THE MOST RELEVANT AND INNOVATIVE METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH FOR YOUNGER STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
foreign language / teaching methods / pre-school age / play-based learning / communicative language teaching.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Muxlisa Zaynobiddinova Ikromjon Qizi

The problem of teaching the pre-school children a foreign language is one of the most significant questions in the theory and methods of teaching. The success of the educational process depends mainly on the teacher, whose objective is to organize learning activity in such a manner as to make it attractive for the students. This article looks into the importance of understanding the age peculiarities of children of preschool age, the characteristics of their personal and social development, behavior, motivation and other psychological aspects. Furthermore, the article deals with some teaching strategies that can contribute to the development of language and communicative competencies of students.

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Muxlisa Zaynobiddinova Ikromjon qizi

Andijan State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 3rd year student of

English [email protected]


The problem of teaching the pre-school children a foreign language is one of the most significant questions in the theory and methods of teaching. The success of the educational process depends mainly on the teacher, whose objective is to organize learning activity in such a manner as to make it attractive for the students. This article looks into the importance of understanding the age peculiarities of children of preschool age, the characteristics of their personal and social development, behavior, motivation and other psychological aspects. Furthermore, the article deals with some teaching strategies that can contribute to the development of language and communicative competencies of students.

Keywords: foreign language, teaching methods, pre-school age, play-based learning, communicative language teaching.

The desire of parents to teach children English from an early age is due to the progressive development of modern society, where English plays a dominant role, and its knowledge is one of the main requirements in many areas of educational and professional activities. In addition, it is obvious that the study of foreign languages has a beneficial effect on the overall development and upbringing of the child, contributes to the disclosure of creative potential, as well as the improvement of his language and communication skills. In this regard, in the teaching methodology, special attention is paid to the problem of studying the age characteristics of children, their motives, goals, needs and interests, on the knowledge and understanding of which the success of the educational process depends. Thus, this article is devoted to the analysis of the specific features of the personality of preschool children in the context of learning foreign languages, in particular, English.

One of the essential factors contributing to a better assimilation of a foreign language is the early start of its study. Experts see the reason for this state of affairs in the fact that learning a second language significantly expands a person's phonological abilities, on the one hand, and communication skills, on the other. The second language learned in childhood reveals the student's linguistic abilities: involuntarily, the facts of two languages are compared; the language picture of the world is created separately for each language; accordingly, thinking becomes multi-level - you can abstract from a specific language; you can see the world differently through the prism of each of the languages; one can understand that there are meanings or shades of thought that are not

CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. transmitted in one of the languages, but have standard forms of expression in another; one can learn to be tolerant by getting acquainted with a different culture of life and thinking [1, 54]. Communication in a second language reveals such conversion abilities as the ability to answer, pass the word to another, express one's point of view, use someone else's remark as building material for one's own, agree with the interlocutor and refute his opinion, find and express paradoxes. These important skills, in turn, are transferred from the skills of the second language to the area of skills of the first.

Mastering a second language is a kind of communicative game in which children practice the most essential and difficult elements of communication. Usually these structural communications are ignored during first language acquisition or are learned too late. The early introduction of a foreign language allows you to raise a child in such a way that he does not feel fear of entering into communication in new, unusual conditions for him, is ready to accept new rules of language communication, is tolerant of people who speak a different language and represent a different culture [3, 118 ]. He develops some skills that will help him do well in school in the future, such as the ability to generalize, to separate the concept from the verbal expression, to see more general and more specific categories, to search for a solution by trial and error, not to be afraid to test assumptions in practice . In addition, he also has private foreign language learning skills that help him learn the language at school: the ability to listen to the flow of speech in a foreign language, highlight repetitive sequences, memorize words, look for grammatical categories that are not represented in their native language.

The education of preschool children differs significantly from the education of schoolchildren both in form and in methodology. The main goals of the educational process at an early stage of teaching English are to provide intuitive, natural language proficiency, the development of arbitrary memorization, sociability and activity, as well as acquaintance with the culture of the country of the language being studied [2, 42]. Teaching English to preschool children is one of the most important stages of preparation for the period of schooling with further study of the English language. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the problems of pronunciation, the accumulation of a lexical minimum, the ability to recognize authentic foreign speech by ear and participate in a simple friendly conversation.

Learning English at this stage includes the following aspects:

1. the ability to correctly repeat English words from a phonetic point of view after a teacher or speaker, which includes the gradual formation of auditory attention, phonetic hearing and correct pronunciation;

2. accumulation, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, without which it is impossible to improve verbal communication;


3. mastering a certain number of simple grammatical structures to build a coherent remark or statement.

