UDC 329.051
Stoyanova D.D.
a student ofpostgraduate school of specialty Social science, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0000-1234-5678
DOI: 10.31618/ESSA.2782-1994.2021.2.69.55
Annotation. The subject of our work is modern social technologies for the development of the personnel support system of the state civil service. The purpose of the research is to study the socio-managerial aspect of the introduction of social technologies for the development of the personnel support system of the state civil service in modern Russian conditions. The research methods used were institutional and system methods, methods of political and legal analysis, analysis of statistical materials, and study of documents. The result of the work is an analysis of the features of the introduction of social technologies for the development of the personnel support system of the state civil service in Russia (on the example of the United Russia party).
Keywords: personnel reserve, state civil service, social technologies, United Russia, personnel support.
Introduction. At the heart of the existence and functioning of any state is the system of public administration. The operation of such a system is impossible without qualified civil servants. The state administration apparatus is, first of all, professional managers, on whose activities the existence of any political system depends. It is civil servants who solve practical problems of a social, political, economic and other nature.
Today in Russia there is a need to reform and modernize modern social technologies that allow providing the state civil service with highly qualified personnel. Instead of strictly centralized and authoritarian technologies of appointment to public positions, democratic technologies should come to make work in state bodies transparent, open access to it to all categories of citizens, and form a personnel reserve that can ensure a high level of work of state bodies at the federal and regional levels, which underlines the relevance of this study.
In the scientific literature to date, various aspects of public administration have been considered: the formation of personnel policy (T. Batueva [1]; E. N. Bogdanova [2] etc.); the formation of a personnel reserve (N. L. Ivanova [10]; R. Yu. Nalimov [14] etc.); problems of the institute of public service (B. N. Ondar [16]; T. N. Troshkina [25], etc.); technologies of personnel support (E. A. Panova, E. A. Vasilyeva; M. V. Sorokina, E. A. Kudrina [17], etc.). At the same time, the issues of participation of Russian political parties in the staffing of the state civil service were practically not the subject of special research, which determines the scientific relevance of our work.
Methods. The study used the institutional method, the system method, the method of political and legal analysis, the analysis of statistical materials, the study of documents.
Results. The state civil service is a type of public service in which citizens of the Russian Federation, holding positions in state authorities, carry out their professional activities aimed at solving political, social,
economic, legal, and organizational tasks of the work of state bodies.
Regulation of relations and staffing of the state civil service in Russia is carried out by normative legal acts and documents (federal laws [7;8]; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation [4;5;6] and other documents [9;12;13]).
The distribution of the number of employees of state bodies and local self-government bodies by branches of government at the end of 2018 shows that 87% of employees are in the executive branch; 10.6% -in the judiciary and prosecutor's office; 1.4% - in the legislative branch and 1% - in other state bodies [15].
The analysis of the problems of the state civil service in modern Russia is largely based on the study of the issues of its staffing. In modern literature, a number of authors understand staffing as a certain type of comprehensive management activity, which represents a certain set of legal, organizational, educational and other measures aimed at organizing and providing executive authorities of federal and regional significance with highly qualified personnel that meet the requirements defined by law.
Staffing is analyzed through a set of priority departments in the field of personnel management:
- formation and development of a culture of management processes and a high level of professionalism;
- creating conditions for the realization of intellectual abilities;
- scientifically based identification of criteria for evaluating the performance of state bodies ' personnel;
- implementation of the system of personnel support for public authorities;
- determination of the list of competencies of state executive authorities;
- determination of the norm of the number of civil servants in public authorities;
- creating an environment for the professional development of staff, building their professional
careers, strengthening service discipline and effectively performing their official duties;
- creation of a scientifically based system of incentives and forms of responsibility of civil servants;
- creation of a system of hiring, selection, certification, and evaluation of employees in state authorities;
- organization of the personnel reserve training system.
Thus, staffing is a set of principles, methods, methods, forms of selection, training, hiring, advanced training, monitoring and evaluating the activities of employees of public authorities, creating a personnel reserve, aimed at providing highly qualified personnel and improving the efficiency of the state civil service.
The analysis of the literature [3;16;18 etc.] shows that today the problems of staffing state civil authorities should include:
• lack of an official concept and programs for the implementation of personnel policy;
• high staff turnover, including due to the lack of a system of guarantees and benefits for civil servants;
• the low level of competence of the heads of state authorities and personnel services, who should be responsible for staffing;
• insufficient level of training of specialists of personnel services, which affects their inability to apply modern technologies of personnel support of state civil services;
• frequent creation of new state authorities and changes in the list of competencies for employees of state bodies;
• the absence of an official federal body that would give not only recommendations, but also administrative decisions on the management of personnel support for state civil authorities;
• insufficient development of mechanisms for the transition of specialists from one type of civil service to another;
• the lack of fixed responsibility for the heads of state bodies and the heads of personnel services for making personnel decisions and staffing authorities.
