UDC: 351
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-15-23
Aleksandrov Alexander Vladimirovich,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro-metivska, 2, tel.: (044) 490-95-00, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5093-9644 Александров Олександр Володимирович,
старший викладач кафедри публгчного адмтстрування, Мiжрегiональна Ака-демiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 490-9500, e-mail:[email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5093-9644 Александров Александр Владимирович, старший преподаватель кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 49095-00, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-5093-9644
issues of information-analytical activity of public authorities in the writings of domestic and foreign thinkers
Annotation. The scientific article is devoted to the study of questions of information-analytical activity of the authorities in the writings of domestic and foreign thinkers. Modern scientific developments concerning the needs of analytical administration activity, which are determined by several conditions, are revealed. First, the administration as a high-tech activity is characterized by an increasing amount of miscellaneous information that is not suitable for direct use by the officials, because it requires special processing, taking into account the adopted administration paradigm and the tasks that have been solved. Secondly, modern administration is becoming more dynamic and situational, leading to an increased need for information data to make the right decision to meet them. The information-analytical structures provide diagnostics of situations for perception of the social tendencies, prevent the formation of negative public opinion and potential conflicts on the basis of complex recommendations.
It is substantiated that the information-analytical system of the public administration should take into account the diversity of decision-making processes and the specific activities of civil servants of all categories at different stages of the decision-making process.
It is determined that information-analytical support is necessary in the implementation of the following tasks:
• analysis and monitoring of the status of the administration objects;
• quality control over the implementation of the decisions and the effectiveness of administration mechanisms;
• analysis of external and internal problem situations and their forecast;
• documenting administration decisions and the process of preparing them;
• analysis of the quality of the decisions made;
• expertise on proposed solutions and problems, etc.
It has been proved that information-analytical activity has a number of objectives aimed at solving situations that require public-administrative decisions and consist in taking certain actions to monitor the accumulated information, structure it, make decisions to obtain additional information on the new initial task and so on. The most general definition of the purpose of information-analytical activity should be considered the creation of certain information products, which requires at least three requirements for scientific substantiation, truthfulness and timeliness of information.
Keywords: information-analytical activity of the authorities, state-administrative decisions, information support of the state bodies, analytical information, products of the information market.
Анотащя. Наукова стаття присвячена дослщженню питань шформа-цшно-аналггично1 дiяльностi оргашв влади у працях вгтчизняних та зару-бiжних мислителiв. Розкрито сучасш науковi напрацювання щодо потреб в аналгтичнш управлшськш дiяльностi, яю визначаеться юлькома умо-вами. По-перше, управлшня як високотехнолопчна дiяльнiсть характеризуемся зростаючою юльюстю рiзноï шформацИ, яка не пвдходить для безпосереднього використання управлшцями, адже вимагае спещальноï обробки з урахуванням прийнятоï парадигми управлшня та виршених завдань. По-друге, сучасне управлшня стае бшьш динамiчним та ситуа-тивним, що призводить до зростання потреб в шформацшних даних для прийняття правильного ршення щодо ïx задоволення. 1нформацшно-а-нал^ичш структури забезпечують дiагностику ситуацiй для сприйняття сусшльних тенденцiй, запобiгають формуванню негативноï громадськоï думки та потенцшним конфлiктам, на основi складених рекомендацш.
Обгрунтовано, що iнформацiйно-аналiтична система забезпечення державного управлшня повинна враховувати рiзноманiтнiсть процеав
прийняття державно-управлшських ршень та специфiку дiяльностi дер-жавних службовцiв усiх категорш на рiзних етапах процесу прийняття ршень.
Визначено, що iнформацiйно-аналiтичне забезпечення необхщно при реалiзащi наступних завдань:
• аналiз та монiторинг стану об'екпв управлiння;
• якiсний контроль за виконанням ршень i ефектившсть роботи ме-ханiзмiв управлiння;
• аналiз зовнiшнiх та внутрiшнiх проблемних ситуацш та ^х прогноз;
• документальне оформлення управлшських рiшень та процес пвдго-товки ^х прийняття;
• аналiз якостi прийнятих ршень;
• експертиза щодо запропонованих ршень та проблем тощо.
Доведено, що шформацшно-аналггична дiяльнiсть мае ряд щльових
направленостей на вирiшення ситуацiй, як вимагають прийняття держав-но-управлiнських ршень i полягають у здiйсненнi певних дш щодо мо-нiторингу накопичено^ шформацп, п структурування, прийняття ршень для одержання додатково^ шформацп по новому вихвдному завданню тощо. Як найбшьш загальне визначення мети шформацшно-анал^ично^ д^ яльностi необхiдно розглядати створення певних шформацшних продук-пв, де необхiдним е дотримання, як мШмум, трьох вимог щодо наукового обгрнтування, правдивосл та вчасностi шформацп.
