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УДК 378
Боброва Н.Е.
Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет
Bobrova N.E.
Mordovia National Research N. P. Ogarev State University
В статье отражен поиск инновационных методов обучения. Актуальность статьи обусловлена внедрением онлайн-курсов в учебный процесс. Целью исследования является выявление особенностей онлайн-обучения, его основных сильных и слабых сторон. Автор описывает опыт внедрения онлайн-обучения в Мордовском государственном университете им. Н. П. Огарева.
The article reflects the search for the innovative methods of teaching. The relevance of the article is due to the introduction of online courses in the educational process. The study aims at identifying peculiarities of online learning, its main strengths and weaknesses. The author describes the experience of implementing online learning at N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University.
Ключевые слова: онлайн-обучение, онлайн-курс, MOOC, образовательный процесс, сильные и слабые стороны, инновации в образовании.
Keywords: online learning, online course, MOOCs, educational process, strengths and weaknesses, innovations in education.
Active integration of Russia into the world economic, educational and informational community shows the need in highly qualified specialists. Obviously, traditional education may not always meet the modern requirements of employers in terms of training potential employees. Changes in the system of higher education, the introduction of new educational standards require reviewing the approaches to the educational process organization. The development of new learning models and the use of advanced information technologies are significant [1; 2, c. 45; 3, c. 154]. Thus, the use of mixed learning models combining the best of traditional learning with the capabilities of modern information technologies will help to find answers to the questions facing the participants of the educational process today [4; 5; 6].
The development of information technologies contributes to the increasing involvement of many participants of the educational process in the electronic environment, that is, the growing demand for online education is obvious.
Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the educational process without the use of online courses. The article aims to identify the opportunities and threats related to the use of online learning as well as its strengths and weaknesses.
Online course is considered as a structured set of types, forms and means of educational activity implemented with the use of e-learning and distance learn-
ing technologies, which ensures the achievement and evaluation of certain learning results simultaneously for any number of students on the basis of a complex of interconnected electronic educational resources within a single pedagogical process [7].
Such online learning platforms as Coursera, Fu-tureLearn, edX.org, Stepik, openedu.ru, MOOPED and others offer free online courses of leading universities and cultural institutes. Mordovia National Research N. P. Ogarev State University provides E-learning courses of institutes and faculties, massive open lectures and massive open online courses (MOOCs) on the unified regional educational online platform of higher education institutions of the Republic of Mordovia "Ogarev-University" (https ://mooc.mrsu. ru).
Thus, the opportunities bordering on the strengths of online learning are identified: a large number of students can work simultaneously; it has no age restrictions ; variability and diversity; mobility and studying 24/7; the opportunity to study in any place and at any time; lifelong learning; the possibility of self-development, self-education, learning self-discipline. Besides, it is possible to choose a lecturer not only in Russia, but also abroad; the opportunity to get advice from a specialist who is difficult to contact in real life, to communicate within the professional community in the subject area; it becomes possible to attract interesting teachers to work on online plat-
forms, and to form a team of specialists who develop and promote online courses. All in all, there is the possibility of applying common standards of training in the curriculum and the possibility of best training practices use and dissemination.
The opportunity to use training systems allows you to combine the acquisition of knowledge with the acquisition of work skills by combining different types of educational information [8].
For international students of many Russian universities online learning is often the only opportunity to get to know the Russian language better, to hear a native speaker's live speech in a webinar or online lecture, to listen to a specialist's lecture and get comments from a professional lecturer. International students are located in different parts of the world and in different time zones, and online training allows them to study at a convenient time and place.
Tests and tasks posted on the universities' sites can also be used as an element or supplement of a fulltime course. Thus, passing the entrance and final testing online optimizes the learning and control process. Webinars are usually recorded, and students have an access to a missed lecture, materials.
It should be noted that online learning opens up opportunities for complete education for students with disabilities.
The advantages include popularization of education and raising the level of Russian education as an indicator of the standard of living of the population (which is also included in the index of global competitiveness by which investors assess the country attractiveness for investment in the economy)
However, along with strengths there are some weaknesses of online learning resulting in the threats related to the use of online learning.
Firstly, there is a lack of face-to-face communication between students and teachers, necessary for the personal and spiritual development of University students. When giving traditional "live" classes, the psychological characteristics of students are taken into account, an individual approach is applied to each student. In general, psychological support of the educational process is provided, which is not possible with online learning.
Secondly, high complexity of developing distance learning courses should be taken into account. Not all teachers are able to use the platform for online education. A lack of competent consultants and tutors to work with the teachers who create an online course can slow down the process of developing new online courses. Moreover, different teachers-developers have their own views and approaches which can lead to the heterogeneity of the online courses quality. There is no single standard for online learning in the education system, which makes it difficult to track and verify the quality of courses. Besides, the content of the course has to be constantly varied depending on the number of participants. Reducing the variety of forms of the educational process can result in the impossibility to provide real practical and laboratory work (making experiments).
The weaknesses of online learning also include the difficulty of identifying and controlling a student who performs control tasks and tests, therefore, it gives a subjective assessment of knowledge. So, a
teacher cannot fully control students' knowledge and learning process. Students' lack of preparation for strenuous, effective independent work, inability to plan their own work could also reduce the effectiveness of online learning. The excessive nature of online learning can affect the health badly, given that the modern generation does not think of life without "gadgets". The technical problems are also significant for all participants of the online educational process [9].
One of the weaknesses of online education can be the loss of interest in the course at some education stage. If the course is easy enough at the beginning, then there is a certain fatigue and the percentage of students completed courses is minimal.
To sum up, despite the above-mentioned pros and cons of online learning, it should be admitted that it is impossible to imagine education without online format. It promotes the knowledge and education to a greater number of people, has great didactic potential, provides opportunities for the formation of new forms of independent cognitive activity and contributes to the effective use of Internet resources in the educational process.
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