Научная статья на тему 'Main periods of andragogy development in Ukraine (second part of XIX beginning of XXI centuries)'

Main periods of andragogy development in Ukraine (second part of XIX beginning of XXI centuries) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tymchuk Liudmyla Ivanivna

In this article author tired to divide into periods development of andragogy in Ukraine in the second part of XIX beginning of XXI centuries. Characteristic of each period was made on the basis of analyze of cultural, socio-economical and socio-political factors, ideological concepts and pedagogical determinants which defined the way of development of theory and practice of adult education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Main periods of andragogy development in Ukraine (second part of XIX beginning of XXI centuries)»

Секция 5. Педагогика

connection with these aims. An agreement between the executive group, teachers and personnel under conditions of an agreement of concerning improvement says that the objective of executive group is in making of stimulating climate of openness in organization where personnel are responsible for the constant improvement of their results.

At universities for increasing the quality of education it is necessary to pay attention to the teaching process and motivate the teaching staff to productive work, to lessen paper work, to simplify reporting, to create all necessary conditions for scientific- research work, to increase qualifications to study deeper the discipline.


1. Chudnova O. V. Motivation of the teacher of Russian higher education as a management issue journal “Science, education and society," Issue number 1, 2011g.Sahalinsky State University.

2. Albah G. F., Reysberg L., Yudkevich M., Andryuschak G., Pacheko I. F. “Paying Services faculty: a comparative analysis of international experience compensation and contracts,” New York: Routledzh 2012) (http://acarem. hse.ru). Center for International Higher education at Boston College and the Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of National research University - Higher school of Economics (Moscow, Russia).

3. Information remuneration of teachers in the State University - Higher School of Economics Russia.

4. Far Eastern Federal University, the newspaper “Ostrov.ru”

5. Regulation on certification of PPP “Kazakh Economic University T. Ryskulov” from 08.06.2011. Protocol number 5.

Tymchuk Liudmyla Ivanivna, Chernivtsi National University named after Y. Fedkovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (PhD), Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work E-mail: [email protected]

Main periods of andragogy development in Ukraine (second part of XIX — beginning of XXI centuries)

Abstract. In this article author tired to divide into periods development of andragogy in Ukraine in the second part of XIX — beginning of XXI centuries. Characteristic of each period was made on the basis of analyze of cultural, socio-economical and socio-political factors, ideological concepts and pedagogical determinants which defined the way of development of theory and practice of adult education.

Key words: adragogy, history of andragogy, periods of andragogy development, adult education.

One of the main scientific problems in the field of humanity is periodization. Periodization is a division of the whole process of science development on time intervals, which differentiate from each other by specific peculiarities, determined on the basis of objective criteria and principles. Periodization helps to comprehend historical process and to determine its inner regularities and also gives possibility to make scientific conclusions.

Periodization is a logical beginning of study of andragogy history development. Andragogy studies theoretical and practical problems of adult education. Modern approaches to periodization in history of andragogy are reflected in works of Ukrainian scientists: L. Vovk, I. Vorobez, L. Lukianova, O. Martirosian, L. Sihaieva, M. Skrypnyk, L. Shynkarenko and also Russian scientists S. Zmieieva, O. Marona, I. Kolesnykova etc.

Taking into account famous approaches to periodization in modern historical and pedagogical science, [9] in given article we will describe main periods of development of andragogy in Ukraine

Period is time interval, limited by certain dates, events etc. Phase is separate part of this period. Basic understanding of notion “periodization” can be defined as “logical separation of studied period corresponding to qualitative characteristic of its relatively independent stages. Such characteristic should reflect both general rules of social life development and specific and also substantial components of main methods and forms of problem origin [2, 19].

On the basis of analyze of socio-cultural, socio-economical, and socio-political factors of ideological conceptions and pedagogical determinants in the history of


Section 5. Pedagogy

Ukrainian andragogy we study four periods within such chronological limits: 1) second part of XIX — beginning ofXX centuries; 2) 1918-1940 years; 3) 90-s of the XX century- beginning of the XXI century.

