3. Понимать выявление киберугроз и способы борьбы с ними как определенный вид культуры.
4. Совершенствовать практические умения и способности к противодействию киберугрозам.
Исходя из указанных задач, мы можем указать, что по окончанию программы спецкурса студент должен:
1. Получить познания:
- об основных понятиях киберугроз;
- о различных классификациях угроз в киберпространстве и способах борьбы с ними;
- о возможностях кибератак среди киберпреступников.
2. Получить умения и навыки:
- выявления различных видов киберугроз;
- борьбы с угрозами в киберпространстве.
Таким образом, спецкурс - необходимое условие, в процессе которого у студентов должна активизироваться деятельность по формированию культуры кибербезопасности.
Выводы. Исходя из вышеперечисленных организационно-педагогических условий (создание информационно-насыщенной среды, включение активных методов в систему учебных занятий междисциплинарного характера и реализация программы спецкурса), мы приходим к одной из наиболее важных составляющих будущего выпускника колледжа -овладение профессиональными компетенциями. Основой ее овладения является формирование необходимой культуры.
1. Никифоров Н.В России нужно формировать культуру кибербезопастности [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://ria.ru/20170630/1497605019.html https://tass.ru/ekonomika/4272099 (дата обращения: 03.03.2020).
2. Лавриненко Н.А. Педагогический потенциал курса "Информационная культура" и условия повышения его эффективности: дис. ... канд. пед. наук / Н.А. Лавриненко. - Краснодар, 2004. - 186 с.
3. Концепция информатизации сферы образования Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://pandia.ru/text/77/305/24712-3.php (дата обращения: 28.09.1993).
4. Mikhailova U.V., Saigushev N.Ya., Vedeneeva O.A., Tsaran A.A. Information systems at enterprise. design of secure network of enterprise // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. International Conference Information Technologies in Business and Industry 2018 - Enterprise Information Systems. - 2018. - С. 042054.
UDC 378.172
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor Gasanenko Elena Aleksandrovna
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk); candidate of Philological Sciences, assistant professor Dyorina Natalja Vladimirovna
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University" (Magnitogorsk)
Annotation. The article considers actual directions of communicative skills teaching to technical university students in the course of the English language discipline as one of the professional image components. The authors consider the interaction between socially significant and personal qualities of technical university students and general professional competences of future specialists, within the framework of future specialist's image formation in the course of English communication. The scientific paper analyzes the main approaches to communicative competence formation, describes in detail the system components of communicative competence and the ways of their formation. The results of the study confirm the important role of mastering this competence in the process of the technical university students' professional image formation.
Keywords: communication skills, technical university student, professional image, general professional competences, technical university, professional English language.
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются актуальные направления обучения коммуникативным навыкам студентов технического вуза в курсе дисциплины английский язык как одного из компонентов профессионального имиджа. Авторами рассматривается взаимосвязь между социально значимыми и личностными качествами студентов технического вуза и общепрофессиональными компетенциями будущих специалистов, в рамках формирования имиджа будущего специалиста при общении на английском языке. В работе проведен анализ основных подходов к формированию коммуникативной компетенции, подробно описаны системные компоненты коммуникативной компетенции и способы их формирования. Результаты исследования подтверждают важную роль владения данной компетенцией в процессе работы над профессиональным имиджем студентов технического вуза.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативные навыки, студент технического вуза, профессиональный имидж, общепрофессиональные компетенции, технический вуз, английский язык в профессиональной деятельности.
Introduction. Modern Russian society forms high quality standards for the technical universities students' training, aimed not only at the quality of professional training of graduates, but also at increasing their competitiveness due to the high level of culture and professional image. Education is an important part of culture, and its humanization at a technical university presupposes the integration of natural and humanitarian education, aimed at the personal and professional development of students, expanding their horizons and successful self-realization. Technical university students must have a successfully formed level of professional culture, personal and professional image in order to design models of their communication competence in the course of English speaking interaction. However, at present, in the framework of professional training, this issue is not given enough scientific attention [9].
