Научная статья на тему 'Practical experience of training specialists in personnel management at the Krasnoyarsk State agrarian university'

Practical experience of training specialists in personnel management at the Krasnoyarsk State agrarian university Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Fomina Ludmila Vladimirovna, Shmeleva Zhanna Nickolaevna

Currently, all areas of public life are undergoing global changes. The associated uncertainty in the development of social and economic systems is growing. Modern enterprises are faced with the need to develop strategic management, one of the main elements of which is the personnel. It can be said that human resources management is a multifaceted, ambivalent and multifunctional process. The mechanism of this process is an organized system of management structures with a clear hierarchy, where workforce is a key element in the structure of the organization. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of training specialists in personnel management. This type of activity requires special knowledge and skills. These include the ability to manage personal emotional and volitional qualities, communication skills, cognitive qualities, organizational skills, value-orientation qualities. In the labor market, first of all, there is a demand for specialists who are able to solve non-standard problems, make decisions in conditions of risk and uncertainty, striving for self-improvement and self-development, able to successfully position themselves, able to think systematically, process large amounts of information and to explicate the core ideas. No less important is the language training of specialists in the field of personnel management. The strategic direction of the work of universities in modern conditions is to ensure a stable high quality training of graduates who meet the needs of the environment. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University proves that the training of specialists in the field of personnel management and the quality of this training are of paramount importance. When fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES of HE), the integration of the Professional standard “HR Specialist” is carried out in addition to the educational process. This allows our graduates to compete successfully in the labor market. Confirmation of the above mentioned is the fact that graduates of our Department successfully work at the enterprises of different fields of activity, starting their work when they are still students.

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В настоящее время, все области общественной жизни претерпевают глобальные изменения. Растет связанная с этим неопределенность в развитии социальных и экономических систем. Современные предприятия сталкиваются с необходимостью выработки стратегического управления, одним из основных элементов которого является персонал. Можно утверждать, что управление трудовыми ресурсами это многоплановый, амбивалентный и многофункциональный процесс. Механизм этого процесса представляет собой организованную систему управленческих структур с четкой иерархией, где персонал выступает ключевым звеном в структуре организации. Статья посвящена особенностям подготовки специалистов по управлению персоналом. Данный вид деятельности требует специальных знаний, умений и навыков. К ним можно отнести умение управлять личными эмоционально-волевыми качествами, навыки коммуникации, познавательные качества, организаторские способности, ценностно-ориентационные качества. На рынке труда, в первую очередь, востребованы специалисты, способные решать нестандартные задачи, принимать решения в условиях риска и неопределенности, стремящиеся к самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию, умеющие успешно позиционировать себя, способные системно мыслить, перерабатывать большие объемы информации и эксплицировать главное. Не менее важной представляется языковая подготовка специалистов в области управления персоналом. Стратегическим направлением работы вузов в современных условиях является обеспечение стабильно высокого качества подготовки выпускаемых специалистов, отвечающих запросам внешней среды. В Красноярском государственном аграрном университете при подготовке специалистов в сфере управления персоналом качеству обучения уделяется первостепенное значение. При выполнении требований ФГОС ВО, дополнительно в учебный процесс осуществляется интеграция Профессионального стандарта «Специалист по управлению персоналом». Это позволяет нашим выпускникам успешно конкурировать на рынке труда. Подтверждением вышесказанному является тот факт, что выпускники нашей кафедры успешно трудятся на предприятиях разных сфер деятельности, причём начинают работать, будучи студентами.

