Научная статья на тему 'Development of foreign language teacher’s proficiency as a didactic base of andragogy'

Development of foreign language teacher’s proficiency as a didactic base of andragogy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Makarikhina I.M.

DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER’S PROFICIENCY AS A DIDACTIC BASE OF ANDRAGOGY. The research of the paper is based on features of educational processes, which are studied by pedagogy (children's education) and andragogy (adults' education). If we began to study the program of professional foreign language teachers' capacity, we can, firstly mention a teacher's skills as an integral quality, and certainly, his didactic preparation, as a component of the teaching process. Education is bilateral activity of transfer and mastering of knowledge, skills, habits, qualities and moral values, process of five basic elements' interaction: a student, a foreign language teacher, maintenances, forms and methods, sources and educational means.

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В работе описана модель повышения профессиональной подготовки учителя иностранного языка на основе дидактического и андрагогического подходов, где составляющей профессионализации учителя является дидактическая подготовка, которая представляет собой последовательное восхождение от недифференцированной направленности на сферу деятельности учителя иностранного языка к овладению стандартами педагогического профессионализма и далее к развитию индивидуально-авторской концептуально-целостной системы подготовки педагога в системе непрерывного педагогического образования.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of foreign language teacher’s proficiency as a didactic base of andragogy»

Следует отметить значимость формирования интеллектуальной активности и творческой самостоятельности при подготовке будущих учителей, чему способствуют методы проекта, как средство активного обучения, обеспечивающие учет, как особенностей, так и включение в целостную систему подготовки. При этом большое значение при подготовке школьников следует уделить рассказу как одному из эффективных методов обучения, представляющей собой образное, живое, эмоциональное представление преимущественно фактического материала, осуществляемого в описательной или повествовательной форме, продолжительностью 30 - 40 мин. К рассказу предъявляются следующие требования: четкий подбор и освещение фактического материала, использование наглядных средств и элементов беседы, подведение обучаемых к необходимым обобщениям и выводам.

Рассмотрим другие методы проекта обучения, используемые в подготовке будущего учителя, среди которых: исследовательский и творческий.

Исследовательский - является одним из наиболее действенных способов развития активности, самостоятельности у студентов, через выполнение заданий по различным видам деятельности, поскольку вырабатывается действительно осознанное отношение к изучаемому, появляется подход к овладению знаниям. При этом исследовательский метод способствует в самостоятельном решении учебных задач, через осуществление операции сравнения, выявления причин и т. д.

Библиографический список

Творческий рассматривается в качестве одного из ведущих методов активизации познавательной деятельности студентов, используемых в процессе подготовки, где проектная деятельность обеспечивает большие возможности для развития творческих способностей. Следует отметить, что весь процесс подготовки нами рассматривается как система взаимосвязанных, взаимообусловленных творческих проектов, поскольку их характерными признаками выступают: наличие неопределенной ситуаций и креативный характер деятельности. С этих позиций за основу выбора проектных заданий приняты организационно-педагогические, технологические, экономические, психолого-физиологические, эстетические и эргономические требования.

Следует отметить, что сложность педагогически правильного выбора объектов проектирования связанна со многими факторами, в числе которых: индивидуальные особенности студентов, возможности учебно-материальной базы для выполнения проектных заданий, уровень знаний и умений школьников на определенном этапе подготовки и т. д.

Использование методов проекта, как средство обучения при подготовке будущих учителей дает нам возможность показать развитие опасных явлений и чрезвычайных ситуаций, их динамику, сообщать учебную информацию определенными дозами, объективировать содержание подготовки и стимулировать их познавательные интересы, осуществлять им практические действия и усваивать существенно новые знания, приобретать умения и отдельные навыки в этой области.

1. Генералов А.В. Формирование готовности к действиям в чрезвычайных ситуациях - важная задача учителя ОБЖ. Материала II Всероссийской научно-практической конференции. Тула: Издательство ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого, 2001: 74 - 77.

