QUEST TECHNOLOGY Hamdamov Usmon Ergashevich
Post doctorate of Gulistan state university ABSTRACT
One of the most tried and tested ways increasing the effectiveness of education is to develop the activity of students through the organization of independent study. The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological basis of training future English teachers to organize independent learning through the "Web quest". The article considers the use of the web quest as a form of organizing independent work, which serves to form creative cognitive activity and independence of students, skills of analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation.
Keywords: independent work, web quest, foreign language, information and communication technologies.
Great attention is paid to the application of advanced pedagogical methods and technologies, multimedia presentations in the educational process in our country. Today, the main task of the higher education institution is to form specialists capable of innovation, self-education and self-development.
In the modern world, the main task of a higher education institution is to form a creative personality of a specialist who is capable of innovation, self-education and self-development. It is impossible to solve this problem only by transferring knowledge in a ready form from the teacher to the student. The student "must become an active creator of knowledge, able to formulate a problem, analyze ways to solve it, find the best result and prove its correctness" [6]. In this regard, when organizing the educational process, special attention should be paid to the organization of students' independent work. This involves focusing the learning process on active methods of acquiring knowledge, developing students' creative abilities, and moving to individualized learning that takes into account needs and capabilities of each individual.
Thinking independently is also big wealth. Because, in condition of economics of market only the person who has the ability of thinking independently can find his suitable position, can be useful for both society and himself, and he does not put tendency on the effect of different ill-intentioned trends. Therefore in the last years at the process of preparing well-qualified specialists organizing extraordinary education which developing the ability of thinking independently of pupils applying to the modern pedagogical methods are taken into account.
In accordance with the new state educational standard, any novice specialist, along with fundamental knowledge, professional skills and skills of their profile, must have experience in creative, research and social assessment activities, which are
CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. formed in the process of independent work. Independent work of a student can be defined as "planned work... performed according to the task and with the methodical guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation" [4, p. 124]. It is intended not only for mastering each specific discipline, but also for forming skills of independent work in General, the ability to take responsibility, independently find constructive solutions and a way out of crisis situations. The importance of independent work is great, since it plays an important role in the development of independence as a character trait.
The effectiveness of the organization of independent work of students depends largely on the applied pedagogical training technologies. It can be both traditional technologies and modern ones that open unlimited opportunities for learning -computer technologies.
In recent years, students studying foreign languages have become very interested in information and research tasks related to the use of ICT-web quests that give the opportunity not only to use the huge resource base of the Internet, but also to reveal their creative potential [5, p. 96].
Therefore, in addition to these useful technological approaches, there are also ways to effectively train future English teachers to organize independent learning through the "Web Quest". Firstly, we have to know what is the "Web-quest». Well, Web quest from the English "web-quest" - "Internet search". "An Educational Web Quest is an Internet site that students work with to complete a particular learning task. Such web quests are being developed to maximize the integration of the Internet into various academic subjects at different levels of learning in the educational process. They cover a separate problem, academic subject, topic, and can also be interdisciplinary.
A web quest is a web project in which all materials that students work with come from the Internet. The design of the Web Quest assumes rational planning of students' time, focused not on finding information, but on using it. The web quest contributes to: the search for Internet information that the teacher instructs students, the development of students 'thinking at the stage of analysis, generalization and evaluation of information, the development of students' computer skills and their vocabulary increase, encouragement of students to learn independently of the teacher. Since many teenagers are literally "crazy" about the computer Web quest is also a fun method, both teaching and learning. The literally use of "Web-quest" in education. The application of this new approach has loads of benefits for teacher and students to organize the lesson more technical and effective.
A web quest is called "a specially organized type of independent research activity for which students search for information on the Internet at specified addresses" [3]. This type of activity provides a rational use of time for independent work of students,
CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. the ability to quickly find the necessary variety of information and its use in the educational process, and the development of critical thinking skills, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information. This method of training and control of knowledge, skills and abilities meets modern requirements and features of the educational environment. It was developed in 1995 by San Diego state University professors Bernie Dodge and Tom March. The new method quickly gained popularity among teachers.
The technology of developing web quests is a complex process that requires a lot of time, effort and energy of the teacher, who uses extensive information from Internet resources on a certain topic to create tasks. On the other hand, when working on this type of independent work, the student can choose the most convenient pace for completing the task, regardless of whether they work in a team or individually. Moreover, students are given the opportunity to search for additional information on the topic, but within certain limits set by the teacher. This means that the teacher preselects sites to exclude the possibility of using unconfirmed, false or biased information. The teacher should evaluate the information from the point of view of its possible use in the educational process and select Internet resources, focusing on different levels of language training of students.
E. I. Bagasina represents the technology of development web quest in the following main stages:
1. The wording of the brief introduction: a description of the main roles of participants, the script of the web quest, the work plan and deadlines.
2. Development of the task.
3. Providing the Bank with information resources necessary for implementation
tasks: links to web pages, thematic chats, books, or other materials available in
the library or in the teacher's office.
4. Step-by-step description of the stages of the task, which involves:
a) independent study of the proposed material by students;
b) consultation with the teacher on issues related directly to the content of the web quest or its presentation;
C) completion of the task by students;
d) discussion of the results of each team member's work among students and selection
the most significant material for the final presentation;
e) recommendations of the teacher on the use of electronic resources;
e) teacher's recommendations for the final presentation;
5. Guide to organizing and organizing the material: the time of the web quest and step-by-step distribution of sites.
6. Conclusion summarizing the experience gained by students when performing the web-quest: final presentation, publication of students ' works, organization of round tables [2, p. 264].
The most common forms of web quests are the following:
- Character interviews where questions and answers are developed by students.
- Creating a database, or "virtual world", on a specific topic, where
students are moved using hyperlinks.
Web quests are divided into short-term and long-term tasks according to the terms of completion. The goal of short-term projects is to acquire knowledge and incorporate it into your knowledge system. Working on this type of web quest takes from one to three sessions. Long-term projects are aimed at expanding and clarifying concepts. At the end of the work on such a web quest, the student must be able to analyze the received data and modify it. Work on a long-term web quest can last from one week to a month.
Placing web quests on the web and choosing the role that the student will act in when completing the task allows you to increase the motivation of students to achieve the best educational results.
An important point in planning a web quest is the evaluation of the results of the task by students. There are a number of criteria that allow you to take into account not only the assessment of language knowledge, but also communication skills, which is a central task in teaching a foreign language.
Undoubtedly, the main advantage of using web quests in the educational process is to encourage students to independent analytical and creative thinking, attracting them to an objective assessment of their own results and the results of their colleagues. Web quests are not only an innovative method of learning and controlling knowledge, but also a completely new method of getting this knowledge by students. At the same time, the teacher acts as an assistant who directs the independent creative process of searching for answers to the questions posed in the web quest. Of course, creating a web quest requires time and high professionalism of the teacher, but having developed a series of tasks on a certain topic, the teacher will be able to use them in the following years, which not only saves time, but also makes the learning and control process interesting and modern. Moreover, web quests also contribute to the development of skills that are necessary for a person in the XXI century: the ability to work in a team, objectively approach the assessment of their achievements, the ability to analyze, think independently and creatively, and navigate a huge flow of information.
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