Текст научной работы на тему «Practical experience of training specialists in personnel management at the Krasnoyarsk State agrarian university»

УДК 331

DOI: 10.26140/anie-2019-0801-0087


© 2019

Фомина Людмила Владимировна, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Государственное, муниципальное управление и кадровая политика» Шмелева Жанна Николаевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры

«Иностранный язык» ЦМСиБ Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, пр. Мира,90, e-mail: [email protected])

Аннотация. В настоящее время, все области общественной жизни претерпевают глобальные изменения. Растет связанная с этим неопределенность в развитии социальных и экономических систем. Современные предприятия сталкиваются с необходимостью выработки стратегического управления, одним из основных элементов которого является персонал. Можно утверждать, что управление трудовыми ресурсами - это многоплановый, амбивалентный и многофункциональный процесс. Механизм этого процесса представляет собой организованную систему управленческих структур с четкой иерархией, где персонал выступает ключевым звеном в структуре организации. Статья посвящена особенностям подготовки специалистов по управлению персоналом. Данный вид деятельности требует специальных знаний, умений и навыков. К ним можно отнести умение управлять личными эмоционально-волевыми качествами, навыки коммуникации, познавательные качества, организаторские способности, ценностно-ориентаци-онные качества. На рынке труда, в первую очередь, востребованы специалисты, способные решать нестандартные задачи, принимать решения в условиях риска и неопределенности, стремящиеся к самосовершенствованию и саморазвитию, умеющие успешно позиционировать себя, способные системно мыслить, перерабатывать большие объемы информации и эксплицировать главное. Не менее важной представляется языковая подготовка специалистов в области управления персоналом. Стратегическим направлением работы вузов в современных условиях является обеспечение стабильно высокого качества подготовки выпускаемых специалистов, отвечающих запросам внешней среды. В Красноярском государственном аграрном университете при подготовке специалистов в сфере управления персоналом качеству обучения уделяется первостепенное значение. При выполнении требований ФГОС ВО, дополнительно в учебный процесс осуществляется интеграция Профессионального стандарта «Специалист по управлению персоналом». Это позволяет нашим выпускникам успешно конкурировать на рынке труда. Подтверждением вышесказанному является тот факт, что выпускники нашей кафедры успешно трудятся на предприятиях разных сфер деятельности, причём начинают работать, будучи студентами.

Ключевые слова: персонал, управление персоналом, прикладной бакалавриат, компетенция, специалист, профессиональный стандарт, трудовые функции, руководитель, практико-ориентированное обучение, студенты.


© 2019

Fomina Ludmila Vladimirovna, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, docent of the department "State, municipal management and personnel policy" Shmeleva Zhanna Nickolaevna, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, docent of the department "Foreign Language" Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Mira 90, e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract. Currently, all areas of public life are undergoing global changes. The associated uncertainty in the development of social and economic systems is growing. Modern enterprises are faced with the need to develop strategic management, one of the main elements of which is the personnel. It can be said that human resources management is a multifaceted, ambivalent and multifunctional process. The mechanism of this process is an organized system of management structures with a clear hierarchy, where workforce is a key element in the structure of the organization. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of training specialists in personnel management. This type of activity requires special knowledge and skills. These include the ability to manage personal emotional and volitional qualities, communication skills, cognitive qualities, organizational skills, value-orientation qualities. In the labor market, first of all, there is a demand for specialists who are able to solve non-standard problems, make decisions in conditions of risk and uncertainty, striving for self-improvement and self-development, able to successfully position themselves, able to think systematically, process large amounts of information and to explicate the core ideas. No less important is the language training of specialists in the field of personnel management. The strategic direction of the work of universities in modern conditions is to ensure a stable high quality training of graduates who meet the needs of the environment. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University proves that the training of specialists in the field of personnel management and the quality of this training are of paramount importance. When fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES of HE), the integration of the Professional standard "HR Specialist" is carried out in addition to the educational process. This allows our graduates to compete successfully in the labor market. Confirmation of the above mentioned is the fact that graduates of our Department successfully work at the enterprises of different fields of activity, starting their work when they are still students.

Keywords: personnel, personnel management, applied Bachelor course, competence, specialist, professional standard, labor functions, manager, practice-oriented training, students.

Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Personnel management (or human resource management) has a primary and indispensable role in the organization, as the personnel is the most important and valuable resource. Modern scientists even use the term "Human capital management" explaining that "resource" is something that can be exhausted and "capital" should be multiplied and developed. As an object of management the personnel has some specific features which

increase uncertainty in management. This resource manages all other resources in the organization. Therefore, personnel management is of economic and social importance. The role of the personnel management system in the organization cannot be overestimated. Being a system it has a complex structure. To manage this system is rather complicated, but at the same time it is very interesting, as personnel management is a type of profession that is included into the system "Man-man", and requires special knowledge, skills, aptitudes and

capabilities. These include communication skills, the ability to manage the emotional and volitional qualities, cognitive qualities, organizational skills, value-orientation qualities. All the above mentioned justifies the fact that there is a great need in training qualified human resource managers that will be able to perform all necessary functions, help employees to climb the ladder of success and facilitate the achievement of organizational goals.

Analysis ofrecent studies and publications where aspects of the problem are shown. The problem of training specialists in human resource management is widely studied in the modern economic and managerial literature. For example, Kuznetsova I. V. talks about personnel management as a major component of enterprise management system [1]; Kulish A. V., Chapkin N. S. analyze the relevant problems of personnel management [2]; Garafutdinova N. Ya., Koresheva S. G., Bibikova N. A. reveal the algorithm of work of the organization during the transition to professional standard [3]; Fedulov Yu. P., Vasilchenko E. I. conduct training and use tests as part of the improvement of the University quality management system [4]; Fomina L. V., Litvinova V.S. speak about features of educational programs development in the applied Bachelor course in personnel management [5,6,7]. Shchev'ev A. A., Shchev'eva L. N., Makhmudov M. N. study the possibility of forming professional competence of students by means of interactive technologies in the integral educational process of the university [8], while Olesova M. M., Makarov D. G., Nefedov A.A. research the use of practice-oriented technologies of education in the university [9,10]. There is certainly an interesting scientific and theoretical material that has been collected and analyzed by the moment, but the practical implementation of modern technologies of training HR manager is described not so deeply. The purpose of the authors is to consider some of the challenges and difficulties that a modern leader may face in the process of personnel management, to analyze the specificity of personnel managers training in a modern university and to share practical experience in these specialists' teaching.

In the beginning, we find it necessary to consider the most pressing issues that an HR manager can face with.

1. The first issue can be formulated as a question: "How is it possible to provide the organization with qualified and experienced personnel?" and perhaps it is one of the most common problems of any manager. It includes the solution of several tasks: the definition of recruitment sources, the development of procedures and criteria for the personnel selection, the choice of methods of personnel selection, legal support of recruitment, placement of personnel, etc. And it is obvious that the further success of the organization depends on the quality of personnel recruitment.

2. In medium-sized and large organizations, recruitment is the responsibility of the personnel specialist. Training of Bachelors and Masters in "Personnel Management" direction has become a separate branch relatively recently. Therefore, human resources departments often employ specialists with non-core higher or secondary vocational education. Therefore, there is a task of retraining and advanced training of the personnel officers, not only for compliance of the diploma to the position in the company, but for the increase of professionalism.

3. The next issue is concerned with finding the "ideal" employee and his retention in the company. How is it possible to retain qualified employees, increase their loyalty to the organization? Now the motivation of the staff is one of the most frequent and discussed topics. But at the moment there is no universal theory of motivation, as there is no universal, suitable for any organization effective system of motivation. Each manager develops the most appropriate system of motivation and stimulation of labor for his organization, designed to create conditions for the realization of the personnel labor potential.

4. Human resource management is directly related to the process of communication in the organization. How should 366

we build an effective process of business communication with a minimum number of communication barriers? Properly organized communication system allows to work smoothly, to form and maintain a favorable social and psychological climate of the team, which can significantly improve productivity and, consequently, the profit of the organization.

