UDC 796/378.096
Dr. Hab., Professor L.A. Rapoport1 Postgraduate student A.S. Markova1 1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg
Historical milestones in the development of the institute of physical culture, sport and youth policy of the Ural federal university named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract
Objective of the study was historical analysis of the formation and development of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.
Results and conclusions. The article reveals the history of the formation and development of physical education of students, and then the training of qualified personnel in the field of physical culture and sports in one of the largest universities in the Urals - UrFU. There is an interrelation between the trends in the development of an institution of higher professional education, the formation of student sports and the areas of training specialists for the Sverdlovsk region.
Keywords: institute of physical culture, student sports, UrFU, physical education.
Introduction. In order to ensure stability in the context of anti-Russian sanctions in the field of physical culture and sports, as a socially and reputation-ally significant area, the history of the development of physical education of students, and then the training of qualified personnel for the region at the Ural Federal University (hereinafter referred to as UrFU) is of interest.
Objective of the study was a historical analysis of the formation and development of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.
Research results and discussion. The first years of functioning of the Ural State University, established on October 19, 1920, were not easy, because it was necessary to form a material base, build a comfortable learning process for students and teachers. Of course, in those days there were serious difficulties with funding, and the issues of physical culture and sports were not in the first place for the university leadership; the main goal was to "get back on your feet", to create a reliable foundation for future development.
The first official structural subdivision of the current Ural Federal University in relation to physical culture and sports is the department of physical training of students, founded in September 1932, headed by Valery Vasilyevich Skryabin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. In 1934, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decides to merge several Sverdlovsk branch institutes into one Ural Industrial Institute with seven faculties and five thousand students [2].
Already in 1934, through the efforts of Valery Vasilyevich Skryabin and Andrei Mikhailovich Vishnevsky, the Department of physical education was organized at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. For three months it was headed by a graduate of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgaft Valery Vasilyevich Skryabin, and from December 1934 to 1970 (with short breaks for acting head of the department of other teachers) the department was headed by Andrey Mikhailovich Vishnevsky, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture (SCOLIPE).
Under the leadership of A.M. Vishnevsky department has been developing for more than three dec-
ades, and during this period a lot of efforts have been made to establish the educational and training process at the institute. It is interesting to note that under the supervision of the head of the department, the track and field athletes of the institute introduced year-round training into the training process, which resulted in the record of the Soviet Union set by the athletes of the institute in the 5x1000 m relay in 1940 [2]. At the regional level, the team of polytechnics had no equal for a long time - 23 times they won the relay race for the prize of the newspaper "Ural Worker" (one of the most prestigious regional athletics starts).
In the period from 1936 to 1939, the department was headed by Vasily Ivanovich Shibakin, Boris Kon-onovich Lurie, Boris Alexandrovich Zhuravlev and Ig-natiy Vasilyevich Nazarov. During the Great Patriotic War from 1942 to 1945, the department was headed by a Russian sports veteran Vladimir Fomich Piontek. Already on the second day of the war, hundreds of students and teachers of the institute went to the front as volunteers; among them were six employees of the department of physical education.
An important event for the development of student sports at the institute was the creation at the end of 1945 of a student sports club, which, together with the department of physical education, energetically engaged in mass sports work. For many years he led the club M.S. Stolyar. This club continues its activities at the present time, organizing physical culture and sports events, involving as many students and employees as possible in the sports life of the university.
It is necessary to note the scientific and methodological component of the development of the department in the postwar years. A.M. Vishnevsky was the first in the country to develop a methodology for practicing physical culture with a health-improving orientation with young people who have deviations in their state of health.
The sports achievements of students were also numerous. Here are some figures: since 1947, the team of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI) has won 85 times and 101 second and third places in various All-Union and All-Russian competitions in 26 sports. Students brought gold medals from world championships (parachuting, shooting), and gold from the World Universiade (skiing), and the highest awards of the USSR (skating, cycling, rock climbing, etc.).
With regard to the development of the material base of the institute, two most significant events took place in these years. The first is the creation of a sports camp on the shores of Lake Sandy, the idea
of which belonged to the rector G.A. Prudensky, who saw something similar in one of the Moscow universities. And the second is the design and construction of a unique winter athletics arena. The construction of the first winter stadium in the country's universities was completed in 1967.
