УДК 796.912
K.S. Ivanova, T.V Zayachuk, VI. Volchkova
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and tourism, Kazan, Russia To contact the authors E-mail: [email protected]
This article describes a study conducted at Kazan figure skating school to develop methods of teaching rotations to young skaters. The method consists of teaching rotations on spinner, the study of the theoretical aspects of figure skating spins, figure skaters' learning the basics of refereeing of rotational elements, a method of sound leading, improvement of spins technique. Key words: figure skating, rotation, methods.
ФГБОУ ВО Поволжская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма,
Казань, Россия
В данной статье представлена методика обучения юных фигуристов вращениям. Методика заключается в обучении вращениям на спинере, изучении фигуристами теоретических аспектов вращений и основ судейства вращательных элементов, использовании метода звуколидирования, совершенствовании техники исполнения вращений. Ключевые слова: фигурное катание, вращения, методика.
Figure skating is a hard-house sport (N.V Ko-tenko, 1999). This is due to the fact that a skater skates, the blades of which have a very small area of contact with the ice, but the ice is very hard and slippery. Skater must perform many different complex elements on the ice including multijumps, spins, which can often be accompanied by errors and downs.
Advances in figure skating largely due to the results of scientific research (V Platonov, 1980; I. Medvedev, 1985; Gros J, 1992 .; L. Nazarenko, 1999). Therefore, from an athlete it requires a high level of accuracy, speed, stability and comprehensive coordination of movements in time and space.
One characteristic of modern skating is a progressive complication of competitive programs. This process is developing, in particular, on the way of studying complex elements in coordination by athletes and links of rotational character that is a strong irritant of the vestibular analyzer. Therefore, one of the specific features of figure skating is dependence of athletic performance in the
sport of coordination possibilities and vestibular stability (H. Valgma, 1972; Y Andrianov, 1984; K. Medvedev, 1985; E. Great, 1990). In modern figure skating, age of the first big successes is 12-16 years, earlier than in most sports, but one might achieve good results only after 9-10 years of intense trainings (V Filin, N. Fomin, 1980). Therefore, due to the complications of sports equipment, reducing the duration of training to young skaters has high demands in terms of the implementation of complex technical elements.
Changes in figure skating, that have occurred in recent years, namely the introduction of the new judging system, and the increased demands on the level of technical skill of athletes, require the development and scientific evidence of new, more advanced techniques used in sports training of skaters (A. Tikhomirov, 1978; N. Iroshnikov, 1978; T. Moskvina, 1980; A. Mishin, 1981; Z. Morozov, 1983; Y Andrianov, 1984; E. Great, 1990). Rotation, as well as jumps in figure skating has a certain value depending on the level and the quality of performance [4].
In this regard, there is a need to develop methods of teaching rotations to young skaters. The purpose of research is to justify theoretically and experimentally verify the effectiveness of teaching rotations methods to skaters. Research objectives:
1. To determine the level of performance of rotations by skaters.
2. To develop a methodology for rotations training of skaters.
To achieve the objectives the following methods are applied:
1. Analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the topic of the research.
2. Analysis of the pedagogical documentation.
3. Teacher's observation.
4. Teaching experiment.
5. Testing.
6. Mathematical and statistical methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research consists of modern scientific understanding of the full and harmonious development of personality (M. Saraf, 1978; M. Vydrin, 1997; Y Chernyshenko, 1998); basic theory and methods of coordination abilities (V Nazarov, 1969; V Lyakh, 1983, 1986, 1989; I. Suleymanov, 1986); theoretical basis for the development of youth sport (L. Nazarenko, 1999; A. Yarullin, 1999; V Yakobashvili, 2000); Theory and Methodology of figure skating (I. Medvedev, 1985; I. Absalyamo-va, 1985; E. Grand, 1990; N. Kotenko, 1999; V Aparin, 2000).
The scientific novelty of this work is to identify effective tools and methods for teaching rotations contributing to quality performance of rotational elements by young skaters at the stage of training preparation.
The study was conducted based on OR RCYSS of Figure Skating in Kazan. Ten athletes of the training group OR RCYSS of Figure Skating were involved to the study.
In order to determine the level of rotation skaters we divided the athletes into a control and an experimental groups.
It is worth to note that rotation of figure skater is a long rotary motion round vertical axis without noticeable movement in a point of support. There is a classification in this way: in the direction of rotation; on a rotation pose (up spin, seed spin,
camel spin, layback spin); on complexity degree (simple, difficult); on one and two feet, jumps in rotations [2].
