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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Podsolonko Vladimir A., Podsolonko Elena A., Afanasiev Oleg E.

The possibilities of spreading the positive experience of using new forms of recreation and tourism - glamping, theme parks and weekend vacations, to increase the efficiency of socio-economic development of Russian regions are considered. The interconnection of these forms and their influence on the development of domestic tourism for the country, on the increment of budget funds of the municipal territories of their implementation are noted. The reserves of using the recreational potential are revealed using the example of the recreational macro-region of Crimea. The need for additional personnel with their thematic specialization in types and forms of recreation and tourism is noted, both for the operational implementation of their functioning, and for promising design and scientific support for the qualified management of these processes. The absence of a developed systemic socio-economic mechanism for involving new forms of recreation and tourism in the processes of effective development of the region is emphasized. The decisive role of software solutions at the state and municipal levels in the implementation of applied tasks to achieve the main goal of socio-economic development of the regions is shown. The necessity of supplementing state regional programs with targeted subprograms, oriented in this case to a multiplicative increase in the contribution of tourism to employment in all associated types of economic activity in the municipal territories of the region, is substantiated. An important place in the program-targeted approach is occupied by the cluster and network organization of the development of new forms and types of tourism, their system-forming role in creating new jobs in the region, in its municipal territories. The specification of the functions of the apparatus of state and municipal government in the region is attributed to the organizing functions of obtaining the final results of the effective impact of new forms of recreation and tourism on the socio-economic development of the region, on achieving a new level of quality of life for its population. The recommendations on expanding the network of training workers in regional municipalities on thematic types of new forms of tourism that are characteristic of their territories are a natural continuation of the need to create scientific and practical laboratories at regional universities, jointly with the state and municipal governments of the regions.

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региональные студии туризма

regional tourism studies

UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10208


V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea); PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor


V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol, Rep. of Crimea); PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor; e-mail: [email protected]


Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia); PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor; e-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The possibilities of spreading the positive experience of using new forms of recreation and tourism -glamping, theme parks and weekend vacations, to increase the efficiency of socio-economic development of Russian regions are considered. The interconnection of these forms and their influence on the development of domestic tourism for the country, on the increment of budget funds of the municipal territories of their implementation are noted. The reserves of using the recreational potential are revealed using the example of the recreational macro-region of Crimea. The need for additional personnel with their thematic specialization in types and forms of recreation and tourism is noted, both for the operational implementation of their functioning, and for promising design and scientific support for the qualified management of these processes. The absence of a developed systemic socio-economic mechanism for involving new forms of recreation and tourism in the processes of effective development of the region is emphasized. The decisive role of software solutions at the state and municipal levels in the implementation of applied tasks to achieve the main goal of socio-economic development of the regions is shown. The necessity of supplementing state regional programs with targeted subprograms, oriented in this case to a multiplicative increase in the contribution of tourism to employment in all associated types of economic activity in the municipal territories of the region, is substantiated. An important place in the program-targeted approach is occupied by the cluster and network organization of the development of new forms and types of tourism, their system-forming role in creating new jobs in the region, in its municipal territories. The specification of the functions of the apparatus of state and municipal government in the region is attributed to the organizing functions of obtaining the final results of the effective impact of new forms of recreation and tourism on the socio-economic development of the region, on achieving a new level of quality of life for its population. The recommendations on expanding the network of training workers in regional municipalities on thematic types of new forms of tourism that are characteristic of their territories are a natural continuation of the need to create scientific and practical laboratories at regional universities, jointly with the state and municipal governments of the regions.

Keywords: recreation, tourism, glamping, theme parks, weekend tourism, management mechanism, state and municipal government, multiplicative role, employment, quality of life.

Citation: Podsolonko, V. A., Podsolonko, E. A., & Afanasiev, O. E. (2020). Multiplicative role of modern types of tourism in the developing municipal territories and population employment. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 14(2), 84-95. doi: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10208.

