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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kolchugina Tatyana A., Kosinets Inna I.

The article examines tourist and recreational resources in the Republic of Dagestan and identifies development prospects of the new type of tourism, for which the region has all necessary recreational and infrastructural opportunities. The subject of research is motorcycle tourism as a promising type of outdoor activity in Dagestan providing a person with a unique opportunity to make an unforgettable trip to the most beautiful and inaccessible protected areas which are impossible to reach by other modes of transport. The purpose of research is to study world practices, analyse modern trends and methods of organising motorcycle tourism in order to substantiate further development of this tourism in Dagestan. The strategy for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasian Federal District until 2025 involves creating a mountain recreational cluster in the North Caucasian republics. However, today, despite Dagestan’s unique natural, historical and cultural resources, its tourism sector lags far behind Russia’s leading tourist destinations. The reasons are underdeveloped tourist infrastructure, the state of the road network and accommodation facilities. But for motorcycle tourism some challenges and a certain archaic local lifestyle can become a significant advantage of the tourist route. New tourist programs and original motorcycle routes based on the professional and safe content can attract additional tourist flows and give impetus to the socio-economic and tourist development of the region.

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UDC 304.444

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10408


Pyatigorsk State University (Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Krai, Russia) PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected]


Pyatigorsk State University (Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Krai, Russia) PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected]


The article examines tourist and recreational resources in the Republic of Dagestan and identifies development prospects of the new type of tourism, for which the region has all necessary recreational and infrastructural opportunities. The subject of research is motorcycle tourism as a promising type of outdoor activity in Dagestan providing a person with a unique opportunity to make an unforgettable trip to the most beautiful and inaccessible protected areas which are impossible to reach by other modes of transport. The purpose of research is to study world practices, analyse modern trends and methods of organising motorcycle tourism in order to substantiate further development of this tourism in Dagestan. The strategy for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasian Federal District until 2025 involves creating a mountain recreational cluster in the North Caucasian republics. However, today, despite Dagestan's unique natural, historical and cultural resources, its tourism sector lags far behind Russia's leading tourist destinations. The reasons are underdeveloped tourist infrastructure, the state of the road network and accommodation facilities. But for motorcycle tourism some challenges and a certain archaic local lifestyle can become a significant advantage of the tourist route. New tourist programs and original motorcycle routes based on the professional and safe content can attract additional tourist flows and give impetus to the socio-economic and tourist development of the region.

Keywords: motorbike tourism, motorcycle tourism, extreme tourism, tourist resources of the Republic of Dagestan, sports motorcycle tourism, non-categorical tourist routes, motorbike show.

Citation: Kolchugina, T. A., & Kosinets, I. I. (2020). Current trends and prospects of motorcycle tourism development in the Republic of Dagestan. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 14(4), 98-107. doi: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10408.

Article History Disclosure statement

Received 28 October 2020 No potential conflict of interest was reported by

Accepted 26 November 2020 the author(s).

© 2020 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 304.444

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10408

КОЛЬЧУГИНА Татьяна Анатольевна

Пятигорский государственный университет (Пятигорск, Ставропольский край, РФ);

кандидат философских наук, доцент; [email protected]

КОСИНЕЦ Инна Ивановна

Пятигорский государственный университет (Пятигорск, Ставропольский край, РФ);

кандидат филологических наук, доцент; [email protected]


В статье проведен анализ туристско-рекреационных ресурсов, имеющихся в Республике Дагестан, и определены возможные перспективы развития на их платформе нового вида туризма, для которого уже сегодня в регионе имеются все необходимые рекреационные и инфраструктурные возможности. Предмет исследования - мотоциклетный туризм как перспективный вид активного отдыха на территории Дагестана, предоставляющий человеку уникальную возможность получить незабываемое путешествие по самым красивым и труднодоступным заповедным уголкам, куда невозможно добраться другими видами транспорта. Цель исследования - изучение мировых практик, анализ современных тенденций и технологий организации мотоциклетного туризма с мотивированным обоснованием возможности дальнейшего развития данного туристского направления в Республике Дагестан. В стратегии социально-экономического развития Северо-Кавказского федерального округа до 2025 г. предусмотрено создание в кавказских республиках горно-рекреационного кластера. Однако сегодня, несмотря на имеющиеся в Дагестане уникальные природные и историко-культурные ресурсы, туристский сектор здесь значительно отстает не только от ведущих туристских центров России, но и от других республик Северо-Кавказского федерального округа. Одной из существенных причин подобного положения является недостаточно развитая туристская инфраструктура, и, прежде всего, состояние дорожной сети и средств размещения. Однако для данного вида туризма имеющиеся сложности, наряду с некой архаичностью местного быта, могут стать существенным достоинством туристского маршрута. Организация новых туристских программ и формирование оригинальных байк-маршрутов, основанных на профессиональном и безопасном контенте, могут привлечь в регион дополнительные туристские потоки и дать импульс для социально-экономического и туристского развития региона в целом.

