Научная статья на тему 'Использование опыта США в организации дистанционного и смешанного обучения в отечественных университетах'

Использование опыта США в организации дистанционного и смешанного обучения в отечественных университетах Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Задорожная И. П.

Исследован опыт американских университетов относительно дистанционного и смешанного образования, который может быть использован в отечественных университетах, испытывающих нехватку финансирования и определенное уменьшение контингента студентов. Определены причины роста популярности дистанционного и смешанного образования (гибкость; доступность, особенно для людей с особенными потребностями; удобность; мотивационный фактор, поскольку студенты зачастую испытывают меньше стресса в виртуальном классе по сравнению с реальной средой). В статье определены главные проблемы дистанционного и смешанного образования (подготовка преподавателей и их профессиональное развитие (как в области педагогики, так и технологий), поддержка студентов в онлайн среде, а также создание эффективного и интерактивного учебного онлайн сообщества). Смешанные курсы рассматриваются как обеспечивающие определенное равновесие между цифровым и живым общением.

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The article investigates the best practices of the US universities on providing hybrid and online education that can be implemented at Ukrainian universities which experience lack of finances and a decrease in student enrollment. Basic factors of online and hybrid courses popularity are analysed (flexibility; accessibility, especially for students with special needs; saving time; convenience; motivation as students often feel less stressed in a virtual classroom than in a face-to-face environment). The main challenges of online and hybrid learning (faculty training and professional development for online education (in terms of pedagogy, communication and technology), supporting student learning in the online environment, and creating an efficient and interactive online learning community) are defined in the article. Hybrid courses are regarded as such that promote some equivalence between digital and live communication.

Текст научной работы на тему «Использование опыта США в организации дистанционного и смешанного обучения в отечественных университетах»

2. Hrebeniuk Yu. S. Suchasni tendentsiii formuvannia komunikatyvnoii kultury studentiv u medychnykh koledzhakh Velykoii Brytaniii ta SSHA / Yu. S. Hrebenyk // Porivnialno-pedahohichni studiii. - 2013. -№ 2-3. - S. 180-185.

3. Hut R. O. tvorchestve v nauke i tekhnike / R. O. Hut // Voprosy psikhologii. - 2007. - № 4. - S. 130-139.

4. Isaieva O. S. Rozvytok tvorchykh umin studentiv vyshchykh medychnykh navchalnykh zakladiv / O. S. Isaieva // Pedahohika ta psykholohiia. - 2013. - Vyp. 44. - S. 57-65. [Elektoronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64 .exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DOWNLO AD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/znpkhnpu_ped_2013_44_8.pdf

5. Karpenko V. V. Tvorchestvo i kreatyvnost kak psikhologicheskie fenomeny / V. V. Karpenko // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohiii. - 2013. - № 2 (31). -S. 141-147.

6. Keler V. Issledovaniya intellekta chelovekoobraznykh obezyan / V. Keler. - M.: Komakad, 1930. - 132 s.

7. Kelli Dzh. Teoriya lichnosti / Dzh. Kelli. - SPb.: Rech, 2000. - 249 s.

8. Kudryavtsev T. V. O razlichnykh psikhologicheskikh usloviyakh upravleniya tvorcheskoy deyatelnostiu / T. V. Kudriavtsev // Teoreticheskie problemy upravleniya poznavatelnoy deyatelnostiu cheloveka: doklady Vsesoyuznoy konferentsii: statii. - M., 1975. - S. 47-50.

9. Moroz L. M. Osnovni pidkhody do interpretatsiii kreatyvnosti v zarubizhnykh doslidzhenniakh / L. M. Moroz // Naukovi zapysky Nizhynskoho derzhavnoho universytetu im. Mykoly Hoholia. Seriia: Psykholoho-pedahohichni nauky. - 2012. - № 7. - S. 29-35. [Elektoronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/Nzspp_2012_7_8.pdf

10. Palamarenko I. O. Profesiina pidhotovka simeinykh likariv u vyshchykh medychnykh shkolakh Velykoii Brytaniii: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04 / I. O. Palamarenko; Kabinet Ministriv Ukraiiny, Nats. un-t bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannia Ukraiiny. - K., 2012. - 20 s.

