UDC 378.005
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Pikalova Elena Anatolievna
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Lomakina Yekaterina Alexandrovna
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk);
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается творческая коммуникативная компетентность магистров на основе рефлексии. Актуальность проведенного исследования состоит в том, что развитие творческого коммуникативного аспекта профессиональной компетентности магистрантов не обеспечивается существующей системой подготовки в рамках высшего учебного заведения. Целью данного исследования является выявление и обоснование эффективных путей развития творческой коммуникативной компетентности магистров на основе рефлексии. Были использованы методы теоретического анализа (сравнительно-сопоставительный); диагностические; экспериментальные (констатирующий). В соответствии с объектом и предметом исследования было сформулировано ряд задач, в которых изучалось и разрабатывалось понятийное представление о творческо-коммуникативной компетентности магистров; определялся уровень творческо-коммуникативной компетентности магистров на основе рефлексии. Особое внимание было уделено роли рефлексии, как психологическому основанию в становлении творческой коммуникативной компетентности студентов. Акцент был сделан на рефлексивном понимании своего «я» непосредственно в трудовой среде через профессиональное общение, которое в свою очередь является составляющей межличностного общения и формируется в ходе социально-психологических практик. Кроме того, с помощью констатирующего эксперимента удалось выделить актуальные для магистров комплексные коммуникативные умения являющиеся слагаемыми общей психологической рефлексивной настройки личности, формирующей творческую коммуникативную компетенцию.
Ключевые слова: магистранты, творческая коммуникативная компетентность, рефлексивный подход, рефлексивно-образовательная деятельность, социально-психологическая подготовка.
Annotation. The article deals with the master students' creative communicative competence development based on the reflective approach. The relevance of the study is that the development of the creative communicative aspect of the professional competence of future specialists is not provided by the existing system of training within the framework of a higher educational institution. The development of professional competence assumes the active reflection of the subject. It should be noted that the research for the practical ways to use analyzed pattern to improve the professional competence communicative aspect is not covered in pedagogical practice to full extend and requires further consideration. The aim of this paper is to identify and substantiate effective ways of developing technical specialty master students' creative communicative competence on the reflective approach. The research work was considered within the framework of the following methods: theoretical analysis (comparative), diagnostic, experimental (ascertaining). In accordance with the object and subject of the study, a number of tasks were formulated and the conceptual idea of the technical specialty master students' creative communicative competence was studied and developed; the level of the technical specialty master students' creative communicative competence was determined on the reflective approach. Special attention was paid to the role of reflection as a psychological basis in the development of creative communicative competence of master students. The emphasis was placed on the masters' reflective understanding of their personal potential in the working environment through professional communication, a component of interpersonal communication and is formed in the course of socio-psychological practice. By means of the ascertaining experiment, it was possible to identify complex communication skills that are relevant for master students, which are components of the general psychological reflective adjustment of the personality that forms creative communicative competence.
Key words: master students, creative communicative competence, educational reflective-activity, reflection approach, socio-psychological training.
Introduction. In terms of cardinal shift and big changes in orientation within the whole training system and high professional education as its quite an essential part and in the course of the digital epoch and pervasive Internet use there comes a real urgency to make a reconsideration on many aspects of the teaching process as it is. The professional competency indicators of the master students within various technical university specialties acquire some new substance and reassessment [16]. The level of creative communicative competence as one of such indicators receives special significance is of particular consequence in connection with new educative tasks that are in demand.
The main one is to get the future specialist prepared to create one's life in new forms of cultural reality, to grow one's essential qualities for creative self-realization in conditions of the changing society. The most essential qualities for a present situation appeared the ones that lost their importance in recent times but at the same time turning out to be the needed ones for a young specialist in order to make a successful career among them there is an ability to communicate on-line/ off-line, to cooperate to understand oneself and the others.
Thus, the communicative abilities of any person make it possible for human beings to possess the internal and external harmony with the whole world outside. Still the high educative establishments do not pay much attention to the communicative practice of their master students. The present training system of the high institution does not offer the elaboration on creative communicative aspect of the professional competence for future specialists instead being much more oriented on the substantive aspects of master students' activity than on socio-psychological ones.
At present there is quite a big stock of knowledge upon setting and considering the issue about forming the creative communicative competency for master students of technical specialties.
