окажет непосредственное влияние на развитие образовательных учреждений. Изучение современного состояния инновационного сотрудничества в системе наука-образование-производство, анализ и анализ опыта развитых стран и использование их опыта предоставляют широкие возможности для каждого из предметов в системе. Процесс интеграции в науке, образовании и производстве отражается не только в подготовке кадров, но и в таких областях, как организация новых видов производства, модернизация и реконструкция существующих, организация высокотехнологичных производств. Отношения между сторонами играют важную роль в этом процессе. Проблемы лежат в основе отношений между сторонами. Важным фактором в этом процессе для каждого субъекта является способность видеть проблему и ее решения, определять возможные возможности и выгоды от ее решения. Это, в свою очередь, сделает процесс интеграции более эффективным, если он будет усилен экономическими механизмами.
Если проблема инновационного сотрудничества между образованием, наукой и промышленностью будет решена, компания также будет участвовать в финансировании исследований. Для развития инновационной деятельности на предприятиях целесообразно: сосредоточиться на внутреннем и внешнем рынках каждого предприятия, проводить маркетинговые исследования и, соответственно, разрабатывать краткосрочные и долгосрочные планы технологических процессов и инновационных продуктов; внедрение современных технологий для обеспечения производства высококачественной продукции на внутреннем и внешнем рынках; Привлечение прямых иностранных инвестиций стратегических иностранных инвесторов с целью внедрения высокотехнологичных современных инновационных технологий; организация обучения, переподготовки и повышения квалификации персонала в соответствии с инновационными технологиями, применяемыми на предприятиях; создание современной системы управления, обеспечивающей эффективность инновационных процессов в управлении предприятием.
Исходя из вышесказанного, сотрудничество с высшими учебными заведениями на производственных предприятиях при проведении технических и технологических модернизаций внедряет инновации, которые не только обеспечат устойчивый экономический рост предприятий, но и повысят конкурентоспособность этих предприятий.
Список литературы / References
1. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан «О стратегии действий по дальнейшему развитию Республики Узбекистан» У-4947. www.lex.uz.
2. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан У-3151 «О мерах по дальнейшему расширению участия отраслей и секторов экономики в повышении качества подготовки специалистов с высшим образованием». www.lex.uz.
3. Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан «О создании Министерства инновационного развития Республики Узбекистан». www.lex.uz.
Abstract: the article under discussion is devoted to the use of museum pedagogic methods as a means of preparing future teachers for tourism activity. The museum has a great educational potential, a number of advantages in the sphere of values formation: informality, democracy, visibility, communicativeness, emotionality. Museum pedagogy at the current stage of the society development can be considered as one of the directions of the museum and a qualitatively new sphere of educational activity. Museum pedagogy is able to raise the preparation of students for tourism
activities to a qualitatively new level. To solve this problem, it is necessary to transfer the relationship between the museum and the university to a stronger legal and practical basis.
Keywords: communicative, higher education, vocational training, museum pedagogy, pedagogical practice, activity.
ПЕДАГОГИКУ Марайимова К.И.
Марайимова Кибриё Исломжон кизи — докторант, специальность: теория педагогики, история педагогических учений, кафедра педагогики, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья посвящена использованию методов музейной педагогики как средства подготовки будущих учителей к туристической деятельности. Музей обладает большим образовательным потенциалом, рядом преимуществ в области формирования ценностных ориентиров: неформальностью, демократичностью, наглядностью, коммуникативностью, эмоциональностью. Музейная педагогика на современном этапе развития общества может быть рассмотрена как одно из направлений деятельности музея и качественно новая сфера образовательной деятельности. Музейная педагогика способна поднять подготовку студентов к туристической деятельности на качественно новый уровень. Для решения этой задачи необходимо перевести отношения между музеем и вузом на более твердую правовую и практическую основу.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативность, высшее образование, профессиональное обучение, подготовка, музейная педагогика, педагогическая практика, деятельность.
УДК 371.33
The leading trends in the formation of Uzbekistan in the XXI century are the revival of national spirituality, the recognition of worldview priorities, the realization of transcendence, broadening the horizons, the formation of young people's civic qualities, fostering love for the homeland and, as a result, the recognition of the self-esteem of the young man, his need for the ability to be a moral subject - man. The realities of the modern being of a human being-creator require specific changes in the consciousness of the teacher as a carrier of values in the educational space. Local history, which have always interested philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers, historians, geographers as a phenomenon of social culture, reveals the peculiarities of learning the unique natural landscape, national culture. Therefore, the growing role of the regional factor leads to the necessity to study the region as an independent social and cultural unit.