Ключевые слова: байк-туризм, мотоциклетный туризм, экстремальный туризм, туристские ресурсы Республики Дагестан, спортивный мототуризм, некатегорийные туристские маршруты, байк-шоу.

Для цитирования: Кольчугина Т.А., Косинец И.И. Современные тенденции и перспективы развития байк-туризма в Республике Дагестан // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2020. Т.14. №4. С. 98-107. DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10408.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 28 октября 2020 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 26 ноября 2020 г.


Tourism professionals consider motorcycle tourism one of the promising types of modern sports tourism. The motorcycle provides freedom and speed of the tourist group's movement, expands opportunities for active familiarity with the area, makes the trip more meaningful, more eventful. This is a holiday for active, adventurous people and extreme sports lovers. The prominent biker in our country was Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin, who, together with his friends, established the EBK-50 biker club, the main goal of which was long-distance motorcycle tourism. The EBK-50 biker club also included Boris Zolotarev, the former governor of Evenkiya, Sergey Sokol, the Envoy's adviser as well as entrepreneurs and businessmen from all over the former Soviet Union.

Many regions of the world can become centres of the mountain off-road motorbike tourism development, but only some of them, such as mountain destinations of the North Caucasus, and, in particular, Dagestan's recreational areas seem to have been created for it. However, despite the growing interest in motorcycle tourism, it is developing randomly, the region has very few well-organized and safe programs, accompanied by the professionally trained specialists.

The main problem of organizing such routes is that not everyone can become a motorbike tourist. A person needs good physical fitness as on the road he cannot relax even for a minute. In addition, the trip does not always take place in favourable weather conditions. But those who can spend several days riding a motorbike obtain the opportunity to travel to the most unique and inaccessible protected sites and get unforgettable impressions.

In today's world practice, motorbike tours occupy strong positions in the tourist supply structure. There are exceptional routes which are fully reserved six months before the tour starts. Among them there are KTM rally raids in the desert or rally raids on the new BMW in the Canaries. Sometimes groups do not exceed 12 people, although there are usually many more people who want to participate. In Europe and America, one can go on a motorcycle tour quite easily just buying a tour in the travel agency where the tourist will

be given a voucher and tickets to the starting point of the trip. The tourist just needs to choose a country, meals, accommodation, motorbike model, length and complexity of the route. In our country, organized motorbike tourism is just beginning to emerge and can be practiced only in few areas.

Analysis of the research published papers

The comprehensive state support for domestic and inbound tourism in Russia, especially clearly manifested after the coronavirus lockdown, contributes to Russians' growing interest in travelling around the country. Besides, it stimulates Russian tourism businesses to expand the geography of tourist routes and types of tourism. Every year the catalogue of new tourist programs is updated with innovative forms, which are discussed on the numerous scientific conferences, in academic articles and monographs.

In this connection we can mention A.Yu. Alexandrova's research, in which the author conducts a detailed analysis of the world experience in the strategic tourism development both in established and emerging tourist destinations [2].

T.A. Kolchugina and I.I. Kosinets examine in their article the state of tourism in the North Caucasian region in relation to the socio-political situation. The authors touch the problem of finding ways to agreement and mutual understanding between peoples, based on the principles of ethno-confession-al tolerance. The tolerance, according to the authors, can be generated by tourism, which contributes to the knowledge of peoples' history and culture, fosters respect for their lifestyle, national traditions and customs, facilitates good-neighbourly coexistence [12].

