DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2023_1_104_62
Rustamov D.A., doctor of philological sciences
associate professor rector
Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages
Abstract: This article discusses the description of speech communication, analyzes of different approaches to it by different scientists, as well as human speech activity and its types are discussed.
Keyword: language, speech, communication, speech communication, addressee, addresser, dialects of speech, types of human speech activity.
Language provides communication between participants, because both the informant and the receiver understand each other through language. The informant (addressee) and the receiver (addressee) use the same language in the process of communication, otherwise the perceptive aspect of communication will not be realized. The peculiarity of the use of language during the life activity of a person is that it is the most important tool of communication and interaction, as well as a means of understanding and thinking. Interpersonal communication is the main mechanism in the formation of a person as a person. This process includes speech activities of different levels and categories, starting from the interaction of the baby with his relatives in the family, up to the participation of the persons in the official sphere in the forms of international communication. The main purpose of speech communication is the exchange of various information through the medium of language.
Given that language is a means of communication, why do we choose the combination of spoken communication? To illuminate the essence of the matter, it is first necessary to understand the dichotomy of language and speech.
It is recognized that the idea of distinguishing language and speech phenomena in scientific terms and defining them as research objects was first put forward by V. Humboldt. F. de Saussure emphasizes that linguistic activity (Languege) is a whole that embodies the signs of individuality and sociality, and within the framework of linguistic activity, he distinguished two main concepts -language (langue) and speech (porole). Although the language-speech dichotomy was described by W. Humboldt, the school of young grammarians and Baudouin de Courtenay before F. de Saussure, F. de Saussure made it the center of the linguistic system. Analyzing the formation process of the
dichotomy "language and speech", A.Nurmonov notes that Alisher Navoi, as a linguist scientist, distinguished language and speech phenomena long before Wilhelm Humboldt and F. de Saussure [1].
"And it comes to my mind that I proved a great right to the Turkish people, that they became aware of the truth of their language and vocabulary, and got rid of the persuasiveness of the Persians. (Tabdili: It occurs to me that I have fulfilled a great task in front of the wordsmiths of the Turkish people, because of this they became aware of the truth of their words and the mood of their language and vocabulary, and got rid of the reproaches and slurs that the Persians used to make in speech and words) " [2]. In fact, in this place, Alisher Navoi points out that language and vocabulary represent the essence of generality, and speech and word are tajalli, which represent particularity. Sh. Shahobitdinova F. de Saussure uses langue in the dichotomy of langue and parole related to his teaching in the style of language and describes the problem in the style of language - speech based on the dialectic of generality and particularity. Language is a system of generalities, and speech is a system of specifics. "What is the dialectic of generality and specificity in language?" It is possible to answer the question succinctly and succinctly: "Differentiating language and speech in language." The sign of features is their appearance, that is, given in direct observation. What we can directly see and hear from language phenomena are features [3]. M. Ernazarova also approached the issue from this point of view and said that "Language is a complex whole in the integrity of language and speech, that language is manifested in speech based on norms, and that it serves as a basis for speech, based on modern scientific and theoretical views and methods, it is urgent to research states that it is one of the problems
The substantive system of language is activated in speech, which creates communication between people. Sh.Safarov intends to clarify the essence of this process: "Language is a potential phenomenon, which exists in people's minds as a means of understanding the thought expressed through speech and the ability to speak acquired from childhood. And speech is the process of realizing the available opportunity and the ability to speak in a specific environment. With the help of... (speech), a person expresses his thoughts, feelings, mood, and desires. Although speech is an individual phenomenon, in most cases we understand each other. Understanding occurs due to the presence of some specific and general features in speech activity. Such features are in the generality of the units (phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences) used by a particular language community and the rules of their use. General units and rules belong to the language system, and their use in individual speech forms the structural basis of speech. It is on this basis that the function of speech in the process of communication is realized [5].
