UDC: 351
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-97-108 Kyrychenko Ganna Volodymyrivna,
deputy head of the post-graduate studies department, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490-95-12, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-1067-8758 Кириченко launa Володимирюна, заступник начальника в1ддыу асшранту-ри, Приватне акцгонерне товариство "Ви-щий навчальний заклад "М1жрегюнальна Академш управлгння персоналом", 03039, м. Киле, вул. Фромет1вська, 2, тел.: (044) 490-95-12, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-1067-8758
Кириченко Анна Владимировна,
заместитель начальника отдела аспирантуры, Частное акционерное общество "Высшее учебное заведение "Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом", 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490-95-12, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-1067-8758
Abstract. The article explores the problems of forming the state bodies' image in the context of the information society development. The main directions of the communicative activity development of public administration bodies in modern conditions are established. The main tasks of information and communication mechanisms to create a positive image of public authorities are identified. The main characteristics of information and communication mechanisms of forming public authorities' image in the aspect of four media theories of mass media are determined.
The fundamental element of the mechanism of forming the public administration bodieses image are the media, which have emotional and rational influences on the citizens in order to achieve the goals of public administration. In the field of image reality, there is an opportunity for subjective interaction of public authorities, including public authorities, the public and the media, which exchange information, emotional and evaluative responses.
It was stated that in establishing dialogue between state bodies and the public, a conceptual approach, based on the principles of systematic, purposeful, open and constant, should prevail. The essence of this approach is that the decisions of public authorities on important problems should not be based solely on the personal opinions and personal experience of the managers. Important decisions must precede public analysis, prediction and modeling of social behavior of the population. Therefore, the participation of citizens in solving governmental issues is necessary. In this context, the necessary elements for the constructive participation of citizens in decision-making by the authorities are identified.
It was stated that communication technologies can work for the benefit of both parties — authorities and communities — and influence public opinion in such a way as to create a positive image for public authorities.
Keywords: state authorities, image of state bodies, information and communication mechanisms, communication technologies, mass media, communication.
Анотащя. Дослщжуеться проблематика формування iмiджу державних оргашв в контексп розвитку шформацшного сустльства. Встановлено головы напрямки розвитку комушкативно! дiяльностi оргашв державного управлшня в сучасних умовах. Визначено основш завдання шформацш-но-комушкацшних механiзмiв щодо створення позитивного iмiджу оргашв державно!' влади. Визначено основш характеристики шформацшно-комуш-кацшних механiзмiв формування iмiджу оргашв державно!' влади в аспект чотирьох медiа-теорiй засобiв масово! шформаци.
Основоположним елементом мехашзму формування iмiджу оргашв державного управлшня виступають засоби масово! шформаци, як мають емоцш-ний та ращональний впливи на громадян для досягнення щлей державного управлшня. У сферi iмiджевоï реальносп юнуе можливють для суб'ективно! взаемодп суб'ектiв державного управлшня, у тому числ^ оргашв державно! влади, громадськосл та засобiв масово! iнформацi'í, якi обмiнюються шфор-мацiйними, емоцiйними та оцiночними вщповвдями.
Зазначено, що пiд час налагодження дiалогу мiж державними органами та громадськютю мае переважати концептуальний шдхвд, який заснований на принципах системности цiлеспрямованостi, вiдкритостi та постiйностi. Суть цього шдходу полягае в тому, що ршення державних органiв щодо важливих проблем не повинш базуватися виключно на особистих думках, власному досвод керiвникiв. Прийняття важливих ршень мае передувати публiчному аналiзу, прогнозуванню та моделюванню соцiально'í поведш-ки населення. Тому участь громадян у виршенш та розв'язанш держав-но-управлшських питань е необхiдною. У цьому контексп визначено не-обхiднi елементи для конструктивно! учасп громадян у прийнятп рiшень органами влади.
Зазначено, що комушкацшш технологи можуть працювати в iнтересах обох сторiн — влади та громад, i впливати на сусшльну думку таким чином, щоб створювати позитивний iмiдж для державних оргашв влади.