2. Лернер И.Я. Дидактические основы методов обучения. Москва: Педагогика, 1981.

3. Лебедь В.И. Личность в экстремальной ситуации. Москва: Знание, 1968.

4. Поляков А. Безопасность человека в экстремальных ситуациях. Москва, 1992.

5. Мошкин В.Н. Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности. 2001; 1: 13 - 16.


1. Generalov A.V. Formirovanie gotovnosti k dejstviyam v chrezvychajnyh situaciyah - vazhnaya zadacha uchitelya OBZh. Materiala II Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Tula: Izdatel'stvo TGPU im. L.N. Tolstogo, 2001: 74 - 77.

2. Lerner I.Ya. Didakticheskie osnovy metodovobucheniya. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1981.

3. Lebed' V.I. Lichnost' v 'ekstremal'noj situacii. Moskva: Znanie, 1968.

4. Polyakov A. Bezopasnost' cheloveka v 'ekstremal'nyh situaciyah. Moskva, 1992.

5. Moshkin V.N. Osnovy bezopasnostizhiznedeyatel'nosti. 2001; 1: 13 - 16.

Статья поступила в редакцию 27.03.17

УДК 37.01/09.

Makarikhina I.M., Cand. of Science (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Novosibirsk State Architecture and Construction Building

University (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PROFICIENCY AS A DIDACTIC BASE OF ANDRAGOGY. The research of the paper is based on features of educational processes, which are studied by pedagogy (children's education) and andragogy (adults' education). If we began to study the program of professional foreign language teachers' capacity, we can, firstly mention a teacher's skills as an integral quality, and certainly, his didactic preparation, as a component of the teaching process. Education is bilateral activity of transfer and mastering of knowledge, skills, habits, qualities and moral values, process of five basic elements' interaction: a student, a foreign language teacher, maintenances, forms and methods, sources and educational means.

Key words: andragogy, adults' education, qualities and moral values, mastering of teacher's education, didactic system, forms and methods.

И.М. Макарихина, канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. «Иностранные языки», Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-

строительный университет (НГАСУ), г. Новосибирск, E-mail: [email protected]


В работе описана модель повышения профессиональной подготовки учителя иностранного языка на основе дидактического и андрагогического подходов, где составляющей профессионализации учителя является дидактическая подготовка, которая представляет собой последовательное восхождение от недифференцированной направленности на сферу деятельности учителя иностранного языка к овладению стандартами педагогического профессионализма и далее к развитию индивидуально-авторской концептуально-целостной системы подготовки педагога в системе непрерывного педагогического образования.

Ключевые слова: андрагогика, обучение взрослых, совершенствование подготовки учителей, формы и методы, дидактическая подготовка.

The primary problem that must be investigated in this component is a careful analysis of the phenomenon "didactic" as it shows itself in educating [1, p.30; 2, p.15]. The aim is to disclose didactic categories and criteria. To the extent that insight into the didactic is considered in this component, it is important to investigate the meaning of pedagogic categories in the context of didactic theory. In addition, the systematizing and ordering that are relevant to describing didactic categories and criteria can reveal didactic principles. Within this framework, an aspect that must be focused on is the significance of the teaching contents because they primarily influence the didactic form and therefore have particular relevance for theoretical didactic statements.

Teaching skill is high and constantly improving quality of education and training, which is available to each teacher who works hardly and loves children. A foreign language teacher is a high culture specialist, who knows his subject deeply, gets familiar with the relevant branches of science or art and practically knows current questions of general and especially children psychology [2, p. 10].

Personality in the teaching profession is inseparable from the professional one. Professional foreign language teacher's quality is usually ranked as acquired in the course of practice, related to obtaining special knowledge, skills and ways of thinking, methods of operation. Among them are mastering of teaching subject, psychological training, general knowledge, a broad cultural outlook, pedagogical skills, knowledge of psychological work techniques, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, educational equipment, mastering of communication technologies.