Suyun Karimov approaches the issue from the point of view of stylistics and admits [6] that "functional stylistics, which is closely related to the social
function of the Uzbek language, arose as a direct product of the dialectics of language and speech, and is engaged in researching the characteristics of the manifestation of the Uzbek language material in various forms of the Uzbek communication form. "
M. Hakimov draws attention to the interaction of the dichotomy of language and speech in the emergence of pragmatic meanings: "In the speech of every person who uses the language, from the phonetic level to the syntactic level, in the use of language and speech units, their own tasks will be available. In some elements of expression related to the speaker's speech, stylistic signs and certain tools serve to provide information about the author's inner spiritual world or social position [7].
"Since the process of speech, the speech activity of a person is his diverse (for example: mental, physiological, social, spiritual, cultural, etc.) social and natural activity, in pragmatics speech activity is studied in connection with the other dozen aspects of human activity. Therefore, if structural (system) linguistics studies the language system, the language system, pragmatics studies [8] the system of discourse (dialogue, mutual exchange of ideas, communication, dialogue-intervention, speech).
In this regard, G. Toirova researches speech communication as a complex situational-pragmatic system (SPS) in the interpretation of modern linguistic theories in her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation on the topic "Systematicity and informativeness in Uzbek speech communication", and that its composition consists of internal and external factors, He describes [9] his research on the fact that the center of SPS is verbal, the first circle is formed by non-verbal (kinetic and phonation) means, and the first circle is surrounded by external factors.
T.A. Shekhurdina emphasizes that the human need for communication has a biological nature: "communication is not a human invention, the need for it has a biological nature. It plays such an important role in a person's life that it has practically taken the status of leadership, and psychologists equate [10] it with the need for self-preservation.
Speech activity is characterized as one of the types of human activity. Speech communication as a process includes the following concepts: that language is the main means of speech communication; specific aspects of functional styles of language (Uzbek language) in communication; basic principles of speaking and listening, writing and reading speech activities, logical and compositional construction of speech; speech technique; speech tactics; speech norm; improve oral and written communication skills; verbal and non-verbal means of speech, etc.
The need to ask a question to know something, to exchange information with someone during the work process, to talk with family members or friends,
colleagues, to give information about the work done, to care for a child, to shop in a store, etc. circumstances motivate speech activity.
The result of speech activity moved by the addressee is evaluated by its perception and the addressee's attitude towards it. The process of exchange of ideas is carried out in dialogue or polylogue. Basically, 3 different components are required for speech communication to occur:
1. communicants;
2. object of communication;
3. means of communication (verbal and non-verbal) [11]..
O. Ya. Goykhman emphasizes that speech communication is divided into the following stages:
Speech activity 1) preparing to express an opinion: understanding the reason, need, purpose, based on previous experience and taking into account the speech situation, imagining the possibility of the results of speech expression. These are quickly formed under the consciousness of a person with developed speaking abilities and skills.
2) the structure of the expression: the choice of words, their placement in the necessary sequence, consistent grammatical formation - all this happens internally. Since the mechanism of word selection and the process of grammatical formation are abstract for humans, this stage of speech activity has been little studied, and there are various assumptions.
3) transition to external speech: vocal or graphic form of expression. This is the most responsible stage, because it determines the positive or negative result of the expression. If for some reason there is a defect in the process of transition from internal speech to external speech, the speech becomes incomplete, awkward, difficult to understand.
The result of speech activity is evaluated by its perception and attitude of the addressee.
Speech perception (listening or reading process) includes the following
1) switching from an acoustic or graphic code to an internal speech code;
2) decoding syntactic devices, grammatical forms;
3) understanding the general content of the expression;
4) understanding the reason and purpose of the expression;
5) evaluation of the received information (the content of the expression, the idea, the position of the speaker, etc.);
6) understanding the choice of form and language tools.
Understanding (as an integral part of the process of perception) includes two levels: linguistic and substantive. The first is possible without the second, and the second is not possible without the first. It is not always possible to fully
understand the content of the expression. Effective perception is possible only with the active desire of the receiver to understand the speaker's speech.
Feedback (reaction to the expressed idea) is an important aspect that allows to evaluate the result of speech activity. A relatively complete idea emerges [12] in the dialogue.
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