Научная статья на тему 'Formation of managerial elite through examination system: meritocratic approach'

Formation of managerial elite through examination system: meritocratic approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Okhotnykova Olha Volodymyrivna

У статті проаналізовані різні системи відбору через іспити на посади державного управління. Проаналізований досвід відбору кадрів на публічну службу у Франції, Сінгапурі, Японії, Китаї. Система іспитів не дає можливості всебічного проаналізувати здатності та навички майбутнього фахівця. Так, поза увагою залишаються комунікативні здібності, а також психологічні особливості майбутнього управлінця. Таким чином, система формування управлінської еліти за меритократичним принципом повинна проходити декілька етапів. Перший етап це тестування до початку навчання у вищому навчальному закладу, з метою виявлення психологічних особливостей майбутнього фахівця, а також здатності його до аналітичного мислення та управління. Наступний етап це підготовка фахівця з урахуванням потреб суспільства в певних знаннях (економіка, державне управління, міжнародні відносини, знання з історії, психології, соціології, правознавства, знання європейського та світового законодавства). Третій етап це тестування та проходження іспиту з метою визначення чи оволодів знаннями фахівець, а також визначення рівня його можливостей. Якщо фахівець має оцінки нижче середнього йому рекомендовано або пройти повторне навчання або працювати у приватному секторі економіки. При успішному складанні випускних іспитів (які є іспитами на здібності майбутнього управлінця), його рекомендують на призначення на певні посади.В статье проанализированы различные системы отбора через экзамены на должности государственного управления. Проанализирован опыт отбора кадров на публичную службу во Франции, Сингапуре, Японии, Китае. Система экзаменов не дает возможности всестороннего проанализировать способности и навыки будущего специалиста. Так, без внимания остаются коммуникативные способности, а также психологические особенности будущего управленца. Таким образом, система формирования управленческой элиты за меритократическим принципом должна проходить несколько этапов. Первый этап это тестирование до начала обучения в высшем учебном заведении, с целью выявления психологических особенностей будущего специалиста, а также способности его к аналитическому мышлению и управлению. Следующий этап это подготовка специалиста с учетом потребностей общества в определенных знаниях (экономика, государственное управление, международные отношения, знания по истории, психологии, социологии, правоведения, знания европейского и мирового законодательства). Третий этап это тестирование и прохождение экзамена с целью определения овладел ли знаниями специалист, а также определение уровня его возможностей. Если специалист имеет оценки ниже среднего ему рекомендовано или пройти повторное обучение или работать в частном секторе экономики. При успешной сдаче выпускных экзаменов (которые являются экзаменами на способности будущего управленца), его рекомендуют на назначение на определенные должности.The article analyzed different systems of selection through examinations for public administration. The analysis of the selection of personnel for public service in France, Singapore, Japan, and China has been analyzed. The system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. In our opinion, the system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. The system of forming a management elite meritocratic principle must take several stages. The first stage is testing prior to studying at a higher educational institution, in order to identify the psychological features of a future specialist, as well as his ability to think and control analytically. The next stage is the preparation of a specialist taking into account the needs of the society in certain knowledge (economics, public administration, international relations, knowledge in history, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, knowledge of European and world law). The third stage is the testing and passing of the exam in order to determine whether a specialist has mastered the knowledge, and also to determine the level of its capabilities. If a specialist has ratings below average he is recommended to either retrain or work in the private sector. When successful completion of final examinations (which are exams on the ability of the future manager), it is recommended for appointment to certain positions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of managerial elite through examination system: meritocratic approach»

UDC 35.08

Okhotnykova Olha Volodymyrivna,

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID 0000-0001-8846-4106 Охотникова Ольга BoModuMupisHa, астрант кафедри публiчного адмШ-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом,03039, м. Кигв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID 0000-0001-8846-4106

Охотникова Ольга Владимировна,

аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел .: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID 0000-0001-8846-4106 DOI https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-163-173


Annotation.The article analyzed different systems of selection through examinations for public administration. The analysis of the selection of personnel for public service in France, Singapore, Japan, and China has been analyzed. The system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. In our opinion, the system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. The system of forming a management elite meritocratic principle must take several stages. The first stage is testing prior to studying at a higher educational institution, in order to identify the psychological features of a future specialist, as well as his ability to think and control analytically. The next stage is the preparation of a specialist taking into account the needs of the society in certain knowledge (economics, public administration, international relations, knowledge in history, psychology, socio-

logy, jurisprudence, knowledge of European and world law). The third stage is the testing and passing of the exam in order to determine whether a specialist has mastered the knowledge, and also to determine the level of its capabilities. If a specialist has ratings below average — he is recommended to either retrain or work in the private sector. When successful completion of final examinations (which are exams on the ability of the future manager), it is recommended for appointment to certain positions.