Scientific interest is the mandatory of foreign language teacher's quality. Scientific interest helps teachers to generate respect for his subject, keep scientific culture, to see and to teach students to see the connection between science and general processes of human development.

The personality of modern teacher and educator is largely determined by his erudition and high level of culture. He, who wants to freely navigate in today's world, should know a lot. The erudite foreign language teacher should be a person of a high culture. It's for sure, that a teacher always is a clear sample of cultural behavior for his students.

An ideal teacher is a role model, a benchmark for training and for comparison. An ideal foreign language teacher is a sample of professional support of civil, industrial and personal functions, formed at the highest level. Structure of pedagogical potential is expressed through the ideal teacher concept.

An ideal foreign language teacher is specialist with:

1) educational foreign language theory knowledge; 2) mastering of pedagogical skill; 3) mastering of training and education technologies; 4) ability to efficiently organize his work; 5) love for students; 6) pedagogical skills; 7) general knowledge; 8) patience; 8) optimism; 9) self-restraint; 10) agility, speed and accuracy of his reaction; 11) generosity; 12) emotional balance, 13) understanding of children; 14) a desire to work with children; 15) demands, tact; 16) self-control, justice; 17) organizational skills, sociability, ability to listen.

Ideal foreign language teacher as a worker with:

1) ability to set a goal and achieve it; 2) ability to manage time; 3) systematic professional development; 4) focus on increasing productivity; 5) ability to create; 6) comprehensive education; 7) reasonable optimism, moderate skepticism; 8) the desire to work at his best; 9) ability to work in a team; 10) discipline; 11) responsibility; 12) work activity; 13) ability to find a way out from work situations; 14) the ability to distribute the work; 15) the willingness to take responsibility.

A foreign language Ideal teacher, as a person with

1) high moral qualities; 2) active participation in social life; 3) an active life position; 4) respect for state laws; 5) national pride, patriotism and willingness to defend the homeland; 6) good health, a healthy lifestyle; 7) humanism; 8) spirituality, 9) morality.

Devoting to the professional work is the main quality of a teacher. The quality terms are honesty and dedication, happiness to achieve educational results, ever-growing demands on himself and professional development.

The dynamics of language policy in Russia are a reflection of state ideology and the unique experience of building a unified Russian civil society.

Extending contacts of Russia with the world community in all spheres of life, access to world informational space and quality education, dominating role of the language as an effective tool for intercultural communication and understanding put a high educational

priority to the knowledge of foreign languages, especially English as an international language. Within the last two decades knowledge of foreign languages has become a necessary component of specialist's competitiveness at a labor market. In this respect, Russia has faced the problem of modernizing of the system of education in general and particularly foreign language education. Modernization in the field of foreign language education in Russia is based on European and American models and parallels the processes in Europe and the USA.

For the last two decades there has been intensive research on the foreign language teaching/learning processes in Russia concerning goals, content, and principles. Innovations in the system of foreign language education have required the revision of the content of foreign language teaching, the development of new education standards, syllabi, learning programs, and textbooks. The professional development system acts as an integral part of the continuing education, which allows foreign language teachers to meet their own professional and personal interests, develop individual didactic systems in accordance with their individual-typological characteristics.

Modern requirements for foreign language teachers' education defined our research focus, which consists in working out the theoretical basis and didactic content for foreign language foreign language teachers training programs on the base of competence approach. Our interest to this issue is determined by the fact that there is a contradiction between the required and existing levels of foreign language teachers' preparation. The analysis of the State Educational Standard of "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" specialties has revealed the fact that there is a lack of pedagogical, psychological, and didactic aspects in foreign language teachers' preparation programs. All this makes a negative influence on the present quality of foreign language foreign language teachers training programs.

The purpose of the research in this monograph is to develop the theoretical basis and to work out practical implementation of the contents of foreign language teachers' didactic preparation.