Ключовi слова: 1нформац1йно-анал1тична д1яльн1сть оргашв влади, дер-жавно-управл1нськ1 р1шення, шформацшне забезпечення державних орга-н1в, анал1тична 1нформац1я, продукти 1нформац1йного ринку.
Аннотация. Научная статья посвящена исследованию вопросов информационно-аналитической деятельности органов власти в трудах отечественных и зарубежных мыслителей. Раскрыты современные научные наработки относительно потребностей в аналитической управленческой деятельности, которые определяется несколькими условиями. Во-первых, управление как высокотехнологичная деятельность характеризуется растущим количеством различной информации, которая не подходит для непосредственного использования управленцами, ведь требует специальной обработки с учетом принятой парадигмы управления и решенных задач. Во-вторых, современное управление становится более динамичным и ситуативным, что приводит к росту потребностей в информационных данных для принятия правильного решения по их удовлетворению. Информационно-аналитические структуры обеспечивают диагностику ситуаций для восприятия общественных тенденций, предотвращают формирование негативного общественного мнения и потенциальных конфликтов на основе составленных рекомендаций.
Обосновано, что информационно-аналитическая система обеспечения государственного управления должна учитывать разнообразие процессов принятия государственно-управленческих решений и специфику деятельности государственных служащих всех категорий на разных этапах процесса принятия решений.
Определено, что информационно-аналитическое обеспечение необходимо при реализации следующих задач:
• анализ и мониторинг состояния объектов управления;
• качественный контроль за выполнением решений и эффективность работы механизмов управления;
• анализ внешних и внутренних проблемных ситуаций и их прогноз;
• документальное оформление управленческих решений и процесс подготовки их принятия;
• анализ качества принимаемых решений;
• экспертиза по предлагаемых решений и проблем и тому подобное.
Доказано, что информационно-аналитическая деятельность имеет ряд
целевых направленностей на решение ситуаций, которые требуют принятия государственно-управленческих решений и заключаются в осуществлении определенных действий по мониторингу накопленной информации, ее структурированию, принятию решений для получения дополнительной информации по новой исходной задаче и тому подобное. Как наиболее общее определение цели информационно-аналитической деятельности необходимо рассматривать создание определенных информационных продуктов, где необходимо выполнение, как минимум, трех требований научного обоснования, правдивости и своевременности информации.
Ключевые слова: информационно-аналитическая деятельность органов власти, государственно-управленческие решения, информационное обеспечение государственных органов, аналитическая информация, продукты информационного рынка.
Formulation of the problem. At
this stage of the existence of humanity entering the digital age, the information plays an increasingly important role and accumulates in such volumes and with such speed that in the modern world people are becoming less and less able to understand the nature of the invasion of its flow, to understand it perfectly and handle relevant data while pursuing their professional and other activities. Therefore, it
should be noted that effective public administration decisions cannot be based only on traditional administrative experience. That is why scientific knowledge, comprehensive awareness, the ability to analyze and predict the socio-political processes that affect state-building issues should be based on adequate perception of the information [1].
I would like to point out that due to the rapid changes of the social rea-
lity that are associated with the active development of the information technologies and society, there is a need to develop models and new approaches to the public administration that will be built on the joint work of different actors of the social and economic development, in order to achieve goals of social consensus on the use of target data and will have the flexibility to respond to changes in the internal and external environment, etc. Of course, the analytical support of high-quality information-administration activity has a significant influence.
The information-analytical activities are an integral part of the functioning of the public administration. Application and widespread use of the modern information technologies in the administration provides informational-analytical support in decision-making of the state bodies at all levels, accompanies the information component of the socio-economic development of the state and its regions, satisfies information needs of the civil servants, different categories of citizens, creating the necessary conditions for active public opinion on the quality of work of the authorities and the services they provide to the population.
Analysis of the recent research and publications. A review of recent research on this issue demonstrates the interest of the scientists in the theoretical and practical aspects of the outlined problem, namely, information-analytical support in the formation of administration decisions. Information-analytical activity of the competent authorities, the role of information in the decision-making process is the subject of research of various scientists:
V. Bakumenko, A. Dehtyar, I. Drevits-ka, Yu. Mashkarov, V. Moroz, N. Nyzh-nyk, Ye. Romanenko, V. Tertychka, V. Tron and others. Here, for example, I. Ibrahimova deals with the problems of applying new methods of analytical work in the public administration. In Ukraine, I. Klimenko, M. Shvets and others are engaged in researching the development of the information society. They describe in their works the introduction of e-governance technologies in Ukraine. A number of works, in particular, by R. Kalyuzhny and L. Polyakova, are devoted to defining ways of improving the institutional support of the organizational, legal, personnel and other information processes of the public administration. However, given the interest of the experts and scholars in the information-analytical activities of the authorities in improving it, many theoretical, methodological and practical issues remain unresolved.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical aspects of the issue of information-analytical activity of the authorities in the writings of domestic and foreign thinkers.