Keywords: public administration, meritocracy, meritocratic principle, selection of personnel, examinations in the selection of personnel in the system of public administration, management personnel.


Анотащя. Розглянуто pi3Hi системи ввдбору на посади державного управлшня. Проаналiзовано досввд ввдбору кадрiв на публiчну службу у Францп, Сшгапур^ Японп, Кита!'. Система юпипв не дае можливост всебiчно проаналiзувати здатност та навички майбутнього фахiвця. Так, поза увагою залишаються комушкативш здiбностi, а також психолопчш особливост майбутнього управлшця. Таким чином, система формування управлшсько!' елли за меритократичним принципом мае проходити илька еташв. Перший етап — це тестування до початку навчання у вищому навчальному заклада з метою виявлення психолопчних особливостей майбутнього фахiвця, а також його здатносл до аналличного мислення та управлшня. Наступний етап — це шдготовка фахiвця з урахуванням потреб сустльства в певних знаннях (економiка, державне управлшня, мiжнарод-нi вiдносини, знання з юторп, психологiï, соцiологiï, правознавства, знання европейського та свлового законодавства). Третш етап — це тестування та проходження юпиту фахiвцем з метою визначення його знань, а також рiвня його можливостей. Якщо фахiвець мае оцiнки нижчi середнього — йому рекомендовано або пройти повторне навчання або працювати у приватному секторi економiки. При усшшному складаннi випускних iспитiв (як е iспитами на здiбностi майбутнього управлiнця) його рекомендують на призначення на певш посади.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння, меритократiя, меритократич-ний принцип, вiдбiр кадрiв, iспити при вiдборi кадрiв в системi публiчного управлiння, управлiнськi кадри.


Аннотация. Рассмотрены различные системы отбора на должности государственного управления. Проанализирован опыт отбора кадров на публичную службу во Франции, Сингапуре, Японии, Китае. Система экзаменов не дает возможности всесторонне проанализировать способности и навыки будущего специалиста. Так, без внимания остаются коммуни-

кативные способности, а также психологические особенности будущего управленца. Таким образом, система формирования управленческой элиты по меритократическому принципу должна проходить несколько этапов. Первый этап — это тестирование до начала обучения в высшем учебном заведении, с целью выявления психологических особенностей будущего специалиста, а также способности его к аналитическому мышлению и управлению. Следующий этап — это подготовка специалиста с учетом потребностей общества в определенных знаниях (экономика, государственное управление, международные отношения, знания по истории, психологии, социологии, правоведения, знания европейского и мирового законодательства). Третий этап — это тестирование и прохождение экзамена специалистом с целью определения его знаний, а также уровня его возможностей. Если специалист имеет оценки ниже среднего — ему рекомендовано или пройти повторное обучение, или работать в частном секторе экономики. При успешной сдаче выпускных экзаменов (которые являются экзаменами на способности будущего управленца) его рекомендуют на назначение на определенные должности.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, меритократия, меритократиче-ский принцип, отбор кадров, экзамены при отборе кадров в системе публичного управления, управленческие кадры.

Formulation of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical problems. The personnel play the key role in the public administration system. These are the specialists, who make and implement the state and managerial decision, and development of the public administration system, quality and efficiency of the state and managerial reforms depends on them.

Today, there is a problem in ensuring the objectivity, efficiency and quality of competitive procedures for public officials, identifying professionally important qualities and abilities.