5. Another problem in the organization is the lack of knowledge and skills in the field of personnel management among managers of different levels. Inept management of the main resource of enterprises leads to staff turnover, reduced motivation, reduced productivity and increased personnel costs.

6. At present, a step-by-step process of transition and implementation of professional standards in the organization is being carried out [3, 4]. This is designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of employers to the quality of training of future professionals. Education at universities is carried out on the basis of Federal state educational standards, and graduates will carry out professional activities on the basis of professional standards. The consistency of these two standards in the area of personnel management is rather weak at the moment. One of the options for solving this problem is to interact with universities in order to coordinate curricula to meet the requirements for graduates.

7. Preservation and development of labor potential of the enterprise is also included into the list of tasks of the modern manager. This is one of the factors of the organization sustainable development and its competitiveness. The labor potential of the employee, and, consequently, the entire organization-the value is not constant; it is permanently changing and has an impact on labor productivity and product quality.

8. Further issue is related to the implementation of the control function on the part of the manager. Unsystematic and weak control, as well as excessive, total control exerts negative impact on the personnel activities. Therefore, the manager must develop an effective control system.

9. When creating an organization or in the process of its purchase, the task of assessing the value of the organization from the point of view of labor potential arises, that is, the set of qualitative characteristics of personnel (psychophysiological, qualification and social).

In the modern labor market one can notice a strong demand for specialists who are able to solve non-standard tasks, make decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk, are capable of self-development, successfully position themselves, are capable of thinking systematically, process large amounts of information and isolate the main thing. Thus, we have identified only a small part of the tasks that the employer is faced with. What is the most optimal way to solve these tasks? This question is also considered and analyzed by the teachers of the Department "State, municipal management and personnel policy" of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, those people who train personnel specialists and future potential managers, and whose strategic direction in modern conditions is to ensure a stable high quality of training of graduates who meet the needs of the environment [11].

In the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (FSES of HE) in the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel Management" we provide the formation of 56 competencies, including 9 general cultural competencies, 10 general professional competencies, 37 professional competencies that are relevant to professional activities. This educational program is an applied Bachelor's program, which means that it is based on practice-oriented activities. The monitoring of the effectiveness of the practice-oriented teaching methods use is carried out while implementing the program of applied Bachelor course. When preparing students, control is carried out on specially developed funds of evaluation tools, which allow to determine the level of knowledge, skills, personal

Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2019. X 8. № 1(26)

The implementation of the practice-oriented approach is possible through the integration of the learning process, including the fulfilment of practices, and the formation of competencies necessary for professional activities. Within the framework of practice-oriented training, internal motivation of the student develops, as there is an opportunity to freely choose ways to solve the problem under discussion; students feel their own competence; experience their own autonomy. In addition, the emergence of innovative ideas may become the result of practice-oriented learning [12].

Applied Bachelor course programs provide the development of broad practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of future professional activity, necessary to determine the ways of behavior in various difficult situations, as well as the acquisition of skills to conduct research for the effective performance of professional tasks, to choose from a wide range of methods that are necessary to solve complex problems, to evaluate the actions and results of the activities of their own and subordinates. In the system of practice-oriented training, the following practical experience is formed: comparison, assessment of phenomena, processes, identification of cause-and-effect relationships, problem setting, the need for further replenishment of subject knowledge. The implementation of practice-oriented learning involves the consideration of practice as a source of knowledge, as a subject of knowledge in a comprehensive approach to the analysis of facts, as a means of knowledge. The result of the practice-oriented approach in training should be a Bachelor who is able to effectively apply formed competencies in practical life.