Outline of the main research material. The concept of "information-analytical activity" is quite common in the literature on public administration. Thus, according to V. Popov, information-analytical activity is the activity of information-analytical divisions of the state bodies and private corporations that provide information processes, form information relations, which help to manage and facilitate administration processes, on the basis of diagnostics, forecasting and modeling of the information processes
and contribute to their practical implementation [2].
K. Markelov believes that information-analytical activity — the activity of analysts and analytical groups interested in the study and modeling of the information society, the formation of methodology of the social administration using the mass media, practice of managing information processes [3].
P. Shpyha considers that information-analytical activity is a direction of information activity, that is: "information-analytical activity is a sphere of activity that is especially relevant for the identification, development, storage and dissemination of information in the sphere of administration, political and economic activities" [4]. In my opinion, if we consider information-analytical activity as a direction or type of information activity, then information activity should be broader in content, and based on these definitions, on the contrary, information-analytical activity includes information activity as one of the components.
According to A. Parkhomenko, information-analytical activity functionally and scientifically intersects with state-administrative activity, using the capabilities of information-analytical services, is actively implemented through information products and services aimed at fulfilling the task of qualitative-meaningful transformation of the information [5].
From the point of view of O. Nes-terenko, information-analytical activity is a complex of actions and measures for substantiation, decision-making, using methods and tools of data collection, processing and analysis based on information technologies [6].
If we consider information-analytical activity from the point of view of the legislative level, it does not meet there, except as in the Order of the State Committee for Communications and Informatization of Ukraine "On Approval of the Methodology for Determining the Affiliation of Budget Programs in the Sphere of Informatization" of June 6, 2003, № 97, where this concept is considered to mean: "information-analytical activity is a concept, methods and tools for collecting, processing and analyzing data based on information, a certain set of actions and measures based on regulatory and methodological materials"[7].
So, as we can see, the content of information-analytical activity is to separate from the total information flow the maximum amount of relevant information. Based on these definitions, we distinguish the following features of information-analytical activity:
1) operates with the help of special units of the information-analytical services;
2) bears ancillary, applied character;
3) ensures the quality and efficiency of the performance of functions by the state bodies;
4) the main elements of its content are: collection, accumulation, processing, analysis, use and dissemination of the information.
In turn, information-analytical activity has a number of goals aimed at solving situations that require public-administrative decisions and are to take certain actions to monitor the accumulated information, structure it, make decisions to obtain additional information on the new original task and so on. The most general definition
of the purpose of the information-analytical activity should be considered the creation of certain information products, where it is necessary to comply with at least three requirements for scientific substantiation, truthfulness and timeliness of the information [8].
In my opinion, it is not uncommon for information-analytical activities to be compared with information activities and to reduce the provision of information to the public authorities. This is one of the main shortcomings in understanding the essence of information-analytical activity, because in today's context, it is a major factor in the development of a democratic society responsible for the stability of the state and performs such important functions [9]:
1. Administration — manages information at all the stages of administration activity: preparation, administration decisions, control practice.
2. Diagnostic — getting an objective picture of the situation, diagnosis.
3. Warning — explores problems, dangerous conflicts that allow them to be avoided.
4. Cognitive-mental — the content of the events promotes a change in understanding, changes the thinking of the officials.
Thus, information-analytical activity is reduced to two important factors of its formation: first, with the help of it the direct result of finding the optimal administration decision is obtained; second, the indirect result is the change in the perception of the object or event that the officials are analyzing.
Incidentally, in many countries, including Ukraine, the importance and
meaning of the analytical services in the government, social processes and party affairs is still underestimated. Without exaggeration, such disrespect for analytics threatens the national security of the country, as analytical information is the most valuable product in the information market. Increasing the impact of globalization on almost all the processes of the social existence leads to the formation of a global information society, a paradigm shift in information-analytical support for the government, in which information has become a strategic resource.
According to the estimates and results of the research of domestic and foreign scientific schools, it can be said that information-analytical activity became the object of various scientific researches in the sphere of the public administration, namely: methodological support of the information-analytical activity of the state and local bodies; information-analytical activities in the regional administration system; information-analytical support for the activities of the competent authorities; characteristics of information activities and analytical services of the regions, etc.
Conclusions. Having studied various scientific works of many scientists, it is concluded that information-analytical activity is a complex of actions aimed at improving the effectiveness of the state-administrative and political activities based on understanding of the nature, causes, trends of events and incidents in politics, based on the review and assessment of the situation, development results, recommendations, analyzes and information processing using a number of technologies,
including methods of collecting and processing information that characterize the subject of the governmental influence, as well as evaluation of the political decisions, specific methods of diagnosis, analysis and synthesis. The information-analytical activity consists in providing the decision-makers with the opportunity to carry out state-administrative, political, economic and other activities under the pressure of time with incomplete, unclear or controversial information about the processes under study.
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