New contours of development of higher professional education in the field of physical
culture and sports
UDC 796.077.5
Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
Dr. Sc.Soc., Professor S.I. Rosenko2
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport
and Health, Saint-Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 07.11.2023
Objective of the study was to identify current trends in the development of theory and practice of personnel training based on modern principles of building a system of professional education in the field of physical culture and sports. Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of information and analytical materials was carried out based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational organizations of higher education in Russian universities of physical culture and sports.
Results and conclusions. Currently, higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports is undergoing transformations determined by the requirements of the modern labor market. The outlined contours of the development of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports are closely related to the formation of multi-stage education (bachelor-master), an increase in the number of student populations, the predominance of public sector students, a reduction in the number of implemented enlarged groups of directions, and the development of the "specialization" of higher sports education. The identified trends determine further ways to improve the theory and practice of industry education aimed at training specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.
Keywords: higher professional education, physical culture, sports.
Introduction. The branch of physical culture and sports covers sports organizations of various structures, the tasks of which change in accordance with the demands of public life. In this regard, the construction of a multicomponent personnel training system should be carried out on a methodological basis that creates conditions for the diversification of tasks, functions, structure and content of professional training [6].
Building an effective modern system for training physical education personnel ensures a symbiosis of such methodological principles as:
• compliance of the personnel training system with the essence and strategy of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports;
• implementation of continuity of the training process for specialists in the physical education and sports industry;
• ensuring predictability of the nature of training;
• designing interdisciplinarity of types of training in combination with in-depth specialization in the field of physical culture and sports;
• monitoring of professional preparedness;
• achieving optimal multi-level structure of the education system.
The proposed principles of the physical education system reflect the ideas of professional training of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, determine the ways of transforming the scientific and innovative complexes of the system of continuous professional education [4].
Making management decisions in designing an effective multi-level structure of the education system is based on the results of systematic monitoring of the professional indicators of training of industry specialists. Thus, it becomes relevant to select a configuration of quantitative and qualitative indicators for monitoring higher education in the field of physical culture
and sports, which make it possible to determine the current and future contours of the system of the Russian sports educational space.
Objective of the study was to identify current trends in the development of theory and practice of personnel training based on modern principles of building a system of professional education in the field of physical culture and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of information and analytical materials was carried out based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational organizations of higher education in Russian universities of physical culture and sports.
Results of the study and discussion. Higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports is characterized by both general and distinctive features, which are determined by the types of professional activity.
Despite the overall reduction in the number of Russian universities from 741 in 2018 to 722 in 2022, a group of 14 state sectoral universities of physical culture (5 universities, 6 academies and 3 institutes) subordinate to the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (1.9% of the total number of Russian universities), remained unchanged [1]. This situation is explained by a number of factors - the state policy pursued in the country for the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports in the country, the needs of the modern labor market, the social significance of physical culture in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, etc. A similar situation characterizes the dynamics of the student population. In contrast to the trend of reduction in the number of Russian students (2017 - 4246 thousand people, 2022 - 4044 thousand people) [1, p. 204], the quantitative parameters of students in physical education universities in-
creased during this period from 34, 4 thousand people up to 34.8 thousand people
It is necessary to identify the distinctive features of differentiation of the student population of sports universities, the criteria of which are such indicators as the form of education, level of education, sources of funding (Table 1).
Analysis of statistical data allows us to identify the specific social characteristics of students in sports educational organizations. First of all, we are talking about the distribution of students according to forms of education. Currently, there are 2.5 million people in Russian universities. (61.2%) are studying full-time, 0.2 million people. - full-time and part-time (6.5%) and 1.3 million people. (32.3%) - by correspondence [1, p. 204], then physical education universities, with a similar proportion of full-time students (57.8%), are distinguished by a higher proportion of part-time students (42.2%). This feature is determined by the lack of full-time and part-time education in federal state educational standards in the field of physical culture and sports. Certain nuances of the distribution of students by level of education are also recorded - for example, if in Russia as a whole 68.7% of students are currently studying in bachelor's programs, 18.4% in specialty programs and 13% in master's programs [3], then in sports universities due to absence of specialties, 86.6% of students are in bachelor's degree and 13.4% are in master's degree. It should also be noted that a characteristic feature of physical education universities is the predominance of students studying at the expense of budgetary funds (2017 budget/contract ratio was 74.8% and 25.2%, 2022 - 77.5% and 22. 5%). The average Unified State Exam score of applicants to study at sports educational organizations is also noteworthy. Statistical data record the positive
Table 1. Student population at Russian universities of physical education [2]
Form of study Number of students
2018 2022
34389 34769
Including full-time education (people) 19933 57,9% 20093 57,8%
By correspondence education (people) 14456 42,1 14676 42,2%
Including students enrolled in bachelor's degree programs (%) 88,1 86,6
Including students enrolled in master's degree programs (%) 11,9 13,4
Including students studying at the expense of budgetary funds % 74,8 77,5
Including students on a contractual basis % 25,2 22,5
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I January I № 1 2024
Table 2. Differentiation of the student population of Russian universities of physical education by field of education [2]
Field of education The number of students enrolled (thousand people) (the given contingent)
2017 2022
Social Sciences 1969,1 1323,8
Education and pedagogical sciences 745,7 1057,1
Humanitarian sciences 18542,5 19020.9
Arts and culture 172,2 158,8
Total 21429,5 21560,6
dynamics of this indicator - so if in 2018 the average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled in physical education universities was in the range from 54.5 to 72.4 points, then in 2022 this figure ranged from 52.2 to 77.6 points.
