Научная статья на тему 'Methodological bases of personnel policy formation in the context of innovative development of the region'

Methodological bases of personnel policy formation in the context of innovative development of the region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gavrylov M., Zerkina O.

The article discusses methodological basis of personnel policy formation in the context of innovative development of the region. It was found out that establishment and implementation of the state personnel policy,as well as regional and municipal personnel policy, faces a number of difficulties. The components of the concept of regional personnel policy were identified including goals and objectives, mechanisms, principles and strategy. The conceptual basis of mechanism of personnel policy of the region was developed. Conducted studies revealed a number of factors and conditions of external and internal environment, which significantly affects the content and mechanism of implementation of personnel policies. Two groups of regional and sectoral regulations were identified, which must be used in the regional personnel policy for innovative development of the region. The first group helps to determine the perspective of formation and training of innovative personnel and the second group determines the ways of distribution and involvement of personnel.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Methodological bases of personnel policy formation in the context of innovative development of the region»

- Management of Labour and Safety -

UDC 331.108:332.1

M. Gavrylov,

PhD (Economics), Professor, O. Zerkina,

Lecturer, Odessa


Problem statement. Effective regional personnel policy underlies the strategy of innovative development of industrial and economic activity in the region and should comply with this strategy. Nowadays, in the current economic situation, there is an urgent need to take drastic measures to prevent the negative impact of several factors on the development of human resource capacity of the regional economy. If do not give sufficient attention to this matter in time, in the future there is a direct threat to reproduce personnel for innovative development and reducing its capacity. One of the most dangerous challenges, in our opinion, is a high demand of qualified personnel under high unemployment at once, especially among youth. At the same time, regional personnel policy often has unsystematic nature, there are no long-term prospects in the preparation and using of personnel, and therefore it is inconsistent with economic and social programs of the territories development, there is no considered system of staff selection and transfer.

Analysis of researches and publications. The

various aspects of regional personnel policy are highlighted in studies of A. Babenko, Z. Varnaliy, A. Do-ronina [1], S. Kalinina, A. Colot, E. Libanova, L. Lisohor, N. Lukyanchenko, M. Murashko, O. Novikova, V. Nykyforenko, V. Petyuh, G. Sydunova [2] d. Shchokin [3], A. Yakovenko [4], O. Jakubowskiy [5].

At the same time, recognizing the value of scientific researches of these authors it should be noticed that the conceptual basis of personnel policy forming of the region remain under-developed, especially in the context of its innovative development.

The purpose of article is the working out of the methodological principles of personnel policy forming in the context of the region innovative development.

Statement of the basic material. Odessa region has powerful personnel. At the same time, there is insufficient demand of enterprises for workers in professions that provide a high level of knowledge in physical, mathematical and engineering sciences, the presence of unbalance of labor demand and its supply of professional qualification and insufficient level of individuals with professional skills that are looking for a job, the presence of chronic demand for highly engineering skilled workers and labour for the production sector.

During the period 2005 - 2013 years the number of employees of scientific organizations in the Odessa region was decreased by 34.6%, and the number of professionals who carry out scientific and technical work - by 45.1% [6]. There were engaged in science only 17.4% doctors and 10.2% candidates of sciences in 2013. It is noted the failure of replenish staff scientific corps with graduates of universities, research organizations and institutions do not have a sufficient number of skilled professionals that can provide the transfer of research results and its elaborations for their development in production, the lack of effectiveness of training workers to fit the modern production requirements. So the urgent question is to work out the conceptual basis of effective personnel policy.

At this stage of society functioning the personnel policy has been and is one of the key factors of its development and defines the main content and nature of all kinds of social control in Ukraine. [7]

Regional HR policy is a specific form of sectoral and territorial management combination, its main tasks is to ensure the region's population with jobs, satisfaction branch staffing requirements, additional staffing requirements of enterprises and region infrastructure, rational distribution of staff for activities and sectors, providing high efficiency of their usage in enterprises and organizations of the region.