11.Pysklynets U. M. Rozvytok tekhnichnoii tvorchosti studentiv-medykiv pid chas vyvchennia kursu «Medychna biolohiia i fizyka» / U. M. Pysklynets // Pedahohichnyi almanakh. - 2010. - Vyp. 7. - S. 150-153.

12.Rotenberg V. Obraz ya i povedenie / V. Rotenberg. - Yerusalim: MAKHANAYM, 2000. - 66 s. - Rezhym dostupu: http://rjews.net/v_rotenberg/book.htm#.UZJDtvmbBGQ.

13.Spirkin A. G. Soznanie i samosoznanie / A. G. Spirkin. - M.: Politizdat, 1972. - 303 s.

14.Tanko Ye. V. Dosvid orhanizatsiii samostiynoii roboty studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv Velykobrytaniii / Ye. V. Tanko // Pedahohika ta psykholohiya. - 2013. - Vyp. 44. - S. 157-166. [Elektoronnyi resurs] - Rezhym dostupu: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/znpkhnpu_ped_2013_44_19.pdf

15.Tkachenko L. M. Rozvytok intelektualno-tvorchykh zdibnostei obdarovanoii molodi v universytetakh SSHA: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ped. nauk 13.00.01 / L. M. Tkachenko. - Cherkasy, 2012. - 20 s.

16.Fromm E. Dusha cheloveka / E. Fromm. - M. : Respublika, 2002. - 429 s.

17.Khodtseva A. O. Nastupnist orhanizatsii samostiinoii roboty studentiv u navchalnykh zakladakh Velykobrytaniii / A. O. Khodtseva // Profesionalizm pedahoha v konteksti yevropeiskoho vyboru kraiiny: yakist osvity - osnova konkurentospromozhnosti maibutnoho fakhivtsia: materialy Mizhnarodnoii naukovo-praktychnoii konferentsiii, m. Yalta (22-24 veresnia 2011 roku). - Yalta: RVNZ KHU, 2011. - Ch. 3. - S. 24-29.

18.Chornous V. Tvorchi zdibnosti osobystosti: vyznachennia, sutnist, struktura / V. Chornous // Problemy pidhotovky suchasnoho vchytelia. - 2012. - № 5 (Ch. 1). -S. 82-87.

19.Boden M. A. Creativity and artifical intelligence /M. A. Boden // Artiffical Intelligence. - 1998. -V. 103. - P. 347-356.

20.Ghiselin B. Ultimate Criteria for Two Levels of Creativity / B. Ghiselin // NY: Scientific Creativity, 1963. - P. 30-43.

21.Torrance E. P. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking / E. P. Torrance. - Scholastic Testing Service, 1974. - 58 p.

22. Wertheimer M. Productive thinking / M. Wertheimer. - New York: Harper, 1945. - 204 p.

УДК 378. 1 (73) + 37. 018. 43



До^джено досвiд американських унiверситетiв в орган1зацИ дистанцтного та змшаного навчання, який може бути використаний у вiтчизняних ВНЗ, що вiдчувають нестачу фтансування та зменшення контингенту студентiв. Проаналiзовано причини зростання популярностi дистанцтного та змшаного навчання (гнучюсть; доступтсть, особливо для людей з особливими потребами; економiя часу; зручнiсть; мотивацтна готовнiсть, осюльки студенти часто вiдчувають менше стресу у

в1ртуальному клаа, нгж в реальному середовищ1). Визначено основнг проблеми дистанцшного i змшаного навчання (тдготовка eumada4ie та Их профестний розвиток (у галузi педагогiки i технологт), тдтримка студентiв в онлайн середовuщi i створення ефективного та ттерактивного навчального онлайн середовища). ЗмШат курси розглядаються такими, що забезпечують певну рiвновагу мiж цифровим i живим стлкуванням.

Ключовi слова: дистанцтна освта, змiшане навчання, курс, профестний розвиток вuкладачiв, тдтримка студентiв, онлайн середовище.