Article History

Received 27 April 2020 Accepted 21 May 2020

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2020 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10208

ПОДСОЛОНКО Владимир Андреевич

Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского (Симферополь, Респ. Крым, РФ);

доктор экономических наук, профессор ПОДСОЛОНКО Елена Адольфовна

Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского (Симферополь, Респ. Крым, РФ);

доктор экономических наук, профессор; e-mail: [email protected] АФАНАСЬЕВ Олег Евгеньевич

Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса (Москва, РФ); доктор географических наук, профессор; e-mail: [email protected]



Рассмотрены возможности распространения положительного опыта использования новых форм отдыха и туризма - глэмпингов, тематических парков и отдыха выходного дня - с целью повышения эффективности социально-экономического развития регионов России. Отмечены взаимосвязь этих форм и их влияние на развитие внутреннего туризма в стране, на прирост бюджетных средств муниципальных территорий. Резервы использования рекреационного потенциала раскрыты на примере рекреационного макрорегиона Крыма. Отмечается необходимость в дополнительных кадрах с их тематической специализацией по видам и формам отдыха и туризма как для оперативного осуществления их функционирования, так и для перспективного проектирования и научной поддержки квалифицированного управления этими процессами. Подчеркивается отсутствие развитого системного социально-экономического механизма вовлечения новых форм отдыха и туризма в процессы эффективного развития региона. Показана решающая роль программных решений на государственном и муниципальном уровнях в реализации прикладных задач для достижения основной цели социально-экономического развития регионов. Обоснована необходимость дополнения государственных региональных программ целевыми подпрограммами, ориентированными в данном случае на мультипликативный рост вклада туризма в занятость во всех сопутствующих видах экономической деятельности на муниципальных территориях региона. Важное место в программно-целевом подходе занимают кластерная и сетевая организация развития новых форм и видов туризма, их системообразующая роль в создании новых рабочих мест в регионе, на его муниципальных территориях. Необходимость уточнения функций аппарата государственного и муниципального управления в регионе объясняется организаторскими функциями получения конечных результатов эффективного воздействия новых форм отдыха и туризма на социально-экономическое развитие региона, на достижение нового уровня качества жизни населения. Рекомендации по расширению сети подготовки работников в региональных муниципалитетах по тематическим типам новых форм туризма, характерных для их территорий, являются естественным продолжением необходимости создания научных и практических лабораторий в региональных университетах совместно с органами власти регионов и муниципальных образований.

Ключевые слова: отдых, туризм, глэмпинг, тематические парки, туризм выходного дня, механизм управления, государственное и муниципальное управление, мультипликативная роль, занятость, качество жизни

Для цитирования: Подсолонко В.А., Подсолонко Е.А., Афанасьев О.Е. Мультипликативная роль современных видов туризма в развитии муниципальных территорий и занятости населения // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2020. Т.14. №2. С. 84-95. DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10208.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 27 апреля 2020 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 21 мая 2020 г.

Introduction. In the processes of socio-economic development of the world economy, countries of the world, regions of each country, the industry of leisure, tourism, travel plays a special role. The growth of the industry's contribution to GDP, the increase in employment, the quality of life of residents of the regions of the countries and the world as a whole are the result of the industry's flexible response to tourist's preferences, an effective state policy for the development of this fleld of activity, the presence of mechanisms for managing tourism development processes, and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and regions, countries of the world. If the force of the negative impact of external factors on the development of the industry becomes manageable and does not have a deterrent or even destructive effect on the industry, its contribution to GDP may grow up to 50%. Improvement of traditional types of tourism, the creation of new lines of activity, the use of innovative forms and methods of managing the processes of providing tourism services at all levels will expand the understanding of the aspect of "competitiveness of tourism, leisure and travel" in the context of the manifestation of the multiplicative role of modern types of tourism and their impact on the development of individual territories, employment and improving the quality of life.

According to the results of research in 2019, the Russian Federation takes 38th place among 140 countries in the competitiveness of tourism and travel (T&T) in terms of parameters: favorable environment, T&T policies and favorable conditions, infrastructure, natural and cultural resources (reports.weforum. org). This position does not correspond to the tourism potential of the country and requires the development of a special organizational and economic mechanism that will allow not only raising the country to higher positions in the ranking, but, above all, creating and realizing real opportunities for the development of tourism in the country on a new management basis.