The theoretical and methodological foundation of this research is composed on the dialectical idea of the universal and the singular as a basic element in the development of professional competence: the ability to convert knowledge, to put skills and abilities into practice, to take action, to have hard skills that can be clearly demonstrated; besides there are also the personal approach: the attitude toward the person as a personality, the understanding that he or she has individual qualities. A teacher who uses this methodology in his work understands that each of his students has his own thoughts, views, dreams and interests (B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Mudrik, V.A. Slastenin), and activity-related approach: the essence of the activity-based approach to learning consists in directing all pedagogical measures toward organizing intensive, constantly complicating activities, because only through their own activities does a person learn science and culture, ways of knowing and transforming the world, forms and improves
personal qualities (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein and etc.) that predict in a way the necessity to relate the future specialist as a self-reflective subject who is capable to work out the ability to think and act professionally and to solve competently the tasks which are defined by the federal state standard of high education [2; 10; 14; 6; 13].
The research results on the psychological specifics of the communication as it is are to be considered in the works by B.G. Ananyev, A.N. Leontiev, etc. [2, 6].
The reflective-humanitarian concept launches new trends in the advanced methods on the professional competence (N.G. Alekseev, V.V. Davydov, S.Yu. Stepanov, etc.) [1, 3, 15]. The core sense of the concept is to make some safe and creative methods for mutual interactions, growth and self-realization on the base of practical collaboration and refection inspired within the technical specialty master students of the artistic event.
Materials and Methods. Analyzing the preliminary assessment on the issue of forming the creative communicative aspect of the technical specialties master students' professional competence it is quite urgent to remark most scientists point at the objective link between the reflective action of a specialist and the process of becoming a professional one for a person: that is the growth of one's professional competence means the person's active reflective self-work. A special aspect in the problem under study is that the ability of technical specialty master students to reflect should be included among the general academic skills obligatory for mastering by students of the higher school. However, at present, despite the long-standing discussion of the category of reflection in philosophical and psycho-pedagogical literature, there is a lack of scientific and practical knowledge about the methods and techniques of developing the reflection in students of a higher educational establishment [5; 9]. Thus, the search for practical use of such a logic pattern for improvement of a communicative aspect of the professional competency has not received the complete observation and requires some further consideration.
In the course of the work there have been identified the aim, the object, the subject matter. The aim of the study is the search and grounding for efficient ways in order to grow resourceful competence for master students on the reflection basis. The object of the research is resourceful communicative aspect of the professional competence [7].
The subject matter of the study is formation of resourceful communicative competence for master students as the reflection subjects. According to the aim of the study there have been set the following tasks: to define the essence of the resourceful communicative competence for master students in theory and practice of the training process; identify the effective forms for developing the master-students' resourceful communicative competence on the reflection-innovative activity; check the level of resourceful communicative competence formation on the reflective process.
The following methods were used in order to carry out the tasks of the research:
1. Methods of the theoretical analysis (comparative).
2. Diagnostic methods (testing, self-estimation and summary of certain characteristics).
3. Experimental Method (ascertaining).
The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature helped to describe the meaning of the category - «creative communicative competence».
Creative communicative competence of master-students offers them the information on purposes, the essence, the structure, the means and peculiarities of professional communication (communicative knowledge); presents the possibility to acquire the communicative tools (communicative skills and abilities); improves the individual-psychological traits having the aim to realize the importance of efficient professional communication and need to develop the communicative side of the professional interacting (communicative orientation) and the option to look for non-standard resourceful way to solve communicative tasks rising in the course of the communicative process (communicative creativity). Communicative competence of master students is formed in practical, lecture and laboratory classes, where the communicative tasks play the leading role. Communicative task or educational reflective-activity situation of communicative interaction has the following functions:
- Instructional, i.e. aimed at acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as mastering a complex of professional competencies;
- motivational and stimulating, which is designed to motivate and stimulate the learning process; have a positive impact on personal sphere of the technical specialty master students; develop thinking processes, stimulate creative activity;
- orientation, which is designed to develop skills to orientation skills in a specific situation and forming the ability to verbal and nonverbal means of communication;
- compensatory, which is designed to compensate for gaps in of practical activities available to the technical specialty master students, as well as designed to to bring learning activities closer to the conditions of real life.
Summarizing all of the above mentioned, in our work we consider the development of creative communicative competence as a process of creative change of professionally significant the technical specialty master students' qualities as a result of their conscious purposeful activity, which provides positive changes in professional communication [11; 12].
Reflection is being one of the basic notions of the technical specialty master students' work, thus, we have been examining the essence of reflection, its role in raising the master's professional excellence and its influence on the formation of resourceful communicative competence. In this way, the technical specialty master students' reflection is being examined as the inner psychological activity aimed at one's conscious vision of one's individual self or "personal potential" being actualized in both professional field and communication. Therefore, the individual psychological basis for formation of the creative communicative competence is the reflection of the technical specialty master students. Besides, reflection also performs other functions for example as an essential part that belong to a whole process of the interpersonal communication and as a principal form organizing some collective activity for the technical specialty master students' within the socio-psychological training.