First period is the period of theory and practice formation (second part of XIX — beginning of XX centuries). We can emphasize two main phases within this period. In the first phase (1859-1890) starts the formation of adults education in the context and form of educational movement, which started on Ukrainian territories in the second part of XIX century. Traditions of adults education were established in Sundays schools, schools of re-education, reading rooms, public houses, public universities, during lections carried for people etc. It became basis for theoretical generalization and formation of first ideas of andragogy. Only after “creation of first Sunday schools Ukrainian pedagogues worked independently on both general problems of out-of-school education and some questions of adult didactic", — stated modern scientist L. Vovk [1, 34]. On such basis we can emphasize second phase (1895-1917). This phase can be characterized as a phase of theoretical comprehension of adult education problems in the concept of out-of-school education. One of the foundations for chronological separation of the first period on two phases is documentary confirmed attempts of conceptual and categorical identification of science about adult education. Since 1895 all educational activities, directed on wide sections of adult population were called “out-of-school education”. With this first extended term there were first attempts of scientific reflection of questions of study and education of adults, in particularly description of organizational and pedagogical principles of educational institutions functioning for adults, formulation of theoretical basis of forms, methods and subj ect matter of adults education. At the same time increases and extends activity of establishments for adults (Sunday schools, repetitive schools, courses for unlettered people, libraries, generally educated and scientific lections, professional courses, public universities).

Socio-political events at the beginning of XX century, beginning of which were marked by overthrow of autocracy in Russia during the February Revolution in 1917, caused huge and often changes in Ukraine, which affected development of adults education.

That is why starting point of 1917/1918 we determine as a beginning of second period of andragogy development in Ukraine. There were several changes of authority in Ukraine since then and till 1920 and each authority established different approach to education de-

velopment. But even though if there were no improvement provided by new authority, they didn’t destroy old system. Independent from political redirecting in the center, on-sites schools for adults, formed in prerevolutionary period were still working. But old schools under new conditions and due to new direction of education were changed in new format or were substituted by new types. Organizational principles of their work depended on socio-political conditions of the countries, to which different parts of Ukraine belonged.

On the western part of Ukraine under conditions of Polish, Romanian or Czechoslovak occupation quantity and diversity of organizational education forms changed but there were no considerable variations in their work (these territories were under conditions of foreign dominance). Beginning of 1920-s was marked for Ukraine by active processes of state building, rebirth of Ukrainian culture and education. There were promising conditions for creating Ukrainian educational system and these conditions were proved by Bolshevik government declaring ukrainization policy. But in the end of 1922 within the framework of creation of new country Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) put pressure on Ukrainian colleagues to develop joined conceptual approaches of educational models of two republics. Despite that fact that Ukrainian Soviet Socialis Republic (USSR) had to defend its conceptual direction and educational model, at the beginning of 1930-s unification of educational system of USSR on the model of educational system of RSFSR became obvious. Education became reliable tool to propagate ideology ofproletariat and philosophy of communist party.

Despite political changes, evolutionary processes took place in adults’ education: general strategy in theory of adults’ education was established (“all work, connected with education and development of adult people”), search for methodology and subject matter of out-ofschool education (equal to the notion “adults’ education”) was continued, state governing body of adults education was established (Out-of-school Department in Central Rada).

In Ukraine the same as in other republics of USSR in 1920-s there was a major educational campaign of illiteracy liquidation. During this campaign network of educational institutions for adults called “system of illiteracy liquidation” started to develop (Sunday schools, circles of individual and group education, schools for illiterate people) [11]. Development of theoretical problems of general adults’ education took place: didactics of adults, teaching methodology, education in the study process,


Секция 5. Педагогика

structuring of adults’ education system, description of types of educational institutions.

At the same time evolution of conceptual and theoretical foundations of adults’ education theory: term “out-of-sсhool work”, which was used since prerevolutionary period, was substituted by notions “educational work” and “political education”. These terms were used during the period of Soviet Union and neutralized pedagogical (or andragogical) essence of adult education, stressing only on its capacity as political technology. It should be mentioned that unlike part of Ukraine with bilshovyk ideology, on Western territories of Ukraine, term “andragogy” is widely used, in particularly in works of Galician pedagogues M. Halushchynskyi and I. Iush-chyshyn.

Great events in educational field are regular meetings and conferences where different questions were discussed. Adults’ education became an official standing of pedagogic researches and the creation of Political Education Department at Pedagogical research institute in Kharkiv (1927).

Mentioned above information showed that there were active processes in the development of theory and praxis of adults, which is connected with huge campaign of liquidation of illiteracy (development and success of which was in 1921-1931).

Compulsory general primary education for children and seven-year school education were established in 1930-s. Using census of enumeration USSR leaders claimed about “complete literacy of population” and about successful fulfillment of campaign. Unification of subject matter of education took place at mass schools and establishments for adults. It has caused narrowing of adult education but the events ofWW II complicated situation.

