Niyazova A. Ye.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana
Zhandildinova A.M.
Master student, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana MODERN VERBAL COMMUNICATION
This article is devoted to issues of communication which is an important human characteristic. It defines aspects of communication and different models of communication. It describes characteristics and the usage of types of verbal communication that are necessary to include during the speech. On the basis of analysis there is shown how participant of conversation should organize his speech in order to make his effective.
Keywords: communication, verbal communication, forms of verbal communication.
Modern person is closely connected with a changeable world. The main mediator is language that gives opportunity to organize and systematize a great amount of knowledge for formation of more explicit lingual image of the world.
Nowadays an interest of scientists for problems of language and culture is increasing. Also it is bounded with such issues as the extension of intercultural relations and it is needed to indicate the place and role of verbal communication in modern society and education.
In a broad sense, communication - a complex two-way process that can involve several interactions before mutual understanding is achieved. Communication takes place in many ways. We can communicate using words, symbols, pictures, graphics, facial expressions, clothing and body language. [1;6p]
Moreover, communication is a system through which interaction of people is formed and there are certain ways of socialization that allow to send and perceive a variety of information. [2;48p]
Communication has been called the transfer of meaning from one mind to another. Because meanings exist in the human mind, they cannot be shared or communicated except through some external vehicle. The human body is capable of making sounds and movements which in turn can create a system of vehicles for sharing inner meanings and ideas with others. [3;16p]
Communication is one of our basic natural and social needs, so the use of verbal means of this process is an evolutionary achievement of mankind, which is fundamentally different from other living species inhabiting our planet.
Communication is a connection and influence that are formed as a result of joint activities of people. One of the main ways of universal communication is verbal communication in the modern world. A huge amount of information is transmitted by verbal means, that is, oral and written forms of the language.
Scientists consider that a person production per day is about 30 thousand words, in other words we speak more 3 thousand words per hour.
Verbal communication is a component of the work managers, lawyers, psychologists, businessmen, psychologists. On the other hand, means of verbal communication and the ability to communicate are necessary for every person. Development of verbal communication are based on non-verbal means of communication,
despite of that it is richer than forms and types of nonverbal communication and it can not replace them completely. [4; 102p] They are unique to every person and are based on learning the language.
We can distinguish the following types of verbal communication:
1) Cognitive is development of new information and its usage in practice;
2) Convincing is the formation of value orientation and attitudes of partners in the dialogue;
3) Expressive is the formation of emotional attitude and feelings of person, as well as encouragement of social action;
4) Suggestive is the provision of inspiring effects for subsequent changes in his behavior, change his attitude and values of orientation.
5) Ritual is securing and maintaining conventional relations.
Verbal communication is characterized by some unique features which radically set it apart from other types of communication (e.g., in technical systems or among animals): a) its principal function is to transfer information which, besides being factual (i.e., what happened where to whom in what circumstances), may also be of a specific human character (e.g., whether an individual is taken as a valued, respected or ignored member of a speech community) and may also convey emotions, attitudes, beliefs, hopes, desires, etc., b) human language makes predominant use of symbolic signs (symbols) which bear arbitrary relationships to their referents, although iconic and indexical (symptoms) signs and signals are employed as well it takes place in social environments which define particular communicative situations - their relevant features have limiting effects on all aspects of communicative events (and, conversely, communication in progress itself co-builds context in which it takes place).[5;1p]
Scientists subdivided verbal human behavior into external and internal, oral and written language. Internal speech is process of thinking, and often it is expressed in a form images and interpretations. Such speech is not always formulated with phrases and sentences, it is only necessary if there are difficulties in the external communication.
External communication is interpersonal communication in society. External speech is divided in oral and written and oral is subdivided into monological and dialogical. The main aim of this communication is the
exchange of information between people.
We can include such types to the external form of communication:
1. Dialogue is a verbal exchange of information, emotions, experiences, opinions by means of conversation. Basically a form of external speech occurs in a relaxed atmosphere, where someone can freely show his/her attitude to the subject.
