Научная статья на тему 'Methodology of ice-skaters’ technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement using short-track in the training process'

Methodology of ice-skaters’ technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement using short-track in the training process Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
speed skating / short-track / technique of running along the turn / special physical readiness of ice-skaters.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ekaterina A. Morozova

Speed skating nowadays undergoes a new wave of its development, connected with constant increase of sports results. Quick running speed increase among ice-skaters at all distances is the consequence of the training process effectiveness and optimization, conditioned by new means, methods and approaches of training use. An important question in the training process of ice-skaters organization remains the search for the optimal training means and methods of their use. Materials: The methodology creation of ice-skaters’ technical mastery and special physical training improvement, using short-track and experimental substantiation of its effectiveness. Research methods: literature sources on the problem of the research and current materials analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. At the first stage of the research the methodology of short-track application in the training process of ice-skaters was created. Two demands are important in the methodology: 1) concentration of the made efforts considerably exceeds the same indices in classical skates; 2) technical stereotype models competitive exercise – running along the standard track. At the second stage of the research experimental testing of the offered methodology was held. Ice-skaters, who use short-track in the training process, according to the test “flying lap” had higher indices of an individual coefficient of a step power and could develop higher speed in running the turn, which finally provided time of “flying lap” overcoming improvement. Conclusion. Short-track use in the training process of ice-skaters provides power of the step and the speed of running along the turn increase and it leads to speed of running increase in general along the distance. During technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement ice-skaters should include short-track into the training process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodology of ice-skaters’ technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement using short-track in the training process»

passing as the most favorable part for maximum speed development.


1. Anisimova E. A., Katenkov A.N. Movements control in sprint. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2013, Vol. 8, no 4, pp. 31-36. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/magazine/23 .html.

2. Anisimova E. A., Nazarenko L.D. Conceptual basis of sports training system effectiveness increase among qualified sportsmen. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2016, Vol. 11, no 2, pp. 7-15. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/560. html. DOI: 10.14526/01_1111_98.

3. Byuyul A., Tsefel P. SPSS: iskusstvo obrabotki informatsii. Analiz statisticheskikh dannykh i vosstanovlenie skrytykh zakonomernostei [SPSS: art of information handling. Statistical data handling and latent regularities rehabilitation]. Saint-Petersburg, Diasoft, Saint-Petersburg, 2001, 608 p.

4. Grets I. A. Sports records characteristics among men and women in the separate kinds of speed skating. Vestnik sportivnoi nauki [Sports science bulletin], Moscow, 2011. (in Russian).

Submitted: 11.05.2017 Received: 14.05.2017

5. Dyuk V. Obrabotka dannykh na PK v primerakh [Data handling at PC with the examples]. Saint-Petersburg, Piter, 1997, 240 p.

6. Masalgi, N. A., Medvedev A.S Mnogomernyi statisticheskii analiz v issledovaniyakh po fiziologii sporta [Multivariate statistical analysis in

physiology of sports research works]. Moscow, 1991, 35 p.

7. Morozova E. A. Factorial analysis of sports result components among the strongest ice-skaters of the World at 500 meters distance. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2017, Vol. 12, no 1, pp. 22- 28. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/722. html. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_178.

8. Panov, G. M Tendencies analysis in dynamics of world records in speed skating and the conclusions for the training methodology improvement / G. M. Panov, V. A. Chursin, L. F. Osadchenko // Modern tendencies in speed skating, short track and figure skating development. - Moscow : "S.Print", 1999. - P. 55-60.

9. Nazarenko L. The leading role of the educational aspect in the system of sports training improvement / L. Nazarenko, E. Anisimova // Proceedings of the IX International Academic Congress "Contemporary Science and Education in America, Africa and Eurasia" (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 18-20 August 2015). Volume III. "UFRJ Press", 2015. - 476-484p.