The purpose of the article. The purpose of this research work is to review analytically, identify and implement topical areas of teaching communication skills to students of technical universities in the course of English as one of the components of professional image, as well as a description of factors influencing the implementation of communication skills by students of technical universities as part of the process of forming a professional image.
Presentation of the main material of the article. In modern conditions of international cooperation, technical universities need to prepare competitively capable specialists who are ready to occupy their niche at the international level. In accordance with this problem, technical university students must fully possess communication skills in professional English courses, which occupy an important place in the process of a future specialist training. It is known that English is the main language for the implementation of the communication skills of participants in international collaborations.
The conducted research revealed different ways of mastering the professional English proficiency program at a high level, which contributes to the formation of a positive professional image of a technical university student. The formation of one of the components of professional image, namely, communicative skills is a necessary condition for the successful training of the future world-class specialist. Today, the spoken language in a technical university is put on the agenda for the future employment of a technical university student. English is the professional language of communication between the participants of international labor communication. Recently research groups of leading Russian research and technical universities have been working on universal approaches to establishing basic professional standards in the field of professional English and trying to implement them in all institutes and departments that train future technical specialists [2].
In addition, it should be noted that all the standards worked for about half a century and were used quite successfully. In recent decades, however, the need to develop communication skills is particularly acute, and the situation has changed. The big problem seems to be the implementation of new standards of communication in English due to the variety of professional tasks of a technical specialist and the specification of training standards in different higher education institutions.
Today, the English and professional English programs are aimed at improving communication skills and professional speech skills in accordance with international requirements for a specialist in the technical field. The teaching process emphasizes communicative methods of teaching English. Taken together, these new standards will be mandatory for implementation in the education and work of technical professionals in all areas of technical knowledge. In particular, the new approach will require corrections and changes in the general methods governing the development of the communicative skills of technical university students [12].
One of the components of professional image is personal characteristics of a technical university student, among which the ability to interact. Communicative abilities of a personality are directly connected with such properties of a personality as openness and absence of barriers to communication. Communicative skills formation of English speech has been studied for decades by many scientists. It is assumed that a technical university student in the future will carry out work activities in a team with a large number of specialists with a high level of training, and therefore with a good level of English language skills. Therefore, as a technical specialist, professional duties will include professional use and control of all necessary devices and technologies to ensure the safety of professional activity. Therefore, the training process of technical university students participating in international collaborations requires knowledge not only of special disciplines, but also of the discipline of English in professional activities [6].
The problems of theoretical and practical approaches to the formation of communicative skills are developed in the works of modern foreign and domestic educators. The available research results are actively applied in practice in Russian universities. One of the particularly impressive technologies of communicative skills formation is aimed at for technical university students to achieve communicative competence: the ability to use English correctly to achieve a communicative goal [1].
Communicative competence in this aspect is understood as the choice and implementation of programs of speech behavior depending on the ability of a technical university student to behave in a situation of speech interaction in English; the ability to distinguish types of situational communication and to classify sheech situations [7].
In accordance with the above-mentioned the following components of the communicative competence can be distinguished:
- linguistic component,
- pragmatic component,
- socio-cultural component,
- discursive component,
- strategic component.
By the linguistic component is meant linguistic material, namely strictly selected phonetic, grammatical and lexical minimums, samples of speech utterances of varying length, situationally and thematically conditioned. Linguistic component is the result of comprehension of the technical university students' speech experience. It includes knowledge a foreign language basics science, a set of linguistic concepts. Linguistic competence also implies formation of ideas about how a foreign language is organized, the role of the language in the life of the society and the individual, which is the foundation of the permanent linguistic.
In turn, the pragmatic component is associated with the pragmatic mastery of English by technical university students, which always expresses the social order of society in relation to foreign language learning. Modern pedagogical science especially emphasizes the need to strengthen the pragmatic aspects of learning English. The pragmatic component is aimed at achieving tangible qualitative results in mastering English communication competence [5].
