MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
competence / educational technology / educational resources / media education / information and communication technologies (ICT)

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Yazdankulova Gulnigor Muzaffarovna

The article emphasizes the relevance of the use of modern means of multimedia in teaching the English language in the changing social and cultural milieu. Multilevel social inquiry and practice of modern education necessitated comprehensive study and the special project of the educational process of learning the English language with the use of ICT. The analysis of monographic and methodological literature and dissertations research results have revealed some features of the present stage of the use of ICT in English language teaching

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ENGLISH Yazdankulova Gulnigor Muzaffarovna Samarkand State institute of Foreign Languages [email protected] ABSTRACT

The article emphasizes the relevance of the use of modern means of multimedia in teaching the English language in the changing social and cultural milieu. Multilevel social inquiry and practice of modern education necessitated comprehensive study and the special project of the educational process of learning the English language with the use of ICT. The analysis of monographic and methodological literature and dissertations research results have revealed some features of the present stage of the use of ICT in English language teaching.

Key words: competence; educational technology; educational resources; media education; information and communication technologies (ICT).

Today, a characteristic feature of the development of modern society is the growing importance of information, which is becoming a comprehensive and inalienable resource. Work with information has become the main content of almost any type of activity, including in the field of education.

Intercultural communication and the widespread use of ICT in the educational process should become inalienable conditions in achieving modern professional quality in the training of specialists with high spiritual, cultural, creative search and social and social activity. which are reflected in the "National training program" of the Republic of Uzbekistan. [3, p.21]. The modern development of world education indicates the fact that the concept of media literacy. currently. became a necessary constant for the formation of a highly intelligent and highly qualified specialist. The influence of media culture on the formation of the personality, personal qualities of a person taking into account the educational aspect, according to N. B. Kirillova, who understands media culture as information and communication tools, as well as material and intellectual values in the aggregate, determines the formation of socio-political consciousness in a developing society [2, p.8] So, in modern linguodidactics, the concept of information competence, information literacy is replaced by the term media literacy, considered by N.V. Chicherina - as one of the fundamental competencies necessary for any professional to function effectively in the so called information environment, [6, p.19] In our opinion, media literacy is the process of preparing a media literate person with information competence, conditioned by an understanding of the sociocultural, sociopolitical and intercultural context of media culture functioning in the modern world, code and representative systems, or, in other words, the ability to "see" not only explicitly, but also the implicit information embedded in the media text for decoding

CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. certain images, symbols and associations, including mastering, translating, i.e. (transfer of adequate, logically correct and axiological information), interpret / analyze. This process is the most important and goal-setting, since a semantic analysis of the difficulties in interacting with each aspect is carried out. Each reader makes his own corrections and supplements the meaning that lies in the implicit basis of the media text. [4, p. 85]. Linguodidact scientists have recognized the need for new approaches in teaching the Russian language. The idea of introducing a competency-based approach in the learning process reflects the need to improve the effectiveness of the learning process, the quality of education through the use of modern teaching methods and forms in the learning process, the formation and development of competence, and considering the characteristics of personality development. One such approach is the use of multimedia and information and communication technologies further (ICT). The meaning of the term "technology" is still being clarified, this term is used in a rather broad context. In practice, there are also such terms as pedagogical technology, educational technology, pedagogical or innovative technology. In modern didactics, the term "pedagogical technology" is more common in many methodological works. The stages of development of the concept of "pedagogical technology" can be distinguished: the use of visual aids in the educational process (40s - mid 50s), programmed training (mid 50s - 60s) to pre-developed educational processes that ensure the achievement of clearly defined goals (until the 70s), to create computer and information technology training (since the beginning of the 80s). Indeed, "new pedagogical technologies are coming into the practice of education." The need for this is due to a change in the requirements of society and the internal needs of the education system [1, p.15]. Today, students, as a rule, have some experience with various tools for processing multimedia data, transmission, storage and presentation of information in everyday life, as well as showing great interest in their use as a means of relaxation. It is obvious that there should be such a model in the educational process that It would ensure not only the formation of the effective use of computer skills during the preparation and processing of the necessary educational information, but also the development of personal qualities, values of a citizen of the information society. The study of practical experience has shown that the use of ICT in teaching English is not a mass phenomenon. Among the reasons there are not only organizational, pedagogical problems, but also the teacher's lack of readiness to solve problems related to the computerization of the educational process. The reason, according to many researchers, is the lack of clear ideas on how ICT helps to achieve the planned results of teaching the Russian language, which should be changed in the content, forms of organization, teach- ing methods and principles. [5, p. 36].

In recent years, the terms "information technology", "information and communication technology" have been widely used, showing modern functions and

CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. computer technology and telecommunications. Various concepts define three main uses of ICT in education, namely:

• organization and management of the educational process;

• training in the broadest sense of the word - training under the guidance of a

teacher (stationary and remote) to use computer technology for self-training;

• study of specific disciplines.

In practice, the use of ICTs in teaching the mother tongue, beginning in the mid-80s of the last century, began to use various applications - text editors, spell checking, electronic dictionaries, as well as spreadsheets, desktop publishing, encyclopedias, games, and other programs. The second stage of the use of ICT in teaching the native language, which began in the 90s, is associated with a qualitative change in the technical capabilities of computers and the spread of ICT in the learning process. Features such as hypertext, which creates a cross-reference system in the text, combining the capabil- ities of hypertext and multimedia, allow you to use ICTs to work on improving all types of speech activity (listening, reading, writing, speaking, including aspects like pronun- ciation and intonation) and real communication in written and verbal form. The next stage (the beginning of the 21st century) is the development of ICT training using virtual reality. In the "virtual" class - laboratories, students have the opportunity to work in conditions of modeling the variety of speech situations, it will undoubtedly expand the ability to improve speech and cognitive skills, create optimal conditions for the for mation of communicative and socio-cultural competence.

The third area explores ways to integrate computer-oriented learning in the process of learning English, and the development of effective methods of using ICT in the learning process.

These areas of research suggest a comprehensive approach to the study of this problem. Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to emphasize that the leading aspec is the preparation of English teachers for the educational process using ICT. Summing up, we note that the growth of media culture products in the process of learning English and training highly qualified personnel on a systematic basis seems to be a promising direction in the modernization and goal setting of the content of professional education in modern integrative conditions.



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