. 2021; № 2 (3): 119-122.

5. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

6. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Taskaeva E.B., Ishchenko V.G. Foreign Language Learning Environment: A Case Study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

7. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

8. Krut'ko E.A., Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Agavelyan R.O. Integraciya videokontenta v process obucheniya professional'no-orientirovannomu anglijskomu yazyku v vuze. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2022; № 6: 66-75.

9. Agavelyan R.O., Kobeleva E.P., Stuchinskaya E.A., Dushinina E.V. Ispol'zovanie mnemotehnik v processe professional'no-orientirovannoj inoyazychnoj podgotovki studentov-'ekonomistov. Sibirskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

10. Balmasova T.A. Iz opyta ispol'zovaniya mobil'nyh prilozhenij v obuchenii vtoromu inostrannomu yazyku. Vestnikpedagogicheskih nauk. 2022; № 8: 224-227.

11. Gromoglasova T.I., Kovaleva M.I., Koshkina Zh.V., Huffman L. The Flipped Classroom in the Context of Digitization of Educational Space: A Students' Perspective. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022; Vol. 15, № 9: 1296-1309.

12. Kiryakova O.A. E-portfolio as a means of formation of students' professional foreign language communicative competence in technical higher education institutions. Siberian Teacher. 2022; № 6 (145): 88-92.

13. Glumova E.P., Chicherina Yu.V. Integrirovannyj podhod k obucheniyu inostrannomu yazyku v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniya. Obuchenie, testirovanie i ocenka. 2017; № 17: 16-26.

14. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Stuchinskaya E.A., Krut'ko E.A. Formirovanie metakompetencij studentov vuza v processe nauchno-issledovatel'skoj raboty na inostrannom yazyke. Professional'noe obrazovanie v sovremennom mire. 2020; T. 10, № 2: 3718-3725.

15. Agafonova L.I., Anikina Zh.S. Didaktiko-metodicheskie osobennosti ispol'zovaniya podkastov pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku v vuze. Pis'ma v 'Emissiya.Oflajn. 2011; № 12: 1703.

16. Titova S.V. Obuchenie inoyazychnoj pis'mennoj rechi v cifrovoj srede vuza // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2023; T. 28, № 2: 302-316.

Статья поступила в редакцию 29.07.23

УДК 372.881.1

Zubkov A.D., senior teacher, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]


paper draws attention to the spectrum of opportunities that MOOCs can offer in the context of higher education, demonstrating the importance of leveraging these resources in pedagogical practice. A theoretical overview of the main features of MOOCs' operation is proposed. Subsequently, the author provides examples of successful utilization of MOOCs for foreign language learning. The study also presents an analysis of potential prospects for the use of MOOCs in higher education. This offers insight into how MOOCs can be integrated into curricula to enhance the level of foreign language competence of economics students. The research emphasizes the significance of this approach, discussing its theoretical and practical importance in the context of contemporary education. The study serves as a step in substantiating the importance of MOOCs as an effective tool for improving the foreign language competence of economics students. This proposition justifies the need for a broader use of MOOCs in educational practice, thereby opening new horizons for future research and practice.

Key words: massive open online courses, economic education, higher education, educational technologies, e-learning, distance learning, foreign language

АД. Зубков, ст. преп., Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления, г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]




Эта статья акцентирует внимание на спектре возможностей, которые МООК могут предложить в контексте высшего образования, демонстрируя, как важно использовать эти ресурсы в педагогической практике. Предлагается теоретический обзор основных особенностей функционирования МООК. Далее автор приводит примеры успешного использования МООК для обучения иностранным языкам. В исследовании также представлен анализ потенциальных возможностей использования МООК для высшего образования. Это даёт ценное представление о том, как МООК могут быть интегрированы в учебные программы для повышения уровня иноязычной компетенции студентов-экономистов. Исследование также подчеркивает новизну этого подхода, обсуждая его теоретическую и практическую значимость в контексте современного образования. Работа является шагом в обосновании значимости МООК как эффективного инструмента для улучшения иноязычной компетенции студентов-экономистов. Это предложение обосновывает необходимость более широкого использования МООК в образовательном процессе, тем самым открывая новые горизонты для будущих исследований и практики.

