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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mikheeva Elena I.

The relevance of the research topic is determined primarily by the increasing attention of modern linguistics to the study of neologisms of the modern German language using In-ternet resources. The article aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the integration features of derived neologisms of different spheres of use. The leading method for the study of this problem is the author's complex technique, which includes different levels of integration. Internal neologisms are characterized by a two-part binary word-formation structure, in some cases there is a three-and four-part structure; the grammatical gender of the noun, to which the affix (for derivatives) is attached, the form of the genitive and plural in accordance with the norm of the German language; the preservation of the pro-nunciation of the German language. The practical value is determined by the ability to use the material and the practical results in lectures on lexicology, style and history of the German language, in the theory and practice of translation, in neography, as well as in lectures on linguistics. In addition, the use of research materials in the educational pro-cess will contribute to the replenishment of teachers and students of knowledge in the field of the latest German vocabulary, serving electronic media.

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The relevance of the research topic is determined primarily by the increasing attention of modern linguistics to the study of neologisms of the modern German language using Internet resources. The article aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the integration features of derived neologisms of different spheres of use. The leading method for the study of this problem is the author's complex technique, which includes different levels of integration. Internal neologisms are characterized by a two-part binary word-formation structure, in some cases there is a three-and four-part structure; the grammatical gender of the noun, to which the affix (for derivatives) is attached, the form of the genitive and plural in accordance with the norm of the German language; the preservation of the pronunciation of the German language. The practical value is determined by the ability to use the material and the practical results in lectures on lexicology, style and history of the German language, in the theory and practice of translation, in neography, as well as in lectures on linguistics. In addition, the use of research materials in the educational process will contribute to the replenishment of teachers and students of knowledge in the field of the latest German vocabulary, serving electronic media.


lexical innovations, neologism-transposit, identification of new words, integration aspect

AUTHOR Elena I. Mikheeva

Candidate of philological Sciences associate Professor of romance and german Philology,

Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia. 5, Kirov Street, Kursk, 305000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

1. Introduction

The process of updating the vocabulary of the German language, like any other, is continuous. Language is a complex social phenomenon. It is a means of human communication and is in constant motion. We can say that language is a mirror of society. The development of society is reflected in numerous lexical units that define social relations and changes that inevitably entail lexical innovations and transformations in the language. This can be attributed not only to the German, English language systems, but also to many others.

During the period from late XX-early XXI centuries in the German language has accumulated a lot of new words, vocabulary enriched with new meanings, and other words have lost their relevance.

The relevance of the research topic is determined primarily by the increasing attention of modern linguistics to the study of neologisms of the modern German language using Internet resources, the main trends in the emergence and integration of neologisms, their lexicographic processing. For a long time, this problem remained poorly understood and insufficiently systematized.

The reason for turning to a special study of neologisms in the fields of science and technology, education, information technologies (computer / Internet), telecommunications and television was the absence of such research in both domestic and foreign Lexicography. This is due to the fact that the study of neologisms in the German language actively began in the XX century. At this time, there were radical changes in the political conditions of native speakers, in the economy, in science and technology, and in many other areas. All this influenced the growth and development of the modern vocabulary of the German language and required its special research. Domestic and foreign linguists paid first of all great attention to the theoretical aspects of the emergence of new words: the definition of the concept of "neologism", the criteria for the identification of new words, classifications of neologisms, the main trends of their appearance.

Currently, there are new publications of both domestic and foreign linguists: E. V. Rosen "New words and phrases in German" (2000), "how words appear. German vocabulary: history and modernity" (2000), I. Barz "Was ist aus den Neologismen des WDG geworden?" (2002), E. Tellenbach "Neologismen der neunziger Jahre. Vom Textkorpus zur Datenbank (2002) and others. It is also possible to mention the following dissertation research: N. D. Komleva Lexical innovations of metaphorical type in the modern German language (1981), I. p. Savitsky Neologism of the second order in the modern German language (1983), E. V. Anisimova Neologisms formed by analogy in the vocabulary of the modern German language (1988), L. V. Shalina Lexical neoplasms in the Russian and non-metsk languages of the last decades (the end of the 60s-90s) (1999), O. V. Karnaukhov Functioning of Anglo-Americanisms in German economic discourse (2000) and others.