The problems and challenges of implementing tourist and recreational projects, the stereotypes of perceiving the security of the North Caucasian region are reflected in the studies of D.B. Chuprova and L.V. Krylova [8]. The authors analyse the favourable prerequisites for tourism development in North Caucasian Federal District and offer their measures to attract investments in the tourism industry development on the basis of public-private partnership.

The historical aspects and modern development of tour operating in the framework of

travelling along the mountain routes of the Caucasus are well represented in the works of North Caucasian researchers: R.G. Miskarov, R.A. Bachiev; S.M. Chanieva; Ts.V. Li, E.N. Gon-charova and others [16, 7, 15].

A separate group includes the works devoted to the organization of active and extreme tourism in the South of Russia. In this regard, we can mention such authors as M.A. Akamova, D.A. Ruban; V.F. Reps, A.V. Grebenyuk; L.A. Galachieva, S.I. Shagin [1, 18, 10].

Some attempts of studying various aspects of motorcycle tourism have been undertaken by foreign scholars. D. Sykes & K. Kelly admit that nowadays motorcycle tourism is a large and growing market in the US and the UK and emphasise the considerable economic impact of this type of tourism [19]. Its significant contribution to the local economy is underlined by the authors M. Kruger, A. Viljoen, & M. Saay-man, who in their research papers devoted to the motorbike tourism in South Africa, investigate bike enthusiasts' motives for attending bike events and their spending behaviour [13, 14]. The peculiarities of motorcycle tourism development are examined in different countries and areas, for example, in Montana, in North Cape, in Wales [17, 5, 6]. The scholars estimate and analyse the opportunities and prospects of better managing and expanding the motorcycle tourism market in these areas. Besides, other research works deal with the marketing profile of motorcycle tourists, the authors study motorcyclists' travel preferences, their views of nature and quiet, issues of safety, and average trip expenditures in order to give recommendations to regional tourism organisations, tour operators, destination marketing organizations in attracting motorcycle riders providing them with necessary services [9, 20].

However, to date, a number of aspects in the field of innovative technologies of active extreme tourism have been poorly studied, the issue of professional organisation of motorbike tourism is even less studied. Hence, this problem requires further research.


The methodological basis of the study involves a system-structural analysis in combination with theoretical and empirical research methods of tourism in the Republic of Dag-

estan; general scientific methods of inquiry: analogy, generalization and specification. Information for the research was collected by applied statistical and sociological methods: survey, comparative and expert assessment, synthesis and systematization of results, etc. The multidimensional approach allowed the authors to avoid unilateralism of the analysis and mould an objective point of view towards the issues studied in the article.

The results of the research

The term "motorcycle tourism" or "motorbike tourism" is considered as one of the types of active tourism in which a motorbike serves as a means of transportation. The development of motorbike tourism is largely facilitated by a significant increase in the production of new types of motorcycles, by expansion of comfortable road networks, service stations, and an increase of roadside accommodation facilities. The concept of "motorbike tourism" refers to both a type of outdoor activities and a kind of sports tourism.

As an active form of recreation, motorbike tourism involves riding along the routes containing tourist attractions. The complexity of such trips can vary from quite simple to extremely high, and routes are usually mapped to take advantage of the motorbike moving fast along the route. However, it is necessary to differentiate motorbike trips and sports motorcycle tourism. Sports motorcycle races are focused on obtaining sports categories and titles, while leisure motorbike tours refuse from deliberate complicating the route, dividing the routes into complexity categories and combine the sports component of the ride with cultural and natural sightseeing. Still, practicing motorbike tourism, people should have enough stamina, possess mechanic, topographic and orienteering skills.

Sports motorcycle tourism was first officially registered in Russia in 1949, when the athletic title of USSR Master of Sports in Tourism was introduced and the Tourist Rescue Service was created. The peak of sports motorcycle tourism in the USSR took place in 1986, when 72 sports trips were made and 498 people participated in them. Subsequently, a classification of motorcycle races was carried out, including six categories of complexi-

ty, determined by the length of the route and availability of natural obstacles: sand dunes, mountain passes, traverses, fords. This indicator of complexity is also influenced, to a large extent, by the quality of roads, by the level of comfort of services offered to tourists.

In order for the motorcycle route to receive the appropriate category, it must be registered accordingly. The travel company organising it must fulfil a number of mandatory formalities, and, first of all, ensure the submission of an application for riding the route to the Route Qualification Commission, which are organized at the Sports Tourism Federations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If the route passes through the border areas, one should apply with a route book for permission to the police station at the place of permanent residence.