Ключовi слова: органи державно! влади, iмiдж державних оргашв, шфор-мацiйно-комунiкацiйнi механiзми, комушкацшш технологи, засоби масово! iнформацi!, комушкащя.
Аннотация. Исследуется проблематика формирования имиджа государственных органов в контексте развития информационного общества. Установлены главные направления развития коммуникативной деятельности органов государственного управления в современных условиях. Определены основные задачи информационно-коммуникационных механизмов по созданию положительного имиджа органов государственной власти. Определены основные характеристики информационно-коммуникационных механизмов формирования имиджа органов государственной власти в аспекте четырех медиа-теорий средств массовой информации.
Основополагающим элементом механизма формирования имиджа органов государственного управления выступают средства массовой информации, которые имеют эмоциональное и рациональное влияние на граждан для достижения целей государственного управления. В сфере имиджевой реальности существует возможность для субъективного взаимодействия субъектов государственного управления, в том числе, органов государственной власти, общественности и средств массовой информации, которые обмениваются информационными, эмоциональными и оценочными ответами.
Отмечено, что во время налаживания диалога между государственными органами и общественностью должен преобладать концептуальный подход, который основан на принципах системности, целенаправленности, открытости и постоянства. Суть этого подхода заключается в том, что решения государственных органов по важным проблемам не должны базироваться исключительно на личных мнениях, собственном опыте руководителей. Принятие важных решений должно предшествовать публичному анализу, прогнозированию и моделированию социального поведения населения. Поэтому участие граждан в решении государственно-управленческих вопросов является необходимым. В этом контексте определены необходимые элементы для конструктивного участия граждан в принятии решений органами власти.
Отмечено, что коммуникационные технологии могут работать в интересах обеих сторон — власти и общин, и влиять на общественное мнение таким образом, чтобы создавать положительный имидж для государственных органов власти.
Ключевые слова: органы государственной власти, имидж государственных органов, информационно-коммуникационные механизмы, коммуникационные технологии, средства массовой информации, коммуникация.
Formulation of the problem. The
development of the modern information technology is accompanied by social transformations aimed at the formation of a new society characterized by the concept of the "new information era". As a stage of human development, the information society is of global importance for all the branches of knowledge, with elements characteristic of the social structure of each type of society. Therefore, the modern development of information and communication technologies is increasingly revealing the essence of our age. It is logical that in the conditions of modernization of the modern society, the effective functioning of the state power is possible only in the conditions of formation of a positive image of the power. That is why one of the main questions that arises in the field of the public administration experts is theoretical and practical developments in the sphere of the public authority image in Ukraine. That is why the study of the problems of information and communication mechanisms of forming a positive image of the public authorities is a promising area of scientific activity, which is inextricably linked to the problems of effective functioning of the state apparatus as a whole.
Analysis of the recent publications on the subject. The analysis of the scientific researches and publications devoted to the problems of forming the image of the public administration in
the context of the development of the information society was considered by such scientists as: S. Kolosok [1], I. Panteleychuk [2], H. Pocheptsov [3] and other experts on this subject. S. Kolosok did a comprehensive study of the image of the public authorities in Ukraine, who presented them in his work "Public Relations in Forming the Image of the Public Authorities" [1, p. 12]. The author pays attention to the technologies of manipulation of the mass consciousness, which create relevant social illusions, and on the other hand — states that the main principles of activity of the public authorities should be openness and transparency of work, explores the functions of the public relations services — providing information to the public on the implementation of the state and local programs, as well as studying the response of the population to the actions of the public servants.
The purpose of the article is to determine the nature of the information and communication mechanisms of forming the image of the public authorities.
Outline of the main research material. The communication technologies influence the public and the formation of a positive image of the public administration, which, in turn, should focus on the interests of the both parties — the authorities and the public. So, based on this, we can say that the communicative activity of the public
administration, in modern conditions, should develop in two main directions:
• the use of the public relations as one of the main factors for the development of the modern communication technologies and as an important element in creating the information field of the state;
• the formation of scientific analytical research on the public opinion as a means of providing feedback, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of the public administration efforts in creating the image of the public authorities.
