УДК 004.94
С. А. Чащина*, А. С. Коростелев, П. Ю. Вайтекунайте Научный руководитель - А. А. Павленко
Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
*E-mail: [email protected]
В данной статье дается сравнения популярных программ для различных видов моделирования. Выбор программы зависит от области моделирования и конечного результата, который нужен пользователю.
Ключевые слова: моделирование, программа, процесс, параметры
S. A. Chashchina*, A. S. Korostelev, P. Yu. Vaitekunaite Scientific supervisor - A. A. Pavlenko
Rеshеtnеv Sibеriаn Stаtе Ш^еге^у оf Sсiеnсе аnd ТеЛш^у 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: [email protected]
This article provides a comparison of popular programs for various types of modeling. The choice of program depends on the area of modeling and the final result that the user needs.
Key words: modeling, programm, process, parameters
Simulation modeling is used in various fields, from the development and optimization of production processes, to the simulation of various social interactions. That is why companiesdevelopers strive to diversify the functionality of their programs as much as possible and satisfy all the needs of the end user in modeling. At the moment, there are a huge number of different programs that deal with variousmi types of modeling, but the emphasis will be on the most popular programs, such as:AnyLogic,Arena,Simio.
AnyLogicthis is a program developed by a Russian companyThe AnyLogic Company (formerXJ Technologies). One of the biggest advantages of thisprogram is that it is able to create models of all three types:process-oriented (discrete-event), system dynamic and agent-based,butas well as any combination of them.This significantly increases the reach of the target audience, sinceNot all programs are capable of such technology. A large database of libraries, containing ready-made presets, greatly simplifies the work of the end user and saves time at the stage of project formation. In addition to the core libraries,posted on the official website of the company, users have the opportunity to create their own and share them on various Internet resources. Users can also useAnyLogic cloudallowing you to run, store and provide accessto your model directly in the cloud service, which can be a significant plus during the remote development of a key project [1,2].
Simiois a program developed by the companySimio Software. The main advantage of this program iso that it is able, when planning and scheduling production, to use a risk-based methodology(Risk-based Planning and Scheduling; RPS).This approach extends the capabilities of traditional APS, allowing full consideration of,inherent practicevirtually any production variation
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and provide planners with all the information necessary to reduce risks and uncertainties. RPS planning begins with the formation of a deterministic schedule by running a simulation model with disabledrandom factors. You can see that the same thing happens in the APS solution. However, then in the RPS system, using the same simulation model, but with the factors of chance included, the multiple generation of the graph is carried out (using,different processors, if possible), and statistics of execution parameters are recorded for all received variants of the schedule. The following indicators are recorded: the probability of meeting the deadline (i.e., the completion date), the expected completion date of the assignmentachi, the so-called "milestone" (usually later than the planned date due to the inherent variability of the system), as well as optimistic and pessimistic forecasts of completion dates (a percentage estimate, also based on variance) [3].
arena-this program,developedby Systems Modeling Corporation, which in further redeemedRockwell Automation.Arena is equipped with a convenient object-oriented interface and has the ability to adapt to all kinds of subject areas. The system is not requiredt of writing program code and is exceptionally easy to use, but requires considerable time to master and fairly deep knowledge of probability theory, mathematical statistics, the theory of queuing systems and Petri nets. She has no oa mechanic that would distinguish it from other programs, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most used. Great functionality, creation 3Dand 2Danimations,connection with graphicbase presetsand Microsoft Clipboard, as well as inthe ability to import projects from the programAutoCadprovide end users with a wide range of options when creating simulation models [4].
Combining all the listed parameters of the programs, it is possible to compare them in tabular form (Table 1).
Table 1
Comparison of programs
Program Areas of use Orientation Compatible Types of data
programs analyzes
AnyLogic General purpose •Supply chains •Excel, Access, •Reports
multi-method •Transport and any •Model execution
modeling tool. •Warehouse database logs
Discrete-event, agent- operations •OptQuest •Graphs
based and system- •Railway logistics •Stat:Fit •Output to the built-
dynamicmodeling. •Mining •Any Java / in database or any
•Oil and gas DLL library eg external data storage
•Road traffic for bayesian (databases,
•Passenger flows or neural tables, text files)
•Production networks.
and material handling
•Business processes
•Social processes
Simio An ideal product for •Academic •Microsoft SMORE Charts for
professional analysts •Aerospace and Azure risk analysis,
and researchers. Defense •Wonderware sensitivity analysis,
Powerful object- •Airports •OptQuest customizable
oriented modeling and •Healthcare •Net Programs dashboards,
built-in 3D animation •Production (over 60 complete data in
for fast modeling •Mining languages pivot tables, export
•Military supported) of summary or
•Oil and gas •Excel, Access, details to external
•Supply chains SQL Server, packages
•Transport MySQL
Arena Used to model and •Production •OptQuest •Arena
analyze existing and •Supply chains •AutoCad OutputAnalyzer
proposed systems, as •Government •Process Analyzer
well as for operational •Healthcare •Compatible third
analysis. •Logistics party utilities
•Food and designed forArena
•Call centers
Based on the data obtained, it can be said that the user should select the program on the basis of which the process will be modeled in the future based on thearea he works and what he needs to get. Each of the programs has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be familiarized before starting the project in order to avoid incorrect data obtained as a result of the simulation [5-7].
1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of traffic control algorithms based on a simulation model in the AnyLogic / Kukartsev V.V., Tynchenko V.S. и др. // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, №127, p. 1-3
2. Habr [Electronic resource] URL: https://habr.com/ru/company/lanit/blog/351870/ (дата обращения 17.01.2022)
3. AnyLogic [Electronic resource] URL: https://www.anylogic.ru/blog/sravnivaem-soft-dlya-imitatsionnogo-modelirovaniya/ (дата обращения 17.01.2022)
4. Kukartsev, V. V., Sheenok, D. A. Estimation of software upgrade costs for reliability-critical systems // Siberian Journal of Science and Technology, (5 (45)), p. 62-65
5. Boyko A. A. et al. The dynamic simulation model of calculating equipment purchase with the bond loan //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 1399. - №. 3. -С.033120.
6. Kukartsev A. V. et al. Methods of business processes competitiveness increasing of the rocket and space industry enterprise //IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. -IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 537. - №. 4. - С. 042009.
7. Tynchenko V. S. et al. Application of Kohonen self-organizing maps to the analysis of enterprises' employees certification results //IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - IOP Publishing, 2019. - Т. 537. - №. 4. - С. 042010.
© Чащина С. А., Коростелев А. С., Вайтекунайте П. Ю., 2022