"The area of professional activity of graduates of the given training direction includes the development of the philosophy, concepts, personnel policy and strategy of personnel management; workforce planning and personnel marketing; employment, evaluation, audit, controlling and personnel accounting; socialization, professional orientation, adaptation and certification of personnel; labor relations; management of ethical conduct, organizational culture, conflicts and stress; manage employment; the organization, regulation, regulation, safety, conditions and labor discipline; personnel development: training, including professional development and retraining, management of business career and service, professional advancement, personnel reserve management; motivation and stimulation of personnel, including remuneration; social development of personnel; work with released personnel; organizational design, formation and development of personnel management system, including its organizational structure; personnel, regulatory and methodological, office, legal and information support of personnel management system; assessment of personnel costs, as well as assessment of economic and social efficiency of projects to improve the system and technology of personnel management; management (including personnel) consulting" [13].

In the implementation of applied Bachelor programs, unlike in academic Bachelor programs, final qualifying work is focused on solving the practical problem of a particular enterprise, where the students give recommendations on solving the production problem in the field of personnel management for the organization where they carried out practical training [5]. In the defense of Bachelor's work, students provide Acts on the implementation of the proposed recommendations to solve problems in the field of personnel management for a particular enterprise. In addition, the feedback from employers and enterprises-customers allows to receive comments about the graduates. Moreover, in order to form and improve the level of environmental culture of future specialists in personnel management the section "Ecology" was included into the structure of the final qualifying work. Specialists in the field of personnel management should have an understanding of all the processes in the organization, including environmental protection.

According to the requirements of FSES of HE, the share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers is more than

50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization; the degree of the teaching staff with the scientific degrees should be more than 50 percent. The share of the scientific and pedagogical workers having the education corresponding to a profile of the taught discipline (module) in total number of the scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the Bachelor degree program amounts to not less than 70 percent [13].

Experience in the implementation of educational programs in the training direction "Personnel Management" showed that the choice of this field of activity is not always carried out by the applicant consciously and with a proper understanding of the future profession specificity. In order to effectively manage others, a person with authority must be able to manage himself. Junior students are not fully aware of and relate their abilities and personal qualities with the upcoming professional activities. Some students initially believe that personnel management is only work with personnel documents.

This type of activity includes not only dealing with personnel documentation. According to the professional standard of the specialist in personnel management approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2015 № 691h, activity on personnel management includes eight generalized labor functions, each of which includes 3-4 labor functions [14]:

- Documentation support of work with personnel;

- Activity on personnel provision;

- Personnel development activities;

- Personnel evaluation and certification;

- Organization of personnel work and payment;

- Activity on the organization of corporate social policy;

- Operational management of personnel and organizational unit;

- Strategic management of the organization's personnel.

Professional standards are the basis for the formation

of educational programs at all levels of education, for the development of teaching materials and the choice of forms and methods of training, including personnel in-house training in the system of training [10]. This Professional standard was used in the development of the Basic professional educational program of higher education in the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel Management" at the Institute of Economics and Management in agro-industrial complex of Krasnoyarsk SAU. The curriculum for this field of study includes disciplines that correspond to the employment functions of Professional standard. For example, to perform the labor function 3.2.1 - "Gathering information about the needs of the organization in personnel" it is necessary to form one general professional and seven professional competencies in the graduate. 12 disciplines, 2 industrial practices and the Final State Attestation contribute to the development and formation of these competencies. In the first year two disciplines are studied, in the second course students learn three disciplines and have practical training, in the third they learn four disciplines, in the fourth - six disciplines, industrial practice and Final State Attestation. Consequently, the formation of competencies to perform this job function takes place during the entire period of training.

Thus, the integration of the Professional standard "Specialist in personnel management" into the process of Bachelor training in the field 38.03.03 "Personnel management" will allow to take into account the requirements of employers and to form the necessary competencies in a greater extent.

We should mention that correct formulation and goal setting to subordinates, the distribution and articulation of tasks, personnel motivation and incentives, monitoring, and management decisions are necessary skills for the effective management of staff. The ability to be responsible for the activities of subordinates is also rather urgent. In addition, the head of the enterprise needs permanent personal development.