An important aspect is the training of humanitarian students in the sphere of tourism. The curriculum includes, of course, pedagogical practice, as well as museum and archaeological practice, but the scope of these practices is not sufficient to provide sustainable practical skills. Such a task can be attempted with the help of museum pedagogy, which combines all the necessary components important for a future teacher.
The notion of "museum pedagogy" is interpreted differently by researchers. For example, Medvedeva understands museum pedagogy as "a special integrative field that includes both practical activities that have a synthetic character and combine the efforts of a teacher and a museum worker, as well as scientific and methodological discipline, the subject of which is a phenomenon that has historical and cultural traditions but has reappeared by the end of the XX century" [1]. The idea of museum pedagogy was further developed by German teachers and museum workers G. Kershensteiner, G. Freudental and A. Reichwein [2]. In his concept G. Kershensteiner adapted the presentation of museum information to the perception of unprepared museum visitors, his concept was focused on the implementation of visual training and intensified the attention of the visitor in the process of perception of the material. pedagogy" in 1931. Freudental's methodology included three stages: the stage of children's preparation for a museum visit, the stage of the museum excursion itself, the stage of the subsequent fixation of the learned knowledge and impressions by the pupil in the
lesson. G. Freudental justified the idea of the leading role in this process not of a museum worker, but of a teacher.
Gradually, the idea of museum pedagogy as an integrative and qualitatively new sphere of educational activity is being formed; it is beginning to be considered by modern researchers as an innovative pedagogical technology. Museum pedagogy confidently occupies the place of one of the directions of museum activity, as it is capable to unite in the educational process spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic and historical features.
The museum has a great educational potential, has a number of advantages over other educational institutions in the field of value formation.
1. Informality. The museum is able to create an atmosphere of trust much better than a teacher will do during an instructor's class, the role of the museum artifact in this respect is beyond doubt. Trust activates attention and enhances the perception of the material.
2. Democratisation. Museum education is devoid of rigid schemes and can be extended to different groups in society regardless of age and degree of preparedness.
3. Visibility. A lesson in a museum can overcome alienation in the perception of social abstractions, create a visible image of the Motherland, small and large, its history and culture.
4. Communicativeness. A lesson from a monologue turns into a dialogue, the exhibition material in a museum can raise much more questions than what is shown in the audience.
5. Emotionality. Education and upbringing cannot be reduced to transmitting certain information and stating a certain set of ideas. The supreme goal of education is not knowledge, but feeling. Therefore, emotionality is a necessary component in the process of such education. The museum cannot leave visitors indifferent; it evokes a lot of cognitive emotions and is able to form and consolidate an ideology [1].
The mentioned advantages of museum pedagogy need further study and testing in an experimental way. Museum pedagogy in practice means lessons in a museum, specialized excursions, organization of university museums and museum rooms, project activities of pupils and teachers. All this work requires professional training, enthusiasm, creativity and even some physical endurance.
Therefore, it is the students, future teachers, who can organically perceive museum pedagogy and use it in their activities. At the same time, the care of the university is to create appropriate conditions in which students constantly interact with museums, have the opportunity to conduct lessons there, develop excursions, study the history of their region, conduct research work. This is the same practical work, which requires consolidation of skills as engineers and technicians, but it is not the technology but the moral guidelines of the future generation [2].
In the process of research work, new objects, exhibits and historical heritage may be attracted. Each future teacher should be able to give an excursion in his or her own settlement, local history museum, know the history of the streets, the circumstances of the city and its surroundings monuments, biographies of local celebrities, achievements of the region in various fields, legends, myths, even historical anecdotes. Not every village has a description of its history, perhaps the information still needs to be collected and systematized, which can be more successfully implemented through the joint efforts of the university and the museum institution.
So, museum pedagogy at the present stage of development of society can be considered as one of the means of professional training of future teachers, one of the directions of museum activity, and also as a qualitatively new sphere of educational activity. Museum pedagogy can raise the training of students of humanitarian directions to a completely different level. To solve this problem, it is necessary to transfer the relationship between the museum and the university to a stronger legal and practical basis.
References / Список литературы
1. Medvedeva E.B.. Yukhnevich M. Yu. Museum pedagogics as a new scientific discipline (in Russian)
// Fundamentals of cultural policy. № 4, 1997. P.p. 102-105.
2. Makarova N.G. Museum as a social and aesthetic phenomenon: author's abstract Cand.
philosopher. of sciences. М., 1987. P. 20
3. Lagusev Yu.M. Podgotovka studentov turisticheskogo vuza k osushchestvleniyu vospitatel'noy
deyatel'nosti v turizme. // Turisticheskoye obrazovaniye i kadry, 2001. № . S. 25.