Up to the present time have generally been treated separately new vocabulary of the political sphere of international life, advertising and fashion, sports, ecology, gender language (E. V. Rosen, 1971, 1976, 1991, 2000), the differences in the vocabulary of the GDR and the FRG (A. I. Domashnev, 1983), computer terminology (R. Raab-Fischer, 1994; C. Belica, 1996; W. Teubert, 1998), display vocabulary (V. Jesensek, 1995; G. H. Gärtner, 1997; D. Zimmer, 1997).

2. Materials and Methods

In the proposed work the approach to this problem is somewhat different from the traditional one. By neologisms we understand the new lexical units (LE) that have arisen at a certain point in time (we study the neologisms of the last 18 years (90-ies of XX century -the beginning of XXI century), often used in the media (at least three times in the specified period), having semantic independence i.e. independence from a certain context and, as a rule, having word-formation activity. The choice of the time period is associated with the emergence of a significant number of neologisms in these areas at the turn of the century. Neologism is taken as the basic unit representing the object of this study.

The material for the study was neologisms (nouns) extracted from dictionaries and press of the late XX - early XXI centuries (the total sample size was 5000 pages of the German press and electronic media). The dictionary "New vocabulary: neologisms of the 90s in the German language" (Neuer Wortschatz: Neologismen der 90-er Jahre im Deutschen, abbreviated as NW) of 2004, edited By D. Gerberg and others.In addition to this dictionary, the data of 20 lexicographic sources, electronic Internet resources were used as the initial lexicographic basis for the establishment of neologisms. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the typology of neologisms identified by the "Dictionary of the modern German language" (Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache, abbreviated WDG) 1961-1977 edited by R. Klappenbach and V. Steinitz.

It is defined as the borrowed LE, transferred to the German language environment, entering into new semantic and word-formation relations (external neologism-transposit, and as the German LE participating in formation of new words in combinations with the German or borrowed components or acquiring new value (internal neologism. In our research, we proceed from the hypothesis that bilingual interference of the German and English language systems is determinant in the formation of neologisms of the end of XX -beginning of XXI century by borrowing, word formation and change of the semantic structure of LE in the areas of science and technology, information technology, education, telecommunications and television.

The subject of this study was the integrative features of neologisms in this period, including formal, semantic, thematic-conceptual, morphological, graphic, phonetic and wordeducational aspects.

Neologism-transposit is taken for the main unit which represents the object of our studies. It can be defined, on the one hand, as a borrowed lexical unit transferred into the field of the German language and entering new semantic and word-formation relations (the outer neologism-transposit), and, on the other hand, as a German lexical unit acquiring a new meaning and taking part in the formation of new words in combination with German or borrowed affixes (lexical units) (the inner neologism-transposit).

The aim of the research is to conduct a comprehensive multi-aspect analysis of new lexical units - neologisms of the last 18 years (90-ies of XX - beginning of XXI centuries) in the fields of science and technology, information technology, education, telecommunications and television. The main method of research is a complex technique, which includes the following methods of linguistic analysis: description, structural and semantic analysis, which allows to reveal the internal organization of the phenomenon under study, the method of comparative analysis of borrowings and their prototypes, the method of transformation, analysis of direct components, the method of classification of vocabulary by thematic groups, analysis of dictionary definitions, statistics. The elements of morphemic analysis are used to determine the volume of the lexical unit semantics.

The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the target setting and objectives of the study, as well as by the complex multi-aspect methodology used in their solution. For the first time investigated the neologisms of the end of XX - beginning of XXI century with the use of Internet resources, formed as a result of the interaction between the processes of borrowing, word formation, changing the meaning of words; identifies the main trends in the development of this layer of vocabulary. The results obtained allow us to present evidently the conditions of interlingual lexical transposition.

The studied inner neologism-transposits reflect the processes of technicalization, intellectualization, globalization and standardization of the lexicon of modern German and the tendency to language bilinguism. Among the semantic and conceptual spheres the dominating status should be given to the names in the field of the Internet/ computer (40%), science and technics (35%) and telecommunication (16%) which is due to, first of all, the development of scientific and technical, informational and computer technologies, the Internet and telecommunication at the observed period. New formations in the spheres of education make up (5%), television - (4%).

Let us take, as an example, the analysis of derivative lexical units with the suffixes -er, -in, -e,-ung.

