Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2022. Том 2
УДК 004.94
В. Д. Дмитриев, Е. С. Волнейкина, П. Ю. Вайтекунайте Научный руководитель - В. В. Кукарцев
Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газеты «Красноярский рабочий», 31
E-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье рассмотрены понятия модели и моделирование, методы информационно-экономического моделирования.
Ключевые слова: модели, моделирование, аналитическое моделирование, имитационное моделирование.
V. D. Dmitriev, E. S. Volneikina, P. Yu. Vaitekunaite Scientific supervisor - V. V. Kukartsev
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]
This article discusses the concepts of models and modeling, methods of information and economic modeling.
Keywords: models, modeling, analytical modeling, simulation modeling.
Research and forecasting of logistics systems is carried out by means of economic and mathematical modeling, that is, the description of these processes in the form of models [1, 2].
The model in this case is a representation of a logistics system (abstract or material), which can be used instead to study its properties and possible behaviors.
Modeling is a method of reproducing and exploring a certain fragment of reality (an object, phenomenon, process, situation) or controlling it, based on the representation of an object using a model.
Modeling is based on the similarity of systems or processes, which can be complete or partial Modeling in logistics is the study of logistics systems and processes by constructing and studying their models. The main purpose of modeling is the prediction of the process or system.
Various modeling methods are widely used in logistics, i.e. research of logistics systems and processes by constructing and studying their models. [3, 4].
The method of analytical modeling of logistics systems. Analytical modeling is a mathematical technique for the study of logistics systems, which allows you to obtain accurate solutions. The sequence of analytical modeling is as follows:
At the first stage, mathematical laws linking the objects of the system are formulated.
At the second stage, equations are solved and theoretical results are obtained.
At the third stage, the obtained theoretical results are compared with practice.
The advantages of analytical modeling are the power of generalization and reuse.
The disadvantage of the method is that with the complication of systems, the study of analytical methods encounters difficulties, that is, this method is ideal only for relatively simple systems. Simulation modeling of logistics systems has a more universal approach.
Секция «Информационно-экономические системы»
Simulation modeling is a type of mathematical modeling. In simulation modeling, the patterns that determine the nature of quantitative relationships within processes remain unknown. In this regard, the process remains a "black box".
Simulation includes two main processes:
1. Designing a model of a real system
2. Setting up experiments on this model.
At the same time, the following goals can be pursued: to determine the behavior of the logistics system and choose a strategy that will ensure the most efficient functioning of the logistics system [5-7].
Thus, the advantage of simulation modeling is that this method can solve more complex problems. Simulation models allow us to simply take into account random impacts and other factors that create difficulties in analytical research [8, 9].
At the same time, simulation modeling has a number of significant drawbacks:
1. Research using this method is expensive (computer, programmer, software);
2. The probability of false information.
Thus, modeling makes it possible to more accurately and fully formulate a description of the causes of problems, possible results of changes that they intuitively feel [10].
The description of the simulation model can be concluded with the words of R. Shannon: "The development and application of simulation models is more an art than a science." Therefore, success or failure depends not on the method, but on how it is applied.
1. Mirotin L.B. et al. "Efficiency of logistics management" Textbook for universities / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. L.B. Mirotina. — M.: Izdatelstvo «Ekspert», 2004. — 448 p. (Series "Textbook for the university").
2. Stevenson, William, J. Operations Management. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill/Irvine, 2002.
3. Boyko A. A. et al. The dynamic simulation model of calculating equipment purchase with the bond loan //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 1399. - №. 3. - С. 033120
4. Tynchenko V. S. et al. Application of Kohonen self-organizing maps to the analysis of enterprises' employees certification results //IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 537. - №. 4. - С. 042010.
5. Boyko A. A. et al. Using linear regression with the least squares method to determine the parameters of the Solow model //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - IOP Publishing, 2020. - Т. 1582. - №. 1. - С. 012016.
6. Kukartsev A. V. et al. Methods of business processes competitiveness increasing of the rocket and space industry enterprise //IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 537. - №. 4. - С. 042009.
7. Tynchenko V. S. et al. Methods of developing a competitive strategy of the agricultural enterprise //IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 315. - №. 2. - С. 022105
8. Milov A. V. et al. Use of artificial neural networks to correct non-standard errors of measuring instruments when creating integral joints //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - IOP Publishing, 2018. - Т. 1118. - №. 1. - С. 012037
9. Boyko A. A. et al. Simulation-dynamic model for calculating the equipment leasing //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 1333. - №. 7. - С. 072003.
10. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://www.lobanov-logist.ru/library/ all_articles/54576/
© Дмитриев В. Д., Волнейкина Е. С., Вайтекунайте П. Ю., 2022