Eleusinov S.A. assistant
Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture
Karakalpak State University Utepov M.D. teacher
Department of theory and methodology of physical culture
Karakalpak State University Kaipnazarov P.M.
Department of theory and methodology of physical culture
Karakalpak State University
Abstract. In athletics, exercises such as walking, running, jumping, and throwing are of particular importance. This article discusses the specifics of athletics.
Keywords: athletics, athletics, running, walking exercises, throwing, allaround, healthy lifestyle, well-rounded personality, sports competitions.
INTRODUCTION At present, due to the initiative and care of President Sh.M. Mirziyoev, a high level of sports activity has been observed in Uzbekistan. The successful participation of many of our athletes in international competitions is a proof of our opinion. The national teams of Uzbekistan in various sports as a separate team had the opportunity to participate in the Olympic, Asian Games and World Championships. According to experts, the training is often carried out unilaterally, with special-emphasis on increasing the level of functional and physical training without compromising the improvement of the necessary technical and tactical means: I.P. Degtyarev, N.A. Khudadov (1978), G.O. Djeroyan (1980), A.M. Bazeyan (1990), E.V. Kalmykov (1996), A.G.Shiryaev (2002). Today in our country, it is one of the urgent tasks to bring up the young men and women of our country to be fully mature, healthy and well-rounded individuals who are fully responsive to the 21st century. In this process, it is important to widely involve young people in sports competitions and create all conditions for them. In particular, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is appropriate to form athletics skills in them. We all know that athletics is a sport consisting of walking, running, jumping and throwing. The word "athletics" is derived from the Greek word, which means competition, struggle, exercise. In ancient Greece, those who competed in strength and agility were called athletes. The athletes performed the exercises easily and according to their wishes. The term "athletics" may have been born in connection with
this. In ancient times, running, jumping, and throwing competitions were organized at major events and holidays. Accordingly, these sports were included in the ancient Olympic Games. Modern athletics also consists of multi-sport sports that include the above sports: walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc. Due to the popularity of explosive sports, millions of people around the world participate in athletics. The variety of exercises and their greatness, uncomplicated equipment made athletics a mass sport that everyone could participate in.
That is why athletics is called the "King of Sports". Nowadays, strong people who have reached physical maturity are called athletes. The name "athletics" is based only on the fact that, on the surface, the exercises of athletics seem lighter than those of weightlifting. In some countries, athletics is called "athletics" in France or track and field exercises in the USA and England. Athletics consists of five divisions. Divisions of athletics.
Serial performance allows an individual athlete or group of athletes to repeat the learned movements continuously and many times. This results in a large motor density, which forms a special endurance. Mutual guidance is the process by which those who exercise together help each other in turn and begin to master the skills of leadership. If the trainers perform the exercises given by the trainer alternately in the general line, then they will be able to evaluate the technique of performing the methods, showing their partners the positive aspects and obvious shortcomings. The flow of methods is the execution of tasks in sequence (sequence), the completion of the movement by one practitioner serves as a signal to the athlete standing on the right or left to start. Thus, the performance of the exercises will have the same fan-like feature, which will allow the trainer to observe and quickly evaluate each participant.
The history of athletics begins in ancient times. The great thinker scientist Abu Ali Ibn Sina effectively used gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, as well as fast walking, running, jumping, javelin lifting exercises in the treatment of patients. Our great-grandfather Jahangir, Amir Temir, regularly used athletics, running (cross-country), javelin throwing, throwing stones, and jumping over obstacles to train his troops to be physically strong, dexterous, and resilient. It is known that people have been using running, jumping and throwing as a natural and necessary movement since ancient times in cocktails and in everyday life.