Ekaterina A. Morozova - post-graduate Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, Saint-Petersburg", 35, str. Dekabristov, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Morozova E.A. The dynamics of speed indices analysis among russian ice-skaters at 500 meters distance depending on age and qualification, The Russian journal ofphysical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 31-39.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_204



Ekaterina A. Morozova - post-graduate

Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, Saint-Petersburg", 35, str. Dekabristov, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Speed skating nowadays undergoes a new wave of its development, connected with constant increase of sports results. Quick running speed increase among ice-skaters at all distances is the consequence of the training process effectiveness and optimization, conditioned by new means, methods and approaches of training use. An important question in the training process of ice-skaters organization remains the search for the optimal training means and methods of their use. Materials: The methodology creation of ice-skaters' technical mastery and special physical training improvement, using short-track and experimental substantiation of its effectiveness. Research methods: literature sources on the problem of the research and current materials analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. At the first stage of the research the methodology of short-track application in the training process of ice-skaters was created. Two demands are important in the methodology: 1) concentration of the made efforts considerably exceeds the same indices in classical skates; 2) technical stereotype models competitive exercise - running along the standard track. At the second stage of the research experimental testing of the offered methodology was held. Iceskaters, who use short-track in the training process, according to the test "flying lap" had higher indices of an individual coefficient of a step power and could develop higher speed in running the turn, which finally provided time of "flying lap" overcoming improvement. Conclusion. Short-track use in the training process of ice-skaters provides power of the step and the speed of running along the turn increase and it leads to speed of running increase in general along the distance. During technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement ice-skaters should include short-track into the training process.

Keywords: speed skating, short-track, technique of running along the turn, special physical readiness of ice-skaters.

Introduction. Speed skating nowadays undergoes a new wave of its development, connected with constant increase of sports results. Quick running speed increase among ice-skaters at all distances is the consequence of the training process effectiveness and optimization, conditioned by new means, methods and approaches of training use [8].

Means of training in speed skating include all forms of sportsman's activity in the training process, mainly, physical exercises of general-preparatory, special- preparatory and specific character, which are necessary for the technique of the chosen kind of sport teaching and improvement and for the necessary motional skills development [5].

Speed skating demands developed speed-power qualities, as the technique of competitive exercise demands not only great

power, but also great speed of motional actions fulfillment.

The specialists in speed skating stated that power of a step increase and an optimal ratio of length and frequency of the steps [9] provide the increase of the running speed and their indices improvement is provided by the level of ice-skaters' physical and technical readiness increase. At the same time, it was stated that great importance for maximum possible results achievement has technical mastery in running the turn, which helps the ice-skater to gain maximum speed of running along the distance [7].

In this case an urgent question of iceskaters' training process organization stays searching for the optimal means of training and methods of their use.

Scientific-methodical literature

analysis showed that the main principle of the

exercises selection is in kinematic and dynamic similarity with skating: angles, angular speed, reactions of the support, force gradients, impulses of support reactions [9]. The principle of biomechanical similarity is in the fact that speed, tempo, weight of poundage in special and general-preparing exercises are chosen depending on kinematics and dynamics in joints in the competitive exercise. Thus, during training process organization the used means and methods should not only create the conditions for motional apparatus functioning, like competitive ones, but also should model the future record results [6]. At the same time, the problem of searching for the optimal means in training process of ice-skaters is an urgent problem nowadays, especially in terms of speed skating integration with the kinds of sport, such as short-track and rollerskating.

The examples of sportsmen, who were successful in the past and present in short-track and rollerskating, make sportsmen and trainers and also theorists and practitioners of speed skating think about their success and analyze the peculiarities of training, taking into account training for competitive activity in short-track or rollerskating.

That is why the aim of our research work is the methodology creation of technical mastery and ice-skaters' special physical readiness improvement using short-track and experimental substantiation of methodology effectiveness.

In order to achieve the set aim the following objectives were determined:

1. To create the methodology of short-track use in yearly cycle of ice-skaters.

2. Experimentally test created methodology.

Research methods and research organization. The following methods form the base of the research: literature sources on the problem of the research and current materials analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.

At the first stage of the research, on the basis of literature study about the question of the training process organization in short-track

and speed skating and the peculiarities of technical mastery improvement in short-tracking the methodology of ice-skaters' technical mastery improvement using short-track was created.

