Formation of professional and pedagogical skills of a future coach by means of sports
UDC 796:378
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Suprun1 Dr. Hab., Professor E.N. Medvedev1 Dr. Hab., Professor R.N. Terekhin1 Dr. Hab., Professor N.G. Zakrevskaya1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
Corresponding author: [email protected] Received by the editorial office on 06.19.2023
Objective of the study was to determine the role of sports training of students of a higher educational institution of physical culture for the formation of professional and pedagogical skills of coaches.
Methods and structure of the study. A survey was conducted among students of the specialization "rhythmic gymnastics" of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics of Lesgaft University, St. Petersburg, in the direction of 49.04.03 Sports and in the direction of 49.03.01 Physical culture.
Results and conclusions. From the analysis of the data obtained, it is concluded that there is a positive transfer of the experience of sports training and competitive activity to the professional and pedagogical skills of the future coach. The education system in sports universities should provide training for both high-class athletes and qualified coaches.
Keywords: sports training, higher education institutions of physical culture, professional and pedagogical skills.
Introduction. At present, the problem of improving the quality of human resources in the field of physical culture and sports is given considerable attention, as one of the leading factors in the effective development of the industry as a whole. Domestic traditions of personnel training are based on the use of empirical experience of students obtained at the stage of pre-professional sports training and in the process of mastering educational programs. Previous studies indicate the presence of organizational and regulatory framework for integrating the results of participation in sports training and the results of mastering educational programs for students from among qualified athletes.
Objective of the study was to determine the role of sports training of students of a higher educational institution of physical culture for the formation of professional and pedagogical skills of coaches.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to determine the role of sports training of students of a higher educational institution of physical culture for the formation of professional and pedagogical skills of coaches [1, 3] in rhythmic gymnastics, a survey was conducted. The survey involved 26 student-athletes specializing in rhythmic gymnastics of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics of Lesgaft University, St. Petersburg, of which 27% studied in the direction 49.04.03 Sports (2nd year) and 63% in the direction 49.03.01 Physical culture (4th year). All respondents had high sports qualifications: 73.1% - the title of "Master of Sports of Russia"; 3.8% - the title of "Master of Sports of International Class"; 23.1% -sports qualification "Candidate for Master of Sports".
Results of the study and their discussion. The survey showed that the students had a great competitive experience, most of them (50%) took part in the
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I September I № 9 2023
Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, and 34.6% competed at the All-Russian competitions (Figure 2). A fairly high percentage (3.8%) of gymnasts with world experience in participating in competitions at European and World Championships and Cups also speaks about the sports qualifications of athletes. It is noted that the higher the qualification of an athlete, the longer she was in sports form and continued her sports career.
training in student years, even in fairly young sports, like rhythmic gymnastics.
Specifying the reason for the end of sports activities, many respondents (34.6%) noted an injury that prevented them from continuing to train (Figure 3), as well as a desire to carry out professional and pedagogical activities - 23.1% of respondents began to work as a coach and pass on their sports experience to young people gymnasts.
Figure 1. The level of competition with the participation of female students-athletes of the specialization "rhythmic gymnastics" (according to the survey, n=26)
Figure 3. Reasons for the completion of sports activities and the start of coaching female students (according to the survey, n=26)
It was revealed that only 7.7% finished training in the 10th grade or in the 11th grade (7.7%) of the general education school (Figure 2). Most of them continued to go in for sports during their studies at the university.
Figure 2. The time period for the completion of a sports career among female students of the specialization "Rhythmic Gymnastics" (according to the survey, n=26)
It was found that about 1/3 of the respondents (30.8%) still competed in the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree and the same number of students - in the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree (30.8%). Despite the completion of the stage of active sports training (SSM), there were also those who went in for sports and master's programs: 3.8% of the respondents trained in the 1st year, 3.8% - in the 2nd year. This indicates that a stable and high level of motivation for sports, formed in the process of many years of sports training, contributes to the successful continuation of
Also, the difficult epidemiological situation in the country and the world, that is, the pandemic (11.4%), which did not allow continuing training in specialized halls, also affected the timing of the completion of students' sports activities. In this regard, 3.8% of student athletes focused on the educational process. At the same time, 15.4% of respondents had no motivation to continue their sports career, since, in their opinion, by the time they entered the university, they had already achieved their maximum sports results.
Most often, when entering a university, female students continued to study at its base - 73.1% answered this way (Figure 4). This was due to the fact that the university employs competent teachers who successfully combine teaching and coaching activities, helping students to realize their motor potential.
Figure 4. Ratio of rhythmic gymnastics female athletes studying at a higher educational institution of physical culture, taking into account the place of sports training (according to the survey, n=26)
At the same time, 11.5% of the gymnasts continued to train in their sports schools and compete for their region.
As noted earlier, 15.4% of the respondents completed their sports career before entering the university, for this reason they did not train anywhere in the process of mastering the main professional educational program (Figure 5).
Figure 5. The ratio of difficulties encountered by students in the process of training activities at the university (according to the survey, n=26)
At the same time, in the opinion of the majority of respondents, the completion of sports training was influenced by the difficulties of combining training and educational activities (65.4% of female students indicated this). Also, 11.5% believed that the presence of favorable material and technical conditions (a specialized hall) for training would probably contribute to the continuation of their sports activities.
The survey showed that female gymnasts do not consider the possibility of engaging in other motor activities and are devoted to their sport. The professional standard of a coach in a sport takes into account the Federal Standard for Sports Training in a sport and all the scientific knowledge that underlies its development. In this regard, in their free time, many of them already carry out coaching activities in sports clubs (65.4%) or help their coach (19.2%) (Figure 6).
Figure 6. The ratio of activities carried out by students during their studies at the university (according to the survey, n=26)
None of the respondents noted that they reoriented themselves to another sport similar to their chosen one or another type of activity not related to sports. According to the respondents, undoubtedly (96.2% of students think so) there is a positive transfer of the experience of sports training and competitive activity to the professional and pedagogical skills of the future coach. The education system in sports universities should provide training for both high-class athletes and qualified coaches. At present, the model of integrating the training of a sports reserve into the educational process of higher education institutions of physical culture is becoming more and more in demand [2].
Conclusions. Thus, as a result of a questionnaire survey, it was found that it is precisely the knowledge, skills and abilities that students have acquired during sports activities that allow students to realize themselves in the professional activities of a coach.
1. Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii podgotovki spor-tivnogo rezerva v RF do 2025 goda (vmeste s Planom meropriyatiy po realizatsii Kontseptsii podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2025 goda). Rasporyazheniye Pravitelstva RF ot 17.10.2018 N 2245-r [On approval of the Concept for the preparation of a sports reserve in the Russian Federation until 2025 (together with the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept for the preparation of a sports reserve in the Russian Federation until 2025). Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2018 N 2245-r]. Available at: (date of access: 06.11.2023).
2. Solovyov V.B., Petrov S.I., Medvedeva E.N., Zakrevskaya N.G. Podgotovka sportivnogo rezerva v vysshem obrazovanii v oblasti fizicheskoy kultury i sporta [Preparation of a sports reserve in higher education in the field of physical culture and sports]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2023. No. 1. pp. 5-7.
3. Professionalnyy standart 05.003. Trener: utverzh-den prikazom Ministerstva truda i sotsialnoy zash-chity Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 28 marta 2019 goda N 191n [Professional standard 05.003. Trainer: approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2019 N 191n]. Available at: http://www. consultant. ru (date of access: 06.11.2023).
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I September I № 9 2023