Nature of competitions and forms of testing
D.Sh.Mirzakhmedova A.K.Bollasov
Republican Olympic Paralympic Sports Training Center
Abstract: This article covers athletics competitions, the form of organization of athletics competitions, regulations on the competition, competition program, medical support for competitions, preparation of competition sites and equipment in accordance with the competition rules.
Keywords: federation, sports committee, professional and physical training, position, competition program
Depending on the purpose, form of organization, conditions for scoring results and the composition of competition participants, the types of athletics competitions are determined.
Based on the goal, track and field competitions can be testing (estimates in the order of pedagogical control), qualifying (for selection into a team), mass (for passing test standards, qualifying), championships (team, district, city, region, republic, country - on a territorial or departmental basis), demonstration, record-breaking, friendly meetings.
According to the form of the organization, closed (only for members of this organization) and open competitions (for everyone), as well as internal and correspondence competitions are held.
According to the terms of the classification, athletics competitions are divided into individual, individual-team, team, and collective. According to the composition of the competition participants there can be: a) men's, women's, mixed;
b) children's, youth, adults and older athletes;
c) beginners, athletes of categories III, II, I, candidates for masters and masters of sports, as well as handicaps (equal competitions for athletes of different qualifications).
With handicaps, weaker participants in the competition are given an advantage (handicap) to equalize their chances of winning: in running, the distance is reduced, in jumping and throwing, a certain number of centimeters and meters is added to the actual results.
Depending on the scale and significance, all competitions held on the territory of Uzbekistan (by federations, sports committees, departments, etc.) can be conditionally classified at different levels:
- competitions held by the country's Athletics Federation, championships and finals of the Republic Cups, all international competitions held in the country;
ISSN 2181-0842 / IMPACT FACTOR 4.182 613 [Ml^^^H
- competitions held by the Federation of the Republic.
- competitions held by Federations of cities, districts, councils of sports clubs and physical education groups.
Their nature in each individual case is determined by the Regulations. Qualifying, main and final competitions may be held for individual disciplines. If necessary (if there is a large number of participants), qualifying competitions are held in order to select the strongest athletes to participate in the main competitions. Competition Regulations
The regulations or regulations must have certain qualification standards for these competitions. If it turns out that the number of athletes who have fulfilled the qualification standards is less than stipulated by the Regulations, then their number increases according to the best results to the established one.
The competition regulations are approved by the organization conducting the competition. It is sent to participants 2 months in advance. The regulation contains sections: goals and objectives, place and time, competition management, program by days and hours,
procedure and conditions for individual and team championships (testing and evaluation system),
Winner's reward ceremony,
conditions for admission of organizations and participants, terms and conditions for submitting applications.
Competition program: distribution of events by days and sequence of their holding
The competition program is determined by the competition regulations. When choosing a program, you should take into account the goals, scale of the competition and the qualifications of the participants. The program should be varied. If competitions are held over several days, then the program of each day should include different types of athletics: running, jumping, throwing. Those events that frequently involve the same athletes should be included on different competition days. At the same time, more difficult types are placed later (200 and 400; 100 and 200; 400 and 800). If the competition is held over one day, you need to calculate exactly how long each type of program will take and schedule all types in such a sequence that the program is sufficiently varied, interesting and does not take too much time.
When distributing events by competition days, they take into account the number and classification of participants, the capacity of competition sites, the availability of equipment, the number of judges, and the possibility of participants performing in
several events. For each day, you should plan so many activities that they can be completed in 3 hours. The qualifying part of the program is held in the morning, the main competitions and the most interesting events (finals, relays) are held in the evening. If both men and women compete in the same event on the same day, then the women are placed first in the program. In hot weather, walking and long-distance running competitions are held either in the morning or in the evening. It is not recommended to overload the program with a large number of competition types held simultaneously (no more than 3 types at one time). It is necessary to strive for diversity in the program, dividing homogeneous types into different days and hours.
It is better to start the program with sprinting, then move on to jumping and throwing, and end with endurance running and relay running. Finals are best held at the end of the program, as are the most interesting events. The competition program is drawn up by the chief judge after applications from organizations are received
Medical support for competitions
It is not allowed to hold competitions without the participation of medical personnel. Medical support for competitions is provided by medical specialists. employees of medical and physical education clinics. The competition doctor is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief judge; the chief physician has doctors, nurses, and ambulance transport at his disposal. Ch. the doctor provides a medical plan. provision: arrangement of medical services. personnel, medical organization points at competition sites and routes, provision of medicines, first aid supplies, dignity. transport.
Medical support for competitions:
- participation of a doctor in the work of the credentials committee in order to check the documentation for the admission of athletes to competitions.
- control over the preparation, maintenance and sanitary condition of competition sites, training, accommodation and food for participants,
- physician supervision of competition participants, prevention of injuries and diseases.
Athletes who are injured or become ill during competitions are allowed to continue only with the permission of a doctor. Particular attention is paid to organizing meals for participants. The doctor and SES workers check the sanitary condition of food storage and preparation areas. If there are signs of overload or illness or a sharp deterioration in the weather, the doctor has the right to prohibit or postpone the competition to provide medical care. medical assistance is organized. points with permanent medical duty. personnel equipped with all necessary first aid equipment.
Preparation of competition sites and equipment
Before the competition, it is necessary to take care of the accommodation and service of the competition participants, carefully prepare and well equip the
competition sites, take care of the cultural services of the spectators, and create favorable conditions for the panel of judges. Participants need locker rooms, wardrobes, showers, restrooms, warm-up areas, announcement boards (program, race composition, participant results), and it is advisable to have a buffet.
A room is allocated for the panel of judges (for gathering judges and team representatives, for the work of the secretariat). The informant judge is usually located near the finish line in a special booth or in a separate box, convenient for monitoring the competition sites and equipped with the necessary technical means for information (microphone, telephone, light displays).
Close to the place where the competition participants perform, there must be a doctor's office equipped with everything necessary for medical supervision and first aid.
The storage room in which the necessary equipment is stored should be located close to the field in order to quickly deliver equipment to the competition site.
Competition sites are prepared and provided with the necessary equipment in accordance with the requirements of the competition rules.
To provide information to spectators at the competition sites for certain types of jumping and throwing, special signs, light boards, and information "books" are installed, with the help of which spectators are quickly informed about the progress of the competition (the number of the attempt, the number of the participant and the result shown by him).
The progress of team competitions is reflected on special boards installed in prominent places.
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