Научная статья на тему 'Improving human resource management structures in local government'

Improving human resource management structures in local government Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Загоруйко Е. А., Дмитриенко Н. А., Россинская М. В.

This article deals with the problems of training of state and municipal personnel of the Rostov region. On the basis of the research the author proposes activities aimed at improving the structure of the staff of the municipal employees of the Rostov region.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving human resource management structures in local government»


УДК 331.08

Загоруйко Е.А.

Магистр Управление персоналом, Аспирант 3 курса Направление «Экономика и управление народным хозяйством» ДГТУ (филиал) г.Шахты, Российская Федерация

Дмитриенко Н.А. к. пед. н, доцент Кафедра «Иностранные языки» ДГТУ (филиал) г.Шахты, Российская Федерация

Россинская М.В. д. э. н., профессор.

Кафедра «Организация производства и управления» ДГТУ (филиал) г.Шахты, Российская Федерация



This article deals with the problems of training of state and municipal personnel of the Rostov region. On the basis of the research the author proposes activities aimed at improving the structure of the staff of the municipal employees of the Rostov region.


Human resource management, local government, municipal employees, personnel structure.

Currently, the staff of municipal employees of the Russian Federation becomes a major strategic success factor held in the country during the period of social, political and economic transformation.

The high level of competitiveness of the modern municipal employee is determined by its professional competence, high level of training, management and professional culture, psychological stability, responsibility, discipline, morality, ability to work in stable and emergency situations. However, so far a common approach to the process of preparation of the state and municipal personnel has not been developed. Especially we have serious situation with the preparation of municipal employees [1, p. 154]. New Russian Institute of Local Self-Government demanded new level of knowledge and skills from municipal employees.

But so far the preparation of municipal employees is conducted on the basis of outdated programs that do not take into account the specific differences between the local authorities, such as an institution of direct democracy, the power of the state. Analyzing the situation we can see that the municipal training programs are not based on the real needs of municipalities and often provide formal education, having a negligible value.

So we need serious improvement of scientific and methodological support of the educational and training process of teaching staff for municipal education system. We have not solved the problem of creating a unified state system of licensing of educational activities in the field of training of municipal employees, and establishing uniform requirements to the level of training to evaluating municipal employees in accordance with federal and regional laws "On Community Service" in the replacement of posts of municipal service, being result the lack of professionalism of making management solutions [2, p.37].

The bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments have been trying to solve the problem of training municipal employees, by organizing various types of training courses and training municipal employees, on the basis of training centers and secondary schools in the territory of the Russian Federation. However, the lack of unified system of training, education content isolation from the real practice of municipal management and low qualification of most of the teachers do not allow us to hope for a quick solution of this critical national problem without serious public intervention.

Thus, the effectiveness of local government largely depends on how smoothly and professionally the administrative apparatus will run. To achieving this objective a paramount proper legal regulation of municipal


service is to be established, with a clear definition of the legal status of a municipal employee [3, p.52]. The need of such special regulation is explained by the organizational separation of local self-government in exercising public power, as well as the characteristics of municipal employees working in comparison with the actual labor relations.

Therefore, the development of measures aimed at improving the structure of the staff of the municipal employees should be carried out by training municipal employees to reduce the proportion of working elderly people.

In modern conditions the principles of personnel policy in the system of state and municipal government should be completely oriented to the professionalism and responsibility of state and municipal employees, and while personnel policy should include the system of motivation and mechanisms of social protection of personnel. It is a mistake to reduce the staff of public and municipal services on the basis of an election and replacement.

Human Resource Management, as one of the main goals of the state personnel policy should include a versatile set of activities (organizational, economic, educational, social and psychological) at different stages of human resources activities, from the formation of the reserve staff for the positions to promote the effective employees work professional promotion and dismissal [4, p.198]. Unfortunately, the data show that the personnel who work in the government and municipal education authorities demonstrate low quality. The choice of personnel is carried out as a long term outdated technology, which does not take into account the moral and psychological aspects of the person, work with the talent people and does not provide the conditions necessary for effective "reproductive" human resource capacity of the state and municipal service, as assessment of staff has basically a low level of formal & methodical support of personnel work.

In this context, today we need actively work to improve personal oriented technologies at all levels of government and the state and municipal service. Optimization of this process, in our view will contribute to the generalization of positive experience in personnel work in state and municipal authorities and the organization of various forms of ownership organs.

In the future, with the development of science and technology content and working conditions this work will become more important than material interest [5, p. 274]. The most important aspect is the preparation and continuous training of personnel. It is a growing effective relevance of management training at all levels.

This is important not only for public authorities, but also for the local government, especially in the period of forming, when there are a lot of difficulties and challenges in the bodies.

After analyzing the staffing structure of local self-government body, we can conclude that we need to solve the following problems:

1) insufficient level of basic education of employees;

2) a high level of elderly workers;

3) low rate of unemployed workers;

4) insufficient level of qualification of employees.

To solve these problems, we must first change the personnel policy as in accordance to its nature, it refers to the passive type, that is easily reduced by the elimination of the negative consequences of staff problems.

Having mentioned the economic, marketing, organizational and administrative (managerial or administrative) areas to improve staff structures it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

1. to give certification to employees in local government.

2. Raise the qualification of employees with the help of seminars and retraining courses, which would reduce the loss of working time.

3. To equip professionals with computers with free internet access.

4. Introduce a system of service and professional advancement of employees, providing career development of employees, staff turnover, by moving them to higher positions.

