На английском языке
AlkerH.R., jr. A typology of ecological fallacies // Quantitative ecological analysis in the social sciences. - Cambridge: M.I.T. press, 1969. - P. 69-86.
Alker H.R., jr., BloomfieldL.P., Choucri N. Analyzing global interdependence. - Cambridge: Massachusetts institute of technology, Center for international studies, 1974. - 4 Vol.
Alker H.R., jr. Causal inference and political analysis // Mathematical applications in political science. - Dallas: SMU press, 1966. - 2. - P. 3^3.
AlkerH.R., jr. Challenging boundaries: Global flows, territorial identities. - Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota press, 1996. - 493 p.
AlkerH.R., jr. Designing information resources for transboundary conflict early warning networks // Digital formations: IT and new architectures in the global realm. - Princeton: Princeton univ. press, 2009. - P. 215-241.
Alker H.R., jr. Dimensions of conflict in the General Assembly // The American political science review. - Washington, DC, 1964. - Vol. 58, N 3. - P. 642-657.
AlkerH.R., jr. Emancipation in the critical security studies project // Critical security studies and world politics. - L.: Lynne Rienner, 2005. - P. 189-214.
Alker H.R., jr. Emancipatory empiricism: Toward the renewal of empirical peace research // Peace research: Achievements and challenges. - L.: Westview, 1988. - P. 219-241.
AlkerH.R., jr., Christensen C. From causal modeling to artificial intelligence: the evolution of a un peace-making simulation // Experimentation and simulation in political science. - Toronto: Univ. of Toronto press, 1972. - P. 177-224.
Alker H.R., jr. From political cybernetics to global modeling // From national development to global community. - L.: Allan and Undwin, 1981. - P. 353-378.
Alker H.R., jr., Bennett J., Mefford D. Generalized precedent logics for resolving insecurity dilemmas // International interactions. - L., 1980. - Vol. 7, N 2. - P. 165-206.
AlkerH.R., jr. If not Huntington's «Civilizations,» then whose? // Review (Fernand Braudel center). - Binghamton: Fernand Braudel center for the study of economies, historical systems, and civilizations, 1995. - Vol. 18, N 4. - P. 533-562.
AlkerH.R., jr., RussettB.M. Indices for comparing inequality // Comparing nations. - New Haven: Yale univ. press, 1966. - P. 349-372.
Hayashi C., Kuroda Y., Alker H.R., jr. Japanese culture in comparative perspective. - Westport: Praeger, 1997. - 215 p.
AlkerH.R., jr. Journeys through conflict: narratives and lessons. - Lanham: Rowman & Little-field publishers, 2001. - 462 p.
Alker H.R., jr., Hosticka C., MitchellM. Jury selection as a biased social process // Law and society review. - Denver, 1976. - Vol. 11, N 1. - P. 9^1.
Alker H.R., jr. Logic, dialectics, politics: some recent controversies in dialectical logics for the political sciences // Poznan studies in the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities. - Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1982. - Vol. 7. - P. 65-94.
Mathematical approaches to politics / K.W. Deutsch, A.H. Stoetzel, H.R. Alker, jr. (eds.). - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1973. - 475 p.
AlkerH.R., jr. Mathematics and politics. - N.Y.: Macmillan, 1965. - 152 p.
On measuring inequality / Alker H.R., jr., Russett B.M. // Behavioral science. - Baltimore, 1964. - Vol. 9, N 3. - P. 207-218.
AlkerH.R., jr. On securitization politics as contexted texts and talk // Journal of international relations and development. - Basingstoke, 2006. - Vol. 9, N 1. - P. 70-80.
Alker H.R., jr. Polimetrics: Its descriptive foundations // Handbook of political science. - Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1975. - Vol. 7. - P. 140-210.
Alker H.R., jr. Political methodology, old and new // A new handbook of political science / R.E. Goodin, H.-D. Klingemann (eds.). - Oxford: Oxford univ. Press, 1996. - P. 787-799.
Alker H.R., jr. Rediscoveries and reformulations: humanistic methodologies for international studies. - N.Y.: Cambridge univ. press, 1996. - 464 p.
AlkerH.R., jr. Rescuing «Reason» from the «Rationalists»: Reading Vico, Marx and Weber as Reflective Institutionalists // Millennium: Journal of international studies. - L., 1990. - Vol. 19, N 2. - P. 161-184.
AlkerH.R., jr. Statistics and politics: The need for causal data analysis // Politics and the social sciences. - N.Y., Oxford univ. press, 1969. - P. 244—313.
Alker H.R., jr. The comparison of aggregate political and social data: potentialities and problems // Social science information. - L., 1966. - Vol. 5, N 3. - P. 63-80.
AlkerH.R., jr. The dialectical logic of Thucydides' melian dialogue // The American political science review. - Baltimore, 1988. - P. 805-820.
Alker H.R., jr., Biersteker T.J. The dialectics of world order: notes for a future archeologist of international savoir faire // International studies quarterly. - Oxford, 1984. - P. 121-142.
Schubert G., Alker H.R., jr., Zinnes D. The evolution of political science: paradigms of physics, biology, and politics [with commentaries] // Politics and the life sciences. - DeKalb, 1983. -Vol. 1, N 2. - P. 97-124.
Alker H.R., jr. The humanistic moment in international studies: reflections on Machiavelli and Las Casas: 1992 presidential address // International studies quarterly. - Oxford, 1992. -Vol. 36, N 4. - P. 347-371.
Alker H.R., jr. The long road to international relations theory // World politics. - Cambridge, 1966. - Vol. 18. - P. 623-655.
Alker H.R., jr., Biersteker T. The powers and pathologies of networks insights from the political cybernetics of Karl W. Deutsch and Norbert Wiener // European journal of international relations. - L., 2011. - Vol. 17, N 2. - P. 351-378.
The study of coalition behavior: theoretical perspectives and cases from four continents / S. Groennings, E.W. Kelley, M.A. Leiserson, H.R. Alker, jr.. - N.Y.: Rinehart and Winston, 1970. - 489 p.
World handbook of political and social indicators / B.M. Russett, H.R. Alker, jr., K.W. Deutsch, H.D. Lasswell. - New Haven: Yale univ. press, 1972. - 373 p.
Alker H.R., jr., Russett B.M. World politics in the General Assembly. - New Haven: Yale univ. press, 1967. - 326 p.
На русском языке
Олкер Х.Р.-мл. Волшебные сказки, трагедии и способы изложения мировой истории // Язык и моделирование социального взаимодействия. - М.: Прогресс, 1987. - С. 408^440.
Олкер Х.Р.-мл., Ленерт В.Д., Шнайдер Д.К. Иисус Арнольда Тойнби: Вычислительная герменевтика и непрерывная традиция классической средиземноморской цивилизации / Пер. с англ. П. Б. Паршина // Полис. - М., 2001. - № 6. - С. 65-96.
АлкерХ.Р.-мл. Политическая методология: вчера и сегодня // Политическая наука: новые направления / Под ред. Р. Гудина и Х.-Д. Клингеманна. - М.: Вече, 1999. - С. 766-778.
Составили М. Ильин, И. Фомин