Секция «Информационно-управляющие системы»
УДК 004.652
Е. И. Семенова*, К. В. Дегтярева, Е. С. Волнейкина Научный руководитель - Е.Л. Вайтекунене
Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газеты «Красноярский рабочий», 31
*E-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье рассмотрим ключевые понятия и модели баз данных, а также сферы их использования в современном мире.
Ключевые слова: база данных, информация, данные, модели данных.
E. I. Semenova*, K. V. Degtyareva, E. S. Volneikina Scientific supervisor - E.L. Vaitekunene
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: [email protected]
In this article, we will consider the key concepts and database models, as well as the scope of their use in the modern world.
Keywords: database, information, data, data models.
In the modern world, the successful functioning of various firms, organizations and enterprises is impossible without a developed information system that allows you to automate the collection and processing of data. Usually, a database is created to store and access data containing information about a certain subject area.
A database is a collection of data organized according to certain rules, providing general principles for describing, storing and manipulating data, independent of application programs [1-3]. This data belongs to a specific subject area and is organized in such a way that it can be used to solve many problems by many users [4].
A subject area is usually understood as a certain area of human activity or an area of the real world, which is subject to study for the organization of management and automation, for example, an enterprise, a university, etc.
Database management system - a set of language and software tools designed to create, populate, update and delete databases. The basic concepts in the concept of databases are the generalized categories "data" and "data model". The basic concepts in the concept of databases are the generalized categories "data" and "data model" [5].
The concept of "data" in the concept of databases is information recorded in some form suitable for further processing, transmission and storage [6]. Data does not have a specific structure; data becomes information when the user gives them a specific structure, that is, understands their semantic content. Therefore, the central concept in the field of databases is the concept of a model.
Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2022. Том 2
A data model is some kind of abstraction that allows users and developers to interpret them as information that contains not only data, but also the relationship between them.
With the help of the data model, the objects of the subject area and the relationships between them can be represented. There are the following important database models:
- hierarchical;
- network;
- relational;
- object-oriented.
In a hierarchical database, data is presented in a tree structure. Such a database structure is convenient for working with data arranged hierarchically [7-9].
In a network database, data is organized in a graph. In this model, there can be several different connections, each of which is responsible for something different. The peculiarity of the network database is that it remembers all the links and all the content for each link. The relational database got its name from the English term relation (relationship). A relational database is a collection of tables linked together. The advantages of the relational data model are simplicity and flexibility of the structure. An object-oriented database combines the network and relational models and is used to create large databases with complex data structures.
A distinctive feature of the database from other storages such as archives is that the information in it is necessarily processed by electronic media, followed by systematization, which is subject to certain rules. A database is a way of managing stored information and is used in all areas of human life. Thus, it can be said that the database can store a huge amount of systematized information, and quickly provide it after the introduction of a user request.
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© Семенова Е. И., Дегтярева Е. В., Волнейкина Е. С., 2022