To generalize characteristics of this period (19181940) we define it as a period of formation of scientific basis of adults education in the system of illiteracy liquidation.

It is known that the campaign of illiteracy liquidation was continued in a postwar period (till 1954). But in the field of scientific research of questions of adults’ education we notice serious changes. These changes turned to pedagogical field. 1950-1980 we consider as third period in the development of domestic andragogy and characterize this period as period of scientific development of andragogy problems in the format of adult education concept.

In the postwar period severe problem was of general education of working youth and adults, because during

war and period of destroyed agriculture young people for different reasons had to leave their studies at school. Insufficient level of education hinders development of research and technology revolution in the country. Adopted in 1958 law “About strengthening connection between school and life and about further development educational system of USSR” was aimed to provide 8-year compulsory education for young people and adults (up till 35 years), who worked in the national economy. According to the law night school was main source for getting general education.

Scientific studies of adult education problems were made. In 1960 in the Academy of Pedagogical Science of RSFSR was created Research Institute of night and extramural general education schools. His main task was to develop theoretical basis of general education for working youth and adults without being distracted from work and to help schools in solving organizational, pedagogical and methodological problems. It was first institute in the world, which started to develop systematically theoretical foundations of adults’ education on cross-disciplinary basis. First directors of this institute was first famous Methodist-biologist, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences V. Korsunska and than Doctor of Sciences, Professor A. Darynskyi.

During 1960-1969 the main task of Research Institute of night and extramural general education schools was to study problems of basic general education of working youth and adults in night school.

In 1970-1980 there was an extension of research problematic, caused by rapid development of adults’ education in the country (increasing of night and extramural schools, public universities, establishments for advanced training etc.) and new directions in the Academy of Pedagogical Science, which turned from republic to national. On the basis of Research Institute of night and extramural general education schools in 1970 there was created Research Institute for general adult education at the Academy of Pedagogical Science USSR. Its tasks were to study history of adult education in the country; to develop socio-pedagogical and psychological basis of adults education; to study deductive and organizational and pedagogical problems of adult education; to improve distance and evening general education of adults; to develop pedagogical basis of out-of-school education of adults; to search ways to improve the preparation and advanced training of pedagogues.

Since 1975 topical problems of adult education begun to study in the direction of one concept of continuous education. Research Institute of general adult


Section 5. Pedagogy

education in the end of this year will reorganize itself into Research Institute of continuous adult education of Academy of Pedagogical Science USSR. At the head ofAcademy of Pedagogical Science since 1976 was W. Onushkin. On the basis of general conception of continuous education and in connection with UNESCO the Institute started research on functional illiteracy of adults, adult education under conditions of change into market economy, “eternal" study in the changing society. This period of study is connected with names of such famous scientists as T. Brazhe, S. Vershlovkyi, L. Vyso-tina, I. Kuliutkin, L. Lesohina, A. Maron, H. Suhobska, O. Yonkonoha, O. Fedorova.

In the USSR dominant conception of adult education was the conception of pedagogy of adults, which is the part of pedagogy as comprehensive science about education. During long period of time soviet authors refused to approve concept of andragogy because of ideological beliefs. Andragogy concept was developed in the other ideological beliefs

But some scientists emphasized discipline, subject of which was research of study and adult education. The most famous among them was A. Darynskyi. He considered that pedagogy of adults was inevitable part of pedagogy as an integrative science about education. A. Darynskyi indicated the specific of adults’ pedagogy, which first of all is reflected in the subject matter of education. According to Darynskyi field of research of adults’ pedagogy is broader than pedagogy.

But though soviet scientists studied adult education in terms of general pedagogy, they developed the whole range of subdivisions for this science. Some scientists classified division adult pedagogy in the following manner: sociology of adults’ sdudies, gerontopsychology and pedagogical psychology of adults didactics of adults, pedagogy of evening school, pedagogy of production etc. Soviet scientists extended the structure of science about adult education without falling outside the scope of general pedagogy. The biggest contribution to development of andragogy as a science in the Soviet Union was made by B. Ananevy and his Leningrad school. According to D. Savychev, contribution of this scientist to the development of pedagogy can be compared to the contribution of E. Thorndike to the development of science of adults’ education in the USA.

New social transformations at the beginning of 1990-s caused cardinal changes in all spheres oflife. Former soviet republics begun to create their own states and to develop independently. Changes took place in educational system too, which gives grounds to study next

period of andragogy development. This period lasts until now (90-s of the XX century — beginning of the XXI century).