In accordance with the purpose of study we have set the following tasks:

1. Analyze the aspects of the educational background of foreign language teachers.

2. Select a system of knowledge and competences in the content of didactic preparation of foreign languages foreign language teachers in accordance with the points of The Bologna Convention (2008 y).

3. Identify a set of conditions to improve the didactic preparation of foreign languages foreign language teachers.

4. Develop a model to improve the didactic training of foreign language foreign language teachers and test its effectiveness in experimental work.

The results of the research have revealed that foreign language foreign language teachers' didactic preparation will be more effective if:

- theoretical basis of this training takes: cognitive, motivational, technological, organizational, research and reflective components are included in educational content.

- specific characteristics and psychological education of foreign languages teachers are taken into consideration.

- modern technology trainings are designed for foreign language teachers so that they are able to create individual didactic systems.

- the following conditions are necessary for effective didactic preparation of the foreign language teachers: introduction of the course "Development of Foreign language teachers' Didactic Preparation"; implementation of specific approaches and forms in adults' education, which include workshops, creative tasks, online round tables with English language teachers from other schools and areas, research activities, like preparing reports, studying academic papers in Didactics published both in national and international editions. Additionally, the content of foreign language teachers training programs, which takes into account characteristics of the motivational sphere of adults' learning and the use of didactic training in the process of stimulus situations, needs to be worked out.

Various aspects of didactic preparation of foreign language teachers are studied by such scholars as T. Amidon, E. Hunter, E. Anderson, M. Bair, R.G. Woodward and many others [3, p. 30; 4, p. 43; 5, p. 10]. S.S. Colvin, W. Correll, V. Davis, A. Flitner, A.H. Garlick, R. Gross, J. Murphy, F. Hohmann insist on the fact, that studies reveal teachers' didactic training is a three-dimensional concept which includes: mastering the studying process construction; shaping

foreign language teachers' professional culture and assessment of learning outcomes in terms of social expectations to students' foreign language proficiency [6, p. 12; 7, p. 54;].

Theoretical analysis of didactic preparation of foreign language teachers has revealed the following three problems.

First, the system of teaching development is able to quickly and adequately respond to the changes in the requirements for the level and quality of professional foreign language teachers through the course content and direction.

Second, adult education, including foreign language teaching, has its regulations, principles, organization, and technology implementation.

Third, the process of the development of foreign language teachers' didactic preparation in accordance with the Bologna Convention proclamation should be directed to the development of didactic training constructive, research and reflective, as well as contribute to the formation of individual didactic system of foreign language teachers [8, p. 16; 9, p. 23].

We consider the introduction of the course "Didactic Training of Foreign Language teachers" as a necessary component of the effective training program for foreign language teachers. While studying the course, a foreign language teacher is expected to improve his /her knowledge of the general pedagogical, didactic and methodological principles of foreign languages teaching. Other competences include the ability to analyze the lessons of all kinds, his/her own and colleagues' teaching performance, students' progress, textbooks and manuals; to work with academic literature, questionnaires, to conduct an experiment, to write an article in Methodology, to enter conversations in the field of Methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis for foreign language teachers' didactic preparation development is formed during the course study.

In our opinion, the Adults educational approaches serve as the second component of the training program. Several factors of the pedagogical process should be considered for selection of pedagogical techniques. These factors include:

• the function of educational information in the educational process (training, control - diagnostics);

• the purpose of educational information (cognitive type, operating type);

• the adult's intellectual abilities (level of educational-cognitive activity, basic level of a subject studying)

• the foreign language teachers' methodological abilities (level of methodological expertise, methodological and technical equipment of the educational process).

All these factors require the use of various approaches and methods in adult education in the sphere of the foreign language teachers development training programs: various kinds of lectures and workshops, master classes, round tables, "brainstorming", trainings, group and individual work, and so on.