In each base position (standing, in gyroscope, a swallow, and a layback) are complex variations. There are four levels of difficulty rotations: base, first, second, third, fourth.
The technical team determines the level of rotation. Judges evaluate the quality of performance of rotation. Terms are tougher every year and should have a high level of rotations, different variations of basic positions, change of edge, complex taps into the rotation to get high marks and levels. It is important to perform all the complex positions, change of the edge, sophisticated approaches qualitatively otherwise a technical team will ignore the complexity of the line, and the level of rotation will be lower.
The challenge of a skater is not only to get a certain level in the rotation, but the judges appreciated the element by plus. Judges estimate each item in the figure skating from -3 to +3, respectively, than more judges evaluate the element on "+", the greater the total amount of points. During the training and improvement of rotary elements, it is necessary to use a complex of means and methods of sports training:
a) conversations, explanations, story, description;
b) display of technology of the studied movement;
c) demonstration of videos; e) sound leading;
e) special exercise machines.
During the studying and improvement of rotary elements, the working off as on ice, and an extra ice platform is necessary. The important direction in training of rotations out of ice is the following.
1. Development of the following qualities of the figure skater: development of the general and special flexibility, power qualities, coordination. For obtaining a certain level of rotation, it is necessary to be able to execute difficult variations of rotary elements. The difficult variation of a position of rotation is the movement of the part of a body, a foot, a hand, a brush, and the head, which demands physical force or flexibility and influences balance of a body.
2. Improvement of rotations on a spinner.
3. Studying by figure skaters of theoretical aspects of rotations.
4. Studying by athletes of bases of refereeing rotary to elements (determination of level of rotation and GOE).
5. Improvement of technology of execution of rotations.
Good flexibility expands possibilities of range of mobility in joints, improves coordination of movements that helps to improve workmanship of rotations in the competitive program. For the smallest resistance to the figure skater it is necessary with little effort to be able to accept a necessary position of a rotary element. At development of flexibility, it is necessary to combine exercises for development of passive flexibility (twine, moves, etc.) with exercises for development of active flexibility. For example, it is expedient to apply the weighting compound attached to foot of a free foot to improvement of the situation "swallow": it allows to achieve good results at development as passive flexibility (performance of moving back), and active (deduction of a free foot with freight in the demanded pose). By extra ice training of athletes, work on turnout of feet is required. When the figure skater has a good turnout, feet move easier, it is possible to raise a foot in air much higher, without breaking balance of a body. When a foot is extended in reversible situation, hips remain at one, horizontal level. If the athlete does not possess turnout, he should raise one hip to give to a foot the chance to move up, and thus a balance is broken. So, turnout gives the maximum freedom of movements at the maximum observance of balance. Thanks to turnout of the line of a body, general impression from a position in rotation becomes more attractive.
For powerful rotation, one of criteria is a push force on an entrance arch with a free foot and operation of the case. At improvement of rotations, it is necessary to pay attention to power readiness of the athlete. For development of power abilities exercises on various groups of muscles are used. Exercises are carried out at the maximum quantity of times to the full.
Development of coordination abilities of figure skaters facilitates considerably a problem of high-quality execution of a rotary motion. The quicker
the athlete is capable to establish rotation centering, the higher an execution speed. The correct coordination of movements develops at athletes in the course of improvement of functions of vestibular, muscular and visual analyzers, which are operated by the central nervous system. Irreplaceable means of improvement of rotations are trainings with sight shutdown. Closing eyes, the figure skater carries out the demanded rotation. Thus, activity of motive, vestibular, tactile and acoustical analyzers becomes aggravated. Such exercises increase stability of skill, do performance of rotations surer and stable.
Doing rotations on a spinner is the exercise machine for performance of rotations. It helps to learn to execute rotations on ice, using trainings in a hall. Spinner models scientifically a skate edge on the ice, moves just as an edge, but on the floor, a tile, cement or the carpet with a short pile. At rotation on this exercise machine, it is possible to fulfill position accuracy in a rotation and to feel centering of a rotary element. In training of figure skaters, an important role is played by theoretical preparation — the major party in practical realization of the principle of consciousness. A way to the highest perfection in sport is getting only through knowledge. It is important that from the first steps sports knowledge of the athlete to his practicing formed a basis for improvement. Acquisition of knowledge of technology of execution of rotary elements and their use in practice is an infallible remedy of acceleration of sports growth. Therefore, it is very important that together with physical development of young figure skaters, the growth of their technical skill and psychological readiness appear in a parallel with special knowledge. In the course of special theoretical training of athletes, the analysis of technology of execution of rotations is necessary.