Therefore, the topic that is analyzed in the article is relevant and aims at systematizing the approaches to the problem of conducting exams as a basis of meritocratic principle.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The works of such national scientists as V. Averianov, H. Ata-manchuk, Yu. Bytiaka, T. Vasylevska, N. Honcharuk, V. Luhovyi, V. Maly-novskyi, R. Naumenko, N. Nyzhnyk, O. Obolenskyi, V. Oluiko, E. Okhotskyi, O. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, T. Pakho-mova, O. Radchenko, A. Rachynskyi, A. Sitsinskyi, I. Surai, O. Turchynov, S. Khadzhyradieva, O. Yakubovskyi and others are dedicated to various aspects of formation of qualitative and professional personnel structure of the public administration system, personnel selection, personnel assessment, testing, assessment of personal qualities of managers and formation of personnel potential of the public administration system.

At the same time, there are no systematic researches of theoretical ap-

proaches to the formation of management elite through examination system under the meritocratic principle.

Research objective. Analysis of theoretical approaches to the formation of management elite through examination system under the meritocratic principle.

Statement of basic materials. The system of formation of managerial personnel — managerial elite — through the determination of talents and professional skills has a long history. The examinations for selection of specialists as the emperor's servants have been introduced in China as far back as at the time of Emperor Wu of Han (141-87 BC). Under the reign of Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), the examinations for skills assessment were used to test the competence of candidates in certain fields, such as flood control and foreign policy, and the Imperial University expanded its influence even to determination of structure of officials [1, p. 88].

The meritocratic principle of managerial elite formation is relevant up to date.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" [3], "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies" [4], the persons who have passed three stages of selection — testing, contextual tasks and interviews are appointed to the positions of A category (managers).

At the same time, these stages do not allow the selection of talented innovative leaders. Currently, the issue of providing the meritocratic approach to the formation of management elite, determining the efficient and productive approaches to assessment of personnel

of the public administration system becomes actual.

It should be noted that the National School of Administration in France (ENA) is the institution directly designed to implement the meritocracy principle. The activities of ENA are aimed at selecting the intellectual political elite of the country irrespective of social origin and its preparation for civil service. The enrolment to ENA is based on a rigorous selection be means of examinations. The candidates must pass five written examinations: civil law, economics, general knowledge, package of documents on European law and public policy or civil law and social policy, and the fifth examination is selected by the candidates from disciplines ranging from math to language. The next stage is passing five oral examinations — state finances, international policy, European or social issues, foreign language and a forty-five-minute "Great oral examination" open to the public, during which any questions can be asked, including personal questions. The next stage of the tests is sport test [6, p. 67-68].

After studying at ENA, the graduates are ranked according to their academic performance and they are guaranteed the job in the public administration system.

So, ENA forms the erudite persons who can be professionals in state administration, politics and business. Such specialists are able to solve issues in the management system and will master socially significant values: impartiality to all citizens, loyalty to democratic government and ethical use of community funds. They should be the competent technocrats with

the ability to solve extremely complex administrative issues keeping in mind that the policy is applied to real people [1, p. 134].

The appointment to the civil service is carried out based on competitive examinations. The Constitution of Japan recognized the principle of equal access of citizens to the civil service. The Law of Japan "On Civil Servants" (Article 33) stipulates that the candidate is recruited to the civil service according to his personal merits, professional training and business qualities that should be revealed by competitive examinations [8].

The organization of examinations is entrusted to the Personnel Affairs Council. The management for personnel recruitment and use consists of special examination department and four major examiners. By own rules, the Council may impose additional requirements for the first-time applicants, and in respect of persons applying for promotion — to limit the range of results being examined by selecting on the basis of past official activities.

The first-time applicants are examined in three separate groups: 1) persons graduated from the higher educational institutions; 2) persons with incomplete higher education; 3) persons with secondary education. In practice, only persons with higher education have the chance to take senior positions (as a rule, they are graduates of the Law Department of Tokyo University).

Only Japanese citizens can apply for admission to state service, but additional restrictions may be imposed on some special types of state service. For example, a person who is married to a

foreigner cannot become a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The system of entrance examinations for the civil service, introduced at the end of the XIX century, operates without significant changes until now. Examinations can be written or oral. It is allowed to conduct an exam on physical training, assessment of special skills, etc. [2; 8].