The third component can be identified as organization of foreign language teachers training in such spheres as academic reading/


writing/speaking/listening. The component aims at developing foreign language teachers' research and critical thinking competences.

Experimental work

Experimental work was carried out during the 2006-2007, the 2008-2009, and the 2009-2010 school years. There were eight groups of trainees, four control and four experimental groups. The experimental groups consisted of pre-service English language teachers:

2007-2008 academic year - 26 people (1 E Group) & 24 people (2 E group), and

2008-2009 academic year - 24 people (3 E group) & 22 (group 4 E), [96 people in total].

The control group consisted of pre-service English language teachers:

2007-2008 academic year - 23 people. (Group 1 K) & 22 people (2K Group), and

2008-2009 academic year - 21 people (3 K group) & 25 person (4 K group),

[91 people in total].

In the control groups, the foreign language teachers training were carried out according to the traditional program. We experimentally tested the proposed system to improve the didactic foreign language teachers' training.

At the stage of the experiment, average level of didactic training was dominated in all experimental groups. For example, 22 foreign language teachers (22.82%) showed the low level of didactic preparation at the stage of cut off point of ascertaining, after the end of the experiment, 14 foreign language teachers have moved to a higher average level. 50 foreign language teachers (52.08%) showed the average level at the beginning of the experiment, in the end -49 foreign language teachers (51.04%). The observed decrease in the number of foreign language teachers with an average level associated with the 15 foreign language teachers at transition the highest level since initially it showed 24 foreign language teachers (25.00%), and at the end of the experiment - 39 foreign language teachers (40.63%). The reliability of the experimental work results was confirmed by the calculation of x2 test.


Considering foreign languages teachers' didactic preparation features, we identify the components of the didactic training as language competences, education and psychology, and professional competences. During the foreign language teachers' didactic training, we included a special course " foreign language teachers' Didactic Training ", creative tasks and specific techniques of adult education, in order to help foreign language teachers to form the individual style of their teaching activities.

The experimental work was carried out to check the effectiveness of the organizational and pedagogical conditions to improve the didactic training of foreign language teachers. The pre-service showed significant increase in its level in the experimental groups. Thus, the experimental work demonstrates the effectiveness of the foreign language teachers' didactic development training program.

1. Adams J. Modern developments in educational practice. University of London Press, 1998. 7th printing.

2. Allsopp A.H., Olivier F.G. General methods of modern education. Shuter and Shooter. Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

3. Amidon T., Hunter E. Improving teaching. Holt, Rinehart &Winston. New York, 1997.

4. Anderson E. Team teaching in The Educational Magazine. The Education Department of Victoria. Australia, 1991.

5. Bair M. and Woodward R.G. Team teaching in action. Houghton Mifflin. Boston, 1994. - 156 p.

6. Colvin S.S. An introduction to high school teaching. The Macmillan Company. New York, 2000.

7. Correll W. Learning with technical aids, programmed learning andteaching machines in Education. Institute for Scientific Cooperation. Tubingen, 2001.

8. Davis V. The science and art of teaching. Cartwright &Rattray. London, 1998.

9. Flitner A. Playing. Learning. Interpretation of Children's play in Education. Institute for Scientific Co-operation. Tubingen, 1991.

10. Garlick A. H.A new manual of method. Longmans, Green & Co. London, 1997.

11. Gross R., Murphy J. The revolution in the schools. Harcourt, Brace & World. New York, 2001.

12. Hohmann F. The curriculum and its construction. Education. 1994.

Статья поступила в редакцию 24.03.17

УДК 37.013

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Milkevich O.A., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Head of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute, Branch of Perm State National Research University (Solikamsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL-CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP IN PREVENTING CHILDREN'S ILL-BEING. The article presents results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of the contents of socio-cultural partnership and its development in solving problems of children's ill-being. Socio-cultural partnership in prevention of children's ill states is a trend of social policy in relation to family and

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