Ключевые слова: массовые открытые онлайн-курсы, экономическое образование, высшее образование, образовательные технологии, электронное обучение, дистанционное обучение, иностранный язык

Contemporary society is actively evolving towards information technologies, which offer new opportunities for learning and development. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have converted into fundamental chunk of the instructive setting, enabling students to acquire knowledge without constraints of time and space [1]. However, the utilization of such online resources for the growth of intercultural language competence dictates additional investigation and examination. Students majoring in economics undergoing professional training particularly perceive the necessity of foreign language proficiency [2]. This stems from economic globalization, the expansion of international cooperation, and the requirement for analyzing foreign experience. Foreign language competence enables future economists to interact more effectively on the international stage and enhances their career prospects [3].

The primary objective of this work is to consider the weight of using MOOCs for shaping the professional foreign language competence of economics students. To accomplish this purpose, the subsequent tasks were set: to classify the key characteristics of MOOCs and their applicability for foreign language study, to analyze successful examples of using MOOCs for teaching economics students, and to investigate the possibilities and prospects of applying MOOCs in the higher education context. This paper will emphasize both theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, employing methods of literature analysis and summarization, comparative analysis, and case study. The conclusion will articulate key findings and recommendations for the further use of MOOCs for foreign language learning in higher education. Therefore, this paper will be of interest and utility to educators and researchers in the field of higher education and e-learning, as well as to all those interested in the problem of shaping the professional foreign language competence of economics students.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represent a new form of e-learning that has gained broad popularity in recent years [4]. Typically, they incorporate video lectures, text materials, tests, as well as various forms of interactive activities such as forums and online discussions. Notably, many MOOCs are offered by leading universities and specialists across diverse fields of knowledge. An essential characteristic of MOOCs is their accessibility. The majority of MOOCs are available to anyone, irrespective of their location or educational level, thereby broadening access to quality education and providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional development [5].

Foreign language proficiency is becoming gradually significant in the framework of globalization [6]. For economics students, foreign language competence is one of the crucial assistances. This is accompanying not solitary with the need for reading scientific literature and working with international sources of information, but also with the potential for effective intercultural communication in the professional sphere. The formation of professional foreign language competence encompasses not only the knowledge of a foreign language at a level that allows communication within a professional environment but similarly the clarifying of the educational and public background of the region of the acquired language [7]. Thus, the importance of using MOOCs for developing the professional foreign language competence of economics students is determined by the relevance of foreign language competence for their professional development and the opportunities that MOOCs offer in the sphere of foreign language learning.

MOOCs afford learners the chance to study at their peculiar pace, rendering to their own calendar, and in a convenient location, making them particularly attractive to those who cannot attend traditional courses [8; 9]. Among other advantages of MOOCs is the possibility of foreign language learning through the use of authentic materials and direct communication with native speakers. On the other hand, MOOCs contribute to fostering learner autonomy, developing their skills for independent learning and critical thinking [10]. This is crucial for the growth of intercultural language competence, as mastery of a foreign language demands not only knowledge but the ability to apply this knowledge in various contexts.

However, the utilization of MOOCs in foreign language instruction extends beyond their general benefits. They also provide an opportunity for purposeful formation of professional foreign language competence. There exist MOOCs that are specifically designed for language study within a certain professional field, including economics

[11; 12]. Such courses may cover basic professional topics as well as more specialized areas such as international economic relations or corporate finance [13; 14]. Specialized MOOCs assist economics students in developing not only general foreign language skills but also deepening their understanding of economic terminology and language peculiarities within the context of their professional sphere [15]. This allows them to apply the foreign language as a tool for further professional development and participation in the global economic community. Thus, the relevance of using MOOCs to develop the professional foreign language competence of economics students is confirmed by their effectiveness and specific advantages within the context of foreign language learning.