It is worth agreeing with I. Pan-teleychuk's opinion that the image is an important communication block of forming a positive image of the public authorities, because it builds the internal sphere of the state, its architecture, the true form of the government, and therefore promotes the optimization of the government's activities, matching its functional activities with the needs of the society.
In the publication "Mechanisms for Forming and Implementing a State Image Strategy" [4] the researcher states that the process of creating a positive image of the public authorities involves systematic activities that focus and unite the efforts of the state institutions, the mass media and the expert community. In doing so, the mass media is the most effective and efficient way of creating an image. Thus, based on the author's considerations and research the information technologies and resources play an important role in the implementation of the image strategy as an integrated system of the actions of the authorities designed for the long term and aimed at achieving a positive image formation process.
It should not be forgotten that Ukraine is only part of the information community and is at the intermediate stage of the informatization. However, as I. Dmitrachkov points out, understanding of the place and opportunities of the information and communication technologies in the context of political modernization, forming public opinion about the government and creating a positive image of the state is very important, since the administration activity has a communicative and interpersonal character [5].
The study of the nature of the interconnection of communication and the image of the state proves that the main purpose of using the communicative approach in the activity of the authorities is the conformity of the chosen political path and the political decisions made to the public interest. In this case, the activities of the representatives of the public administration should be directed, first of all, to meet the public needs of the population in the light of the public opinion. Because if there is public support, then the government can increase its legitimacy.
In our opinion, the main tasks of the information and communication mechanisms to create the image of the public authorities are [6]:
1) providing public support for the state actions by increasing the level of the public confidence in the work of the representative bodies of the power;
2) implementation of a unified state communication policy by creating a comprehensive system of information impact on the public;
3) creating and supporting effective citizen feedback to monitor the socio-
political situation and evaluate the performance of the authorities;
4) establishing interaction, cooperation with the mass media in order to inform the public about the state policy and to establish and maintain a positive image of the authorities.
Based on the proposed objectives, we would like to emphasize that the communication activities of the public authorities should be aimed at creating such an information space that would contribute to the creation of a positive image of the authorities and, at the same time, would help to meet people's expectations. Such activities include: direct and feedback communication with the public, providing information on the implementation of the state and local programs, as well as studying the response of the public to the actions of the public authorities. Considering the functional and structural aspects of the two main functions of communication in the public administration system (formation of a positive image of the public authorities and providing timely and operational information to the public), we believe that three basic communication functions should be carried out for the image of a public institution:
• facilitating the way in which the public administration information and public policy are communicated to the full to the audience;
• providing the most desirable mode of submission of the information for citizens' perception of the results of the activity of the authorities;
• preparation of the basis for the formation of such information and communication mechanisms that would contribute to a positive attitude of the population to the power.
The scholars correctly note that the image is the result of the information and communication activities. At the present stage of the society every modern state attaches great importance to supporting the dissemination of information. For developed countries — this is an important component of the foreign policy strategies. To this end, the state establishes its own mass media to inform the public about the state of affairs of the state, as well as about the cases of an international nature [7, p. 60]. As can be seen in practice, not only the mass media but also various types of art take part in the formation of the image of the state power, taking over, to some extent, the ideological functions, creating forms of influence on the consciousness and forming the necessary political preferences. These means contain the same qualities that are inherent to them, namely [8, p. 2-5]:
1. Continuous communication with the public;
2. Accessibility;
3. Quality of information dissemination.
Through their effective work, the mass media covers various aspects of developing the image of the authorities, from providing personalized data on the leadership of these bodies, to disseminating information on the results of their work, as well as public, political and personal life. On the other hand, the information technologies help to actively monitor the activity of the public authorities, according to the society, and in this respect they are a reliable tool for feedback between the public and the state apparatus.