The purpose and objectives of the study. To achieve the goal of increasing the competitiveness of tourism in the country, it is necessary to solve a set of problems, among which are: disseminating positive experience in the

use of new forms of recreation and tourism -glamping, theme parks, weekend tourism and others to increase the efficiency of socio-economic development of Russian regions; identify and use the reserves of recreational potential (on the example of the recreational Crimea macro-region); education, training and updating the competencies of personnel for the operational, promising design and scientific support for the qualified management of these processes; the formation of a socio-economic mechanism for involving new forms of recreation and tourism in the processes of effective development of the region; strengthening the effective participation of state and municipal authorities in the implementation of applied tasks to achieve the main goal of the socio-economic development of the regions; adaptation of state regional programs by targeted subprograms focused on the multiplicative increase in the contribution of tourism to employment in all related types of economic activity in the municipal territories of the region; support and motivation of the cluster and network organization of the development of new forms and types of tourism, contributing to the creation of new jobs in the region, in its municipal territories; assign the functions of the apparatus of state and municipal administration in the region to the organizing functions of obtaining the final results of the effective impact of new forms of recreation and tourism on the socio-economic development of the region, on achieving a new level of quality of life for regions population; expanding the network of training workers in district municipalities on thematic types of new forms of tourism that are characteristic of their territory; creation of scientific and practical laboratories in regional universities, joint with the state and municipal authorities of the regions.

Methods and approaches. The multiplicative effect of modern types of tourism on the development of municipal territories, employment growth, improving the quality of life of residents of the region and the country as a whole is ensured by a combination of methods, among which are: methods of establishing imperatives to overcome the backlog in the development of regions [1, 174 - 186]; methods for the development and im-

plementation of an innovative management strategy for the effective development of administrative territories [2, 23 - 28]; methods of forming a strategy of advancing innovative development of administrative territories [3, 30 - 31]; methods of state regulation of improving the quality of life and growth of the welfare of the population [4, 396 - 401]; methods to improve the competitiveness of the region by creating innovative clusters [5, 98 - 100]; the formation of the socio-economic mechanism of priority development of the country [6, 68 - 71].

The results of the study. Everything new is well-forgotten old ... Back in Soviet times, working people of the USSR visited boarding houses, rest houses, camp sites, and children visited pioneer camps, which were located in picturesque natural places and provided places for living in cozy wooden houses, tents, seasonal buildings. Two-day tourist trips by train or bus to different cities of the country were immensely popular. The active population sought with benefit and pleasure to spend the weekend and go camping or go on an excursion.

In recent decades, new or revived forms of tourism have become widespread: glamping, theme parks, weekend vacations. As you know, glamping is a "Glamping is where stunning nature meets modern luxury. It's a way to experience the untamed and completely unique parts of the world - without having to sacrifice creature comforts" (https:// www.glamping.com/what-is-glamping/). It is sometimes referred to as "lazy relaxation", "relaxation", "glamorous camping", "brilliant camping". At the same time, glamping can focus both on the use of luxury hotels in unique protected and inaccessible places, and on simplified buildings - houses, tents, yurts, plagues, huts, safari tents, etc., located in natural places that never cease to amaze and having special, peculiar to the place and cultural, ethnic, national, historical features. It is no coincidence that individual authors consider it as a "format for the development of ecological tourism" [7]. This new type of tourism is available at any time of the year and allows you to enjoy all the pleasures of nature both for tourists - single and whole companies, small and large families. It is cultivated both

on the sparsely populated coast of southern Italy or the numerous islands and peninsulas of Greece with their sea sandy beaches in the summer, as well as in the winter - in the snowy Alps of France, Italy, Switzerland and other European countries, on the Black Sea coast and in the mountains of the Caucasus of the Russian Federation.

Over the past 5 to 10 years, there has been some stability in the volume of use of the services of such hotels in the mountains in winter and at sea in summer. Of course, here the impressions are steadily unforgettable, they are tuned for their annual repetition and the search for new places and impressions. In recent decades, a more dynamic development is getting rest in comfortable bungalows. This phenomenon is observed in most countries of the world, not excluding Russia. For example, "Gulyai - Gorod" gliding is extremely popular, located in the Tula region in the village of Lany-shinsky on the sides of the Oka River.

But since glamping is a style of relaxation, and not its specific places, it has a great future in all vast territories of the Russian Federation and its regions with diverse natural, cultural, ethnic potential.