The suffix -er belongs to the productive affixes of modern German. It is used to form the doers of the actions (nomina agentis) from substantatives and verbs and to form the instruments of the actions. The suffix -in forms names of persons of feminine gender from the corresponding names of masculine gender and is called movational (Stepanova/Flaisher, 1984). The suffix -e is used to form denominative nouns denoting professions. The affix -ung forms verbal names of processes.

1. Names of the sphere Science and Technics:

der Bildschirmschoner - WFS: verbal group Bildschirm schon(en) + -er (loan-translation from the English lexical unit screen saver). LSI: "saving program in a computer"(NW,2004) . The dictionaries Duden and DUW3 confirm the indicated LSV. GI: the variant Bilschirm-Schoner. MI: masculine gender, genitive case, sing. Bildschirmschoners, nominative case, pl. Bildschirmschoner. WFI: the main component in the composites Standardbildschirmschoner, Video-Bildschirmschoner (four-component binary structure); der CD-Brenner - WFS: the verb group CD brenn(en) + -er. LSI: "CD recorder" . DUW3 confirm the indicated LSV. MI: masculine gender, genitive case, sing. CD-Brenners, nominative case, pl. CD-Brenner. PI: [tse:de:---]. WFI: rare the modifying component CD-Brenner-Software (four-component binary structure); der DVD-Brenner -WFS: the verb group DVD brenn(en) + -er. LSI: "DVD recorder" (Wikipedia, 2001). PI: [de:faude:---]. MI: masculine gender, genitive case, sing. DVD-Brenners, nominative case, pl. DVD-Brenner;

2. The next group contains denominative names of professions of masculine gender from prefixoid derivatives (or bilingual formations) and movational names of feminine gender S + DS (er / in):

der Telearbeiter - LSI: "one who works at home with the help of telecommunication means" (Duden, 2000). MI: masculine gender, genitive case, sing. Telearbeiters, nominative case, pl. Telearbeiter. WFI: derivative Telearbeiterin; Biomediziner/in — biophysician (Wikipedia, 2001); Bioethiker/in — bioethician (DUW3,2001), Biochemikerin — biochemist [www.wikipedia.de], Cyber-Gnostiker/in [saibR-] — cybergnostic (Wikipedia, 2001), Cybermediziner/in [saibFR-] — cyberphysician (Wikipedia, 2001), Cyberberaterin [saibFR-] - cyberconsultant (Die Zeit, 2018).

Simplex (telescope) + the suffixes -er/-in: Mechatroniker/in — mechatronician; Genetikerin — geneticist (Wikipedia, 2001), Logikerin — logician (Die Zeit, 2018).

The abbreviation composite (or bilingual) + the suffix -in: DV-Beraterin — a consultant in the sphere of computer software, IT-Beraterin — a consultant in the sphere of information technologies, IT-Kundenbetreuerin — a woman in charge of consumer service, IT-Leiterin — a woman top manager in the sphere of information technologies, IT-Konfigurationskoordinatorin — a coordinator of the development of computer software in the sphere of information technologies, IT-Mediengestalterin — a woman multimedia designer, IT- Ökonomin — an economist in the sphere of information technologies, E-Learning-Autorin [i:lQ:FRnIN-] — an author of the concepts of interactive ways of teaching, E-Mail-Agentin [i:meil-] [i:me:l-] — e-mail agent (Wikipedia, 2001).

Determinative autochonic composite (or bilingual) + the suffix -in: Medienberaterin — multimedia consultant; Mediendesignerin — multimedia designer, Call-Center-Agentin [k%lsEntFR-] — a telephone agent, Computerlinguistin [kOmpjutFR] — a computer linguist;

Neo-Anglicism + the suffix -in: Chatterin [7EtFRIn] — a woman chat member (DAAD Letter 2017), Layouterin [lEia4tFRIn]— a woman illustrator (Wikipedia, 2001), Onlinerin [OnlainFRIn] — a woman Internet user (DAAD Letter 2017) , Webdesignerin [vepdIzain-] — a web designer (Wikipedia, 2001);

der Biopsychologe - LSI: "biopsychologist (studies the psychology of birds of passage)" — "Mit einen einfachen Experiment haben Biopsychologen aus Bochum dies herausgefunden" . MI: masculine gender, genitive case, sing. Biopsychologen, nominative case, pl. Biopsychologen.