Results. The study took place on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University». The experiment covered 140 students of this university. The study was conducted from 2019 to 2021.
The stating experiment results show that most of the technical specialty master students (42,4%) do not possess the appropriate communicative competence hence the students execute the communication process quite poorly.
The research done on masters 'attitude towards development of resourceful competency on the reflection approach prove that the broad majority of the technical specialty master students (97,2% of the respondents) is interested in the improvement of this aspect.
The survey made on the spontaneous views on the technical specialty master students' creative competency confirm the most of the technical specialty master students (76% of the respondents) limit the contents of the notion to the operational component of the communicative process minding only the diverse communicative skills.
Twelve percent of the respondents link professional competence to the knowledge about communication and only 7,4% of the technical specialty master students note that the competence of a future specialist integrate knowledge skills and personal qualities.
Besides the stating experiment allowed defining multipart creative communicative abilities:
- To understand the partner or counter partner within the communication (In the process of communication it is necessary to understand the goals and motives of the behavior of the communication partner, his experiences, attitudes, states, expectations, existing fears. This understanding is carried out in two ways: through the analysis of operationally current information about individual actions and mental states of the partner and through the reflection of his stable properties of personality (emotional, volitional, and intellectual). Skillful use of both ways provides an objective characteristic of the partner on communication).
- To express adequately one's own opinion in the course of a communicative process (a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people and groups, generated by the needs of joint activity and including at least three different processes: communication (exchange of information), Interaction (exchange of actions), and Social Perception (perception and understanding of a partner). Human activity is impossible outside of communication).
- To manage and even influence one's personal emotional state (controlling one's emotional state is essential to making correct and considered decisions. For the most effective work it is very important to be involved in the process of understanding the nature of emotions, which implies developed emotional thinking, the ability to recognize emotions, to analyze them and, finally, to manage them. Of course, learning to control one's emotional state in a few hours is impossible [17].
Tasks and purposes of the socio-psychological training quite relevantly show various aspects of the skills and abilities gained by the group technical specialty master students. For example, the purposes linked to communicative skills upgrading include:
• Formation of an ability to communicate efficiently with people for group technical specialty master students;
• Overcoming the stereotypes as to the human communication and perception caused by professional, social, and age factors;
• Mastering the socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical knowledge in communication and formation of skills to use this knowledge effectively and practically.
The purposes on the personal growth and development are:
1. Growing an ability to find adequately oneself and other people.
2. Conquering the lack of belief in one's own inner strength.
3. Searching for ways of self-development by learning the proper means for self-expression in the communicative area.
Discussion. The socio-psychological training is meant to be some psychological practice based on methods of active socio-
psychological teaching. In the course of the socio-psychological training, the technical specialty master students acquire some certain socio-psychological knowledge; correct one's own behavior, form skills of person-to-person contact impact and develop reflection abilities. It must be noted that the socio-psychological training is not only a practice based on active methods, but also a form of psychological work designed to promote self-knowledge, the disclosure of personality potential, the formation of its integrity on the basis of group interaction and special exercises. The article deals with the problems of effectiveness of socio-psychological training as a group psycho-corrective work on the courses to improve the skills of the technical specialty master students.
The general purpose is to develop a competency in a sphere of communication; depending on the prior task it may acquire different forms:
1. Growing and special communicative skills (ability to make a business talk, solve person-to-person conflicts and so on).
2. Expansion of experience on the communicative situation analysis.
3. Raising an ability to perceive oneself and others sufficiently.
In the course of the socio-psychological training there have been highlighted several most effective methods - an «intellectual warming up», a «Socrates conversation», a «round table/negotiation talk», a «retreat», a «business role play», and workshop forms:
• Making a mini group inside the whole training group.
• Building a self-work within the group.
• Individual consulting.
The technical specialty master students' competence is supposed to be a future professional's extensive quality, which is linked to certain personal characteristics, creative talents, theoretical awareness, a practical gift in a sphere of professional communication; thus, it should not be evaluated by just one information source. Due to this idea when watching the technical specialty master students' activity in the experimental part of the research there were used test and questionnaire methods in order to identify the level of the technical specialty master students' communicative competency. In the course of the experiment on the development of technical specialty master students' creative communicative competence when comparing the technical specialty master students of the experimental groups on the change in the technical specialty master students' interest in communication in the process of reflection showed that when assessing the level of interest in the development of communication skills at the end of the experiment showed that when implementing the reflection approach in technical specialty master students significantly increased the motivational component of communicative competence [8].