Theme parks, which stimulate the development of the entertainment industry, have become widespread in the development of tourism in the world, and now in Russia [8]. However, their role is much wider. One cannot but agree with the opinion that they can serve as a means of popularizing national culture [9]. Moreover, their significant role is emphasized "in preserving and popularizing the historical and cultural heritage in Russia" [10]. It is here that the musical theme parks, parks of fairy-tale heroes and their authors, ethnic and interethnic, as forms of sociocul-tural interaction, military-patriotic education and others are manifested.

A wide variety of theme parks ultimately affects the development of the tourism industry. Here, economic-geographical, environmental, landscape, natural-climatic, territorial and even production and technological aspects of the formation of theme parks are manifested, the need for their specific classification by types and their features, in the design of their creation and organization of functioning.

An important point in understanding the role of theme parks in the development of Russian regions was the emergence of a focus in their activities on improving the quality of life of the local population [11]. Known for more than 50 years in Russia and beyond, the Glade of Tales (Polyana Skazok) in Yalta in Crimea gives local children the opportunity to plunge into the rich world of fairy tales, and on the other - slightly change the image of Yalta itself, increase its attractiveness for the country's population and tourists. This cultural city is no just a vacation on the beaches of the southern coast of Crimea.

Creative entrepreneur Oleg Zubkov significantly increased the attractiveness of the region. Following to the Glade of Tales (Polyana Skazok), he created a unique modern fairy zoo Skazka. He also changed the image of the city of Belogorsk, famous for tourists located in the vicinity of the famous landscape monument White Rock, creating a safari on the shore of the Taigan Reservoir - Taigan Lion Park. This park in some respects surpasses the parks known in Europe, such as, for example, Parc de Felin in the surrounding area of Paris in France. The famous zoos in Berlin, Dresden, Rome, in terms of their capabilities, comfort and variety of services offered, are inferior to Taigan in some characteristics.

On the territory of this park there are hotels, restaurants, cafes, retail outlets with souvenir products and special food for animals, thematic sculptural compositions, a concert hall in the fresh air. You can move around the park on foot or in special electric trains with a guide. Convenient parking accepts all motorists without restrictions. A special park bus can come for visitors anywhere in the Crimea and return after a walk. Such parks provide jobs, the opportunity to conduct research and classes for schoolchildren and students, contribute to the development of innovation, motivate the creation of enterprises to produce necessary equipment, souvenirs, food for animals. And most importantly - it is in the Crimea, in Russia, and residents of the peninsula and regions of the country can visit them during the summer and school holidays.

This is one of the real examples demonstrating the importance of theme parks for the development of municipal territories, the

Republic of Crimea, and the country. However, even on the example of Mr. Zubkov, ready to create new, larger-scale theme parks, such as, for example, the Amusement Park "White Rock" - an analogue of American Disneyland; "Crimean Coliseum" planned for performances with lions in the spirit of gladiatorial battles, with the theater of sea animals, sea battle; landscape Suvorov park; a natural park of tigers and bears, planned to be created in one of the abandoned quarries in Inkerman; Zoo "Sunlight" in Yevpatoriya. All these projects were presented back in 2014 and were planned to be opened in 2017. They would not only increase the attractiveness of the region, provide jobs for the population of the entire peninsula, fill the budget of the republic, were an educational, scientific, production base, cluster development centers in Crimea. But here the absence or imperfection of the socio-economic mechanism that promotes the development of processes of socio-economic development of the region, stimulating the activity of entrepreneurs in the country through the development of new forms of tourism activity is manifested here.

The most widespread among the three new forms of tourism listed is holiday breaks. It is this form of recreation that is being revived in the format "new, as well-forgotten old". Currently, it has different definitions: a weekend tour, a weekend trip, weekend tourism, a weekend trail, a weekend trip, a two-day tour. Moreover, for almost all of them there are meaningful definitions, for example, ethnic, ecological, medical - recreational, sightseeing, eco-sports, water-recreational, rural, cultural and educational, geopolitical, religious, historical, patriotic, bicycle, automobile, cruise, archaeological, industrial, reserved, hunting, fishing. Sometimes characteristics are added to these definitions that indicate consumers of services: children's, students, families, inclusive, events (seminar, conference, training).