Thus, the system of personnel support of the civil civil service involves the solution of several main tasks:
• ensuring the personnel rotation of the staff of employees;
• development of professional and ethical qualities of civil servants;
• development of personnel reserve training programs;
• development of a unified system of criteria for evaluating the performance of a civil servant.
• Today, our country uses a number of technologies and tools for staffing the state civil service:
• conducting qualification selections of candidates for the formation of a personnel reserve, including in a remote format;
• development and establishment of qualification requirements for different groups of professional positions;
• implementation of the system of comprehensive diagnostics of the work of civil servants in practice;
• development of the mentoring institute;
• organization of training programs and projects for staffing the civil service with highly qualified employees. Currently, the implementation of this direction includes the implementation of advanced training courses, obtaining new professional skills, additional professional education, allowing to increase the level of staffing of state bodies. According to statistics, in 2018, 97.7% (125,739 people) of employees of federal state bodies improved their qualifications [24];
• conducting all-Russian and regional competitions for the implementation of the best personnel practices and strategies in the state civil service;
• the formation of a personnel reserve, including through the holding of the competition "Leaders of Russia", the implementation of special projects in this area.
As statistics show, as of February 10, 2020, in the Russian Federation, the personnel reserve in the management of various bodies of the state civil service includes 387 people [11].
The development of the personnel support system for the civil civil service is closely linked to the introduction of new approaches, principles, mechanisms and technologies for the selection and training of candidates for the relevant positions.
Currently, the personnel selection system is a special form of activity, which is aimed at carrying out a set of measures to attract and evaluate candidates.
Today, political parties in Russia take an active part in the staffing of the state civil service.
In this article, as an example, we will consider the activities of the United Russia party.
For more than 10 years, the Party leadership has been implementing a project to create a system for forming a personnel reserve. Each of the specialists who will be included in the personnel reserve can apply not only for promotion to senior positions in the primary, local, and regional branches of the Party, but also to participate in elections to local self-government and state authorities.
The mission of the project "Personnel Reserve Professional Team of the Country" is to search for active and talented citizens, to assist in their promotion in society [21].
The project is focused on the formation of the personnel reserve of the Party in order to meet the needs of the civil and municipal service in effective specialists-managers.
The main objectives of the program are the formation and effective use of the personnel reserve for the needs of the municipal and public service in solving priority economic, political and social issues of state construction. One of the main tasks is to create a constantly updated database of professional managers.
The implementation of the project is entrusted to his team, which consists of the Federal Directorate, the Council of Experts and regional coordinators.
The strategic and tactical management of the project is carried out by the Directorate, which develops the methodology for the formation of the personnel reserve; oversees the activities of all parties interested in the implementation of the project; selects the winners.
The goals and objectives of the Expert Council are public control over the Activities of the Directorate.
The responsibilities of the project coordinators in the regions include ensuring cooperation with various organizations (professional associations, universities, public organizations) to attract suitable candidates to participate in the project; conducting interviews with potential candidates and interacting with the personnel reserve.
The reserve includes candidates who meet a number of requirements:
• they must have a higher education and be at the age of 2545 years;
• they must have a high level of development of the following four competencies: Competence (assessment of the effectiveness of activities and uniqueness, stability of their results), Development (assessment of communication skills, outlook, ability to work in a team, desire to improve themselves, decency), Active life position (assessment of leadership qualities of the individual, desire to serve the people of Russia, willingness to take responsibility, confidence in the ability to improve the quality of life of citizens of the country, the desire to set their own positive example in the development and ability to solve the tasks facing a person) and Intelligence (assessment of the level of strategic and integrated, constructive and critical thinking). These four competencies were conventionally called "THE EDGE" by the authors of the project»;
• the activities of candidates for the personnel reserve in the social sphere, in the activities of municipal and state authorities, mass media, business structures, public and party activities.
The selection procedure includes 4 stages.
At the first stage, candidates fill out a questionnaire and log in on a special project website.
At the second stage, the project participants are tested to assess their intellectual potential and emotional intelligence (quantitative test) and write a mini-essay, answering open-ended questions (qualitative test).
At the third stage, candidates who scored 50% of the test points are interviewed, the purpose of which is to determine the level of development of the region's competencies, determine the civic position, and the sphere of priority interests.
At the fourth stage, candidates take part in the implementation of projects. In the process of working on the project, the motivation of the participants, the activity of their civic position and the compliance of its "EDGE" model with the requirements of the civil civil service are additionally evaluated.
It should be noted that in 2008-2009 candidates were included in the personnel reserve for three stages of work; and in 2010 - for four. In December of each year, the best project participants are included in the personnel reserve, the list of which is approved by the Expert Council on the basis of expert assessments through online voting.
In the personnel reserve of the Party, the winner of the project can be no more than 3 years from the moment of its inclusion there. By the decision of the Directorate, the laureate may be excluded from the reserve in the event of a long stay in it, exceeding the age limit of 48 years; having a criminal record; providing deliberately false information about himself and forged documents; non-compliance with the competencies of the "EDGE"; spreading false and unreliable information about the project; appointing the laureate to the position of a federal employee of class "A".