2. Discussion is the exchange of information with the aim of evidence of his innocence to one person or group of people, in other words there is an exchange of opposite views between participants of conversation. One of the most popular types of discussions is a dispute that is used in everyday situational types of communication, with the use of the evidence base.
3. Monologue is used in various performances to the public, audience. During the monologue, one person speaks for a large group of students. This method of communication is widely used in education, in other words, there are lectures and also performances in different personal meetings.
Verbal communication is carried out on the basis of a number of functions that are implemented in speech. A person speaks to affect behavior, thoughts, feelings and consciousness of others by oral communication, but this statement is true for writing as well, in case of compliance with a clear structure and formal organization of the text and a number of other conditions.
By means of speech information is not just "moving", and participants of communication influence each other, direct and convince each other, it means that they are striving to achieve a certain change in behavior.
Despite the fact that all of these types of speech have their specific characteristic that is common to them, it is pronunciation of words, aloud or vice versa. In other words we can say that every thought is formulated with language by material speech processes. As during preparation for written form of speech, and as well as in oral speech there is internal phase of pronouncing of utterances himself. This is an inner speech.
As it is mentioned earlier, external speech can be in spoken and written forms. Written speech is expressed in the text, it more focuses on the content than oral communication.
Written form of speech is a process in which there is a formation of part from the complex relation of speech sounds that can be perceived by letters, is visible with eye, is produced by a man. Written form appears later orally and is formed on its basis. Audible speech that someone speaks is called spoken language.
Analyzing verbal communication, it is needed to keep in mind that communication between individuals has certain intentions, in other words, dialogue constitutes an active, two-way interaction of partners. By means of speech it is not only information is transmitted, but also there is an influence on interlocutor and its reorientation and conviction. Impact may be in the nature of manipulation, may be direct with some kind of position.
The main feature of verbal communication is inherent to human. Moreover, it is a universal way to transfer information. [4] In verbal communication there is another necessary feature that we can transmit into a
verbal human language, almost any message that can be established in another sign system.
In verbal communication, there is whole system of ideas, beliefs, myths, which are peculiar to some particular society or culture. Before learning any foreign language, such as the English, people need to learn the English culture, isolate intercultural conformity and only then it will be possible to understand words and concepts. Within any culture it can be marked the differences in the use of certain words. But it is important to note that English is not used only in England, also in America.
It should be noted here that the some particular differences in the use of certain words and concepts that we can remember, only by studying culture. For example, «to table a report or motion». In USA it is used to mean "to postpone the discussion", but in England it means 'to give priority to the case". On the one hand, such differences are not difficult to notice and take, on the other hand, language is an arbitrary invention, and there can be a lot of differences and their appearance is dependent on what a group of people used to consider the meaning of a concept. A great variety of communication factors differ in cultures, even if these cultures speak the same language.
Selecting verbal means contributes to the formation and understanding of certain social situations. Conversation with men and women companies exist generally with a different set of lexical units; mixed companies will be used less often in order to more complete understanding.
It should be noted that in the process of communication such specific human qualities and subjective characteristics of people as thinking and speech, creation, updating and diagnostics capabilities are implemented.
Speech is identified with words, it means it is used with verbal sign-symbolic function of speech. Despite the fact that it is a universal means of communication, it becomes important only when it is included in activity that is supplemented by the use of other, non-voice sign systems. [2; 76p]
Learning English has one very important goal that the person who addresses information, and the person who accepts it, they should use the same codification system of values, in other words they must speak in the same language that is understandable to them. In other words, a student must be taught all the lexical units for developing interpersonal communication in the English speaking environment. [3; 58p]
The accuracy of understanding the meaning of the utterance the hearer may be obvious to the participant only when there will be a change of "communicative roles", it means when the recipient will become a communicator and his statement will be aware of how he revealed the meaning of the received information. Dialogue as a specific kind of "conversation" is a succession of communicative roles, during which reveals the meaning of the voice message.