An analysis of the publications of recent years has shown that this form of recreation and tourism is widespread throughout Russia and has the character of not only practical, but also scientific and research activities, as well as educational - in view of the wide popularity of tourism and tourism management

at universities in the country. Weekend tourism is popular in the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory, in Kurgan, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Astrakhan, Kazan, Karelia, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Tver, Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok.

It is important to note that many of the above characteristics can simultaneously appear in one specific type of tourism [12]. This shows the multidimensional nature of weekend tourism opportunities. Moreover, it should be emphasized that this type of recreation can be well combined with two others - glamping and theme parks, based entirely on their thematic basis. Providing a targeted combination of these opportunities can be considered as a tool in the mechanism of stimulating the effective socio-economic development of regions [13].

The wide distribution of the considered new forms of modern tourism is due to a number of positive factors, among which are "step-by-step" availability for the population of all regions of the country, the cost of such services corresponds to the financial capabilities of Russian tourists. In addition, the basis of tourism - recreation and entertainment are mainly conditionally oriented to the principle of "home delivery". This factor is especially valuable, since it changes the flow of financial investments of the population in domestic tourism, and not in foreign. On this basis, not only the influx of population finances into the domestic economy is increasing, but also the employment of the population in all areas of activity related to tourism is increasing. The circle of tourist sites includes new municipal territories in the most remote regions of the country. In these conditions, the whole structure of the tourism industry is changing significantly, where the scale of development of leisure and entertainment of the population also acquire parameters of the industrial level. These changes are taking place against the backdrop of a growing demand for professional staff, providing both the creation of these new forms of tourism in the regions, and their highly efficient functioning, modern and innovative customer service for new services.

At the same time, against the backdrop of the listed positive aspects of the manifestation of new forms of recreation and tourism,

cultivated by the population of the regions of Russia, the flows of tourists outside it remain significant. A natural question arises: why is this happening? There is no definite answer due to the great complexity of this problem.

There is a widespread belief that many Russians go on vacation to foreign resorts due to a higher level of service compared to domestic. The holidaymaker feels there as a person for whom the entire space surrounding him, and the entire service sector have been created. In our hotels and health resorts, service personnel often forget "who is who", sometimes not understanding the visitor's primacy and their mission to "serve", to provide services, depending on the availability of their workplace and, accordingly, on wages, on the vacationer's desire to use your services exactly in your organization.

Also, among the preferences of overseas vacations, domestic is the possibility of a more varied vacation, ranging from all-inclusive meals, including local alcoholic drinks without restriction, and an unlimited list of both free and paid entertainment. This may include countless excursions, fishing in the open sea and closed waters, hunting and its humane appearance - photography hunting etc.

The advantage of certain services provided by some foreign hotels is the possibility of organizing a specialized vacation. Among them are themed spa hotels based on medicinal or hot springs using herbs and aromatic substances, as the basis of glamping in Estonia, Russia [14]. Exceedingly popular are hotels with indoor pools with year-round and round-the-clock access through room access directly to the pool area, even with a slight remoteness of shared beaches by the sea or ocean (experience of Mexico, Acapulco).

Moreover, very often the climatic and landscape conditions in places of foreign leisure and tourism are not better than in several regions of Russia. For example, the Caspian, Azov, and Black Sea beaches in their possibilities for recreation and excursions are quite comparable with a few resort places in Turkey, Italy, Greece, Israel. However, the recreational resource of these coastal territories is often not used at all. In the budget of the municipalities of such territories for the purposes

of their recreational development there are practically no funds. All the hope of municipal leaders for state support in these matters. By the way, in the Federal Target Program "Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2022" this position is presented among the indicators of conditions for sustainable development of Crimea as "the number of new tourist and recreational clusters". However, an analysis of its implementation showed that the development of new recreational coastal and, especially, mountain-steppe territories of Crimea is not provided for in this Program. We need investors and initiative entrepreneurs supported by municipal bodies of local self-government, such as, for example, O. Zubkov. Where to get them? What socio-economic mechanism can be included to search and attract investors interested in the effective and modern development of municipal territories of rural settlements not only in Crimea, but also in the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia and Dagestan?