At the second stage of the research the pedagogical experiment was held during which 13-15 year-old ice-skaters, who have sports category master of sports, were divided into two groups - the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The respondents from the control group trained according to the recommendations of the program for sports schools with a standard load division in a yearly cycle. Their opponents from the experimental group included trainings at a short track with a full correspondence to short-track demands- necessary implements and equipment.

During the second stage pedagogical testing was held with the help of control exercises method. For special physical and technical readiness estimation popular in speed skating test "flying lap" was used, the essence of which is in distance overcoming, which is equal to one lap along the small track (without transfer) with gained beforehand speed, close to maximum speed. The results of testing were received by means of hand timing (general time of distance overcoming) and with the help of pulsometer with integrated GPS-navigator Garmin HRM-RUN.

Validity of differences was determined by means of parametric Student t-test for unrelated sampling.

Research results and their discussion.

At the first stage of the research the methodology of short-track application in the training process of ice-skaters was created. The main condition for a successful use of short-track will be an optimal ratio of the made efforts during turns running with less radius. Two demands are important in the methodology: 1) concentration of the made efforts considerably exceeds the same indices in classical skates; 2) technical stereotype models competitive exercise - running along the standard track. It will help to direct the training process to mastering the technics of a

turn running, paying great attention to the power of push-off increase, caused by opposition to centrifugal inertial forces, which influence a sportsman during the turn overcoming, by means of centripetal forces applying, created with the help of muscular activity and it will lead to length of a step increase and will increase the speed of the turn overcoming. The time of a step also increases owing to the power and duration of singlesupport push-off increase. Thus, during the training process a sportsman will constantly model competitive effort without excessive intensification of the training process.

The base of the offered methodology formed the regulations of "Speed skating" Federal standard (further-FSST(Federal Standard of Sports Training)), created by the Ministry of sports and tourism of the Russian Federation.

FSST states the ratio of the volumes of the training loads according to the kinds of training. The ratio of general physical training

(GPT) and special physical training (SPT) and sports training (ST) depending on the stage of sports training. At the age of 13-14 a sportsman makes first efforts at the stage of sports mastery improvement, that is why the volume of SPT and technical training will increase not only by means of relative worth of these kinds of training increase in percentage ratio, but also by means of general number of hours, which considerably increases at the stage of sports mastery improvement. That is why during the training process of 13-15 year-old ice-skaters' planning it is necessary to keep to the lower bound of the possible indices of SPT and technical training in percentage ratio.

On the basis of speed skating program for sports schools for children and teen-agers and specialized schools for children and teenagers [5] the following hours scheduling for SPT is recommended: 57,4% for special-preparing exercises ();34,4% for rollerblading; 8,45% for bending walking (picture 1).



Бег на



Пригибная ходьба

Специально-подготовительн ые упражнения

an of the group of sports improvement

Picture 1 - SPT means distribution in a yearly p (according to FSST program)

Бег на роликовых коньках- rollerblading Пригибная ходьба- bending walking

Специально-подготовительные упражнения- special-preparing exercises

Short-track introduction into the training process of ice-skaters leads to redistribution of SPT means ratio in the training process picture 2). The part of special-preparing imitating exercises decreased from 57,2% to 49,5%. Rollerblading takes 24% of general time, which is given for SPT in terms of yearly cycle. The volume of the training load in bending walking decreased from 8,4%

to 4,4%. The rest of the time- 22,1%, given for SPT, will be spent on the rink.

Бег на роликовых коньках Пригибная ходьба

Специально-подготовительные и иметационные упражнения Шорт-трек


Picture 2 - SPT means distribution in a yearly plan of 13-15 year-old ice-skaters using short-

Бег на роликовых коньках- rollerblading Пригибная ходьба- bending walking

Специально-подготовительные и имитационные упражнения- special-preparing and imitating exercises


The greatest volume of the training load in short-track is during the following months: June-July-August-September - 15-18 hours a month, as during this period special-preparing stage of the preparing period is held. The aim of this period is to increase the level of SPT among ice-skaters. While getting close to the main competitions of the season the accent transfers to special training, the number of hours at short-track gradually decreases and during competitive period is 4 hours a week. In March the number of hours increases -sportsmen need gradual transfer from sports form, for which gradual training loads decrease is necessary and a gradual transfer from special training to general physical training. In this case trainings on the rink with predominantly rehabilitation orientation will help to correct such an important moment in training iceskaters. During the transition period short-

track use is not recommended, as the main aim of this stage is rehabilitation after a difficult competitive activity during the season, including psychological tension removal, which was caused by great volume of loads and monotonous character of special training.