The socio-cultural component of communicative competence is aimed at introducing students of a technical university to the culture of the countries of the studied language and to the national and cultural specificity of speech behavior of native speakers of English. The selection of the content of the cultural component is connected with several aspects of teaching English in higher education. First of all, the language material must correspond to the work program and have a focus on the development of skills of speech interaction in situations of professional and everyday communication. It is also necessary to take into account real communicative needs of technical university students in practical, intellectual, ethical-aesthetic and other spheres of interaction. The socio-cultural component implies high informative and educational value of the offered socio-cultural language material. Let us note the importance of selecting the material that can contribute to the development of students' cognitive activity.
The discursive component of communicative competence implies the quality of use of language skills and skills of speech activity, correctness and correctness of speaking and writing in a foreign language, logicality of statements, which also means respect and understanding of another's culture. The discursive component of communicative competence contributes to the development of fluent professional speaking skills and its development in technical university students is advisable to apply in every English class. The discursive component is aimed at the formation of skills of dialogic speech, exchange of opinions regarding any professional aspect or event, as well as the formation of monological speech when expressing their ideas and assessments about the read and listened material.
In the process of discourse technical university students put forward arguments for and against the geven idea, identify contradictions and ways of their resolution, and build the logic of proof of the opponent's position. Students of a technical university learn to consider a speech situation from all sides, to reason and to formulate their point of view. Certain requirements for conducting a discussion contribute to the formation of a general culture of speech of a future technical specialist.
In connection with the above, the following aspects are distinguished as a part of the discursive component: lexical resources of English to create a situation of speech interaction; prediction of the course of a speech situation; ability to state realities with the help of foreign language means; logical construction of a statement in English.
Strategic competence, in our opinion, is fundamental in the search for optimal ways of solving tasks of foreign-language communicative activity. Strategic competence is understood as the ability to select and use the most effective strategies to solve different communication tasks; it implies the possession of such general skills as: making a plan for the implementation of a certain communicative task; assessing the degree of communicative communication achievement to improve communication in the future; the ability to use effective general learning skills; asking clarifying questions. Each single component of communicative competence
cannot fully bring a technical university student to a high level of foreign language communication. Therefore, the formation of communicative competence components as a whole will lead to a positive result.
Unlike a separate skill or ability, which can be trained each by itself, the development of competence requires the inclusion of the entire complex of abilities and skills formed in teaching all the main types of speech activity - reading, listening, writing and speaking. It should be noted that the development of communicative competence does not occur naturally, but with the help of special techniques, mktodiks and technologies, which consist in creating special situations of interaction. All active methods pursue one goal: to influence students of a technical university, which will contribute to the development and improvement of communicative competence.
Conclusions. The key to successful speech activity of students of a technical university is the use of all kinds of communicative tasks in the formation of all components of communicative competence, as well as the use of non-traditional forms of English classes, during which students of a technical university become familiar with the culture of the countries of the studied language, as well as expand knowledge about the professional activities of native English speakers. English language in the technical field, allows students to take an active part in the professional international community.
In the context of the modernization of Russian higher education, communicative competence development of the technical university students in the framework of the professional image formation is an important and necessary condition for the future technical specialist formation who is capable tof enter an international labor market. In connection with globalization and close cooperation of Russian specialists with other countries, in which English is the language of the world community, communicative competence leads students to a new, more successful path of forming a professional in the technical field.
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УДК 376.2
магистрант Гладкая Анна Сергеевна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (Мининский университет) (г. Нижний Новгород); кандидат психологических наук, доцент Медведева Елена Юрьевна Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина» (Мининский университет) (г. Нижний Новгород)
Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме коррекции нарушений семантики у дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи на основе использования расширения семантических полей. Раскрываются возможности использования деятельностного подхода в коррекции семантических нарушений дошкольников с ОНР. Предложена система работы с цветовыми семантическими полями. В качестве подтверждения эффективности проведенной коррекционной работы представлены результаты контрольного эксперимента.
Ключевые слова: семантика, семантические поля, нарушение семантического развития, общее недоразвитие речи, деятельностный подход, расширение семантического поля.
Annotation. the article is devoted to the problem of correction of semantics violations in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment based on the use of semantic fields expansion. The possibilities of using an activity-based approach in correcting semantic disorders of preschoolers with ONR are revealed. A system of working with color semantic fields is proposed. The results of the control experiment are presented as confirmation of the effectiveness of the carried out corrective work.