MODERN MUSEUM PEDAGOGY: PERSONAL EDUCATION AND PATRIOTIC EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yegorenko E.E.

The author's interpretation presents a scientific view of the problems associated with museum pedagogy, education and patriotic education of the individual in modern realities, which is especially important in the Republic of Belarus today due to the renewal of museum expositions, changes in the scientific and methodological support of school museums and the active use of information technologies.

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В авторской интерпретации представлен педагогический аспект проблем, связанных с музейной педагогикой, образованием и патриотическим воспитанием личности в современных реалиях, что сегодня особенно актуально в Республике Беларусь по причине обновления музейных экспозиций, изменения научно-методического обеспечения деятельности школьных музеев и активного применения информационных технологий.


УДК 37.017.4


Applicant the Department of Psychology,

Content and Methods of Education, State Educational Institution

«Academy of Postgraduate Education»,

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Received 4 October 2023



The author's interpretation presents a scientific view of the problems associated with museum pedagogy, education and patriotic education of the individual in modern realities, which is especially important in the Republic of Belarus today due to the renewal of museum expositions, changes in the scientific and methodological support of school museums and the active use of information technologies.

Keywords: potential of school museums, museum pedagogy, patriotic education, national identity, exposition.


соискатель кафедры психологии, содержания и методов воспитания Государственное учреждение образования «Академия последипломного образования», г. Минск, Республика Беларусь



В авторской интерпретации представлен педагогический аспект проблем, связанных с музейной педагогикой, образованием и патриотическим воспитанием личности в современных реалиях, что сегодня особенно актуально в Республике Беларусь по причине обновления музейных экспозиций, изменения научно-методического обеспечения деятельности школьных музеев и активного применения информационных технологий.

Ключевые слова: потенциал школьных музеев, музейная педагогика, патриотическое воспитание, национальное самосознание, экспонирование.

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

Introduction. The relevance of modern museum pedagogy, education and patriotic education of the individual at the current stage is determined by the comprehensive implementation of continuing school education by means of integrating the purposeful educational work of teachers and active museum activity in a situation of a difficult geopolitical situation and a global coronavirus crisis that affect a person's value orientations [1, p. 40].

Let me remind you that the foundations of patriotism are in the history of their region, in love for their home, city, village and their homeland. Today, school museums in the Republic of Belarus, as a social institution, are at a high level of development [2, p. 56], instilling in each person traditional values uniting the Belarusian people, forming the foundations for the education of patriots of their Fatherland.

The issues of education of the younger generation and its successful socialization are of particular importance in modern conditions with an emphasis on the formation of the national identity of the individual, which determines the orientation of museums in educational institutions [3]. And almost all the exhibits of the school museum, as a rule, are used in training sessions and museum lessons, which allows you to study the history of your Fatherland, paying special attention to the history of the Great Patriotic War, since it is historical memory that is the moral code of the Belarusian people that forms the national identity of the modern person


I will clarify that the educational function of school museums and the education of patriotism of students in an educational institution, as a rule, is implemented in the process of direct participation of the younger generation in the implementation of various areas of museum activity [5]. And today the specificity of the school museum is that it has a special ideological, educational potential, acting as a special educational environment that forms the national identity of the younger generation. The school museum develops the abilities of the individual, teaches to observe, systematize, classify, synthesize, generate the information received and form, on this basis, in the process of a whole life, a person's ideas about his country and the world. Modern museum pedagogy is the foundation of education and personal education, possessing

information and visual methods, powerful emotional and aesthetic means, which are provided by various forms of museum activity and aimed at changing the inner world of a person. It is museum pedagogy, implemented within the framework of the modern educational process, extracurricular activities that is semantic component of the patriotic education of students of institutions of general secondary education [6].

Modern museum pedagogy makes it possible to carry out an unconventional approach to education using the information potential of museum objects. The distinctive features of teaching in museum pedagogy are not formality and voluntary. The peculiarity of training is the opportunity to maximize their abilities and satisfy their interests, which is stimulated by expressiveness, diversity and authenticity of museum objects [7]. Thus, museum items or things, values, as a rule, act as a source of information about people, facts and events that are able to influence the emotional sphere of the personality, to cause a sense of involvement, as they allow you to see and feel the spirit of the past.

This is how a bridge is laid to the heart of the student, his spirituality, value orientations are formed and there is an introduction to moral behavior, generally accepted morality standards in Belarusian society, in which the role of modern museum pedagogy is revealed. In addition, today the museum is becoming a means of introducing students to national culture, acting as an antipode of digitalization and virtual social reality.

Main part. Modern museum pedagogy as a field of scientific knowledge that arises at the intersection of history, pedagogy, psychology, cultural studies, museology, art (as part of general and national culture), as well as local history, connects the past with the present and future, creating and bringing the most humane that humanity has accumulated.