Below on the example of the implementation of only one point of the announced federal target program "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2022" to obtain the result "the number of new tourist and recreational clusters" options for creating and developing such a mechanism are proposed.

Reserves of recreational resources of municipal territories

It is known that the healing properties of the water of the Sivash Bay in the north of Crimea are commensurate with the usefulness of the Dead Sea waters in Israel and Jordan. However, the number of hotels in the immediate vicinity of Sivash in Crimea is equal to zero, and the number of tourists visiting the wild way is small.

The dimension of the coastline of Sivash Bay with all its coastal reservoirs in only one Dzhankoy region is about 500 km, which is longer than the entire coast of the Southern Coast of Crimea and even more than the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia. In other areas of Northern Crimea, the coastline of Sivash is even more than 300 km.

The introduction at the end of 2019 of railway communication over the bridge across

the Kerch Strait allowed to increase the influx of recreants from mainland Russia to Crimea directly past 70% of the coastal territory of northern Crimea. The proposed creation of recreational clusters at the initiative of the Russian leadership in the Crimea is focused on already developed recreational territories of the south and west. The level of return of a territorial resource in coastal Sivash regions is in unit fractions from 0.19 in Krasnopere-kopsky to 0.24 in Kirov and Sovetsky districts, 0.25 and 0.33 in Dzhankoy and Nizhnegorsk in comparison with 0.63 in Sudak, 0.87 in Alushta, 3.21 in Feodosia and 5.96 in Yalta.

Similarly, the degree of use of human resources in the Sivash districts differs from the South Beach: from 0.58 and 0.59 in the Nizhnegorsky and Sovetsky, 0.6 and 0.67 in the Krasnoperekopsky and Dzhankoy regions, compared to 0.74 in Alushta, 0.8 in Theodosi-us, 0.87 in Sudak and 0.89 in Yalta.

The saturation of the territories of the South Beach with fixed assets - up to 11% in Yalta (from the whole Crimea), 5% in Feodosia and 3% in Alushta against 2.6 in all Prisivash regions in total, continues to increase by attracting investments in fixed assets there. For example, only in 2016, 9.45% of the total investment in the Republic of Crimea, in Feodosia - 2.6% was invested in the development of Yalta, while in the Krasnoperekop district - only 0.19%, in Dzhankoy - 0.46%, Nizhnegorsk - 0.7%, Soviet - 0.51%, Kirovsk - 1.02%.

Studies on advanced marketing have revealed reserves for the involvement of promising areas of recreational resources in the Sivas and Priazovye of Crimea, allowing almost double the number of recreants in the Crimea, both in the summer months and in the off-season. A few government decisions are devoted to the use of these reserves.

The focus of government decisions for the

recreational territory development

The State Program of the Russian Federation "Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol", as well as the federal target program "Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2022" (FTP), outline the achievement of the main goal - creating conditions for balanced sustainable development of the economy and social

sphere of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. For this, a set of specific managerial tasks is required that require scientific support in the foundation and development of forms and methods for solving them at the levels of state and municipal government.

These tasks and certain areas of the state program include:

- implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Crimea; and - coherence of management decisions on accelerated socio-economic development on the basis of ensuring a balanced strategic planning in terms of priorities, goals, objectives, activities and timing of their implementation, targets, financial and other resources;

- creation of new tourist and recreational clusters for the effective use of tourist and recreational potential through the development of existing and the creation of new industries of the sanatorium and resort sphere and tourism;

- the formation an accessible comfortable tourist environment;

- the implementation of stimulation of entrepreneurial activity in the course of the state program;

- achieving the necessary level of infra-structural support for the territories as part of the priority task of the state policy for regional development - infrastructural support for the spatial development of the economy and the social sphere based on the formation and development of energy, transport and social infrastructures;

- commissioning of new and reconstructed water supply systems;

- ensuring the effective functioning of the road network, increasing the length of public roads of regional importance, meeting the regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators, doubled in the Republic of Crimea;

- an increase in the tourist flow and the number of tourists arriving in Crimea by 2022 versus 2017 by 39%;

- an increase in the size of the gross regional product per capita in the Republic of Crimea in 2022 in comparison with 2017 by 52%;

- growth in investment in fixed assets per capita in the Republic of Crimea in 2022 compared to 2017 by 34%;

- creating a favorable investment climate in Crimea; support for regions investing in innovative development;

- selection and training of personnel in the Republic of Crimea;

- ensuring interethnic harmony and harmonization of interethnic relations;

- elimination of imbalances in regional development and bringing the living standards of the Crimean population to the average Russian level;

- reduction in unemployment;

- increase in average monthly nominal accrued wages;

- reduction of differences in the level and quality of life of citizens of various regions, in the level of socio-economic development of regions.

