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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Turan-Astana University, Nagymzhanova Karakat Mukashovna, Vlasova Nina Vasilyevna, Nurakenova Ainur Kaltaikyzy

The article discusses the formation of speech activity, as one of the key competencies that realize the ability and desire to learn, as the basis for the training of future psychologists. An analysis is made of the conditions of communication as a form of activity, from the position of a personality-activity approach. The most significant communication situations arising in the learning process are considered. Also noted are the styles and functions of communication used in teaching activities. The article also notes the methods by which the development of communicative competencies is stimulated. The pedagogical aspect of the development of communicative competencies is considered, and their significance in the development of the professional competence of a psychologist. Particular attention is paid to the use of the basic functions of speech activity in professional activities.

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Nagymzhanova Karakat Mukashovna

DPS, professor of Pedagogy and Psychology department of Turan-Astana University, Nur-Sultan city.

Vlasova Nina Vasilyevna senior lecturer of Turan-Astana University, Nur-Sultan city.

Nurakenova Ainur Kaltaikyzy

Master student of Turan-Astana University, Nur-Sultan city.

Abstract. The article discusses the formation of speech activity, as one of the key competencies that realize the ability and desire to learn, as the basis for the training of future psychologists. An analysis is made of the conditions of communication as a form of activity, from the position of a personality-activity approach. The most significant communication situations arising in the learning process are considered. Also noted are the styles and functions of communication used in teaching activities. The article also notes the methods by which the development of communicative competencies is stimulated. The pedagogical aspect of the development of communicative competencies is considered, and their significance in the development of the professional competence of a psychologist. Particular attention is paid to the use of the basic functions of speech activity in professional activities.

Key words: speech activity, communicative competencies, means of communication.

Human development occurs in the process of mastering the socio-historical experience accumulated by mankind [1]. This experience is mastered in the process of communication, during which there is an exchange of information, the accumulation of knowledge. During communication, people interact with each other, establish

various contacts. Interaction between people is carried out through the language, various systems of signs that make up speech activity. Speech activity is the main activity that underlies the development of personality [2].

The need for communication is one of the main tasks in human life. Entering into interaction with others, a person communicates information about himself, receives in return information that interests him, analyzes and plans his activities, and realizes his goals. The effectiveness of this activity often depends on the quality of the exchange of information and the means of communication used. At the same time, the effectiveness of the activity is ensured by the presence of the necessary and sufficient communicative experience of the subjects of communication [3].

At the present stage, a very important task of pedagogical theory and practice is the selection of adequate teaching technologies to determine individual and educational strategies. State compulsory education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan provide, as the expected result of training, along with professional competence, to form the skills of managing information and communication competence [4].

The formation of students 'speech activity, as readiness for their professional activities in the specialty" Psychology ", involves the creation of a speech competency model that makes it easy to find contact with your clients.

The theoretical and methodological basis for the development of speech activity is a competency-based and personal-activity approach that meets the goals and objectives of training future specialists.

The result of vocational education is the mastery of key competencies, allowing to assess the level of personal and professional development of a specialist. As some authors note, there are five main potentials that a young specialist should possess. This is a cognitive, moral, creative, communicative and aesthetic potential that sets the focus on the process of personality development Kagan M.S. [5].

However, experience shows that we often encounter a situation where young professionals experience difficulties in finding employment and adapting to their professional activities. The main reason is the problems with insufficient mastery of professional competencies, unformed communication skills, inability to conduct dialogue in their activities.

Analyzing some scientific sources, it was noted that the concept of competence is widely used in determining the ability to perform a certain type of professional activity, especially in the field of linguistics (O.E. Lomakina). From a psychological point of view, we are talking about competence as a psychological neoplasm of a person [6].

Psychological neoplasms are formed in the process of interaction of people in the process of activity. The problem of communication and speech activity is based on theoretical and methodological foundations of a general theory of activity.

In psychology, activity is defined as a form of active purposeful interaction of a person with the surrounding world and is a source of human personality development. According to Ananiev B.G., a person is the effect of the convergence of such important activities as communication, knowledge and work [7].