Personnel policy in current conditions should be based on the priority of the human person and be war-rantabled by solid scientific basis. Unfortunately, in reality, the creation and, especially, the implementation of the public, as well as regional and municipal personnel policy, suffers from a number of difficulties. Our researches showed that the main limiting factors are:

- Socio-political instability in the country, the economy crisis;

- Carelessness of society strategic orientation;

- Instability of power structure and management at national, regional and local levels;

- Weak legislative and normative base at national, regional and municipal levels;

- Insufficient elaboration of theoretical and methodological basis of personnel activity in terms of innovative development, formation of civil society and market economy.

Nowadays innovative and socialized type of regional economy development makes the more stringent demands system of staff. This is the knowledge of transfer mechanism of the economy to an innovative path of development, the ability of professional and quick adaptation to new innovative processes, continuous professional development, the maximum realization of the potential in the labor activity, tendency to team working style for achieving the organization goals and others. All of this in complex makes a fundamental need to develop the implementation of personnel policy that is adapted to specific regional conditions. In such conditions not only the role of regional human resources policy increases, but also specifically within individual organizations. Personnel policy should be formed on the base of the innovative development strategy of the region and represents a set of promising targets of personnel potential usage in the region, including its motivation, development, updating and improvement.

According to our researches we identified the following key areas of personnel policy in the region:

- The policy of human resources formation (using internal and external sources);

- The policy of security enforcement and protection of human resources;

- The policy of human resources l professional progress;

- The policy of professional education system development in the region;

- An employment policy and professional labor market development;

- The policy of human resources demand ensuring;

- The policy of material and morale encouragement of employees;

- The mobilization policy of formation of professional, moral and patriotic human resources.

We defined the strategy of regional human resources management as a system of set parameters of formation, motivational stimulus, development, improvement and effective usage of human resources for achieving innovative development goals of the region. In terms of this approach, personnel policy, in our opinion, is an integrated system that includes the objectives and principles, and formed on its basis methods, forms, elements and criteria of personnel operations, that are aimed at training, motivation and mobilization of personnel in the region to achieve its scientific and technical, productive-economic and social problems.

We believe that the strategy of personnel policy in the region should consider and be directed to:

- The achievement of the strategic goals of innovative and socio-economic development of the region and the objectives of human resources policy;

- The formation of principles and ideology of personnel policy. The ideology of personnel policy should be reflected in the documentary form and implemented by all subjects of the region;

- The determining of balance between economic and social efficiency of human resources usage in the region.

The mechanism of regional human resources policy formation involves the usage of various forms, methods and tools of personnel operations, and also new information management technologies that are aimed at updating HR management to ensure the effective functioning of the human resources management in the region to address the production, technical and technological problems.

Regional HR policy must meet the conditions and requirements of the external and internal environment. Studies have identified a number of factors and environmental conditions which significantly affect to the content and mechanism of implementation of personnel policy. Among these are:

- Regulatory and legal documents on labor;

- The level of market competition;

- Specifics of national structure, the level and quality of life:

- The conditions of the labor market in the region;

- The average regional wages and cost of living;

- The location of the region and others.

The internal factors and conditions of personnel policy formation in the region include:

- The conception and development strategy of the region;

- The human resources formation strategy;

- The formed mechanism of management;

- The style and methods of work and others.

Thus, on the one hand the regional personnel policy is a long-term document, on the other hand it must be constantly adjusted in accordance with the formed situation and the need to address the current problems related to the innovative development of the regional economy.

The main objectives of personnel policy that are adapted to the conditions of the region and aimed at its innovative development are:

- The formation, development and ensuring of the human recourses renewal of the region in accordance with its strategy of innovative development and current challenges;

- An improvement of human resource management in the region;

- An analysis of labor resources usage and optimization of the staff number;

- The creation of the conditions for high performance and labour resources efficiency;

- The formation of favorable social and labor relations;

- The ensuring of the current and prospective economic stability of the region organizations and the economic situation of its employees;

- Innovative and socio-economic development of the region.

The formation of regional innovation system and its human resource capacity inseparably are linked. The personnel policy formation of innovative development of the region should be based on the following assumptions:

- The flexibility and adaptability of formation strategy and human recourses development of the region;

- The constant updating of techniques, technologies and approaches to the personnel policy formation and human resource capacity of the region;

- The usage of flexible mechanisms and innovative technologies of personnel;

- The free choice of labor activity by the employee;

- The social responsibility in the formation, development and usage of human resources;

- The right of innovative activity subjects to solve independently the issue of human resources renewal;

- The active participation of all subjects of the region in development and implementation of personnel policy.