3. Names in spheres of telecommunication, science and technics, information technologies represent verbal formations of feminine gender — V+DS (-ung):

die Boullevardisierung - LSI: "boulevardization (a simplified way of presenting information)" (Die Zeit, 2018). MI: genitive case, sing. Boullevardisierung, nominative case, pl. Boullevardisierungen; Computerisierung [kOmpjutFR-]— computerization (Die

Zeit, 2018), Digitalisierung — digitalization (the digital presentation of information), Klonierung — cloning, Virtualisierung — virtualization (the use of a computer for creating virtual reality) (Die Zeit, 2018) .

3. Results

As a result of a complex approach to the integrative aspect of inner neologism-transposits on the formal, semantic, conceptual, morphological, graphic, phonetic and word-formation levels the following typical features can be singled out:

- binary word-formation structure (consisting of two, three or four components). Among the new formations composites prevail (57%), derivatives make up (37%), acronyms (4%), telescopes-simplexes (2%).Compositional productive ford-formation models are S1+S2, A+S. Among inner neologism-transposits we may observe serial composites with a common initial or final components, and also partial loan-translations of English-American lexical units or similar formations. Bilingual formations make up 45%.

- a relatively high degree of morphological integrity is typical of the analysed lexical units though some of them show fluctuations in gender, in forming the plural and genitive case;

- graphic integration lacks uniformity. The most graphically adaptable are telescopes-simplexes and acronyms. Among derivatives and composites we may single out lexical units with several graphic variants, it is especially typical of bilingual formations. Bilingual derivatives and composites are rather often spelt separately or they are hyphenated which allows to give transparency to the semantic structure of a lexical unit. It also makes it possible to interpret the unit easily by its components;

- the smallest degree of inner neologism-transposits integrity is typical of the phonetic aspect of bilingual derivatives and composites. As a rule, the borrowed components preserve the pronunciation of the source language, thus emphasizing the nonstandard sound form and the expressiveness of the new. However, there are some peculiarities that are characteristic of the recepient language;

- the analysis of the empiric data indicates that inner neologism-transposits participate, in most cases, in word-formation processes, especially in the formation of bilingual composites consisting of two, three and four components. The word formation activity helps to quicken the process of adaptation;

- inner neologism-transposits represent a group which is constantly open to new lexical units or LSV.

Among the internal neologisms, a significant group consists of bi-lingual formations-neoplasms with bilingual layer-educational composition, which also reflects the interaction of the two language systems and contributes to faster assimilation of borrowings.

4. Conclusion

The studied neologisms of the late XX-early XXI centuries represent the area of close interaction of the English-German language zone and prove the impact of the English language on the processes of borrowing, word formation and semantic changes in the modern German language.

The main regularity of the English-German language contacts is the borrowing of the terminology of the considered spheres and the preservation of the conceptual structure of the prototypes. Their transposition into the recipient language is associated with extralinguistic factors (intensive development of science and technology, information technology, television and telecommunications, language contacts, integration into world culture, etc.). D.) and intrastructural factors (language economy, expressiveness of

novelty, synonymic attraction, metaphorical imagery and expressiveness, semantic specificity and capacity, communicative clarity, activity of nominative processes). The integration process depends mainly on the proximity of the contacting languages at the formal, semantic, phonetic, morphological, graphic and word-formation levels.

The theoretical significance of the research is that it contributes to the description of the characteristic features of the word-formation system of the modern German electronic language, to the terminology of the Internet, contributes to the disclosure of the role of the English-language influence on the German language. We also study the internal nature of inter-and intra-language interactions on a synchronous slice (the last 18 years), which can be applied in the historical perspective.

The practical value is determined by the ability to use the material and the practical results in lectures on lexicology, style and history of the German language, in the theory and practice of translation, in neography, as well as in lectures on linguistics. In addition, the use of research materials in the educational process will contribute to the replenishment of teachers and students of knowledge in the field of the latest German vocabulary, serving electronic media.

Thematic and conceptual spheres reflect the extra-and intra-linguistic development of modern German society and the German language. The considered names are open groups, which are constantly updated with new lexical units. The prospect of their further research is associated with the identification of pragmatic functions and actualization in various discursive conditions, types of speech acts, text and genres.

LSV - lexico-semantic variant GI - graphic integration LSI - lexico-semantic integration MI - morphological integration

of Acronyms

WFI - word formation integrity WFS - word formation structure PI - phonetic integration


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