Исследовано опыт американских университетов относительно дистанционного и смешанного образования, который может быть использован в отечественных университетах, испытывающих нехватку финансирования и определенное уменьшение контингента студентав. Определены причины роста популярности дистанционного и смешанного образования (гибкость; доступность, особенно для людей с особенными потребностями; удобность; мотивационный фактор, поскольку студенты зачастую испытывают меньше стресса в виртуальном классе по сравнению с реальной средой). В статье определены главные проблемы дистанционного и смешанного образования (подготовка преподавателей и их профессиональное развитие (как в области педагогики, так и технологий), поддержка студентов в онлайн среде, а также создание эффективного и интерактивного учебного онлайн сообщества). Смешанные курсы рассматриваются как обеспечивающие определенное равновесие между цифровым и живым общением.

Ключевие слова: дистанционное образование, смешанное обучение, курс, профессиональное развитие преподавателей, поддержка студентов, онлайн среда.




The article investigates the best practices of the US universities on providing hybrid and online education that can be implemented at Ukrainian universities which experience lack of finances and a decrease in student enrollment. Basic factors of online and hybrid courses popularity are analysed (flexibility; accessibility, especially for students with special needs; saving time; convenience; motivation as students often feel less stressed in a virtual classroom than in a face-to-face environment). The main challenges of online and hybrid learning (faculty training and professional development for online education (in terms of pedagogy, communication and technology), supporting student learning in the online environment, and creating an efficient and interactive online learning community) are defined in the article. Hybrid courses are regarded as such that promote some equivalence between digital and live communication.

Keywords: online learning, hybrid learning, course, faculty professional development, student support, online environment.

This study was made possible by a grant from IREX with funds provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. American higher education has long dominated in academic and research power. Due to this fact the US experience can be a source of valuable ideas for reforming Ukrainian higher education, predicting challenges and solving them.

Ukrainian institutions experience lack of finances and a decrease in student enrollment. To attract students, institutions must provide a high quality education that is accessible in terms of time, money, etc. The US experience shows that one of the possible solutions is offering different formats of teaching and learning (face-to-face, hybrid, online) to meet the needs of different groups including people with disabilities for whom visiting a university may be problematic. Besides, online learning presupposes less pressure on university facilities which can be cost saving.

Though some researchers have studies the US experience of online learning (R. Valeyeva, L. Sen, R. Sharan), it still needs further investigation.

The objectives of the article are to analyze the best practices of the US universities on providing hybrid and online education which can be implemented at Ukrainian universities.

As for online courses, their growth in popularity can be explained by the following factors (which are the main, but not the only): flexibility (online students can work on their courses at any time convenient for them, e.g. between jobs, appointments and other classes); accessibility, especially for students with special needs (Ukrainian universities still lack the accessibility required for students with impaired mobility); saving time as students don't have to commute and can complete assignments anywhere (using their laptop, phone etc.); motivation as students often feel less stressed in a virtual classroom than in a face-to-face environment [3].

Online learning has its challenges, among which are student retention rates. Concerns about the retention rates of online students as compared to students taught in a traditional on-campus way began to be recognized in 1999-2000. There are completely opposing results from studies on this problem. Some studies confirm that many institutions have lower rates of student retention in online courses compared to those who are taught on campus, others present quite opposite data [4].

The research conducted by Fetzner showed the important factors that influence the performance outcomes among which age (25 years of age or above increases performance), registration (students demonstrate better results when they register five or more weeks before the start of the semester) [4]; prior educational attainment (students with higher prior educational attainment tend to be more self-directed) [11]. Students must be ready for online learning as it demands both self-organization and time management skills (among reasons of non-success students in Fetzner's survey mentioned those connected with metacognitive skills). As for advantages of early registration, it gives students time to prepare for a particular online course, schedule time allotted to course work, and develop necessary skills and situations to ensure success.

Hybrid courses promote some equivalence between digital and live communication. In this case, a course combines the advantages of online and face-to-face learning [5]. As for the latter, it enables students to ask questions, enjoy face-to-face interaction with the instructor in a real-time setting.