One of the major problem of regional human resources policy in terms of innovative development is to improve the methods of determine the optimum staffing requirements of appropriate skills level in the region in whole and for its individual branches.

By developing the human resources policy of regional innovative development the system of regional and sectoral standards should be used, which can be divided into two main groups. The first allows to determine the perspective of formation and training of innovative personnel, and the second determines key points that characterize the distribution and use of personnel.

The first group of normative documents that have to be developed for innovative process staff includes the qualifying characteristics of technical staff and specialists of the main groups of specialties and occupations for the five-year and long-term (10 years) period; the standards of skilled workers quantity and employees in the industrial sector including the specific of the region; innovative staff saturation standards of sectors; the standards that characterize the educational process organization (the lists of specialties and occupations, curricu-lums and training programs, teachers working load standards etc.).

The regulations system that need to be developed and applied in the distribution and usage stages of innovative staff, covers the management structures of business entities in the context of industry and their staff; lists of engineering positions and professionals, passports of organizations, enterprises with explanation of their human recourses that are needed for innovation development, ratio regulations between the different categories of innovative staff and others.

Work on the creation and specification of these regulations is rather time-taking and requires the participation of a large number of organizations and institutions. Thus, qualifying characteristics according to the

prepared professionals profile usually are developed by institutes of higher education. Currently, to participate in its development should be involved business-structures that use trained professionals from the institutes of higher education that will be considered in more detail below. The positions lists are developed and approved by branch ministries and departments (they are the lists of positions in the enterprises and organizations that have to be replaced by graduates, indicating the specialty and level of education; there are reasonable ratios of professionals of different levels of higher education). However, considering the rapid development of scientific and technological progress and acceleration of the innovation process they do not always meet the urgent production needs.

In general, the usage of the position list allows accurately determine the need of innovative human resources for the future; to set the standard saturation of necessary specialists of the particular industry (as a ratio of the number of posts which are replaced by specialists to the planned number of employees) in the region; to identify experts usage efficiency.

For regional level of personnel policy development the great importance has the explanation of quantity standards of skilled workers and professionals for the innovative development of various industrial sectors of regional economy. There is the following sequence of the standards development:

a) Selection of typical industrial units according to the industry of the region and its classification;

b) Determination of the factors that are influenced on the number of skilled workers and professionals that are engaged in innovative activity;

a) Development of inspection programs for selected units;

d) Collection of the necessary statistical information;

d) Processing, systematization and generalization of survey results;

e) Development of formulas to determine the quantity standards of skilled workers and professionals that are engaged in innovative activity;

g) Determination of correction factors according to the innovative development of production and updating of formulas;

c) Explanation of ratio of skilled workers and professionals that are needed for the passing of the innovative process.

The need of a new personnel policy, including regional, is related to the tendencies changing that are occurred in economic development both at the global and regional levels. The economic crisis of the last decade shows that uncritical usage of existing market mechanisms and government mechanisms still does not provide sustained economic growth, even of the most developed countries. Such crisis, as the practice has shown, in a less degree affects to those countries that

implemented an active industrial policy aimed at innovative development of its economy. As a result, currently, first of all, are highlighted the strategies of development of scientific, technological, industrial and human resources, which are able to stabilize and speed up economic development, as expressed, for example, in the growth of common strategic researches and a number of other trends, there the reindustrialization is taken the most important place.

Today the place for the production is determined not so much with its associated costs, but also with factors such as access to skilled labor, an availability of infrastructure, the size of domestic demand and many others. Dramatically increase the demands for qualified personnel and reduces the importance of labor costs as required innovative specialists who possess the necessary competencies, which are not enough in countries with cheap labor market. These specialists are trained, usually in developed countries and demand higher wages. Industrial production returns to countries with more capacious internal market, with high level of purchasing power and a skilled labour.