The initial stage of the personal development process

is the diagnosis and determination of the current level. To do this, different techniques can be used. In the course of practical training in the discipline "Psychophysiology of professional activity" psychological tests, business games, situational problems, assessment centers were used. For example, during the business games, the levels of formation of a number of professionally important competencies (communication skills, persuasion, teamwork, self-presentation skills, etc.) were determined and ways of their further development were identified. Students participate in various types of business games with a great pleasure.

The diagnostics of the need-motivational sphere showed that students of both full-time and part-time forms of education have difficulties in formulating and writing their needs. And here it is important that a person should be clearly aware of his needs, and not those that are imposed on him by the current situation, which are beyond control. Often, students do not think about their true needs. A need-motivational sphere has a significant impact on human behavior, including labor, as it is associated with the desire of the employee to meet basic needs.

In the process of personal development, a person is faced with complex, rapidly changing situations, sometimes non-standard situations. The solution of such problems requires the acquisition of new experience and knowledge, the development of mental flexibility, creativity, commitment. The ability to formulate, set and achieve goals requires coordination of the personal goals with others in the course of the joint activities formation. Experience in teaching future specialists in personnel management shows that students have certain difficulties in the formulation of personal goals. They do not think about the future, the process of forecasting their life strategy is poorly developed. They prefer to solve mainly only current problems, trying to spend a minimum of their resources. The analysis of this situation shows the presence of students' fears, the formation of negative stereotypes, self-doubt. Having received negative experience, they are afraid to make mistakes and simply begin to do nothing. This further has a negative impact on academic performance [15]. Experience in the implementation of additional educational programs in the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel management", in particular - retraining, showed that even more mature students (extramural students) experience almost the same difficulties as full-time students. As experience has shown, trainings on goal-setting and formation of a positive attitude are in demand and are of great interest for students. In addition, they are more aware of them. The great attention is also given to psychodiagnostics.

In such situations, self-design allows future professionals to gain skills not only in relation to themselves, but also to apply such experience in their professional activities in the future. The use of such practices in the educational process finds an emotional response of listeners and students, they are more actively involved in the educational process, the level of their educational motivation, awareness of their role is increased, and the positive attitude is formed. Personal development, therefore, can be interpreted as a practice necessary for effective management, including public administration. Therefore, it is not only a privilege, but also a duty of all managers or those who are going to become them.

The training of future specialists in the field of personnel management at the Department of "State, municipal management and personnel policy" of the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university is conducted by highly qualified teachers with extensive experience. In addition, we involve teachers-practitioners working in the Personnel Departments, as well as heads of departments or organizations. Their share in the teaching staff is 20%. Thanks to this cooperation, students receive high-quality education using modern educational technologies at the optimal ratio of theory and practice. In order to harmonize educational and professional standards, the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of potential employers. Students receive the necessary knowledge on the structure of professional standards, the peculiarities of their 368

implementation, so employers will receive a specialist ready to implement this process.

We believe that the successful algorithm of work has been developed by our faculty members. The following algorithm of interaction with enterprises-customers and potential employers is used in the implementation of the training direction "Personnel management": Krasnoyarsk SAU - Conclusion ofcontracts or agreements on cooperation with organizations-customers, potential employers -Development and coordination of the curriculum in the direction of training 38.03.03 "Personnel management" - Examination of disciplines working programs in the Bachelor course curriculum - Examination of programs of practices (training, production) - Examination of evaluation tool funds - Participation in the state final attestation -Employment of graduates.

In the process of training, students acquire knowledge and skills on all listed in the professional standard generalized labor functions, and, therefore, will be able to solve these problems. The involvement of teachers-practitioners allows future specialists to form all necessary practical skills in personnel management, to form themselves as a harmonious personality, with a sufficient level of competencies necessary for the implementation of professional activities, able to withstand competition in the labor market, successfully find a job, able to solve more complex professional tasks, take the initiative.