Regarding the last task, it is noted that interregional differentiation in socio-economic development affects the balance of territorial development, where its complexity and systematicity form a stable state of national security at the regional level, which requires the creation of mechanisms to reduce such differentiation.

As the main tool for implementing the entire State program, it is planned to finance its activities mainly from budgetary funds and partially from extrabudgetary sources. In addition to it, the federal target program "Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2022", as well as legal regulation measures, acts as an instrument for the implementation of these areas and tasks to be solved.

Mention in tasks, directions and expected results of raising the level and quality of life of the population is not the mentioned mechanism, but requires real scientific, methodological and organizational development as scientific support and subsequent support of almost all the tasks and directions of the State program and its federal target program.

Scientific support for public administration of tourist and recreational development of territories

The whole complex of these tasks and the creation of appropriate scientific support for their implementation is solved by the real activities of the units of the Government of the Republic of Crimea. The purposefulness and interaction of organizations in this direc-

tion can be ensured by the Head of the Republic of Crimea in an appropriate decision:

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1. To achieve the main goal of the state program to create conditions for balanced sustainable development of the economy and social sphere of the Republic of Crimea, form a regional subprogram "Integrated socio-economic development of municipal territories of the North Crimean coast". The responsible developer is the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea.

2. To solve the problem of stimulating entrepreneurial activity during the implementation of the state program, to create, under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Crimea, a joint scientific and educational center for the integrated development of the Crimean municipal territories with the educational institutions, science and youth of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The responsible developer is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Crimea.

3. To implement the scientific and methodological support of the state policy of the Republic of Crimea and the coherence of managerial decisions on accelerated socio-economic development based on the balance of strategic planning in terms of priorities, goals, objectives, activities and timing of their implementation, targets, financial and other resources, create the scientific and educational center under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea jointly with the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University "Scientific and Methodological Laboratory of State and Municipal Administration".

4. Taking into account the established role of Crimea as a recreational macro-region in order to effectively use the tourist and recreational potential through the development of existing and creating new industries of the sanatorium and resort sphere and tourism, to create a joint venture with the Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky at the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea "Scientific-organizational laboratory of system-forming development of recreational territories and organizations".

5. To achieve the necessary level of in-frastructural security of the territories of the

Republic of Crimea as part of the priority task of the state policy of regional development - infrastructural support for the spatial development of the economy and social sphere based on the formation and development of energy, transport and social infrastructures, create a network of joint "Scientific and practical laboratories for innovative development of enterprises in the conditions of network and cluster organization of their interaction".

The enlarged structure of interaction between organizations providing recreational development of territories and the development of new forms of recreation and tourism in them shows the example of the formation of a regional target subprogram until 2025 "Tourism and recreational clusters of the North Crimean coast" administration of the region play a leading role in this area (Fig. 1). Cluster and network organization of tourism development and recreation in municipal territories

The goals of creating a recreational cluster:

1. Effective use of unwell developed recreational areas.

2. Strengthening employment of the local population.

3. Ensuring a high level of quality of life for members of the cluster of members of their families.

4. Development of innovative technologies for infrastructure activities.

5. Recreational services at the level of world development standards and the achievements of science, technology, and practice.

6. Involvement in the investment processes of forming a cluster of individuals, organizations of regions and countries interested in the regular recreation of their employees, family members and the public.

7. Ensuring environmental cleanliness in the processes of functioning of a recreational cluster and in the life of its staff and members of their families.

8. Creating sustainable interaction of enterprises of all fields of activity necessary for the development of the cluster, educational institutions, and scientific laboratories with state and municipal authorities for effective competitive development of the cluster.

