Niyazova A. Ye.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, L.N.GumilyovEurasian National University, Astana
Mussagozhina A.K.
Master student, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana
This article is devoted to define aspects of teaching foreign verbal communication and elicit ways of modeling situations of speech communication throughout the process of teaching foreign language. It describes features of teaching speech situations and methods of modeling situations of verbal communication. On the basis of analysis it is given ways of modeling situations, such as the use of visual methods, verbal description and role-playing games.
Keywords: communication skills, verbal communication, modeling situations, situations of speech communication.
Speech communication is the main way of expressing thoughts and feelings of a man. Speech competence is formed in the course of mastering the types of the speech activity for verbal communication by students and connected with development of students' ability to express thoughts, by means of a foreign language tools (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar).
The aim of teaching a foreign language communication at the English second language lesson is the development of the secondary language features in a person, who is able successfully to carry out social interaction with native speakers of another culture - namely, it is the formation of speech abilities that would allow the student to use them out of speech practice at the level of conventional everyday communication.
The realization of this objective is related to the formation in students the following communicative skills:
• understand and produce foreign-language statements in accordance with a given situation of communication, a speech task and a communicative intent (the ability to start, keep and finish the conversation, build own strategic line, using estimative arguements);
• communicate in a variety of organizational forms of communication (establishing relationships, interviews, discussion);
• to communicate at different levels (in pairs, in groups, to participate in a mass communication);
• exercise the verbal and nonverbal behavior, observing the generally accepted rules of etiquette, and taking into account the rules of communication and national cultural characteristics of the target language countries.
This approach involves creation of trust atmosphere at a lesson and students are involved in the learning process:
1. During the course students are involved to the knowledge of the outside world.
2. Students are asked to express their own opinions and feelings, share experiences.
3. Students take imitating real situations as a type of activities.
4. Promote collaborative work of students.
5. Students develop the ability to learn[1; 56p].
It is obvious that many characteristics of language
use are directly related to the aspects of the situation (setting) in which particular speech activities take place. It is these situational factors which govern systems of linguistic expressions (language varieties). There have been many attempts to classify these situa-tional variables which are themselves not a part of the system of language, but the majority of them agree on a certain inventory of factors, such as the setting (time, place), the participants and their mutual relations, the type of connection channel, function, topic (subject matter) and code.
In this work, the situation is given as a means of communication. The situation is a universal form of operation of communicative process, which exists as an integrated system of social-status, role, activity and the temper-governmental relations between subjects of communication, reflected in their minds and emerged on the basis of the interaction of situational positions between communicators. According to Passov E.I. understanding this definition makes it possible to model situations in the learning process and create conditions adequate to reality.
Interest in the speech act as a whole, including the speech act as an act of expression, as well as the intention of the speaker and his effect on the listener, entail consideration of the speech act as an event of verbal communication, that is, as an active social interaction.
Verbal communication involves the use of language. When discussing verbal communication, communication scholars do not simply look at language but rather explore the ways in which it is used when interacting with others. Language is just a collection of symbols that can be arranged in a particular order according to a particular grammar. The symbols themselves have no meaning. Words, like all symbols, are given meaning when they are put into use. Verbal communication involves using speech to exchange information with
Passov E.I. identifies several types of situations:
• Situations of social and relationship status. (Lesson-teleconference, discussion of the rights and responsibilities of citizens of other countries, conversation with foreigners about traditions, customs, way of life of the language spoken country)
• Situations of role relationships. (Playing informal roles in a situation of verbal communication can help better understand the relationship of children, affect the personal qualities of students, their motivation for language learning)
• Situations regarding to joint activities. (Exchange of experiences, group work)
• Situations of moral relations.
An approach of the situation is required as a way of stimulating the speech and as a condition of development of verbal skills. Situationality allows to recreate the communicative reality and arouse the interest with authenticity speaking and involves correlation statements with these interrelations. Communicative teaching suggests that the process of teaching is constructed as a model of communication.
Modeling is known to be a research of objects in their models; constructing models of the real existing subjects and features. This approach can be used at different levels of teaching a foreign language at secondary school.
It promotes the development of speaking and writing skills, expands vocabulary and linguistic horizons of students of all ages. This type of activity can be started with an early stage of learning[2; 25p].
In this article we analyze how it is possible to realize an adequate modeling of multi-component system such as communication.
Teaching a foreign language begins with a junior staff, and, of course, from the beginning stage children learn to communicate in English and primarily through a dialogic speech. There is no limits in dialogues and children are not restricted in the statements. It all depends on their knowledge and skills. Children can express their creativity. The teacher directs and supervises their activities. Situations are given by teachers and children are involved to the work on this topic or problem. For instance, "You are in another city." A poster with the questions (questions= words) and prepositions are hung to help the student. The student must make a question about the poster to the neighbor, and the other, using the prepositions of the place must answer the questions of the partner. These posters help children in any situation to make speech conversations.
As it is known, success in teaching a foreign language is determined with the correct organization of educational process. Engaging students to an active speech activity in the classroom is the teacher's task.