Hybrid learning is a student-centered learning that utilizes higher level cognitive processes across multiple learning environments [8]. Students' success depends much on teacher's ability to create and foster environments that encourage students' learning [2] with the help of technologies the role of which is indisputable. Technology is regarded as an effective medium, and its role should be considered as a facilitator but by no means should it become a barrier to student-centered learning experiences [6].

However, hybrid learning also has its drawbacks, among which increased instructor's workload and the necessity to teach and study in two environments, which can be difficult both for faculty and students.

The literature analysis shows that the main questions to arise about implementing online or hybrid courses are the following:

• faculty training and professional development for online education (in terms of pedagogy,

communication and technology),

• supporting student learning in the online environment, and

• creating an efficient and interactive online learning community.

The article presents the results of our observations at Montclair State University (MSU). The following factors contribute to the effectiveness of the online and hybrid courses provided by the university faculty:

Research Academy for University Learning - a center which provides instructors with confidential feedback services. Faculty can obtain feedback on overall course outline as well as student feedback through virtual Small Group Analysis. The latter presupposes feedback from students long before the course finishes which is usually more extended and gives more ideas to the instructor that are helpful during rather than at the end of the course. It is conducted by an academy representative with the aim of encouraging students to share their ideas about positive and negative features of the course and suggesting ways of improving the course. The confidentiality (in case of the instructor) and anonymity (in case of students) ensures faculty usage of the service and students' participation [7].

A professionally developed university website with comprehensive and comprehensible information on technical and organizational issues including University Help desk which contains information about recommended hardware, software, services, resources and their main characteristics; instructions on handling technical difficulties and problems, operating different

equipment; weekly updated Tech Tips that announce new technology tools and remind the community of the tools that are currently available with clear description of actions (e. g., saving a Microsoft Office Document as a PDF file, grouping messages in Mozilla Thunderbird etc.).

Another tool to enhance the quality of online and hybrid courses is Faculty Showcase Videos, where faculty members who have experience in teaching online share their ideas on the most important and critical issues of online education - benefits and challenges when teaching online and hybrid, online assessment, fostering an online learning community, instructional approaches, and strategies applicable to both online and hybrid teaching and learning. The Faculty Showcase Video is an extremely motivating tool as it demonstrates success stories of teaching online/hybrid courses from the MSU faculty members, faculty experience of possible challenges with solutions, and important pedagogical considerations and instructional approaches.

Individual consultations for faculty, staff and students on any technical problem after making an appointment online.

Library which provides access to a variety of databases (the library subscribes to over 70 online databases that give access to over 30,000 online journals and magazines available through computers in the library and on and off campus), articles, and video/audio streaming.

Up-to-date equipment which can be borrowed for free after completing online equipment loan form.

Every faculty member is assigned an Instructional Designer who supports the development of hybrid/online courses. To ensure responsive and high-quality assistance, the faculty are recommended to complete a request form at least 2 months before the online or hybrid course starts. The designer helps with both technical and pedagogical problems.

All faculty members who are going to teach online or hybrid courses for the first time at Montclair State University are highly recommended to participate in a faculty development program which is fully online and aims at providing faculty with pedagogical approaches, best online practices and guidelines for employing appropriate instructional technologies to enhance the effectiveness of online and hybrid teaching and learning. The program lasts four weeks, includes four modules and is concentrated on different approaches to online teaching, creating an online community, promoting effective interaction, and creating assessments for students' progress.

It takes 2-4 hours per week for a faculty member to participate in the program at any convenient for them time as the course is asynchronous. The program is offered in spring, fall and summer.

After getting acquainted with the online program for faculty development, we learned its main features are: each module contains relevant information; faculty members are provided with references for further reading; modules include discussions (for example, participants are asked to look at a publicly available course and analyze it in terms of positive features and things that could be done differently), a course design project (though optional, but highly recommended as faculty can start developing their courses while participating in the program); different types of activities (for example, using tools that faculty will employ in their own courses, completing pedagogical problem-solving tasks, peer reviewing, etc.); at the end of the program the participants are asked to evaluate it and give recommendations on how to improve it.