Work with the winners of the project is then carried out in the following areas:
• implementation of initiatives by the project laureates;
• conducting development and training programs, master classes and advanced training courses for them;
• identification of persons who will be able to take up the relevant positions in the party structure and public administration services today.
• In recent years, the Party has been implementing a new project " Political Leader "[21], the purpose of which is to form the personnel reserve of the Party.
• The project aims to identify:
• leadership qualities of the project participants (a set of emotional characteristics and personal qualities);
• ability to engage in public social and political work, constructive perception of conflict situations and independent decision-making;
• professional knowledge, skills, skills, competencies that are necessary in the performance of socio-political activities.
The project is implemented on the basis of compliance with the principles of justice, voluntariness, legality, equality and publicity.
Participants of the project can be both members and non-members of the party at the age of 20 to 50 years with a level of education not lower than the secondary professional level.
The implementation of the project involves a strict selection of possible candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve group. Testing and interviewing of project participants is aimed at diagnosing their professional qualities, skills and competencies; personal and leadership qualities; communication skills, etc.
Based on the results of the testing, a group of candidates is selected, who are included in the personnel reserve and with whom training is conducted.
The project began to be implemented on December 7, 2018, and on February 20, 2019. The
Presidium of the General Council of the Party approved the list of project participants who were selected.
The training of candidates in 2019 was carried out in streams and included training seminars, master classes, lectures and other forms of work.
Separately, projects for the formation of the Party's personnel reserve are being implemented in the regions of the Russian Federation. For example, in Crimea, the party is implementing the project "Team of the Future", which aims to create a team of effective, modern managers [19].
Project objectives:
• creation of a system for forming a personnel reserve of managers;
• introduction of the practice of social elevators in the territory of the Crimea;
• creating conditions for improving the professional development, competencies, motivation and responsibility of project participants;
• involvement of a wide range of citizens and the public of the Republic in the implementation of the project;
• formation of a positive image of the party in the region, etc.
The project is managed by the Organizing Committee, which includes representatives of municipal and state structures, heads of the KRO of the United Russia RUNWAY.
The project is implemented in several stages.
At the organizational stage, a competitive selection of candidates and their enrollment in the reserve is carried out.
At the stage of competitive selection, at the preliminary level, candidates submit documents for participation in the project; at the first stage, they undergo testing, the purpose of which is to assess the level of their knowledge in the field of municipal and public administration, ideas for improving the lives of Crimeans, through the implementation of social projects; at the second stage, participants undergo psychological testing, perform management tasks and evaluate their social projects; at the third stage, project participants undergo an individual interview and present their social projects.
At the next stage, according to the results of the competition, the best candidates are enrolled in the personnel reserve.
The last stage involves working with the laureates enrolled in the personnel reserve group.
The result of participation in the project is the creation by the candidates of their social project proposals to improve the quality and standard of living of the residents of the Republic. The criteria for evaluating such projects are their relevance (they must meet the modern requirements of state and municipal management); innovation (applied for the first time); orientation (contribute to the implementation of modern reforms, national projects and transformations); effectiveness (their implementation should improve the standard of living of specific categories of citizens); the reality of implementation (take into account regional, political, economic, and
East European Scientific Journal #5(69), 2021 7 administrative risks); efficiency (the resulting result should exceed financial, material, and intellectual resources).
The text of each project proposal should contain not only its abstract, description of the problem, goals, tasks, tools and resources for implementation, but also the justification of the proposed solution to a specific social problem, a realistic, pessimistic and optimistic scenario for its implementation, the necessary set of steps and measures necessary for the practical implementation of the project.
Discussion of the results. Thus, it can be noted that the leading political parties of the country take an active part in the introduction of social technologies for ensuring the state civil service in Russia.
When considering the activities of the United Russia party, we examined the system of training the personnel reserve, which can be attended not only by party members, but also by leaders of various social movements, employees of business and state organizations. The purpose of implementing the Party's projects at the federal and regional levels is to provide personnel for state and municipal authorities and self-government.
The selection of candidates for the personnel reserve group includes the use of various technologies (testing, interviewing, consideration of social projects of participants, training of selected participants in order to further prepare them for the state civil service).
Conclusion. In our study, we analyzed the socio-managerial aspect of the introduction of social technologies for the development of the personnel support system of the state civil service in modern Russian conditions.
Using the example of United Russia, we tried to show how political parties in Russia take an active part in the formation of a personnel reserve and the staffing of state and municipal bodies with highly qualified personnel who possess a number of professional, personal, leadership skills, skills and qualities; have a high level of social motivation and the ability to create and implement social projects that affect the quality of life of Russians.
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Contact Information.
D.D. Stoyanova
a student of postgraduate school of specialty Social science, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
4 rue Guillaume Pic, P. 1.
129226, Moscow