The need of reindustrialization as the future path of economic development of Ukraine is related to the changing nature of active competition, dynamics and structure of demand, the appearance of new technologies and new business-models of development. The principle of new industrialization includes the main engine of economic development as the industrial sector that can provide the highest growth rate of labor productivity, an increasing of workplaces and reducing of unemployment, fast and qualitative economic growth and improvement of the overall competitiveness of the country.

Conclusions and recommendations for further

researches. Thus, summarizing that the personnel policy should be formed on the basis of the innovative development strategy of the region and presents a set of prospective targets of usage in the region its human resources.

In the context of these objectives according to Odessa region and regions of Ukraine it is worth to mention that further studies need to focus on a solving the issue of the appropriate infrastructure to ensure the formation of personnel potential of innovative activity.


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Гаврилов М. С., Зеркша О. О. Методолопчш засади формування кадровоТ полггики в контекст шновацшного розвитку репону

В статп викладено методолопчш засади формування кадрово! полгтики в контекст шновацшного розвитку репону. З'ясовано, що створення i особливо реалiзацiя державно!, а також репонально! i мушципально! кадрово! полггики вiдчуваe на со6Г ряд складнощiв. Виявлено складовi концепцп репонально! кадрово! полггаки, що включають цш та за-вдання, мехашзм, принципи, стратепю. Викладено концептуальн засади мехашзму формування кадрово! полггаки репону. Проведет дослвдження ви-явили ряд факторiв i умов зовшшнього i внутрш-нього середовища, ям суттевим чином впливають на змют i мехашзм реалiзацi! кадрово! пол^ики. Визна-чено двГ групи репональних та галузевих нормати-вГв, ям необхвдно використовувати при розробщ репонально! кадрово! полгтики шновашйного розвитку репону. Перша дозволяе визначити перспективу у формуванн та тдготовщ шновацшних мдрГв, а друга орiентири, що характеризують розподш i ви-користання мдрГв.

Ключовi слова: кадри, кадрова полгтика, конце-пшя кадрово! пол^ики, стратепя, потреба в Тннова-щйних кадрах, нормативн документ.

Гаврилов М. С., Зеркина О. А. Методологические основы формирования кадровой политики в контексте инновационного развития региона

В статье изложены методологические основы формирования кадровой политики в контексте инновационного развития региона. Выяснено, что создание и реализация государственной, а также региональной и муниципальной кадровой политики испытывает на себе ряд сложностей. Выявлены составляющие концепции региональной кадровой политики, включающие цели и задачи, механизм, принципы, стратегию. Изложены концептуальные основы механизма формирования кадровой политики региона. Проведенные исследования выявили

ряд факторов и условий внешней и внутренней среды, которые существенным образом влияют на содержание и механизм реализации кадровой политики. Определены две группы региональных и отраслевых нормативов, которые необходимо использовать при разработке региональной кадровой политики инновационного развития региона. Первая группа позволяет определить перспективу в формировании и подготовке инновационных кадров, а вторая ориентиры, характеризующие распределение и использование кадров.

Ключевые слова: кадры, кадровая политика, концепция кадровой политики, стратегия, потребность в инновационных кадрах, нормативные документы.

Gavrilov M. S., Zerkina O. A. Methodological Bases of Personnel Policy Formation in the Context of Innovative Development of the Region

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The article discusses methodological basis of personnel policy formation in the context of innovative development of the region. It was found out that establishment and implementation of the state personnel policy,

as well as regional and municipal personnel policy, faces a number of difficulties. The components of the concept of regional personnel policy were identified including goals and objectives, mechanisms, principles and strategy. The conceptual basis of mechanism of personnel policy of the region was developed. Conducted studies revealed a number of factors and conditions of external and internal environment, which significantly affects the content and mechanism of implementation of personnel policies. Two groups of regional and sectoral regulations were identified, which must be used in the regional personnel policy for innovative development of the region. The first group helps to determine the perspective of formation and training of innovative personnel and the second group determines the ways of distribution and involvement of personnel.

Keywords: personnel, personnel policy, concept of human resources policy, strategy, need for innovative personnel, normative regulations.

Received by the editors: 30.11.2015

and final form 28.12.2015

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