Since February 1971, Associate Professor John Lvovich Polikarpov became the head of the Department of Physical Education. Much attention to D.L. Polikarpov was focused on the issues of methodological support of the educational process. [2]. In 1980, the UPI Department of Physical Education was one of the first in the country to start regular physical education classes with third and fourth year students, which were held twice a week for two hours [2]. It was during these years that the Ural Polytechnic Institute for the mass development of sports and outstanding sports achievements (the only university in the country!) was forever awarded the challenge Red Banner of the AllUnion Committee of Physical Culture and Sports [4].
On September 1, 1984, a new head of the department appeared - Leonid Samoylovich Dvorkin, at that time candidate of biological sciences, associate professor. It was Leonid Samoilovich who managed to realize the idea of his predecessor as the head of the department to create a faculty of physical culture at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In 1988, the Academic Council of the Institute decided to create on the basis of the Department of physical education the first Faculty of physical education in technical universities of the country [2].
In 1991, Leonid Aronovich Rapoport, now Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, became the head of the Faculty of Physical Culture.
Among the important events of the 90s of the XX century at the faculty it should be noted: the construction of a specialized training complex for rock climbing; implementation of attracting targeted and sponsored financial resources for the training of high-class athletes; opening of postgraduate studies in the scientific specialty "13.00.04 - Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical culture"; for the first time in Russia, within the walls of the arena of the Ural State Technical University (US-TU-UPI), two stages of the Rock Climbing World Cup were held on a new artificial wall with the participation of athletes from 18 countries, etc.
The created system of sports training, developed material base, the availability of qualified personnel
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I november I № 11 2022
and educational and methodological support predetermined the opening of the graduating specialty "022300 - Physical Culture and Sports" at USTU-UPI. On July 7, 1994, a state license was obtained to recruit a group of students in their specialty.
In 2004, the Academic Council of the University supported the appeal of the Faculty of physical education to rename it into an institute. By order of the rector S.S. Naboychenko, on November 1, the faculty became the Institute of Physical Culture, Social Service and Tourism, and its first director was Professor L.A. Rapoport. The successful start of the 2004-2005 academic year should be noted: seven representatives of the university competed at the XXVIII Olympic Games in Athens and won six Olympic awards, including L. Galkina, G. Mamedaliev, O. Chukanova, O. Fedorova, I. Khabarova [ four].
In 2006, the Institute was headed by Sergei Vik-torovich Novakovsky - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Coach of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Physical Culture, Master of Sports of the USSR in classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling, international judge.
In 2011, the institute received its current name of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports andYouth Policy and was headed by Nina Borisovna Serova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, excellent student of physical culture. One of the main achievements of this period and the pride of the institute was the scientific and educational laboratory "Technologies of Recovery and Selection in Sports", organized in 2012, headed by a sports medicine doctor - K.R. Me-hdiyeva, who subsequently defended her Ph.D. thesis on the pathology of the heart muscle of athletes.
Since 2019 he has been acting, and since 2021 he has been heading the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy E.A. Shurmanov, candidate of pedagogical sciences. The educational process and programs of the Institute continued to expand: the educational program "Hotel Activities" was developed and launched at the Department of Management in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports; together with the al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), training was started on the master's programs "Motivation and self-realization in sports" and "Preventolo-gy among the youth." Memoranda of cooperation were signed with ten foreign European and Asian universities for the joint implementation of educational and scientific activities, as well as academic exchange.
Currently, more than a thousand students study at the institute (727 at the undergraduate level, 350 at
the master's level), of which 72 are foreign students. The teaching staff of the institute includes 188 people, including 13 doctors of science and 57 candidates of science. More than 17,000 university students are engaged in physical education.
An important milestone in the development of physical education and sports is the opening in 2022 of the dissertation council at Ural Federal University on in pedagogical sciences, branches 5.8.5 "Theory and methods of sports", 5.8.7 "Methodology and technology of vocational education".
Students adequately represent the name of the institute in sports and professional arenas, proving with their success that it is realistic to combine studies with sports.
Conclusions. Thanks to the effective activity of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, there is an interrelation between the development trends of the institution of higher professional education, the formation of student sports and the areas of training specialists for the Sverdlovsk region. An example is the successful performance of our students and graduates at international and all-Russian competitions - this is hockey player Pavel Datsyuk; boxers Konstantin Dzyu, Yegor Mekhontsev and Sergey Kovalev, gymnasts Anastasia Tatareva and David Belyavsky, biathletes Sergey Chepikov, Anton Shipulin, Svetlana Mironova, Irina Kazakevich and many others.
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