Based on the importance of these types of activities in the formation of communication skills for young professionals, it should be noted that the pedagogical process is the environment where the foundations of the communicative competence necessary in professional activities are laid.

Communicative competence organically enters into any activity of people, takes part in its construction, in its organization. It is precisely communicative competence that determines the range of issues in which a person is well aware.

As experience shows, communicative competence allows us to determine all the variety of issues that we face in our pedagogical activities.

This relates to the use of diverse means of oral and written communication in various languages to solve their problems in specific life situations.

The effectiveness of communication to a large extent also depends on the ability to select and use various styles and genres that are adequate for solving communicative problems. This helps to express their point of view in accordance with the content of etiquette etiquette.

The modern social environment creates the conditions for the realization of a person, but it requires that people communicate effectively, successfully interact with each other, actively exchange information and, as a result, increase their cognitive level. In any activity, you must own the appropriate vocabulary, all the symbolic systems included in this activity.

Modern university education makes high demands on speech competence, future specialists who are able to properly structure their speech, transmit the necessary information, which should be available for perception to interlocutors. Our pedagogical search was aimed at solving the problems of successful socialization as future specialists in the field of humanistic interaction with people.

We are faced with the task of increasing speech competence in the process of training specialists in the field of psychology. The construction of speech activity is, in part, a pedagogical problem, which determines the need to consider the conditions for the development of speech activity in the learning process. A special place is also given to the task in the development of communicative activity, the formation of productive interaction skills, with interlocutors, adherents of other points of view, positions, entering into dialogue dialogue, resolving conflict situations.

Future specialists need to be trained to build communication in a group with people who are in different positions to get a common result.

It is in communication that the process of cognizing and connecting a person to various types of activity takes place, because the transfer of any information can be carried out only in communication.

In pedagogical literature, the question of speech activity is developed mainly in terms of the development of speech, speech communication, and oral mastery, which are solved on the basis of the principle of the existing connection between language and cognitive processes. However, the problem of speech activity has the status of an independent phenomenon, although it is included in any type of student activity (here we mean the student's personality). After all, there are many options for verbal communication between the teacher and students, which put them in an active position in the learning process [8].

The substantive basis of speech activity: the perception of the interlocutor's speech, which should be adequate. The expression of the content of speech, requires certain speech skills, which is especially valuable for the formation of the personality of the student, its impact on others. The transformative nature of speech occupies a special place in the pedagogical process. In the pedagogical process, speech activity is defined as a set of processes of perception, expression and influence, providing cognition and communication, contributing to the manifestation of the relations of students as subjects of activity that determine their position. In a broad sense, speech activity is a form of human activity that penetrates into his lifestyle, behavior, and into any activity through communication.

Communication, or how often we use the term communication, is a form of activity carried out between people as equal partners and leading to the emergence of psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of new information, mutual influence and understanding. [9].

We did a test examination of the level of development of speech skills in 1st, 2nd and 4th year students. We considered the criteria for evaluating speech skills to be the answers of students in practical classes that differ in logic, content, expressiveness, adequacy of expression of thought, literacy of statements, presence of contact, ability to act on others. Such indicators contribute to the satisfaction of verbal communication in the pedagogical process.

However, in the process of communicating with students, we encountered a situation that impedes the process of verbal communication. We attributed them to such qualities as inability to express one' s thoughts, unwillingness to speak in class, lack of proper speech practice, lack of filling up with subject terminological apparatus.

In our practice of working with students, we have identified certain reasons that contribute to reducing the desire to speak out. Most often, we are faced with such phenomena as poor vocabulary, poor literacy, narrow horizons, inability to express our thoughts, the difficulty of choosing words and necessary phrases.