The situations can be modeled in various ways: using visual, verbal descriptions, role-playing games. At the middle stage of teaching in the study of different themes: "School Life", "London and its sightseeings," "the country of the foreign spoken language", "Animal World", "Ecology", "Charity", "Friendship", "Famous People", " The place where I live "," Travel "," Traditions " and others., the teacher has a wide opportunity
to use the teaching speech situations for the formation of speech skills, based on the life experiences of students, giving new knowledge, comparing the country's culture with the English-speaking culture. Students enjoy drawing up travel brochures, creating advertisement, writing essays, newspaper articles, creating trips - presentations, etc[2; 30p].
A pair work, a group work, an individual work are very effective. Considering the forms of the work and the type of tasks depend on the level of preparedness of individual students, their psychological statement at the time of operation, and so on. The teacher should be able to vary. At the middle, and particularly at the senior stages of teaching an effective method is a project which very well shows the level of the formation of the speech competence. The project involves the independent work of students, the ability to present the product, defend it (the theme choice, the situation belongs to the student, the teacher - assistant - coordinator).
One of the first of what we should take care of is developing TSS in the reality of the situation. Many TSS used at school the reality is achieved successfully. For example, using these tasks: "Act out the dialogue between the customer and a seller of clothing," or "Tell me about the proposed trip." Students are required the ability to imagine themselves in a role, as well as the desire to participate in a kind of a game essential to learn the foreign language. They must learn how to come up with the content of an imaginary conversation. They are closer to real communication of TSS, in which the content of speech is not necessary to invent and do not need to imagine themselves in someone else's role. These are the tasks that the student faces to suggest the use of his life experience. For example, it is suggested to talk about his family or about their hobbies (free time activities). These tasks are good because they are personal in nature and allow for a variety of content - one has brothers and sisters, the other not, one loves to ski, the other skate.
However, while the content of the speech is not invented, the situation does not fully meet the conditions of real communication, as a reported information is known there is no novelty, which could generate an interest. The content is known not only to the person who is reporting it, but also those who are listening -students in the classroom know everything about each other. However, in this case an emotional attitude can be caused not with the content of the speech but with the fact speech in the foreign language. This attitude is typical for the initial phase of teaching, but it can not serve as an incentive for advanced students[3].
The situation can be turned so that the conversation would be about a new student enrolled into the class. Then questions about his hobbies will be more justified, and it is advisable to instruct them to the students. If it is said that the new student - a foreigner, the necessity of talking in the foreign language will be arisen. Although such a situation is possible in the real life, but in our case - it's still not the life, but a teaching situation is: a foreign newcomer is imagined and somebody should think of his answers.
Returning to the issue of the real TSS, we note that bringing them closer to the real situations of communication, we can make it not only due to the vitality of the situation, but also increasing the novelty of information, arousing interest in it.
Thus, organizing the classroom discussions of any exciting events of schoolchildren, we can count on their interest in the content of the conversation. For example, the school held an evening (ball, competition), which caused a mixed assessment. The teacher begins the lesson not with the current material, but with expressing his attitude to this event: "I was at your party, I did not like it, it was better last year. What do you think? "And the teacher offers students to express their opinion. After two or three replicas teacher asks to speak of everybody and, if it is necessary to debate with each other. If in the heat of discussion someone goes into the native language, the teacher reminds them that they are at the foreign language lesson and it is necessary to speak this language; the teacher helps students with missing words and expressions. Recall in passing that the speech tasks should not be stopped to parse language errors, they should be easily corrected. If any problem persists, you should take it on a note and at the next lessons to be learnt with the necessary exercises.
Such discussions succeed only if the teacher knows well the students' interest and emotional attitude. There are many other more simple themes. For example, the teacher says: "I would like to better the equipment of our classroom. "What would you suggest?" Or "It seems that the management is going to organize an evening in the foreign languages. What would you suggest to include to it? Who wants to participate?" Or "It is said that there will be a school club. How do you imagine the school club?" [4; 55p]
When working on such tasks, students' actions are focused on the independent choice of lexical-grammatical means and ways to create expressions and assume an independent planning of the expression, a justification of the design choice and explanation of the solution of their position.
Modeling such situations is an effective tool of communication at the lessons with students of different ages in accomplishing by a teacher the following conditions:
• First - taking into consideration the individuality of students.
• Second - lexical and grammatical materials should be in accordance with the level of students participating in the TSS.
• Third - assuming the situationality of verbal behavior.
It is important to realize that discourses rarely perform a single communicative function (e.g., a thank-you note - phatic f., a weathercast read by a radio announcer - referential f., syntactic parsing - metalingual f., etc.); rather, discourses combine more functions hierarchically, i.e., with one being dominating and others supporting. For example, a conversational event at a bus stop is principally a social encounter (greeting, addressing, enquiring about one's general well-being, i.e., phatic f.) which may address particular aspects of the immediate environment (weather, traffic, quality of bus service, i.e., referential f.) and in which participants reveal their physical and mental states (mood, health, i.e., expressive f.). In politicians' speeches (e.g., during an election campaign) the conative function may dominate (i.e., persuading the audience of the rightness of the speaker's conviction or attitude), while the persuasive power is being enhanced by the use of special turns of phrase, imagery, intonation (i.e., poetic f.)[5; ].
In conclusion, it should be noted that modeling situations of verbal behavior at the English lessons is an aspect of the realization of a communicative approach in teaching foreign languages at all stages of teaching communication; in addition, it: contributes the formation of key competences; stimulates the speech activity of students; develops their dedication, an interest, hardworking; It attaches to the cultural values of other people.
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