Fig. 1 - The structure ofprogram-targeted administration of the development of new forms of tourism in the region

9.Ensuring stable replenishment of the local budget ¡and growthofgrossregional prod-uctand, on this basis, gaoss Oomrstic paofgot Clustorformaction Inveotmeet conUItibns: The total investment need for the formation of a recrea tional clhstes includes the w hole range of costs required at all stages of its craation.As a culo, rhispooceac ¡nc^iso

-a deveiopmentoO prcjccO iPeaOi oftions feo its Imglambirtstiod;

- fnasibllity sttoy Coo Pte oragog of clpop tor crentioc;

- development of the project and its documentation on components, selected op-ti'onsand the priority of creating a cluster;

-th e acquisition of construction machinery, equipment, materials;

-extraction or acquisition of building materials;

- manufsctureof elements of buildings, and structures;

- capital construction of cluster facilities;

- consrouct'on of roadsand soneren parking lofs;

- arrangement of recreational, residential, social territories;

- gardening and improvement of all adjacent territories;

- construction of entertainment complexes; purchase or creation of necessary equipment;

- creation of installations and networks for water supply, water purification and desalination, sewage treatment;

- creation of installations and heat supply networks, including non-traditional energy sources;

- creation of installations and a network of waste bins with separate collection of garbage and garbage recycling;

- remuneration of labor of cluster members in the complex and in its components.

The central link in these components is the area of all cluster buildings in m2, in relation to which the volumes or costs of all other components are measured. In turn, in this area separately show the final indicator for the recreational cluster indicator - directly the area of premises for tourists, as well as an entertainment complex.

Improving public interaction of local authorities in the recreational development of municipalities

To support the development of municipal territories of rural settlements, as one of the activities of the House of the "Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Crimea", the association "Municipal Recreation" is being formed. The Association operates based on established enterprises and organizations in the role of the "Council of Scientific, Educational and Investment Support for the Effective Development of Municipal Territories of Rural Settlements". The association includes:

1. small and medium-sized enterprises for the development of infrastructure of rural settlements;

2. mutual investment partnership fund for the development of small recreation in rural settlements;

3. small enterprises of scientific and methodological support for the effective management of the development of municipal territories of rural settlements;

4. small enterprises of educational support for the training and retraining of the local

population on small business in rural settlements;

5. small enterprises of rural recreation and tourism;

6. small enterprises of gardening and recreational activities in the municipal territories of rural settlements.

The members of this Council are either the leaders of the listed enterprises and organizations, or their executive directors.


1. New forms of recreation and tourism, such as glamping, theme parks and weekend vacations, contribute to the development of the economy in the regions of the country.

2. Thanks to new forms of recreation, the money resources of the population increase the flow of local budget formation from the development of domestic tourism.

3. The development of new forms of tourism contributes to the need for production, educational and scientific personnel with thematic specialization.

4. The needs for the further development of domestic tourism have led to the need to assess the reserves of recreational resources in the regions of the country, in their municipal territories.

5. The lack of a systemic socio-economic mechanism for the effective functioning of tourism has been identified as a deterrent to the development of new forms and all domestic tourism in the country's regions.

6. The decisive role in the mechanism for the development of new forms of domestic tourism, software solutions in state and municipal government is revealed.

7. The necessity of a program-targeted approach, cluster, and network organization of production for the effective development of new forms of recreation and tourism is substantiated.


1. Using the example of the recreational macro-region of the Republic of Crimea, it was proposed to develop and implement the State Program "Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2022" to develop a regional target subprogram aimed at tourism development and recreation based on their new forms.

2. To specify the role of state and municipal government departments in increasing the effectiveness of the socio-economic development of the region based on new forms of tourism and recreation.

3. In addition to specializing in the preparation of bachelors, masters and post-graduate students at universities in the region on thematic types of tourism (coastal, fishing,

yachting, cruise, automobile, rural, wine tasting, hunting, ethnic ...) organize training of workers in regional municipalities online vocational education in these areas.

4. To consider it expedient to extend the implementation of these recommendations to the subjects of the southern federal district (Rostov and Astrakhan regions, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Kalmykia), as well as in Dagestan.







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