Competitive exams are organized on the principle of "open doors". The time and place of their conduct are announced in the media.

Requirements for competitive examinations are identical for most state establishments. Only some ministries prepare their own written and oral examinations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is among them. Candidates for career diplomats (they must be not younger than 20 and not older than 28 years old), pass written examinations during three to four days in June, on the following subjects: Japanese Constitution, international law, economic theory, history of diplomacy and foreign language. In addition, the candidate chooses, at his discretion, administrative or private law as the exam, as well as one of the sections of the theory and practice of monetary and financial relations. There is also a "general exam" in the form of a group discussion on one of the subjects in order to determine the ability of candidates to quickly perceive the essence of different opinions, develop their approach, use convincing arguments in formulating their own position [2].

The number of points gained on the examinations is put into the examination sheet, which is created for each person passing the exam and which remains valid for one year.

Singapore instead selects political talents from the school, as well as examines them with a whole set of examinations at key stages of the selection process and career growth [1, p. 87]. When creating a system for managing of state personnel from the start, Singapore's leaders were guided by their country's strategic needs in their work, rather than immediate benefits and their own interests. They considered the building of an effective HR management system as one of the primary tasks. The purpose of the system was to select, develop and maintain the best of the best for work in state organizations. And to date, Singapore has been pursuing a personnel policy based on "three principles: awareness of the strategic importance and key role of talent and leadership among state officials; meritocracy is a system of recruitment and promotion of officials based on their professional and business qualities; the fundamental requirement for leaders is honesty and sincerity" [9, p. 25].

For the continuous improvement of this system, since its launch in the 1950s, there was a need for the political will of the leaders for which Singapore's success was above their own interests. Political and administrative authorities were divided in Singapore in 1955. This reform met the resistance of a large number of state officials, as it deprived them of the possibility of patronage and appointment to positions on the principle of loyalty, not professionalism, but initiated the construction of a new system based on meritocracy, which provided that the promotion and rewards were based on merit, and not on seniority or political affiliation. Public Service Commission

(PSC), which had to meet public demand for personnel in accordance with the principle of meritocracy and, in addition, to ensure the effective work of the branches of power separated after the reform, was created. The commission included only those people who did not previously hold political or administrative positions. And up to this time the members of the commission are professionals coming from the private sector, who are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister [10].

Such an approach to the formation of the Commission made it considerably less dependent on political and administrative authorities, which enabled the selection of personnel on an objective basis. Today, the functions of the PSC include: appointment of employees to senior positions and their further promotion; study of complaints from state officials on decisions taken in the personnel committees; disciplinary control of state officials; control over personnel committees; management of the Singapore Government program for scholars. The main tool for replenishing the human resources reserve of the country's senior executives is the Singapore Government scholarships. The scholars are selected on the basis of two characteristics: they should be included in 1% of the best graduates of the school and have the competence of management (participation in volunteer movements and public organizations, etc.). Scholarships are issued annually and are intended for higher education at the best universities in the country and abroad. The ministries and committees independently form the number of scholars they need, and

if more applicants are eligible under the criteria, scholarships can be issued to all. Administrative Service (AS — Administrative Service) is the highest executive body in the country. Despite the fact that AS employees are part of the state apparatus, they are managers of wide profile and are not affiliated with any of the ministries [10].

In general, they use several methods for the initial selection of potential senior managers. So, after graduation, graduate-scholars receive training under the Management Associates Program Management (MAP) specially created for those who start their careers at the state service. Also there is periodic monitoring of former scholars that already work in ministries, but did not pass to AS immediately after the MAP program, and attraction of top business professionals to ensure diversity of views and enrich the experience of AS employees [9, p. 28].