The attention given by the public administration theorists and practi-
tioners to the choice of communication channels for shaping the image of a state institute derives mainly from its strong ability to provide a model of mass consciousness for the interpretation of the surrounding reality. Compared to the Soviet propaganda system, it is important to note that the new Ukrainian mass communication system is distinguished by the emergence of a public information and communication sphere for the development of the civil dialogue based on the conflict of interests of certain owners or co-founders of the mass media and is able to create a clear and rational discussion of the various problems of the authorities. In our view, the characteristic feature of the "market" model of the mass media activity is the desire to receive commercial profits from the sale of information, and for the model based on the ideology of the "state" the main is lobbying the interests of the state in the sphere of information. In general, in the mo-
dern Ukraine the information and communication mechanisms of forming the image of the public authorities, in an ideological context, can be considered as part of "four media-theories", since the media system can be authoritarian, paternalistic, commercial and democratic [9, p. 78 ]. Let us briefly mention the features of each of them (see Table).
Thus, as already mentioned, the image of the public authorities as an information and communication phenomenon is an important tool for the realization of the national interests. One of the important features of the image is the ability to provide information about the administration object, its professional and personal qualities. In this context, the image of the public authorities is for the citizens a source of information on the public administration system, enforcement mechanisms and activities of the public authorities. The realization of the image as an information and communicative pheno-
information and communication mechanisms of forming the image of the public authorities within the framework of "four theories"
Media-theories of the mass media The main characteristics of information and communication mechanisms of image formation of the public authorities
Authoritarian The main task of communication is the transmission of instructions, guidelines, ideas and approaches of the ruling group, elite, caste. such a system is simple, unambiguous, and sufficiently robust and widespread in the states where democratic foundations are too weak
Paternalistic the mass media development strategy is pursued by the state that orders the rules of the game, that is, dictates the conditions of existence of the mass media
Commercial Different from an authoritarian or paternalistic by a greater degree of internal mass media freedom, you can say anything you like, provided you have the legal right to say it
Democratic It is based on the fact that the true task of the mass media is to describe the reality that enables people to make informed decisions. And the better the mass media will cope with this role, the greater their own influence will be. It is the most desirable for the civilizational development, but also the most complex, system
menon has led to the creation of a certain figurative reality. On the one hand, the modern man is in the real world, and on the other, the mass media resembles reality, but produces another world full of illusions and symbolism. The real world is full of events that are the result of people's activities, their relationships that are truly reflected and appreciated in people's minds. The reality is presented, as a rule, in accordance with the hidden interests (of the individuals, organizations) of the subjects of the image, so we mainly deal with a specially developed image and not with any other information about whom [10, p. 252-253]. Therefore, for this reason, the image reality in the government, the real world of the individual, social, professional groups, etc., is perceived by symbols, clichés, associations that can be created spontaneously through information and communication technologies, and has an emotional and rational impact on the citizens. The goal of the information society is to create the image of the public authorities [10, p. 252]. At the same time, the reality formed on the basis of images can pose a danger of separation of the people from the power, which characterizes another measure of abstraction, probability, arrogance and complexity, on which A. Parmonova focuses her attention [11, p. 8-9].
In the process of forming a positive image of the governing bodies, the development of a democratic state based on the ideological foundations of liberalism, transparency and openness of the public authorities, by reducing the necessary and administrative elements, improving the level of effectiveness of communication and information tech-
nology components becomes a priority. The public authorities should demonstrate accessibility to discuss proposals and cooperation, developing a democratic style of public service delivery, to avoid bureaucratic practices.
It should be borne in mind that a conceptual approach based on systematic, purposeful, open and continuous principles should prevail in the process of establishing dialogue between the public authorities and the public. The essence of this approach is that the decisions of the public authorities on important problems should not be based solely on the personal opinions and personal experience of the officials. The important decisions must precede the public analysis, prediction and modeling of the social behaviour of the population. Therefore, in the opinion of D. Yoder [12, p. 13], the participation of the citizens in solving and resolving the state-administrative issues is necessary to achieve the following general goals:
1) improvement of the sphere of functioning of the public policy;
2) safeguarding the interests of the citizens and developing democratic values;
3) taking into account the needs of different population groups;
4) social change through a policy that ensures equal access to the services of the entire local population;
5) veracity of the information for all.