A series of workshops of different formats (both online - synchronous and asynchronous - and face-to-face). The purpose of the workshops includes getting faculty acquainted with effective technologies that can be used in online and hybrid courses and teaching faculty how to operate them. One series of workshops is completely dedicated to Canvas technological opportunities (for example, utilizing the Syllabus tool, uploading files, utilizing the Discussion Board, Wikis, Messages/Conversations, Conferences/Collaborations, and administering the Canvas Grade Center, etc.). In addition, faculty can acquire skills on using most innovative products (for example, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google+, Google Scholar, Google Sites and Google Groups), technologies (for example, Prezi, Jing, Screencast, Voki etc.) and get a more in-depth look at programs they are already acquainted with (for example, tricks to make PowerPoint presentations more exciting). Participants can learn how to use tools for different purposes (for example, to manage and analyze data quickly), and pedagogical potential of tools (for example, using Google Sites to create an ePortfolio) [10].

Faculty might have some restrictions on the amount of online or hybrid courses they can teach per semester. Thus, according to the current Online Courses Policies of College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Montclair State University the maximum number of online-hybrid courses that a

faculty member can teach is two per fall and spring semesters (except for the faculty member who teaches in a program delivered completely online). During my stay at MSU, I attended the meetings of the Online/Hybrid Policy Group where a new draft was developed according to which a tenure or tenure-line faculty may teach one online or two hybrid courses per semester. Each department was supposed to develop a policy that defines which courses should be offered in face-to-face, hybrid or online formats.

Since one of the purposes of online courses is to give more opportunities to people with disabilities, the faculty and instructional designers are provided with a set of recommendations how to make the courses accessible to them, for example, by adding transcripts to audio file, using row and column headers for tables etc..

The results of interviews of faculty, staff, instructional designers as well as the analysis of the activities and resources offered show that professional development for faculty presupposes pedagogical and technology tracks; is based on individual approach to meet the interests and needs of faculty; reflects the latest technologic advancements that can be effectively employed in online teaching; is systematic, highly recommended; and is focused a lot on creating interactive online community. All the mentioned features make the activities motivating which is very important since one of the challenges of developing online and hybrid education is the fact that many faculty members still resist the idea of teaching hybrid or online courses. As a motivating factor MSU is planning to provide faculty with Online Teaching Certificate Program for Faculty via partnership with other institutions.

The effectiveness of the online and hybrid education depends not only on the competence of the faculty and staff or the quality of the course, but also on the students' readiness to study online. The latter includes two main characteristics: appropriate self-management and technology skills. In case of online courses a very important factor is comfort with non face-to-face communication [1]. Students undertaking online courses should also be aware of challenges they will meet as well of strategies of being good online learners.

Before taking a course MSU students are asked to complete a self-assessment grid to get evaluated how ready they are for online learning. The questions assess candidates meta-cognitive, time-management skills, technology skills, ability to work independently and communicate in the written form. On completing the assessment, students are informed about their strengths and weaknesses as online learners.

Students undertaking an online program or online/hybrid courses are provided with a variety of resources and services to help them get ready before and support during the study:

A student online guide which contains a lot of useful information to help students succeed -general information about online learning and studying hybrid courses, necessary skills, working with Canvas, computer requirements, an online course sample, strategies for successful learning etc. [9].

Self-paced tutorials which include Canvas orientation course with explanation and video demostration how to use different tools or do tasks (for example, submitting an assignment) as well as information about technical support students can obtain when in need.

Video-recorded Canvas orientation for students with detailed information on operating Canvas.

The New Student Orientation-Webinar which is highly recommended to students who take an online program as it gives them an opportunity to "meet" coordinators and become connected with the university and community.

There is one more thing crucial to online student success - their support by instructors. Interviews of the Montclair State University faculty who teach online courses showed that students' success depends much on the teacher's ability to create an online community comfortable for students and give them the "feeling" of instructor's and other students' presence. To support online learners they recommend: connecting individually with every student two or three weeks before the course starts, sending every student a personal email and reminding them about the course to let them begin to review the syllabus, schedule, and obtain required texts for the course; instructor introducing himself/herself in the cyber cafe and asking students to introduce themselves; providing students with individualized feedback; and a clear and well-elaborated schedule to avoid misunderstanding of course requirements.