Along with active technologies, teachers of the Department widely use interactive learning technologies based on the interaction of students with each other and with the learning environment [15,16,17,18,19,20].

The following forms and methods of training are used in the framework of interactive technologies:

1. Trainings. They are used for learning and personal development. They allow to form an active social position, to develop positive thinking, to form new professional skills and abilities.

2. Case technologies. These include the method of situational analysis; situational tasks and exercises; analysis of specific situations (case-study); method of cases; method of incident; method of analysis of business correspondence; game design; method of situational role-playing games. These methods can be of different types: problem, evaluation, illustrative, informational. Students learn how to work with documents, make a resume, choose sources and methods of attracting staff, structure interviews in the recruitment process, make a profile of the position, learn to delegate authority, develop the ability to convince, develop communication skills, determine methods and directions of staff development, select ways to motivate staff, calculate economic indicators and staff costs.

3. Project method. This method involves the independent implementation of a complex of various practical tasks -search, research, calculation, graphics and others by students under the guidance of a teacher. The result is a report that can be presented in various forms - presentation, creative report, project defense.

4. Discussion. During the discussion, there is an open exchange of views, knowledge, ideas about a problem or a controversial issue. In the emotional discussion and interest rise, students acquire the skills to highlight the main thing, defend their beliefs or accept another point of view.

5. Game. Games reconstruct various practical situations; simulate real activities that require management decisions. The following types of games are used: business game, role-playing game and organizational-activity game.

6. Assessment-center. It includes a set of methods and allows to determine the level of formation of competencies, as well as their further formation. At the same time, the same competence is assessed by several complementary methods. This technology includes the following methods: business games and business simulations; case analysis; tests and personality standardized questionnaires; structured and in-depth interviews; workplace observation method;

Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2019. X 8. № 1(26)

360 assessment method, presentation method, etc. The objects of evaluation and development of staff are: thinking abilities, motivational and value features of the individual, psychophysiological resources of the body, communication skills, organizational and managerial abilities, creativity and others. Students determine their business qualities, psychological characteristics and professional and personal qualities. To assess professional and personal qualities, test methods are used, which allow to evaluate managerial qualities, in particular, communicative, organizational and leadership ones. Communication and organizational skills are the core of management activities. Their level is determined by the ability to make management decisions in the proposed standard professional situation. The scenarios of business games and trainings bring students to the real work practice as close as possible.

7. Traditional practical classes and lectures of various kinds, for example, problem lectures, lectures - dialogues, seminars-discussions.

8. Intensive English language learning. One more important peculiarity of this Bachelor program is the intensive learning of the English language. This subject is included into the Curriculum and is taught during 4 years of learning. Students have the following disciplines in English: General English, Business English, Country study and English for professional purposes. They take part in language contests, students' scientific conferences which also facilitates their socialization and adaptation [21, p. 156-158]. The ultimate goal of this intensive English language learning is the defense of the diploma project in English. Statistics says that almost 25% of the students are able to defend the results of their research activity in English which helps some of them to find job in the multinational companies.

Another interactive technology is the technology of self-regulating learning. It is aimed primarily at the formation of students' motivation to achieve and self-control, as well as the development of personal qualities. As a result of its application, there is a formation of such personal qualities as attentiveness, accuracy, confidence, independence and flexibility. In addition, there is an increase in the involvement, pace, plasticity and emotional stability; the ability of self-control of different activities. Moreover, in the course of practical training students have the opportunity to obtain the profession of employee - "Timekeeper" on the basis of the university program.

In addition, the technology of context-competence training is used for the formation of competencies. This is a professionally oriented training, in which functions, tasks, problems and competences of future professional activity are modeled, and the methods are based on the professional context. In conclusion we should say that graduates of our Department successfully work at the enterprises of different fields of activity, and begin their working activity being students. During its work the Department has 273 graduates-specialists working in personnel management system.


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