And it is no coincidence that today museum pedagogy is considered as an innovative pedagogical technology, the main purpose of which is to introduce students and their families to work in the school museum, as well as creative development of the individual based on the traditional values of the Belarusian people. Conducting lessons, optional, extracurricular classes in school museums, as well as integrating educational subjects with museum expositions, make

it possible to explain complex material on heroic examples from the life of our unique ancestors and outstanding contemporaries [8, p. 22]. Thus, the personal participation of students in search work, the collection of materials for the study of museum objects in the creation of unique expositions and interesting excursions contributes to the development of various techniques, skills of museum, excursion and professional activities, the formation of national identity based on the fundamental and traditional values of the Bela-rusian people [9, p. 863].

It is important that school museums preserve and study the historical and cultural heritage of their region, city and village, so the museum is that fantastic virtual portal, a real "time machine" moving a person to the past, which is also symbolic access to the space of the socio-cultural life of our ancestors. And as a result of systematic work in the school museum, students gradually develop an idea of historical events that took place in specific territories during a certain historical period and there is an opportunity to compare the facts and preserve the history of their homeland. Remote forms of work (museum quests, challenges, Internet conferences, virtual exhibitions, forum discussions, etc.) are of particular importance today. And, apparently, the combination of modern information and communication technologies with interactive methods and forms of work in the museum makes the educational process more visualized, exciting for young students, as they are given ample opportunities to prove themselves and expand their knowledge through museum activities. The title of People's Museums was awarded to 104 museums, which is the result of recognition of high achievements in educating young people, popularizing and preserving the historical and cultural heritage of our Motherland. And together with the solution of educational problems, school museums are called upon to form the national identity of student youth and to actively work to identify, study and preserve monuments of material and spiritual culture, which is successfully implemented in the educational environment [9]. I will explain that the dissemination and popularization of effective pedagogical and scientific and methodological experience of school museum leaders is facilitated by the broadcast of the achievements of educational institutions in the field of museum pedagogy, as well as through

the publication of thematic collections, the manufacture of industrial products, publications in the media, and in the Internet space. Thus, with the support of the Ministry of Education, the following were prepared and published: the reference book "Museums of educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus," the publication "People's Museums of Educational Institutions of the Republic of Belarus," collections of local history, literary museums and museums of military glory, which are used by educational institutions in the study of educational subjects, in optional classes, in the organization of educational excursion programs and educational events.

Modern school museums actively practice the use of information technologies, which allows a person not only to independently extract and analyze local history material, but also to make it public through virtual museums, exhibitions, Internet conferences, forum discussions. So, a virtual excursion, quest-excursion, theatrical excursion, excursion master class, museum holiday, demonstration of museum objects in action are used by museums in their work. And as a result, the accumulated effective pedagogical experience in the field of museum pedagogy is actively used in the educational process and the educational function of the museum of the educational institution is being implemented today in the process of direct participation of students in the implementation of various areas of museum activity: stock, exposition, excursion, search and research, public and useful, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that today a wide range of forms, innovative methods of interaction between teachers and parents and the public are used, which makes it possible to attract students who have become centers of patriotic education in the modern Republic of Belarus to work in the school museum. So, in connection with the anniversary dates dedicated to the Great Victory, it is school museums that initiate and intensify search and research work to establish and perpetuate the memory of the dead defenders of the Fatherland and the victims of the Great Patriotic War, which is directly related to the formation of national identity. A significant part of the exhibitions in these museums are devoted to letters, historical documents of the pre-war and war years, which were found during search and research activities.

Conclusion. Thus, it is important to emphasize that modern museum pedagogy at this stage

is becoming more and more in demand, and therefore today the integration of museum work and education aimed at patriotic education of the individual is especially important. Continuing to remain a place of storage of relics and rarities, the museum becomes the basis for communication, the formation of moral guidelines, the education of a person of high culture and national self-awareness.

Let me remind you that the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus pays great attention to improving the pedagogical and professional skills of teachers - heads of school museums. Thus, the annual regional and republican seminars of the heads of museums of educational institutions, local history readings and forums are traditionally held with the presentation of the best museums in the regions. The understanding by specialists of different levels of the features of modern museum pedagogy, as a universal means of influencing the person, makes museums of educational institutions unique cultural and educational centers that determine education and patriotic education of the person [10, p. 173]. More effective use of the potential of school museums allows the younger generation to focus on traditional values in the process of learning the history of the Belarusian people and the culture of their small homeland by involving them in practical activities to study and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus [11, p. 73].

Thus, modern museum pedagogy, as a result, is the methodological basis for organizing the activities of the school museum, therefore, all the efforts of teachers should be aimed at ensuring that the school museum always remains a popular platform for patriotic education, propaganda of traditional values, as fundamental aspects of human spirituality [12, p. ].


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Статья поступила 4 октября 2023 г.

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