Once the goals for the citizen participation have been set, it is necessary to choose ways of communicating with the authorities. The concept of monologue administration by the authorities is now outdated and ineffective. It opposes another medium of
communication — the dialogue, which means widespread discussion of the ideas for consensus. The dialogue communication is perceived as a way of strengthening the voice of the public, stimulating its effective participation for the social change [13, p. 593-598]. The success of the dialogue largely depends on the willingness of the public authorities and the public associations to act together and cooperate. In this context it is important to mention the necessary elements for constructive citizen participation in decision-making by the authorities, including:
• initiative and desire to make changes (the citizens should feel that the consequences of the decisions made by the authorities will directly affect their lives);
• dedication (the citizens must be persistent in their intentions of complicity);
• knowledge of methods of the public participation, peculiarities of their implementation and potential results;
• awareness of their rights and responsibilities regarding cooperation with the authorities and influence on the decision-making process;
• preparation required;
• cooperation with the local authorities (the representatives of the local authorities must learn to communicate with the citizens, to be impartial and to understand their needs);
• a clear benchmark for success for both the citizens and the local authorities (active participation of the citizens in the policy development and implementation is provided that the problem is directly addressed to them, or they receive some benefits from its solution);
• planning and implementation of changes;
• transparency;
• flexibility (the authorities and the citizens should be able to negotiate and cooperate);
• involvement of the professional experts, including specialists in the civic education, organization of public hearings, research on the quality of services, etc. [14, p. 83].
Through well-organized citizen participation and communication, the stakeholders can significantly influence the outcome of the decisions. In the end, engaging the citizens can help increase their confidence in the government and improve its legitimacy and quality of government. As a consequence, it can be concluded that the communication of the public authorities is a prerequisite for successful implementation of their activities. The essence of this idea is that the communication technologies can work in the interests of the both parties — the authorities and the communities and influence the public opinion in such a way as to create a positive image for the public authorities.
The analysis of the information and communication mechanisms of formation of a positive image of the public authorities shows that in the sphere of use of communications, the subjects of the public administration are in the sphere of accumulation, storage and provision of information, and there is a shift of state-administrative communications into the political plane.
Instead, the communicative aspect of the activity of the public authorities should be constantly demonstrated by the direct and mutual contact of the
governing bodies of any system in order to create, establish and operate a positive administration image that influences the emergence of a favourable environment for interaction between the two parties. The basic element of the mechanism of forming the image of the public administration bodies is, of course, the mass media. They have an emotional and rational impact on the citizens to achieve the goals of the government. In the field of image reality there is an opportunity for subjective interaction between the public authorities, including public administration, the public and the mass media, that exchange information, emotional and evaluative responses.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. The analysis of the national scientific literature on the nature of information and communication mechanisms of forming the image of the public authorities, especially in the field of public administration, made it possible to distinguish the main characteristics of information and communication mechanisms of forming the image of the public authorities in terms of four media-theories of the mass media:
1. The main task of communication is the transmission of instructions, guidelines, ideas and approaches of the ruling group, elite, caste. Such a system is simple, unambiguous, and sufficiently robust and widespread in the states where democratic foundations are too weak.
2. The mass media development strategy is pursued by the state that orders the rules of the game, that is, dictates the conditions of existence of the mass media.
3. Different from an authoritarian or paternalistic by a greater degree of internal mass media freedom, you can say anything you like, provided you have the legal right to say it.
4. It is based on the fact that the true task of the mass media is to describe the reality that enables people to make informed decisions. And the better the mass media will cope with this role, the greater their own influence will be. It is the most desirable for the civilizational development, but also the most complex, system.
In the future studies attention should be paid to the methods of communication in the public relations system, methods of transmission of the digital communication and methods of improving the quality of communication between the public authorities and the society.
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