However, there are many motorcycle riders who do not seek to receive sports cate-goriesand titles butprefer torn akemulti-day trips t:o explare the area. TMs eatoegory of touriststan aleo cuunton tre help og toasikt cl ubr, ionrism fede rotionr, tosr iomend exe ur-siens tounolls in cSoosirg a route,obtainiag information , aoel Istolng roetsdosemssts.

Analarlna t he problu m r^tiai^t^s^fiSi^ mo torbike teurs In forelan couxtrieSt it a woott focusir g on o tommo an Intocntti'o r^aldriv^r^^ l^^^r^^o.Ano^e^^m| to mtern ^Itcaol ii^extior,da eraees ui in oOerian Sf the ar68 0onvention on

Road Traffic undertake to recognise national and international driver's licenses issued by units of the State Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the registered place of residence of citizens. Without an international driver's license, it will not be possible to rent a motorcycle or a car. Abroad, this problem is coordinated by insurance companies, not by the law.

Another distinctive and undoubtedly the most important stage of preparing a motorbike group for travelling is further equipping and maintenance of motorbikes to adapt them to a long trip. In order to have enough time to make test rides with a total length of 300-500 km, motorcycle maintenance should be carried out a few weeks before the trip. Selecting equipment for a long journey, it is necessary to divide it into group and individ-uop. erot|r apnipment (ten^ uteris! are fieating devittsjshould be dis-tnbuted among tpe crewS| Whnn oegoeisifg proup moteraipp totts, mpeorbiaen m the groug sho ui d be loohnically equioaleaU mor-dne to ensure Ube eamsspeed elfngthe road, in possibter a^ithott ^toe^i^ et tho ways

ToSO/ tounsU ioerfturu is published with t lbr oftCe most f^stpuiooc^^^s isad rouees of diffetcnt ooteggries is iiffeoent

geographical areas, which can be used as a

t00% 90% 80% 70% 60°% 50°% 40% 30% 20% t0% 0%

I Da yas paaw ssco type aO tasoism ts matatnipe tasoism?

I Daes matatnipe tasoism ettoect yas?

Heoe yas eoeo tetea peot ia e mataonite taso?

I Dt ytk hava a otritiva attltkta tt mataonite tasos?

I Da yas toiat mataonite tasoism is a octmitibg tyoa td ttkuirm ir Rsssie?

Hava ytk avar taar tha eUoeotisemeat aO mataonite tasoism?

Fig. 1 - The results of the sociological survey ofofotorbiketouoism potential consumers

standard. The routes with technical complexity, length or duration less than those established for the 1st category belong to non-categorical routes of active tourism.

The most convenient routes for beginner motorbike tourists are in Belarus, the Baltic states. There is a wide network of improved roads, service stations, which guarantees a certain degree of comfort. As you gain experience, you can complicate routes and choose the mountain regions of the Middle and Southern Urals, Crimea, the Caucasus, Moldova. The most experienced, well-trained and technically equipped groups go to the long-distance routes of the fifth and sixth complexity categories in the regions of Kazakhstan, the highland roads of Tien Shan, Pamirs, Altai, Sayans, Dagestan. The sports rides of the highest categories of complexity are carried out, as a rule, in the regions of the Northern Urals, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Karakum, Plateau Ustyurt. If the route is passed during the off-season, it is possible to increase the complexity category by one level in agreement with the Route Qualification Commission.

Motorbike tourism is only gaining popularity in Russia. The main problems connected with its organisation are the lack of hotels, the shortage of reliable and comfortable vehicles, poor roads, and the lack of professional adver-

tising. In this regard, it is worth noting that in the Republic of Dagestan, where there are unique tourist resources for motorbike tourism, the weak technical development of the road infrastructure is more likely to be an advantage that increases the complexity of the route, attracting extreme sports lovers from around the world.

In order to select the optimal forms of promoting motorbike tours, through social networks we conducted a survey of potential consumers of motorbike tourism, the results of which are reflected in the following diagram (Fig. 1).