The measure of consistency of communicator and recipient of action in a situation alternating their acceptance of these roles to a large extent depends on their participation in the general context of activity. The
success of verbal communication in the case of the dialogue depends on how partners provide the thematic focus of the information, as well as its bilateral character.
Verbal communication can be divided into two stages:
The first stage is the programming speech. At this stage, the construction of the semantic framework of the speech statements is formed. In other words, there is a selection of information that is the most important for human and information that is not so important is eliminated.
In the second step of verbal communication there can be noticed the construction of the syntactic structure of the sentence, forecasts of grammatical form that give opportunity to search for correct words, to choose sounds. Process of speaking is a codification of the information, by speaker (participant) and decoding it by interlocutor during the hearing which provides understanding of what participant wanted to say. In the dia-logical communication such roles alternate between interlocutors from which it can be seen the development of understanding.
In conclusion, it should be noted that communication process is a process of transferring information from one person to another, or between groups of people through various channels and by various means of communication (verbal, nonverbal, and others.). This process can take several forms depending on the number of participants, the purposes of the parts involved, used channels, means, and strategies. Verbal communi-
cation is carried out on the basis of a number of functions that are implemented speech. The man said to affect behavior, thoughts, feelings and consciousness of others by means of oral communication, but this statement is also true for writing, in case of compliance with a clear structure and formal organization of the text and a number of other conditions.
It is important to note that during the English language teaching it is necessary to achieve not only the ability to formulate oral statements, but it is necessary to implement a certain behavior in the process of communication. The main communicative purpose of a speaker is to attract attention of listener and to make his speech more understandable and so that he can perceive an answer.
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Лакомська 1.В.
астрант кафедри укратськоХ мови Одеського нацiонального yHieepcumemy iMem 1.1. Мечникова УС1ЧЕННЯ ФРАЗЕОЛОГ1ЧНИХ ОДИНИЦЬ У ГАЗЕТНИХ ЗАГОЛОВКАХ
Lakomska I. V., postgraduate of Department Ukrainian Language, Odessa 1.1. Mechnikov National University
Статтю присвячено аналiзу явища компонентного скорочення як одного з титв фразеолопчних тра-нсформацш у газетних заголовках. З'ясовано впливове навантаження такого прийому, скерованого на мне-мiчну фжсащю й необхщшсть суб'ективно! штерпретацп.
This article is devoted to the analyses of component reduction as one of the types of phraseological transformations in newspaper headlines. It was found the influencing power of this method, which directed to the mnemonic fixing and need of subjective interpretation.
Ключовi слова: газетний заголовок, трансформацiя, елшсис (уачення) фразеолопчних одиниць, вплив.
Keywords: headline, transformation, ellipsis (truncation) of the idioms, influence.
Образшсть, емоцшно-експресивне напов-нення, стилютичне забарвлення фразеологiзмiв, 1хня здатшсть до узагальненосп значення зумовлю-ють широке використання цих одиниць у засобах масово1 шформацп, де актуалiзацiя уваги та вплив на адресапв мають першочергове значення. На сьо-годш фразеолопзми активно вивчаються як компонента заголовкових комплекав, осшльки, за думкою дослщнишв, саме «виразовi якосп фразеолоп-змiв, афористичшсть, образшсть, експре^
зумовлюють 1хне використання в заголовнш функ-цд» [7,259]. Зауважимо, що фразеолопчш одиницi (ФО), що вживаються в газетних заголовках, детально вивчено в семантичному (О.А. Майборода, О.М. Медвщь, Г. Я. Солгашк, В.Д. Ужченко та Д. В.Ужченко), структурному (В.М. Вакуров, О. Д. Пономарiв, М. М. Шанський) та стилютичному (А. М. Григораш, А. А.Сафонов) аспектах, також дослщжуються фразеолопчш шновацп та модифь кацй' ФО (Л.В. Давиденко, Л.М.Пашинська, С. Б.