At the second stage of the research the results the offered methodology testing were discussed. For this purpose "flying lap" test was held, during which the following indices were registered (table 1):

- general time of the lap;

- average speed of the segment overcoming;

- speed of 100-meter segments overcoming;

- tempo of running along the turn.

On the basis of these indices the coefficient of the power of a step was calculated (CPS).

Table 1 - The results of "flying lap" test

Statistical indices Контрольная группа Экспериментальная группа

Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2

Average value 27,33 s 27,08 s 27,38 s 26,78 s

Standard deviation ±0,17 ±0,12 ±0,28 ±0,32

Increase 0,25 s 0,6 s

Increase (%) 0,92% 4,05%

As it is seen from the results, presented in table 1, the results of the respondents from the control and the experimental groups in test 1 (before the experiment) were almost equal. Ice-skaters from the control group fulfilled "flying lap" in the average in 27,33sec (±0,17), respondents from the experimental group in 27,38sec (±0,28). According to the results of testing in the control group the increase was

0,92%. The increase of the respondents from the experimental group was 4,05%.

The speed of 100-meters segments overcoming analysis according to principal components method helped to reveal, that 83,2% of total variance of sampling are determined by 2 components - speed of overcoming the 1st and the 2nd turns during the "flying lap" (table 2).

Component 1 Component 2

V0 0,466779 0,281974

V1 0,609133 0,0787586

V2 0,514081 -0,162034

V3 -0,20732 0,669062

V4 0,0214246 0,463618

For the characteristics of the speed of the turn running "coefficient of the power of a step" (specific speed of a step) was used, which is quotient of the running speed at a segment (V) by the number of steps (N). Table 3

presents the results of the individual coefficients of the steps in running along the turn among the respondents from the control and the experimental groups before and after the experiment.

Table 3 - Individual coefficients of the power of a step in running along the turn among the representatives of the control and the experimental groups_

№ of the respondent CONTROL GROUP

Test 1

Turn 1 Turn 2

V1, m/s N steps CPS V3, m/s N steps CPS

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Average value 13,14 16 0,83 14,31 15 0,95

Standard deviation ±0,27 ±0,04 ±0,32 ±0,07

Test 2

Average value 13,38 16 0,84 14,61 15 0,98

Standard deviation ±0,25 ±0,01 ±0,30 ±0,07

Increase 0,24 0,01 0,3 0,03

Increase (%) 1,79% 1,19% 2,05% 3,06%


Test 1

Average value 13,10 16 0,82 14,20 15,5 0,92

Standard deviation ±0,23 ±0,01 ±0,33 ±0,06

Test 2

Average value 13,35 14,6 0,91 15,20 13,8 1,10

Standard deviation ±0,29 ±0,07 ±0,66 ±0,06

Increase 0,25 0,09 1 0,18

Increase (%) 1,87% 9,89% 6,57% 16,36%

As it is seen from the results, presented in table 3, CPS in test 1 among sportsmen from the control group was 0,83 (±0,04) during the 1st turn overcoming and 0,95(±0,07) during the 2nd turn overcoming. According to the results of the second test CPS increased to 1,19% during the 1st turn overcoming and to 3,06% during the 2nd turn overcoming. CPS of the respondents from the experimental group was 0,81 (±0,01) during the 1st turn overcoming and 0,92 (±0,07) during the 2nd turn overcoming. It is necessary to mention that

these indices are inferior to the same results of the respondents from the control group, showed before the experiment. According to the results of the second test CPS increased to 9,89% during the 1st turn overcoming and to 16,36% - during the 2nd turn overcoming.

Validity of differences of the individual CPS in running along the turn among the representatives of the control and the experimental group was stated by means of Student t-test calculation for unrelated samplings. The received empirical value (t=6)

is within the area of interest, that is why the

validity of individual CPS differences among

the sportsmen from the control and the

experimental groups was stated (picture 3).