As you can see from the diagram, motorbike tourism is interesting for a rather large number of tourism enthusiasts. However, only a small percentage (6%) of potential consumers ever took part in such trips and only 11% of respondents saw any advertisements of motorbike tours or read any information about them. At the same time, they would prefer online advertising (in social networks and at a travel company's website) and advertising in specialized journals.

To date, there are not many companies involved in organising standard group motorbike tours, city breaks, individual tours, tours dedicated to motorbike events and other types of motorbike travel. This is due to certain difficulties in organising routes and additional requirements for travel companies. An example is the geography of motorbike tourism offered by the company Rus Moto Travel.

Table 1 - The geography of motorbike tours offered by travel company Rus Moto Travel.

Motorbike Tours in Russia International Motorbike Tours

Tourist Destination Number of Days Price Tourist Destination Number of Days Price

Unknown Kamchatka 8 from 115000 P Ladakh Kingdom (India, the Himalayas, Small Tibet) 14 from 2490€

Pereslavl — Yaroslvl (city break) 3 from 22000 P In Saint Jacob's Footsteps (Europe, Spain - Portugal) 13 from 2520€

Kolomna — Ryazan (city break) 3 from 22000 P Metropolitan Spain (Europe, Spain) 10 from 1850€

From Capital - to Capital 8 from 65000 P The Country of Conquistadors (Europe, Spain -Portugal) 11 from 2160€

Baikal Tour 16 from 215000 P Mauritania Kingdom (Africa, Morocco) 13 from 2230€

West — East. Grand Tour 24 from 310000 P Medieval Spain (Europe, Spain) 8 from 1540€

The Country of Lakes — Karelia 9 from 70000 P The Fragment of British Empire (Europe, Spain -Gibraltar) 1 from 180€

Yaroslavl — Ples — Suzdal (city break) 4 from 27000 P White Andalusia (Europe, Spain) 1 from 180€

Uglich — Kalyazin (city break) 3 from 22 000 P Baltic Breeze (Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) 9 from 90 000 P

The Caucasus Appeal 9 from 70000 P

It is worth noting that all motorbike trips organized by Rus Moto Travel are carefully thought out and prepared, from the selection of attractions visited by tourists, to places of

Fig. 2 - Types oftounsm in Dagestan

overnig htstaysand entertainment. Moderate day ainss and optimally talcaladed routet ace cosr^c^ntdlrl^ fot toth oxp¡ nentod sod begin-n.ng motorltite toucittn.

Thc tour ppce usua||u mcludes accommodation, méate, tcrar^^f^rs faom airport md so r(ie a^ort, etttrl of a staodard coor figeration mo t^o^t^^cl^.

TWi^ IMo^t^Oi Caucas ut ie one of tl^e mt^t at-tcaetice aucan Coa orgPbisingmbloeb|pe tourisnt. TdoRepubiicof Dagnstan is asoorly studi e ri ano peosiy wctrereb mnunhnin ateaby ^t^uc^^^o

Tlse wosd "□agester" its Cent Onown smce tho la° odotuaynrid raaoan s "mountam tuuntn.". Aetcudm1 toAX AMburuv, "Dcgy estan" ir dor;ved fram theoanre rtftteandont: moulrtp|n etatie C oend o-hnvir (ndcenl:orr of theKumgks). AnoaOer aoShoritativehistorim, O.U/e t^to^^ ^^oo^^sl^^ OhoC Cbis nttneia "no-osared, aoparrnfly, oolyio tto XWXl conturyl'

The Republic of Dagestan is located in the north-eastern part of the Caucasus, along the Caspian Sea coast. The length of the territory from north to south is 414 km, from west to east - 222 km. The most southerly point of Russia is located on the border with Azerbaijan. The mountains occupy the area of 25.5 thousand km2, and the average height of the entire territory of Dagestan is 960 m. The 245-kilometer strip of foothills rests on the adjacent plains of the Caspian Sea - the largest lake in the world, which contains up to 90% of the water of all world salt lakes. The Caspian coast in the republic has a length of 530 km. The geographical location of the region and its peculiar landscape have formed a number of unique natural sites of global tourist interest.