Sections of athletics are walking, running, jumping, throwing, wrestling. In the period of the primitive team system, athletics training was closely related to people's work. They began to become independent in physical education to a certain extent, close to the transition of mankind to the society of slavery. Running, jumping and throwing were highly developed in ancient Greece. Along with other types of physical exercises, they played an important role in the military-physical training of the slavers and became an important part of the religious holidays of the tribes. The most important of such celebrations are the
Olympic Games. Interest in athletics in Uzbekistan increased in 1885 after the establishment of a playground adapted to this type in Margilon. Athletics competitions were held in Tashkent in 1902, national championships in 1919, spartakia in 1927. In Uzbekistan, more than 135,000 people are engaged in athletics under the supervision of more than 140 coaches, 3 of the coaches have the title of honored athlete of Uzbekistan, 10 of them have the title of honored sports teacher of Uzbekistan (2001). Track and field athletes from Uzbekistan have been participating in the Olympic Games since 1952. RESULTS Athletic training has a multifaceted effect on the human body. They strengthen health (especially fast running or "cowardly" or "cowardly" or "cowardly"), the main capabilities are fulfilled, most physical capabilities are developed: all types of endurance, Strength, speed, coordination skills, flexibility, speed-nation skills, etc. Athletics is one of the most popular sports.
Ability to run different distances, walk athletically, jump (high, long, triple, javelin), throw (javelin, javelin, javelin), shot put, multi-sport (jumping, heptathlon). takes Athletics is one of the modern pentathlon and triathlon sports, training of all sports, training, military training, health training of all sports, "Alpomish" and "Barchinoy" sports of students and youth. took place in the program of tests. Homer's "Iliad", Ibn Sina's "Laws of Medicine" and other books contain information about athletics exercises.
DISCUSSION Millions of people around the world are involved in athletics. Athletic training develops strength, quickness, speed and many other motor skills and willpower. The law is of great importance for health and helps to achieve physical maturity. The diversity of track and field exercises and the power contract when walking, running, jumping, and throwing make track and field training with people of all genders. Most of these exercises are technically not difficult to perform, and are easy to teach and can be performed on regular courts or outdoors. In athletics, exercises such as walking, running, jumping, and throwing are of particular importance. Running is a natural way to exercise from place to place. This is the most common type of physical basketball training, and many sports include football, tennis, and others. Many types of running have an organic part of various types of athletics. Running demands the work of the whole body much more than when running. Running is the most common form of athletics.
Various types of running and relay races take the leading place in athletics competitions, and the spectators are also very interested in them. That's why running competitions are one of the best organizational tools. Jumping is a natural method of overcoming obstacles, and is characterized by the maximum effort of neuromuscular strength in a short period of time. Athletes' abilities to control their bodies and use their strength improve, strength, speed, agility, and courage increase during athletic jumping training. Jumping is one of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles of the leg body and creating agility, and it is necessary not only for athletes, but also for representatives of other sports,
especially basketball, volleyball and football players. The longest marathon distance in athletics is 42 km 195 cm. It runs between residential areas. Jumping is a natural method of overcoming obstacles, and is characterized by the maximum effort of neuromuscular strength in a short period of time. Athletes' abilities to control their bodies, use their strength, strength, speed, agility, and courage increase during athletic jumping training. Jumping is one of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles of the leg body and creating agility, and it is necessary not only for athletes, but also for representatives of other sports, especially basketball, volleyball and football players. Jumping in athletics is divided into 2 types. 1. Jumping over vertical hurdles, high jump and anchored pole vault in order to jump as high as possible.
2. Long jump and triple jump to jump over horizontal obstacles in order to jump as far as possible. Jumping results are measured in meters and centimeters. The jump is performed by running quickly to the place where it is standing. Triple jump and pole vault events are not held for women. Hard shocks that occur while doing these things can damage the condition of women's internal organs. Throwing is an exercise in throwing and tossing special projectiles. The results of these are measured in meters and centimeters. Throwing is characterized by a short period of maximum neuromuscular tension. Not only the shoulder girdle and body muscles, but also the leg muscles are actively involved in this. In order to throw athletics long distances, it is necessary to have a highly developed strength, speed, agility and to be able to gather one's strength. Throwing not only develops these important qualities, but also helps to develop the harmony of the muscles of the whole body.
CONCLUSION It should be noted that the variety of athletics exercises and the ability to change the power input when walking, running, jumping, and throwing allow athletics training with people of different genders and ages. Many of these exercises are not technically difficult, easy to teach, and can be performed on regular courts or open spaces. The variety of athletics exercises and the ability to vary the amount of force when walking, running, jumping, and throwing allow athletics training with people of all ages and genders. Many of these exercises are not technically difficult, easy to teach, and can be performed on regular courts or open spaces.
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