A separate aspect of the social composition of students at sports universities is its differentiation by field of education (Table 2).
The field of education is a set of enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training related to a specific field of activity. As follows from the table above, the main field of education in sports universities is "Humanities"; the number and proportion of students studying in it increased in 2017-2022. with 18.5 thousand people. (86.5%) up to 19 thousand people. (88.2%). The indicators of the group of students studying within the "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" group also increased from 0.7 thousand people. (3.5%) to 1.1 thousand people. (4.9%). At the same time, during the period under review, the quantitative parameters of students in areas of training related to
the fields of education "Society Sciences" decreased (2017 - 1.9 thousand people (9.2%), 2022 - 1.1 thousand people (6.2%)), and "Art and culture" (2017 -172.2 people (0.8%), 2022 - 158.8 people (0.7%)). The changes that took place directly affected the differentiation of the student population of physical education universities by enlarged groups of specialties and directions (EGSD) (Table 3).
The presented data shows that in the period 20172022. There was a reduction in the number of consolidated groups of specialties and areas within which the educational activities of physical education universities were carried out. This dynamics indicates that in the field of physical culture and sports, the trend of "specialized" higher education has increasingly begun to manifest itself. If relatively recently, industry universities increased training in a wide variety of areas - sports management, journalism, sports and health services and tourism, state and municipal administration, advertising and public relations, sports diplomacy, then during the study period, against the
Table 3. Distribution of the student population of physical education universities by enlarged groups of specialties and directions [2]
Implemented EGSD Contingent provided
2017 2022
38.00.00 - Economics and management 586,6 489,7
41.00.00 - Political sciences and regional studies 66 48,0
42.00.00 - Mass media and information and library science 622,8 149,9
43.00.00 - Service and tourism 487,9 551,8
44.00.00 - Education and pedagogical sciences 745,7 1057,1
49.00.00 - Physical education and sports 18533,2 19020,9
37.00.00 - Psychological sciences 32,4 18,8
39.00.00 - Sociology and social work 170,5 65,6
51.00.00 - Cultural studies and sociocultural projects 172,2 158,8
40.00.00 - Jurisprudence 2,9 0
32.00.00 - Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine 4,0 0
46.00.00 - History and archeology 10 0
background of a decrease in students in non-core areas of training began to increase quantitative indicators of the number and proportion of students studying in the main enlarged group of specialties and areas of EGSD 49.00.00 - Physical culture and sports (49.03.01; 49.04.01 - Physical culture, 49.03.02; 49.04.02 - Physical culture for persons with health problems, 03.49.03 - Recreation and sports and health tourism; 04.49.03 - Sports). In total, in 2022, the student population of this group amounted to 19 thousand people. (88.2% of students). Next in terms of quantitative indicators is EGSD 44.00.00. - Education and pedagogical sciences (1.1 thousand people (4.9%). The remaining 6.9% of students in descending order fall on EGSD 43.00.00 - Service and tourism, EGSD 38.00.00 - Economics and management, EGSD 51.00.00 - Cultural studies and sociocultural projects, EGSD 42.00.00 - Mass media and information and library science, EGSD 39.00.00 - Sociology and social work, EGSD 41.00.00 - Political sciences and regional studies, EGSD 37.00.00 - Psychological sciences.
Foreign students are a separate segment of the student body at Russian sports universities. Statistical data shows a downward trend in the number and share of this group: if in 2018 there were 1,560 foreigners studying at industry universities (3.9% of the total number of students), then by 2022 these figures dropped to 1,447 people. (3.8%). The majority of foreign students at physical education universities were citizens of the CIS countries, Asia and the Middle East. The decrease in the foreign contingent, on the one hand, is determined by objective external conditions (complicated geopolitical and epidemio-logical situation), and internal factors associated with the insufficient internationalization of the educational environment of sports universities. In this regard, the task arises of intensifying international activities in the sports educational space.
The most important parameter of higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports is the personnel potential of industry universities. According to statistics, the training of future spe-
cialists in sports universities is carried out by more than two thousand employees from among the teaching staff. Personnel potential is characterized by the following indicators: the share of teaching staff with academic degrees is 63.3%; the share of teaching staff in the age category under 65 years is 82.3%; the share of full-time teaching staff is 82.3%. This indicates that while there is undoubted compliance with the requirements of federal state standards for staffing the educational process, it is necessary to pay close attention to the issues of increasing the degree of teachers and rejuvenating human resources.
Conclusions. The analysis outlined the contours of the development of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports, which are closely related to the formation of multi-stage education (bachelormaster), an increase in the number of student populations, the predominance of public sector students, a reduction in the number of implemented enlarged groups of directions, the development of the "profile" of higher sports education. The identified trends determine further ways to improve the theory and practice of industry education aimed at training specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.
1. Rossiyskiy statisticheskiy yezhegodnik. Statis-ticheskiy sbornik/Rosstat. Moscow, 2022. 691 p. Available at: (date of access:12.09.2023).
2. Available at: (date of access:10.10.2023).
3. Available at: stat/highed/ (date of access:10.10.2023).
4. Lubysheva L.I. Metodologicheskiye printsipy po-stroyeniya sovremennoy sistemy podgotovki fiz-kulturnykh kadrov. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2021. No. 8. p. 103.
5. Lubysheva L.I., Rosenko S.I., Verzilin D.N. Di-versifikatsiya obrazovatelnoy deyatelnosti vuzov fizicheskoy kultury. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2021. No. 2. pp. 3-6.
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I January I № 1 2024