1. Drawing on paper of an arch of entrance to rotation.
2. Examining of traces of the arches on ice left after execution of rotations of figure skaters of this group, their analysis and discussion.
3. Video viewing, the analysis and discussion of the executed rotations of the leading figure skaters.
4. Viewing of videos, analysis and discussion of
execution of rotations of figure skaters of the group.
5. Studying by athletes the bases of refereeing of rotary elements (determination of level of rotation and GOE).
6. Discussion of the executed rotations in competitive programs by athletes of this group, the analysis of level and quality of rotation.
7. Viewing of video of execution of rotations by the leading figure skaters in competitive programs, figure skaters put the level of rotation and estimate workmanship on a sheet of paper, with the subsequent explanation of the exposed level and an assessment of quality.
Here we would like to review improvement of technology of rotary elements execution.
1. It should be taken into account the ^alokhup" movement of the case, on entrance to rotation. For example, when calling on a top, at first there is a twisting of an upper body, then the free foot and a hand "catch up" with the case that allows accelerating rotation.
2. In each position of rotation there is an optimum position of the case, for the best workmanship. For reduction of force of resistance, it is necessary to accept more precisely as soon as
1. Medvedeva, I.M. Figure skating / I.M. Medvedeva // -Kiev, Olympic Literature, 1998. - 223 pp.
2. Mishin, A.N. Figure skating jumps / A.N. Mishin // - M.: Physical Culture and Sports, 1976. - 104 pp.
3. Urlova, O.N. Development of special coordination abilities in young figure skaters at the stage of
1. Медведева, И. М. Фигурное катание на коньках/ И. М. Медведева. - Киев : Олимпийская литература, 1998. - 223 с.
2. Мишин, А. Н. Прыжки в фигурном катании / А. Н. Мишин. - М. : Физкультура и спорт, 1976. - 104 с.
3. Урлова, О. Н. Развитие специальных координационных способностей у юных фигуристов на этапе
possible the demanded position after an entrance arch as the athlete sets a certain speed of rotation, but at the additional movements speed is lost that considerably influences an assessment of judges.
3. The technology of execution of an arch of entrance to rotation, technical performance of change of a foot in rotations with change of feet.
4. Sound leading consists in cleaning excess positions, which do not increase the level and workmanship, and worsen rotation speed. It is necessary to train an athlete to execute the necessary quantity of turns in each position and at the command of a trainer, on acceleration, depending on a position, by means of links of a body to change variations or situation.
To conclude all said above we would like to state that the technique of training of figure skaters in rotations has to be characterized by a wide range of the exercises, which are picked up according to regularities of positive transfer of training effect on competitive activity. At implementation of technical training to execution of rotations training takes place not only on an ice platform, but also in a hall with application of the bringing and imitating exercises.
preliminary preparation: the Dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.04 Khabarovsk, 2004. - 154 pp. 4. Ivanova, K.S., Volchkova, V.I. Methods of teaching rotation skater. «University sport: the health and prosperity of the nation." / Ivanova, K.S., Volchkova, V.I.// - Volga Region Academy. - Kazan, 23-24.04.2015.
предварительной подготовки : дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.04 / О. Н. Урлова. - Хабаровск, 2004. -154 c.
4. Иванова, К. С., Волчкова, В.И. Methods of teaching rotation skater. / К. С. Иванова, В. И. Волчкова // Университетский спорт: здоровье и процветание нации : мат. науч.-практич. конф. 23-24. Апреля 2015 г. - Казань : Поволжская академия ФКиС.
Иванова Ксения Семеновна (Ivanova Kseniya Semenovna) - аспирант кафедры теории и методики гимнастики и борьбы Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма; e-mail: ivan_ [email protected]
Волчкова Венера Ильдусовна (Volchkova Venera Ildusovna) - зав. кафедрой иностранных языков и языкознания, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма, [email protected]
Заячук Татьяна Владимировна (Zayachuk Tatiyana Vladimirovna) - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Поволжской государственной академии физической культуры, спорта и туризма, [email protected]