Dagestan is the most multinational republic of Russia, where about 35 ethnolin-guistic groups coexist on a small area. About 96% (2.9 million people) of the population are Muslims. This is the highest rate among all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the unique ethnic diversity, the culture of Dagestan is exceptionally multi'faceted and interesting.Therepublic has more Shan 6.5 thousamd msnuments of history, culture,accnitecture, including 1935 objects of federal significance, among which the o Idesta c ity i n Russia - Derb ect, whsse history dalte sba ck morethan 200u years, - occupies a cpecia! plaae. Anumber ofritesare included ie rhe UNESCO Woald heritage List.

Onr oi Dngetiac 's scnin n atnral attrac-hoos isohe annyen (ocaRed ia hhe Sulak River ealieo, di Cm len o aorl IS20 m deep, which o rhe dtepnrh aanube in hrrape and one of the deepeat in the wcrld, talcg second only to tilie ^trliuas1 and Coka cacyoss in Peru. Karadakh narrow stands out among the or^ue natural monumobte, |e 0 located be-twaenGcrn0uko aoal Hanuokhsky Districts and often dared the"Grfa or Mitacles". In Dagestan's scOrne reserve (d Kamroranlinsky Dis-hritt the no ir hhie iccro st r^nd duaa S ary-Kum

in Europe, 262 m high. The only subtropical liana forest in Russia grows in the Samur State Nature Reserve, with an area of almost 2 thousand hectares. In Tabasaran District, not far from Khuchni village, there is the Khuch-ninsky (Khagansky) waterfall, which is about 70 m high. In Dagestan, there are dozens of caves, the most interesting ones are the Ka-rabudakhkent Caves, the largest of which is about 125 m long, it consists of eight halls (grottoes) connected by narrow passages [11].

Dagestan has always been famous for the craftsmen of unique folk crafts whose traditions are alive today. So, the highland aul of the goldsmiths Kubachi (Dakhadaevsky District) is the only place in the North Caucasus and Russia where they possess ancient technologies of precious metals processing. The unique Kubachi works of art are part of the collections of the largest Russian and foreign museums. In Untsukul village (Untsukul District) there is one of a kind decorative and applied art that combined wood carvings and jewellery - "Untsukul cutting with metal on wood." Some exhibits of traditional household items are genuine masterpieces of applied art.

The availability of high-quality wool and natural dyes contributed to the development of carpet weaving in southern Dagestan. The best products are made by carpet weavers of Derbent, Akhtynsky, Tabasaransky, Khivsky and Rutulsky Districts of Dagestan [11]. Today in the Republic of Dagestan the following types of tourism are most developed (Fig. 2).

The good prospects of the tourism industry in the region, in our opinion, are also facilitated by the poor promotion of the recreational centre, which is caused by its border location and remote position from the most famous tourist routes, and by the war hangover that took place in the Caucasus in the recent period.

Dagestan is not rich in accommodation, there are almost no hotels that have an official classification. However, their number is growing every year, and at the same time the level of infrastructure, comfort and hotel culture is increasing. Hotel prices are very low. For example, a double room in a 4* hotel with parking space will cost from 20 to 30 thousand roubles for seven nights. A double room for a week in a budget hotel costs about 10 thousand roubles, there are hotels with lower

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prices. In addition, as in other regions, there are hostels in Dagestan. The average price there for one person is about 3,000 roubles per week. There are guest houses even in small villages - Chokh, Salta, Kubachi. Even if there is no hotel, you can ask to spend a night with local residents. And in Chokh village, for example, there is a remarkable ethno-house. A local enthusiast restored a dilapidated house and turned it into a museum-hotel. For large companies, it is convenient to rent a whole cottage on the seashore, where more than 10 people can stay at once. The cottage costs an average of 9,000 roubles per night.

Dagestan is known for national cuisine. The number and quality of catering enterprises in any city of Dagestan remains high. Tourists rarely remain disappointed with local dishes. Prices in cafes and restaurants are much lower than in central Russia, and the choice of meals is greater. The average bill for two is about 1,500 roubles. This sum can include, for example, several portions of chudu (flat cakes with different filling), stewed fruit, soups and hingels (triangular pieces of dough boiled with meat and served with sauce) or kebabs, lulah kebabs (minced mutton chops), salads and pilaf.