The MOOC "Business English: Finance and Economics" (Coursera), offered by the leading american university Arizona State University, is targeted towards economics students and covers a broad range of topics related to the use of a foreign language in an economic context. Students not only learn the basics of economic theory but also apply them practically through the analysis of original economic texts and participation in discussions on an online forum. Feedback from course participants attests to its high effectiveness in developing professional foreign language competence.

The MOOC "Business Agility Foundations: An Introduction" from The Open University (FutureLearn) is specifically designed for economics students and professionals working in the field of international business. It not only enables the study of key business terms and phrases but also offers learners the chance to practice their communication skills in a professional context through interactive tasks and discussions. Learner feedback notes that the course has helped them enhance their foreign language competence and boost their confidence in professional communication.

The MOOC "Finance and Capital Markets" from Khan Academy offers a detailed study of fundamental concepts in finance and capital markets. It employs an interactive approach to learning and includes a vast number of video materials and practical exercises. Although the course does not directly focus on foreign language competence, it can serve as a valuable tool for economics students looking to enhance their skills in financial English.

These examples illustrate the various ways in which MOOCs can be utilized to develop the professional foreign language competence of economics students and underscore their effectiveness in this role.

The use of MOOCs in the educational process is becoming increasingly relevant and promising today. This is due to the fact that MOOCs not only offer learners flexible and accessible learning opportunities but also open new horizons for methods and approaches to teaching. From a higher education perspective, the use of MOOCs for foreign language instruction can bring about several significant benefits. Firstly, they allow educational institutions to expand and diversify their educational programs without significant additional costs. Instead of creating their own courses, universities can use existing MOOCs to provide students with the opportunity to improve their professional foreign language competence. Secondly, MOOCs can serve as a powerful tool for developing students' intercultural competence. Participation in MOOCs created in various countries and cultural contexts allows students to acquaint themselves with different cultural perspectives, enhance their intercultural communication skills, and become more globally oriented citizens. Thirdly, MOOCs offer opportunities for individualized learning. They allow students to study at their own pace and choose courses that best align with their interests and learning objectives. This promotes increased student motivation and engagement in the learning process. Overall, the use of MOOCs for foreign language instruction in higher education offers a plethora of prospects and possibilities. However, for effective utilization of these opportunities, an active stance from educational institutions, teachers, and indeed, the students themselves is required.

The study of the relevance of using MOOCs to develop professional foreign language competence among economics students in the contemporary educational space has led to a number of important conclusions. The newness of this paper lies in the effort to combine the issue of MOOCs with the specifics of developing foreign language competence in the vocational scope of economics. The theoretical meaning of the paper lies in justifying the role of MOOCs as an effective tool for enhancing

the level of professional interculture competence among bachelor students majoring in economics. This has permitted a profounder consideration of the landscape and possibilities of this teaching and learning instrument in the background of current higher vocational education. The practical implication of the research is revealed in the appearance of precise fruitful cases of using MOOCs for foreign language instruction. These examples can serve as models for developing and implementing their own courses in educational institutions.

In light of the gained outcomes, the next forthcoming guidelines for coming investigation are proposed:

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• Investigating the impact of MOOCs on the development of intercultural competence among economics students.

• Developing a methodology for integrating MOOCs into traditional higher education curricula.

• Examining student motivation and engagement in the learning process through MOOCs and devising strategies to enhance them.

Consequently, this study opens new horizons for the development and application of MOOCs in the field of higher professional education and foreign language competence formation.

1. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

2. Кирякова О.А. Применение аутентичных видеоматериалов как способ формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов неязыкового вуза. Сибирский учитель. 2022; № 1(140): 17-25.

3. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

4. Komkova A.S., Kobeleva E.P., Taskaeva E.B., Ishchenko V.G. Foreign Language Learning Environment: A Case Study of STU. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 429-437.

5. Zubkov A. Implementation of CLIL Approach via Moocs: Case Study of Siberian Transport University. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 402: 1002-1010.

6. Крутько Е.А., Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Агавелян РО. Интеграция видеоконтента в процесс обучения профессионально-ориентированному английскому языку в вузе. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 6: 66-75.

7. Агавелян РО., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Душинина Е.В. Использование мнемотехник в процессе профессионально-ориентированной иноязычной подготовки студентов-экономистов. Сибирский педагогический журнал. 2022; № 4: 38-50.

8. Балмасова Т. А. Из опыта использования мобильных приложений в обучении второму иностранному языку. Вестник педагогических наук. 2022; № 8: 224-227.

9. Gromoglasova T.I., Kovaleva M.I., Koshkina Zh.V., Huffman L. The Flipped Classroom in the Context of Digitization of Educational Space: A Students' Perspective. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022; Vol. 15, № 9: 1296-1309.

10. Ковалева М.И., Бондарь Д.Л. Платформа Skyeng в вузе: возможности и перспективы. Сибирский учитель. 2022; № 5 (144): 11-14.

11. Kiryakova O.A. E-portfolio as a means of formation of students' professional foreign language communicative competence in technical higher education institutions. Siberian Teacher. 2022; № 6 (145): 88-92.

12. Глумова Е.П., Чичерина Ю.В. Интегрированный подход к обучению иностранному языку в системе высшего образования. Обучение, тестирование и оценка. 2017; № 17: 16-26.

13. Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Матвиенко Е.Н. Формирование профессиональных компетенций будущих экономистов в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе. Вестник Сибирского государственного университета путей сообщения. 2012; № 27: 172-177.

14. Комкова А.С., Кобелева Е.П., Стучинская Е.А., Крутько Е.А. Формирование метакомпетенций студентов вуза в процессе научно-исследовательской работы на иностранном языке. Профессиональное образование в современном мире. 2020; Т. 10, № 2: 3718-3725.

15. Нос Н.И. Анализ современных педагогических технологий Германии в обучении профессионально-ориентированному иноязычному общению. Казанский педагогический журнал. 2021; № 1 (144): 149-156.


1. Zubkov A. Discursive Approach to Foreign Language Training via Massive Open Online Courses. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 636: 431-439.

2. Kiryakova O.A. Primenenie autentichnyh videomaterialov kak sposob formirovaniya inoyazychnoj kommunikativnoj kompetencii u studentov neyazykovogo vuza. Sibirskij uchitel'. 2022; № 1(140): 17-25.

3. Zubkov A. Teaching Foreign Language in Transport University Using Massive Open Online Courses: Pilot Study. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022; Vol. 403: 92-100.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 23.07.23

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Kairova L.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

THE USE OF CASES DURING THE DEMONSTRATION EXAM ON THE PROFILE OF PREPARATION "PRIMARY EDUCATION". The article studies a current problem of organizing a demonstration exam in a pedagogical university during the intermediate certification of disciplines and practices, as well as the final certification of students. Since this form of certification is relatively new for higher pedagogical education, the question arises about the content, structure of individual tasks for examinees, depending on the profile of training. Special attention is paid to the methods of assessing readiness of students, including graduates, to solve professional problems in the field of general primary education. The author has proposed for intermediate and final certification options for the content of examination cases, allowing to assess the quality of the metamethodic component of the professional competencies of the future primary school teacher. The article notes that the question of how to organize a demonstration exam continues to be debatable. This requires additional research, generalization of the positive experience of its implementation in pedagogical universities on the basis of a specially equipped Platform with the mandatory participation of representatives of specialized organizations.

Key words: demonstration exam, intermediate and final certification, case study, metamethodic skills

Л.А. Каиром, канд. пед. наук, доц., Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, г. Барнаул, E-mail: [email protected]

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