All the above mentioned measures can be implemented in Ukrainian universities. It is also necessary to mention that in case of hybrid or distant courses, instructors should encourage peer support and help. In an online course the most challenging task is creating an online community. It can

be solved by employing discussions, interactive tasks, peer evaluation, encouraging students to introduce themselves at the beginning of the course to let the groupmates better know and understand one another, conducting synchronized "live" activities etc.

The experience of other countries in providing distant and hybrid courses should be further analysed with the aim of using its best practices in Ukrainian universities.


1. Blankenship R. Undegraduate student online learning readiness / Blankenship R. Atkinson J. K. // International Journal of Education Research. - 2010. - Vol. 5. - Issue 2. - P. 44-54.

2. Caufild J. How to Design and Teach a Hybrid Course: Achieving Student-Centered Learning through Blended Classroom / Caufild J. - Sterling: Virginia, Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2011. - 266 p.

3. Dutton W. H. Digital academe: the new media and institution of higher education and learning / Dutton, W. H., Loader, B. - London: Routledge, 2002. - 182 p.

4. Fetzner M. What do unsuccessful on-line students want us to know / Fetzner M. // Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. - 2013. - Vol. 17. - Issue 1. - P. 13-27.

5. Harmon O. R. Testing the effect of hybrid lecture delivery on learning outcomes / Harmon O. R., Alpert W. T., Lambrinos J. // Journal of Online Learning & Teaching. 2014. - Vol. 10. - Issue 1. -P. 112-121.

6. Marks D. The Hybrid Course: Leaning into the 21st century / Marks D. // Journal of Technology Integration in the Classroom. - 2013. - Vol. 5. - Issue 1. - P. 35-40.

7. Research Academy for University Learning. Montclair State University. http://www.montclair.edu/academy.

8. Shulman L. Signature Pedagogies in the disciplines / L. Shulman // Daedalus. -2005. - 134 (3). - P. 52-59.

9. Student Guide: becoming a successful online learner. Montclair State University. http://tti. montclair.edu/studentonline.

10.Technology Training and Integration. Montclair State University. http://tti.montclair.edu.

11.Xu D. Performance gaps between online and face-to-face courses: differences across types of students and academic subject areas / Xu D., Jaggars S. S. // Journal of Higher Education. - 2014. - Vol. 85. -Issue 5. - pp. 633-659.

УДК 37.013(438)"19"



Розглянуто систему пiдготовки втськових кадрiв у корпусах кадетiв - «сучасних школах лицарства» у Польщi впродовж 1918-1939 рр. Кадетськ корпуси були добре органгзованими освiтнiми закладами, як здтснювали належну тдготовку юнаюв для подальшого навчання в офщерських середнiх школах. Вказано, що головна увага в них зверталася на формування в майбутнiх офiцерiв Втська Польського патрютизму, сильного характеру, сттко'1 волi, громадянськостi, дисциплти, моральних цiнностей. З'ясовано, що кадетськ корпуси реалгзували повну навчальну программу загальноосвiтньоi школи, включаючи загальну втськову тдготовку i ф1зичного виховання. Вони були важливою ланкою в цтснт системi освти i виховання майбутнiх офщерських кадрiв в II Речi Посполитш. Загалом у них формували зразок майбутнiх гiдних кандидатiв на державну службу, в якш, безсумнiвно, е постать професшного вшськового - людини активноI] творчоi, пiдготовленоi до активного життя i роботи в суспiльствi.

Ключовi слова: освiта, виховання, патрютизм, оборона, безпека, втсько, суспшьство.



ПОСПОЛИТОЙ (1918-1939)

Рассмотрена система подготовки военных кадров в корпусах кадетов - «современных школах рыцарства» в Польше на протяжении 1918-1939 гг. Кадетские корпуса были хорошо организованными учебными заведениями, которые осуществляли необходимую подготовку юношей к последующей учебе в

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