The data of the ascertaining stage of the experiment allowed us to formulate a general conclusion: the data obtained prove that the problem we are considering is relevant and requires a solution. The real level of the technical specialty master students' resourceful competency is compiled out of data integrated from different sources. Basing on the general assessment there were distinguished the groups with low medium and high level of communicative competency.
Conclusion. The relevance of the problem under research is caused by changes in various areas of society life and alterations in high professional education during last two years, also by quite a significant raise on requirements to master's personality and professional activity and lack of the research done in this field of study.
The work on the research tasks clams for definition for the notion "master's resourceful communicative competence". We consider master's communicative competence as a professionally significant, integrative personal quality that includes communicative knowledge, skills and abilities; communicative intention and communicative resourcefulness giving as a complex effective professional communicative interaction.
The reflection approach towards master's communicative competency helps to identify one own self as an initiator and executer of communication, pick up main difficulties of communicative activity and overcome them by one's own experience, learn effective communicative means and launch new methods in order to solve communicative tasks.
The technical specialty master students' reflection is regarded as a personal process of rethinking and restructuring of one's own consciousness and activity being one's own individual psychological ground for developing one's own communicative competency. In the work, it was found out that the most effective ways for developing master's resourceful communicative competence on the reflection base are diverse methods of social-psychological training: "smart start", "Socrates talk", "round table", "outdoor seminar", "role game" and "business game".
Thus, the theoretical analysis and experimental confirm the existence of the problem. Based on the obtained results, we can conclude about the prospects for further work on the formation of creative communicative competence of masters on the reflection approach.
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УДК 372:016.53
кандидат педагогических наук, заместитель начальника
кафедры общевоенных дисциплин Пирогланов Шамсуддин Шахретович
Краснодарское высшее военное авиационное училище лётчиков имени Героя Советского Союза Анатолия Константиновича Серова (г. Краснодар); кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры общевоенных дисциплин Скляров Владимир Петрович Краснодарское высшее военное авиационное училище лётчиков имени Героя Советского Союза Анатолия Константиновича Серова (г. Краснодар); кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры общевоенных дисциплин Анцупов Игорь Сергеевич Краснодарское высшее военное авиационное училище лётчиков имени Героя Советского Союза Анатолия Константиновича Серова (г. Краснодар)
Аннотация. В данной статье представлены обобщенные данные, характеризующие такую актуальную проблему рассмотрения цифровых технологий, открывающих колоссальные возможности для реализации индивидуальных образовательных траекторий. Авторы статьи убеждены, что индивидуальная траектория образования становится уникальной, т.к. она строится в ходе непрерывного обучения человека в течение всей жизни. Качественным ответом на вызовы современной трансформации образования являются конкуренция за вовлеченность и сопричастность. Одной из приоритетных задач остается формирование умения преподавателя вовлекать студентов в процесс обучения и совместного действия независимо от используемого формата педагогического процесса. Сегодня также необходим гибкий подход к построению образовательных программ, при этом рынок настойчиво транслирует потребность в сотрудниках, обладающих надпрофессиональными навыками. При этом классическая система образования сегодня зачастую не успевает за изменениями и потребностями реального рынка труда, не включает в себя новые формы и запросы на обучение, что обусловливает запрос на инновационные технологии в образовании. Такой фактор как гибкость может повысить устойчивость системы образования. Чем более гибкими будут способы обучения, тем более легко системы образования смогут адаптироваться к новым вызовам. Также серьезную роль современные исследователи, занимающиеся исследованием проблем и опыта цифровой трансформации образования, отводят персонализации. Она в режиме реального времени позволяет не только выстраивать заданную индивидуальную траекторию, но и корректировать ее систематически, учитывая персональный темп освоения знаний.
Ключевые слова: цифровые технологии, индивидуальная образовательная траектория, гибкое обучение, адаптивное обучение, персонализированное обучение, учебный контент, надпрофессиональные навыки, микрообучение, самообучение.
Annotation. This article presents generalized data characterizing such an urgent problem of considering digital technologies that open up enormous opportunities for the implementation of individual educational trajectories. The authors of the article are convinced that the individual trajectory of education becomes unique, because it is built in the course of continuous human learning throughout life. A qualitative response to the challenges of modern transformation of education is competition for involvement and ownership. One of the priority tasks remains the formation of the teacher's ability to involve students in the learning process and joint action, regardless of the format of the pedagogical process used. Today, a flexible approach to the construction of educational programs is also needed, while the market persistently translates the need for employees with supra-professional skills. At the same