Picture 3 - Validity of individual CPS differences among the sportsmen from the control and the experimental group Результат-result Темп-temp

ось значимости- axis of interest зона значимости-area of interest

полученное эмпирическое значение t (6) находится в зоне значимости.- the received empirical value of t(6) is within the area of interest.

Conclusion. As a result of the held research the following conclusions can be made:

1. The success of the offered methodology of short-track use in the training process of ice-skaters includes the following demands:

- concentration of the made efforts considerably exceeds the same indices in classical skates;

- technical stereotype models competitive exercise - running along the standard track.

Short-track introduction into the training process of ice-skaters provides redistribution of special physical training means ratio in the training process according to the norms of the Federal standard in speed skating.

2. According to "flying lap" test considerable differences between the respondents from the control and the experimental groups were revealed. Iceskaters, who use short-track in the training process, according to "flying lap" test had

higher indices of an individual coefficient of the power of a step and could develop greater speed in running along the turn, which finally led to time of "flying lap" overcoming improvement.


1. Anisimova E. A., Katenkov A.N. Movements control in sprint. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2013, Vol. 8, no 4, pp. 31-36. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/magazine/23 .html.

2. Anisimova E. A., Nazarenko L.D. Conceptual basis of sports training system effectiveness increase among qualified sportsmen. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport], 2016, Vol. 11, no 2, pp. 7-15. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/560. html. DOI: 10.14526/01_1111_98.

3. Byuyul A., Tsefel P. SPSS: iskusstvo obrabotki informatsii. Analiz statisticheskikh dannykh i vosstanovlenie skrytykh zakonomernostei [SPSS: art of information handling. Statistical data handling and

latent regularities rehabilitation]. Saint-Petersburg, Diasoft, Saint-Petersburg, 2001, 608 p.

4. Grets I. A. Sports records characteristics among men and women in the separate kinds of speed skating. Vestnik sportivnoi nauki [Sports science bulletin], Moscow, 2011. (in Russian).

5. Dyuk V. Obrabotka dannykh na PK v primerakh [Data handling at PC with the examples]. Saint-Petersburg, Piter, 1997, 240 p.

6. Masalgi, N. A., Medvedev A.S Mnogomernyi statisticheskii analiz v issledovaniyakh po fiziologii sporta [Multivariate statistical analysis in

physiology of sports research works]. Moscow, 1991, 35 p.

7. Morozova E. A. Factorial analysis of sports result components among the strongest ice-skaters of the World at 500 meters distance. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoi kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological

Submitted: 11.05.2017 Received: 14.05.2017

problems of physical culture and sport], 2017, Vol. 12, no 1, pp. 22- 28. Available at: http://www.journal-science.org/ru/article/722. html. DOI


8. Panov, G. M Tendencies analysis in dynamics of world records in speed skating and the conclusions for the training methodology improvement / G. M. Panov, V. A. Chursin, L. F. Osadchenko // Modern tendencies in speed skating, short track and figure skating development. - Moscow : "S.Print", 1999. - P. 55-60.

9. Nazarenko L. The leading role of the educational aspect in the system of sports training improvement / L. Nazarenko, E. Anisimova // Proceedings of the IX International Academic Congress "Contemporary Science and Education in America, Africa and Eurasia" (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 18-20 August 2015). Volume III. "UFRJ Press", 2015. - 476-484p.

Ekaterina A. Morozova - post-graduate Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, Saint-Petersburg", 35, str. Dekabristov, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Morozova E.A. Methodology of ice-skaters' technical mastery and special physical readiness improvement using short-track in the training process, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 39-47.

DOI 10.14526/01_2017_205



(by the example of darts)

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova — doctor of pedagogics, professor Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 28, Nizametdinova str., Naberezhnye Chelny, 423806, Russia Yriy D. Ovchinnikov — candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Nadezhda A. Nazarenko — student Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, 161, Budenny str., Krasnodar, 350015, Russia E-mail: kzm [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Studying the course "Biomechanics of motor activities", students are faced with the need to understand the biomechanical characteristics of the different trajectories of the movements.

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