Thus, motorbike trips in Dagestan can become not only informative and interesting, but also quite comfortable. That is why motorbike tourism in the region can be promoted quite effectively today. An effective way to promote motorbike tourism is the participation of tour operator companies in motorbike shows (bike fests) - biker festivals. As a rule, such events are held annually. The organizers are both bike clubs (or motorcycle clubs) and large manufacturers of motorcycles, such as Harley-Davidson. There are private motorbike shows whose participants are invited or recorded in advance, and public ones which can be visited by anyone. There are much more public motorbike events, as a motorbike show is a very democratic event, where hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists gather annually from all over the world.

The opening and closing of the motorcycle season which are held in almost every city in Russia, where there are bike clubs, can be considered motorbike shows. The scales of such motorbike shows are different. The largest events like Motoyaroslavets, which takes

place annually in Kaluga region, are held in Kaliningrad, Sevastopol, the festival "Face the Ocean" in the Far East, and there are also low-key motorbike events. Currently, a calendar of bike fests and events has been developed and is being kept.

In this regard, it is worth noting the grandiose XXV International Bike Show, held on August 8-9, 2020 in Sevastopol on Mount Gasforta, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The initiators of the event were the famous "night wolves" and their permanent inspirer Alexander Zaldos-tanov (Surgeon). The Bike Show program was attended by Russian pianist, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Rozum, rock bands Kipe-lov, Vadim Samoilov (Agata Christie), Aria, Gorshenev, Pilot, KnyaZz, MORDOR, Epidemia, Alexander F. Sklyar, TIME OUT, Yuliya Andreeva and rock band Arkhipelag, MEYTY and others. Moving extraordinary scenery, flying motorcycles and incredible risky tricks, dozens of various moving objects of different historical periods and functions, hundreds of people participating in the program - all this was devoted to the demonstration of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

To promote motorbike tourism tour operators should create pages on their official website for timely exchanging information about motorbike shows and sports events, for discussing attended events, impressions and wishes, for posting articles and reports on travelling.

An important and effective element in promoting the motorbike tour can be specialized periodicals for motorists, such as the magazines "Za Rulem" (At the Wheel), "Avtomir" (Motor World) "Top Gear", "Avtorevu" (Motor Review), "Pyatoye Koleso" (The 5th Wheel), "Autopilot", "AvtoBiznesRevu" (Motor Business Review), "4x4 Polny Privod" (4x4 All-Wheel Drive), as well as advertising on the radio.


Thus, the southern regions of Russia possess high potential for the development of motorbike tourism. In turn, expanding the range of the tourist supply based on the realisation of the unique resources of the region can be effective for the economic growth of the region. At the same time, the development of routes for motorbike tours is a complex, responsible and time-consuming process, as it is necessary to take into account many nuances, and, above all, travellers' safety.


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Ростуризм 2 декабря 2020 г. подвел предварительные итоги акции по продаже туров с кэшбэком. Суммарное первом и втором этапепродажипйевок по Ро ссии с возвратом средств приняли участие почти 300 000 человек. На 6,5 миллиардов рублей было приобретено тров и зоброниооваоономеров в отелях. Объем кэш-бэка составил 1,2 миллиарда рублей.В Ростуризме считают, что продажа туров с кэшбэком оказала положительное влияние на экономики регионов.В ведомстве отметили высокий мультипликативный эффект программы. На 1 рубльбюджетных средств пришлось 6 рублей, которые граждане потратили на отдых и восстановление внутри страны.Благодаря этому региональные экономики в сумме получили около 13 миллиардов рублей. Индустрия туризма получила пядуелжку е есыениу пи^ид, корорыр обычно отличаеесв ниеьимспросом.

удеквбея 202р г. ь СМИ рдявилась информация т плвьех Ростурезма в^доижсее правительству продолжениы акцлп по лилдаже -оэрос по2оссии в дозвретом баста прерств.б Иббтурнлме осптаюе, чеп полносттю ртиьрыеи веимджности оепгражмы не ецаллсы В карестеелдное ил юсновныл причлс паеывают иетсыоcыиУнeаес эоидемии коеыеавируаа. Из-за эылылвл деоглх ытоиоеао Роысии Оети введытв! допелнетельи рш югланиеения. Тааже 0л6йюу потесцрюл пы>оглнмды олмешалю еаеерыть орпутстнтл миссоилго вррл стеалокогл ыеодукип олуоре стннеп ы роейypeоеиым сллтсошнеием унлри качество.

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