In the post-Soviet space big scientific development of andragogy begun in Russia, where in 1990 there was created Institute of adults’ education as a part of Russian Educational Academy (under direction of V. Podobie-dova). Range of scientific works and educational books dedicated to andragogy were published: S. Vershylovskyi (“Work book of andragogue”, 1998), S. Zmeiov (“ Basis of andragogy”, 1999; “Formation of andragogy: theory and technology of adults education”, 2000; “Andragogy: basic theories and technologies of adults education”, 2003); I. Kalynovskyi (“Introduction to andragogy. Mobility of pedagogue in the adults’ education”, 2000); T. Lomteva (“ Andragogy in the context of humanistic paradigm”, 2001); T. Vasylkova (“Andragogy”, 2002); I. Colesnicova (“Basics of andragogy”, 2003); M. Hrom-kova (“Andragogy: theory and praxis of adults’ eucation”, 2005), O. Kukuiev (“Problems of andragogy status in the domestic science” 2009) etc.

Since 1994 in Russia to the official list of specialties of pedagogical education of higher educational institutions was added the specialty “Andragogy”. In 1995 The State Standard of the specialty was certified and performed preparation of specialists.

In Ukraine profession of andragogue doesn’t have an official status and there is no preparation performed. But in recent years interest of Ukrainian scientists to andragogy as a science and subject increased.

First departments are created in Ukraine where scientists make scientific and theoretical (philosophic, historical, socio-political, ethical, psychological and pedagogical) analyze of andragogy and determine on its basis optimal and effective technological principles of adults education. Subject “Basics of andragogy” was included into preparation of pedagogues [10].

To conduct fundamental and applied researches, directed on solving topical theoretical and methodological and methodical problems ofadult education in 2007 there was created a Department of Andragogy of Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of NAPS of Ukraine which is directed by Professor L. Lukianova. Under her direction there was developed a project ofadult education concept in Ukraine, started essential investigations, formed andragogical scientific school. Scientific and methodological yearbook “Adult education: problems, searches, perspectives” was initiated. (V. Kremen — head of research council — President of NAPS of Ukraine, actual member of NAS of Ukraine and NAPS of Ukraine,


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L. Lukianova — main editor, Doctor of pedagogical Science)

To implement the ideas of adult education in Ukraine there is Ukrainian Coordination Bureau of International public program “Adult education in Ukraine” which is created with the help of Institute of education UNESCO (since 2000). With the help of this bureau Ukraine carry out each year International weeks of adult education. Aim of these weeks are popularization of study groups as a study methods; ideas of public higher schools; extension of education in favor of stable development.

Bibliography of andragogy sources was enriched with works of Ukrainian scientists, where scientific researches of different aspects of adult education are described:

— Philosophical and theoretic-methodological basis ofadult education as components ofpermanent education (V. Andrushchenko V Aleksandrov, S. Arhypova,

I. Beh, S. Boltivez, S. Honcharenko, I. Zel, V. Kremen, I. Leshchenko, V. Luhovyi, L. Lukianova, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoeva, L. Sihaeva, L. Sushchenko, E. Hrykov etc.);

— Andragogical basis of postgraduate education (V. Anishchenko, N. Bibik, I. Vakarchuk, V. Vitiuk, I. Vorotnikova, H. Hrebeniuk, I. Dmytrenko, A. Zubko, V. Kryzhko, S. Krysiuk, M. Lapenok, N. Naboka, V. Olinyk, N. Protasova, V. Puzov);

— Scientific and theoretical principle according to peculiarities of adult education (S. Arhypova, O. Verbyzkyi, T. Hryhorieva, O. Kurinnyi, S. Naumko);

— conceptual principles of methodology of comparative andragogy and comparative research

(D. Antonova, I. Beiul, M. Borysova, M. Berdnyk, L. Vedernykova, H. Voronka, V. Davydova, T. Desiatov, T. Zotova, S. Kovalenko, O. Kotliakova, O. Kotliakova,

O. Mytina, O. Ohienko, Z. Safina, A. Sbruieva, O. Suhomlynska, O. Fedotova, I. Fokina, I. Folvarochnyi, O. Hahubia).

Thus on the basis of analyze of socio-cultural, socioeconomical and socio-political factors, ideological concepts and pedagogical determinants we emphasized four periods of andragogy development in Ukraine.