The central place in the practice of teaching English to preschool children is currently occupied by a communicative-activity and personal-activity approach to learning, the basic concepts of which were described in the works of S. L. Rubinshtein and A. N. Leontiev. This theory is based on the concept of maximum consideration of the individual psychological, age and national characteristics of the student as the main subject of educational activity, in the process of which personality development takes place [5, 31].

It should be emphasized that the leading activity of children of primary preschool age is play activity, which stimulates the natural motivation of the child's speech in a foreign language. It activates emotional memory and creative thinking, which contributes to a stronger assimilation of a foreign language. Game activity has a great developmental potential and performs various functions, such as stimulating, socializing, communicative, etc., thanks to which the teacher can correctly determine the tasks of teaching preschool children [4, 28]. In addition, the predominance in the child of such mental characteristics as involuntary memorization and the developed imagination of the child requires the use of creative tasks in the learning process that evoke an emotional response. Older preschoolers are characterized by the development of more focused, cognitive interests and needs, which become the leading motives for learning activities. Do not forget that it is difficult for preschool children to maintain a stable concentration of attention in relation to one motionless or inactive object for a long time, so they need frequent changes in activities and ensuring a dynamic and lively presentation of material [1, 57]. As an example, we can note the alternation of intellectual games with given rules with outdoor games, role-playing and educational and entertaining creative games.

The specificity of gaming activity in order to activate speech includes ensuring the personalization of students for their further socialization, the use of gaming activities as a means of communication in natural communicative conditions, as well as the use of various types of games, taking into account their target orientation and motivational interests of children. The effectiveness of the educational process is closely related to the nature of the relationship between students and the teacher and the conditions for the social development of children in the learning process [3, 161]. For the successful organization of interaction, the teacher must be able to establish emotional and personal contact with children and form a harmonious system of relations in the group. From a psychological point of view, such options for working with children are focused on the gradual formation of speech action, the hierarchical structure of speech skills and abilities.


The principles of the selection of speech means in the process of teaching children a foreign language should also be based on an understanding of the characteristics of their behavior, ideas about the world and the patterns of personal development in general. Most of the initiative speech of a child at preschool age is associated with his psychophysiological state, namely, the need to share his knowledge about the world around him, about the state of affairs in the group, etc. [5, 76]. In the situation of introducing new vocabulary, it is important for preschool children to see confirmation of the correctness of their actions, which can be expressed in a positive emotional reaction of the teacher. Also, foreign language assignments need to be adapted to include students in communicative activities, allowing them to talk about their personal experiences and experiences and emphasizing the importance of their opinions. Thus, the enrichment of the content of communication and the replenishment of the vocabulary in English should be ensured by the inclusion of replicas and expressions that meet the real needs of children, as well as the creation of natural communicative conditions.

The teacher should definitely take into account that preschool children perceive and react better to visual-figurative materials, colors and events. A characteristic feature of the psychology of preschool children is the concreteness of their thinking, susceptibility to mobile, colorful objects [2, 82]. Therefore, building an association of a word with a specific object or action is an important condition for ensuring better assimilation of linguistic material at this stage. Also, children at this age have the ability to imitate and repeat after a teacher or speaker, due to which it is at this age that a favorable situation develops for the formation of the correct pronunciation.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the mental development of preschool children is also necessary when analyzing the feasibility of certain approaches and techniques in teaching a foreign language. For example, the linguistic and cultural aspects of teaching English can be provided through the use of specially prepared communicative tasks that adequately correspond to the interests of children during this period. Thus, the activation of traditional speech formulas and an emphasis on culturally significant phenomena of the language being studied can be included in the process of organizing game exercises if they meet the needs of children of this age.

In general, when organizing the educational process with preschool children, it is necessary to adhere to the basic pedagogical principles. The principle of systematicity and consistency is especially important for teaching children of this age. In the process of learning, the child becomes a social subject and receives a certain role and socially significant duties, the fulfillment of which is followed by a public assessment [2, 117]. Thus, along with the organization of the game process, one should adhere to certain rules and a certain regime, thanks to which the child will be able to tune in to effective learning activities. In the tasks, a gradual complication must

CENTRAL ASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (CARJIS) ilmiy jurnali bilan hamkorlikda. necessarily be traced, based on the material already covered. The principle of creativity and visualization is also very important when working with preschool children who need the opportunity to creatively express their "I" in the process, for example, art classes in English classes, as well as reliance on visual materials, which can be audio recordings, colorful cartoons and bright word cards.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics, motivation, needs and interests of the child, the most effective means of teaching a foreign language to preschool children is the natural way of creating an image of the language through repeated listening to the language structures being worked out.


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