In order to improve the assessment and promotion mechanism of state officials, Potential Appraisal System (PAS — Potential Appraisal System) was created in 1983 on the basis of Potential Appraisal System of Shell Company, one of the main investors in the Singapore economy [10]. Their system of modernization and development of the state service is based on two main tools: performance assessment, which includes self-assessment of results and qualitative assessment of activities, as well as assessment of potential, which is a recommendation on development (depending on the objectives for the next period) and an overall assessment of the potential by the supervisors. It is based on a competency model. Each team member evaluates the potential

of the co-employee separately from the others. The final evaluation of development at the moment — the current estimated potential as a whole (CEP) — determines the highest position that a given person can take at the peak of a career, that is, his/her potential (now and in general). Besides this, the regular assessment of potential contributes to the continuous renewal of personnel composition. For example, if by the age of 35 years, the employee does not demonstrate the potential to become Deputy Minister, he or she is recommended to leave the Administrative service. Continuous training and professional development are the main aspects in talent management. That is why the Civil Service College (CSC) is working in Singapore, the goal of this establishment is development of a research center for the study of the practice of state policy of Singapore as well as search for new ideas from around the world in the field of state administration; the exchange of experiences between the sector of the state service and business; the establishment of a common system of values, sense of community and corporate spirit among state officers [1; 10].

Today, the exams on election on state service in China are more like IQ tests designed to select individuals with good analytical skills. Such examinations include a set of questions on the analysis of public policy and provide an opportunity to identify persons capable of analyzing complex problems in various aspects [2; 5].

In our opinion, the system of examinations does not provide an opportunity to fully analyze the abilities and skills of the future specialist, because

no attention is paid to communication skills, as well as psychological characteristics of the future manager.

Thus, according to the meritocratic principle, the system of formation of the managerial elite should pass several stages. The first stage is testing prior to the start of study at higher education establishment, in order to identify the psychological characteristics of the future specialist, as well as his skills of analytical thinking and management. The next stage is the training of a specialist taking into account the needs of society in certain knowledge (economics, state administration, international relations, knowledge of history, psychology, sociology, law, knowledge of European and international law). The third stage is conducting of tests and exams in order to determine, if the specialist mastered the knowledge, as well as to determine the level of his abilities. If a specialist has below-average grades, it is recommended for him/her to either repeat the study course or work in the private economy sector. If the specialist successfully passes the final exams (which are exams on the skills of the future manager), he/she is recommended for appointment on certain positions.

Obviously, this algorithm makes it possible to appoint more experienced professionals and to educate professionals. However, today, it is impossible to implement such method of appointment on positions in the system of state administration, as the current legislation (including the laws of Ukraine "On civil service" and "On service in local self-government") provides for the appointment on positions in the system of state administration only upon results of competitions, which are

often nonobjective and preconceived. Therefore, the main mechanism for regulation of the meritocratic principle of appointment of professional managers is to change the current legislation of Ukraine.

Conclusions: The article analyzes various systems of selection through examinations for state administration positions. It is rationalized that according to the meritocratic principle, the system of formation of the managerial elite should pass several stages. The first stage is testing prior to the start of study at higher education establishment, in order to identify the psychological characteristics of the future specialist, as well as his skills of thinking and management. The second stage is the training of a specialist taking into account the needs of society in certain knowledge (economics, state administration, international relations, knowledge of history, psychology, sociology, law, knowledge of European and international law). The third stage is conducting of tests and exams in order to determine, if the specialist mastered the knowledge, as well as to determine the level of his abilities. If a specialist has below-average grades, it is recommended for him/her to either repeat the study course or work in the private economy sector. If the specialist successfully passes the final exams (which are exams on the skills of the future manager), he/she is recommended for appointment on certain positions.


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Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, vice-rector, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Fro-metivska, 2, tel.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко €вген Олександрович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, заслужений юрист Украти, президент Всеукратсько1 асамбле1 док-торiв наук з державного управлтня, проректор, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail:[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543

Романенко Евгений Александрович,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, заслуженный юрист Украины, президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, проректор, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фроме-товская, 2, тел.: (044) 264 52 54, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543

Shakhov Valery Andreevich,

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Department of Social Development and Public-Power Relations, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Antona Tsedika, 20, tel.: (097) 514 4834, e-mail:[email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0003-2532-4450

Шахов Валерш Андршович,

кандидат icmopu4Hux наук, доцент, доцент кафедри сустльного розвитку i сустль-но-владних в1дносин, Нащональна академiя державного управлтня при Президен-товi Украти, 03057, м. Кшв, вул. Антона Цеджа, 20, тел.: (097) 514 48 34, e-mail: [email protected].

ORCID: 0000-0003-2532-4450

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