Thus, a vicious circle is obtained when those students who have difficulty communicating, because of their isolation, become even more self-conscious and do not train "their instrument of communication and generalization". This in turn affects student performance. It turns out that even good teachers, as a rule, due to some limited conditions during the survey, cannot always create a certain speech practice not only for weak, but even for strong learners. This primarily concerns the requirements to conduct a final control of students' knowledge through testing. Used in the learning process of the testing method to test knowledge through the answers to several options of ready-made answers, the range of opportunities for the development of speech activity is becoming increasingly limited. And it turns out that, due to the lack of speech skills, weak students find themselves lagging behind in many academic disciplines, sit in practice, remain silent, and enter into life without a special "gift of speech", without becoming "Cicero".

Inability to express one's thoughts, unwillingness to speak in practical classes, lack of proper speech practice leads to a decrease in the level of communication with teachers and adults. The need for communication is filled by conversations with peers, often far from corresponding in the level of high cultural speech.

Students in the communication process are often content with speech scraps, special jargon, in which they recognize "special chic." Here deafness arises to one's speech, speech sloppiness, clogged speech with slang words that are first flaunted, and then they become constant companions of a person. Of course, many of our students are trying to eliminate speech negligence, but the most sensitive years of life have already been lost for this, "inability to speak," the habit of sloppy speech is already becoming the norm. That is why the attention of every teacher to the students 'speech activity is so important.

Most often, in the process of training and development of speech activity, it was understood that the main burden on the formation of the entire system of speech skills is borne by linguists or teachers of foreign languages. However, speech activity cannot be reduced only to linguistics. Teaching to penetrate the word, to cultivate speech sensitivity is the primary task of any teacher - subject, since the word is an instrument of a deep and subtle process of cognition and expression of knowledge of any student. Work on the development of speech, on speech culture is the most important pedagogical task in the process of teaching all disciplines, and especially psychological orientation.

To use speech activity in the educational process as a pedagogical value - this is necessary for each and every teacher, because the development of cognitive activity and communication is associated with the development of speech activity, they are interdependent. Much depends on the teacher's understanding of the tasks of organizing speech activity, both of his own and that of students, both in improving the educational process, in educating the general culture of the student, and in the formation of his personality formations.

Each teacher needs to consider the organization of speech activity in the educational process as his direct deed, one of the main tasks of forming communicative competencies. The effectiveness of the formation of communicative competencies in the communication process can be achieved through the use of a personality-activity approach.

As in any activity, in the process of communication there should be performers of this activity - subjects of communication. The product of communication, the result is knowledge, psychological formations created as a result of communication. Therefore, in the work of students on the formation of speech activity and communicative competencies, teachers we adhere to the requirements.

During the training of students, we work on improving speech skills, on speech activity as a means of multivalued expression of ideas, thoughts, feelings, feelings, relationships, as a means of influencing others, transforming our own motivations and actions.

In practical classes, during communication in the learning process, in everyday life, the requirements for speech are presented as a standard of communication that must be observed. When organizing the independent work of students, we contribute to the formation of their subjective position, which they must express verbally.

An effective way to develop speech activity is to create various problematic situations through the formulation of well-thought-out questions, prompting them to answer thoughts.

In the learning process, we comprehensively study, direct and correct speech activity, with its help determine the degree of development of their knowledge, cognitive processes, relationships in the group.

In the educational process, a systematic struggle is being conducted with situations of speech activity that negatively affect speech culture, with affirmative statements, instead of a detailed answer. The speech culture of students in educational disciplines is constantly being improved through compliance with the requirements for detailed answers and expression of thought.

In the improvement of speech activity we use the creation of targeted situations for the maximum manifestation of all its capabilities, especially professional orientation.

Many speech situations induce students' thought processes, their emotions, imagination, make them express well what they understand, study, stimulate speech activity, reveal the possibilities of students, create an atmosphere of relaxed relationships, even greater trust and location between the subjects of the educational process, and require feasible independence of thinking.

The most significant communication situations are those that allow you to more thoroughly penetrate the process of cognition with the help of speech activity and develop cognitive processes.

Thus, in conclusion, we can conclude that the main conditions for the development of speech activity are systematic work with students in the educational process, which enriches their speech experience. The methodological level of this activity is the competence and personality-activity approaches, as well as the patterns of formation of speech activity skills.


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