Fotima Sherali qizi Ismailova
Uzbekistan state university of physical education and sport
Scientific advicer: Umirkhon Odilovna Azimova
Present article explains the importance and beneficial sides of track and field events in humanbody's life. It's deals also brief history of track and field events, it's types, rules, necessary tools of track and field events.
Keywords: the sprints, middle distance race, long distance race, hurdle race, relays, light jump, pole-vault, long jump, triple jump, shot pot, discus throw, hammer throw, javelin.
As we know, track and field, or athletics as it is called in many countries, is the designation given to contests for men and women that involve running, jumping for height and distance, and throwing for distance using implements of standardized design. Competitions in track and field are called meets and are usually held outdoors, with the running events taking place on a portion of or around a 400-m or 402.3-m oval made out of cinders, clay, or synthetic compounds.
Track and field is one of the oldest of sports. Athletic contests were often held in conjunction with religious festivals, as with the Olympic Games of ancient Greece. For 11 centuries, starting in 776 B.C., these affairs — for men only — were enormously popular and prestigious events. The Romans continued the Olympic tradition until the time of the Emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, who banned the Games in A.D. 394. During the Middle Ages, except for a short-lived revival in 12th-century England, organized track and field all but disappeared. The true development of track and field as a modern sport started in England during the 19th century.
Not until the 1860s, however, did the sport flourish. In 1866 the first English championships were held by the newly formed Amateur Athletic Club, which opened the competition to all "gentlemen amateurs" specifically, athletes who received no financial compensation for their efforts. This code has lasted to the present day and is the basis of the rules governing the sport. The Amateur Athletic Club gave way to the Amateur Athletic Association in 1880, which has conducted the annual national
«SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS» Scientific Journal ISSN: 2181-1601 ///// \\\\\ Volume: 1, ISSUE: 5
championships since that date. Although meets were held on the North American continent as early as 1839, track and field first gained popularity in the late 1860s, after the formation of the New York Athletic Club in 1868. The Amateur Athletic Union of the United States (AAU), an association of track and field clubs, was formed in 1887 and has governed the sport in the United States since then.
In 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were staged. Although initially of limited appeal, the Olympics captured the imagination of athletes and grew steadily, making track and field an international sport for the first time. In 1913 the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) was formed by representatives from 16 countries. The IAAF was charged with establishing standard rules for the sport, approving world records, and ensuring that the amateur code was adhered to; it continues to carry out these duties today.
The participation of women in track and field is a relatively recent development. In 1921 representatives from six countries formed an athletic federation for women, which merged with the IAAF in 1936. Participation by women has grown rapidly in many countries in recent years, particularly in the United States, where many schools have added women's track and field to their athletic programs.
All races are started by the firing of a gun by an official at the starting line. For races up to and including one lap of an outdoor track, the runners must stay for the entire distance within lanes marked on the track. There may be six to eight lanes, with each lane usually measuring 1.2 m (4 ft) in width. The winner in each race is the runner whose torso first breaks the vertical plane of the finish line. Races are timed either by mechanical watches or by more sophisticated, electronic photo-timers that can measure finishes to the hundredth of a second. Sometimes, owing to the number of contestants in a competition, qualifying rounds, or heats, are held to narrow the contestants down to the fastest runners.
Athletes in the field events also have qualifying rounds. In the horizontal jumps and throws athletes are allowed three preliminary attempts if the field numbers more than eight participants. Then the best performers are allowed three more attempts. In the vertical jumps the high jump — and pole vault — the participants are allowed to continue until they have three successive failures. If two or more contestants tie, the competitor with the fewest failures at the last height cleared is the winner; if still tied, the total number of failures is the deciding factor; if a tie remains, the total number of jumps is considered. Scoring differs according to the meet. Many national competitions are scored on the basis of 10 points for first place, 8 for second, on down to 1 point for
«SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS» Scientific Journal ISSN: 2181-1601 ///// \\\\\ Volume: 1, ISSUE: 5
sixth. In international meets, the scoring is 5 for first place, 3 for second, 2 for third, and 1 for fourth. The team with the highest total wins.
For road races, cross-country meets, and walking competitions, the winner is given 1 point, the second-place finisher 2 points, and so on; the finish positions are totaled, and the team with the lowest score is the winner.
Track and field athletics consists of track and field events
Track events includes - the sprints, middle distance race, long distance race, hurdle race, relays
Field events includes - light jump, pole-vault, long jump, triple jump, shot- pot, discus throw, hammer throw, javelin.
The beneficial side of track and field events for many of the guys.
First of all, "Track is therapeutic for the guys. It keeps them moving, gives them goals, and develops mental toughness". And now I will tell you another 18 advantages of doing track and field athletics: when you do it you can get following:
1. Maintaining a healthy body weight
2. Creating healthy habits for later in life
3. Better sleep patterns
4. Strengthen balance
5. Better decision making
6. Better ability to multitask
7. Increased capacity for learning
8. Enhanced mental performance
9. Increased memory
10. Able to pay attention longer
11. Decreased distraction
12. Working towards a goal
13. Balanced mood and behavior
14. Improved motivation
15. Increased ability to withstand stress and frustration
16. Increased coping skills when presented with a new situation
17. Lower risk for depression
18. Increased self-discipline and self-esteem
Overall, track and field athletics is a great sport and there are a lot of benefits from having a strong track program because it really trains kids to become faster and more explosive, and all sports benefit from that." ... Track, in particular, can aide in developing speed, agility, explosiveness and endurance,"
Track and field is more than just a sport in this world. ... It is a sport which includes athletic contests established on the skills of running, jumping, and throwing.
The workouts help burn body fat and speed up metabolism which helps athletes reach and maintain healthy a body weight.
1. Archdeacon, H. C., and Ellsworth, Ken, eds., Track Cyclopedia, 10th ed. (1985);
2. Ashe, Arthur R., Jr., A Hard Road to Glory — Track and Field (1994);
3. Carr, Gerry A., Fundamentals of Track and Field, 2d ed. (1999);
4. Ecker, Tom, Basic Track and Field Biomechanics, 2d ed. (1996);
5. Rosen, Mel and Karen, Sports Illustrated Track (1993).