5. Optimize the system of selection of personnel structure.

Marketing direction can be offered - certification system of hiring municipal employees.

Certification of municipal employees - is produced by the prescribed manner of testing the qualification and professional qualities of municipal employees, their training and compliance by periodic assessment of knowledge, experience, skills, results, activities and the ability to perform specific functions of the municipal service for


displaced post [7, p.375].

Certification is carried out once in every three years.

The lists of municipal employees, subject to certification should contain the following information:

- Surname, name and patronymic of the municipal employee;

- The name of the replaced municipal office;

- The date of receipt at the municipal service;

- The date of appointment to the municipal office of substitutable;

- Existing qualification rank, date of its assignment.

As a rule, first of all the heads of units are certified institutions, organizations, companies, and then subordinate workers. Certification Commission members are held on a common basis.

Heads of institutions, organizations, companies are certified in the commissions, organized by parent bodies as subordinate.

For the certification for each municipal employee, subject to certification, prepare the following documents:

- A certification sheet the previous certification;

- Review (utility or feature).

Of course, the Regulations on the certification for municipal employees for local government means measures achieving certain results, but these activities are designed for the future and are only part of the personnel policy of the municipal service. Therefore, when considering the economic and social efficiency of this Regulation should take into account the impact of other measures and the personnel policy of the municipal service. Hence the conclusion may be that the assessment of the situation should be comprehensive.

The decision of personnel problems of municipal service is impossible without substantial funding. This problem can be solved by the combination of efforts both on the part of local budgets, and the federal and regional budgets. Increased funding is to improve the personnel structure of the municipal service of the budgets of all levels and it must be accompanied by a transformation of the situation in the real mechanism of action, capable of leading the staff of municipal service to a higher quality level.

In the direction of training should be done.

Further training is necessary to ensure the growth of professional skills of workers, increase their knowledge, improving the skills and abilities to perform more complex work.

Further training is possible through:

- The direction of employees on training courses;

- Obtaining additional education in higher and secondary special educational institutions;

- The exchange courses of knowledge and experience.

Upgrading the skills of staff will contribute to the following:

1. To direct employees on training courses in specialized training centers.

2. Organize a special company which will carry out practical work with staff to improve their employment potential. Retraining of workers is one of the main factors to improve the management personnel of the enterprise. The total increase in the test indicator contributes not only to save the number of employees, but also for a significant increase in productivity [8, p. 74]. This is an intensive development of production factor, which in turn contributes to not only to improve employment rates, but also the economic potential of the enterprise.

According to the information direction we have:

- Equipping professionals with computers with free Internet access

The local authorities, has the following software resources:

- Microsoft Word 2003 text editor;

- Microsoft Paint for Windows 2003;

- Microsoft Excel 2003;

- Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0;

- Editing software Adobe Photoshop 5.0.

It was also revealed that the municipal institutions has not necessary number of jobs with access to the Internet network, which would provide a link between departments, a quick search of necessary information and


which can be used to transfer the documents to the correct department using e-mail, which will allow do not waste time on crossings, passages and not to distract the head, their employees visits. It also allows to track the movement of documents, while, at the same time, it will significantly reduce the loss of working time and reduce paperwork. Gradually, we can use electronic documents, which increases efficiency and does not allow the loss of important documents.

According to management direction:

- the next problem is Optimization of the system of selection of employees

The process of selection of employees in the municipal service is very time-consuming. Human Resources base having the opportunity to a primary selection of candidates. Then those candidates are supposed to be sent for an interview with the head of department. Then the head of division, "assigns" a suitable candidate for an interview with immediate supervisor, and so on.

Conclusion. Thus, the above-mentioned activities, allow local governments to increase the efficiency of human resource management and improve efficiency, which will contribute to the economic growth of activity of the municipality of the Rostov region. Implementation of municipal personnel policy carried out in several ways, but the main goal always remains the formation of the human resources potential, which in the professional and business relationships to allow for an effective functioning and development of local authorities.

In general, the work proves the need for a scientific approach to the formation of the system of modern management practices, staffing organizations, particularly municipal. This demonstrates the importance of this work and suggests that modern human resource management methods, the system of staffing the organization needs to be further, more profound consideration of more serious attention to her Russian leaders and practitioners.


1) "The Statute of the municipality" "Rostov region", 2011

2) "Regulation on the Administration of the municipal formation" Russia "from 2012

3) "The procedure for forming a municipal reserve of administrative staff Rostov region", 2013

4) Gnevko VA staffing problems of local government: training of municipal officials. Spb., 2010. 199 p.

5) Damascene OV Staffing state building // Modern Law, number 7, 2012. S. 66-71.

6) Ignatov VG Local government: Russian practice and foreign experience. M., 2012. 349 p.

7) Komarov H. Motivation of work and increase the efficiency of // Man and labor. 2010. № 10. S.42-46.

8) Kochkina NV Quantitative evaluation of the meaningfulness of work. M. Ekonomika, 2011. 246 p.

9) Solomin IG Do I need a certification of workplaces on working conditions for companies and organizations [Electronic resource] // Journal "Sotsis» - № 9-2013.

© 3aropyHKO E.A., ^MrnpHeHKO H.A., P0CCHHCKaa M.B., 2016

УДК 331.104

Е.А. Кобец

к.э.н., доцент ЮФУ А.Ю. Павлов

к.э.н., доцент ЮФУ г. Таганрог, Российская Федерация



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