1) Second part of XIX — beginning of XX century — theory and praxis formation of adult study in the context of adult education development as a form of socioeducational movement and out-of-school education;

2) 1918-1940 — formation of scientific basis of adults study in the system of liquidation of illiteracy;

3) 1950-1980 — scientific development of andragogy problems in the form of soviet concept of adult pedagogy: (1950-1960 — development of theoretical basis of studies of working youth and adults; 1970-1980 — scientific researches in theory and praxis of adults study in the concept of permanent education)

4) 90-s of the XX century — beginning XXI century — development of andragogy as a science, subject and social praxis.

Four periods reflect the deepness of Ukrainian andragogy and its evolutionary development. Analyze of each period helps to understand all previous process of development of this scientific subject from the point of view of maximal objectivity and expediency.


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6. Рабочая книга андрагога/Под ред. С. Г. Вершловского. - СПб.: Знание, 1998. - 197 с.

7. Огаева Л. G. Освгга дорослих: етапи становлення/Л. Сн-аева//Неперервна професшна освгга: теорiя i практика. - 2002. - Вип. 4. - С. 185-193.

8. Скрипник М. Iсторiя андрагопки: генезис, основш тенденци, бюграфи вчених у контексп нового тториз-му/Марина Скрипник//Ьшдж сучасного педагога. - № 10 (109). - 2010. - С. 10-12.

9. Сухомлинська О. В. Перюдизащя педагопчно! думки в Украши кроки до нового вимiру/О. В. Сухомлин-ська//1сторико-педагопчний процес: новi тдходи до загальних проблем. - К.: А. П.Н., 2003. - С. 47-66.

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Section 5. Pedagogy

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Eshboyeva Durdona Alisher kizi, Gulistan state university, 2nd year student, Philological faculty E-mail: [email protected]

Techniques and Methods for improving Reading skills

Abstract: Many people who want to improve reading skills are already avid readers. One of the main objectives for these individuals is to have the ability to read faster while retaining more information accurately. This is not a very easy task. Even the well-versed reader will admit taking in a lot of written information quickly does not usually result in comprehension and recall.

Keywords: visual aids, non-verbal, rephrase, practicing, Elicit, enrichment.

Teaching English language learners can be challenging, problems seem to arise from all directions. However, this challenge does not have to rub off on onto your students. The following are ideas and techniques to spice up your ESL classroom and make lessons more interesting and effective.

Teaching English to people who speak other languages is a rewarding thing, because there is great amount of people all over the world who are eager to teach English as a Second Language. While teaching English as a second language the teacher should follow the next directives:

Apply such non-verbal cues as facial expressions, hand gestures and other non-verbal cues to get rid of the language barrier. If you are eager to explain the meaning of the word “tall”, raise your hand high into the air. If you are eager to explain the meaning of the word “cold”, shiver and chatter your teeth.

Apply visual aids. A simple picture can replace a long description and it is especially effective while teaching English as a second language. Visual aids are universal, because they are applied to teach everything beginning from vocabulary and ending prepositions. Visual aids have instructional benefits, they make lessons interesting, and they can maintain and activate the students’ interest. It is recommended to apply an overhead or slide proj ector for the performance of effective presentations.

Divide students into groups. The teacher, who is always talking, does not give learners of English as a second language a possibility for practice and communication. Group work is an effective way of starting practicing a foreign language. The best number of participants in groups is from 2 to 5 people. If the number of participants is more, some learners will not

have a chance of a foreign language practice. It is effective to make up groups of students who have various first languages.

Apply bi-lingual materials. If the teacher and the students speak the same language (s) as, the attitude to learning a foreign language will be different, it will be easier to teach and learn a foreign language. Frequently, teachers do not speak the same language (s) as his/her students do. In such case, a teacher of English as a second language can apply bi-lingual materials to draw on a student’s native language, because they speak their native language.

Repeat and rephrase. Teachers of English as a second language should repeat everything at least three times. It is strongly recommended to change the wording of their remarks. A student may understand one set of vocabulary but do not understand another one — even when the topic of discussion is the same. After the first explanation of a word or word-combination, the student can be able to understand the new variation of a concept or its repetition. Such technique is quite effective, because it enlarges the students’ vocabulary with new words and phrases.

Don’t correct too much. Teachers of English as a second language have a strong desire to correct student language errors immediately. If you correct them too much, students will be uncertain and reluctant to apply the language. They will be afraid that they will make many mistakes and will be corrected every time they speak. They will lose the wish to speak and, finally, the wish to learn the foreign language. It does not mean that the teacher should not correct language errors at all; there are appropriate times to correct language mistakes. Ifyou discuss something, for example, the past tense during the

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